103 research outputs found

    Más allá de los límites: Liddell, las neurosis experimentales y el psicoanálisis

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    Entre 1927 y 1962, H. S. Liddell y sus colaboradores desarrollaron un extenso programa de investigación relacionado con el estudio de las neurosis experimentales en distintas especies. A partir de la década de 1940 iniciaron una serie de trabajos en torno a su prevención y fue en este último ámbito en el que lograron captar más la atención de los psicoanalistas. El grupo de Cornell centró su interés en el estudio de los primeros días de vida de los animales, analizando el papel protector de la madre durante las primeras semanas de edad. Para ello, registraron con detalle la interacción madre-cría durante el periodo inicial de la vida de ésta. La idea de fondo era contrastar una de las hipótesis más comunes acerca de la etiología de los trastornos psicológicos, la de que los daños sufridos en la infancia están entre los más graves e incapacitantes. No nos puede extrañar, por tanto, que estos estudios interesaran a los psicoanalistas porque se dirigían hacia algunos de los aspectos que ellos consideraban esenciales tanto en el desarrollo de la personalidad sana como en el surgimiento de los trastornos. Nuestro trabajo analizará este interés recíproco entre unos y otros a partir de la correspondencia que Liddell mantuvo con los psicoanalistas Leon J. Saul y René Spitz.From 1927 to 1962, H. S Liddell and his co-workers carried out an extensive research program related to the study of experimental neuroses in diQerent species. During the forties, they began a series of experiments on prevention, and this issue captured the attention of the psychoanalysts immediately. Cornell’s group focused his interest in the #rst days of life of the newborn, analyzing the protective role the mother played during her lamb’s or kid’s #rsts weeks of age. erefore,theyrecordedtheneonatemotherpatternofrelationshipsindetail.erefore, they recorded the neonate-mother pattern of relationships in detail. e core idea was to test one of the more ubiquitous hypotheses on the origin of psychological disturbances, namely that the most disabling and severe injuries were always found in the infancy. Obviously, these studies were of great interest to psychoanalysts since they addressed some of the factors considered as determinants in personality development and mental health. In this paper, we use archival materials, specially the correspondence between H. S. Liddell. L. J. Saul and R. Spitz, to explore this mutual interest among scientists and clinicians.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia SEJ2006-14090-C02-01/PSI

    Adolf Meyer, Grosvernor Atterbury y la Clínica Psiquiátrica Henry Phipps, "(…) devolviendo a la definición de hospital el significado completo de hospitalidad"

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    En este trabajo exploraremos la relación que para el diseño de Clínica Psiquiátrica Henry Phipps mantuvieron el psiquiatra, Adolf Meyer, y el arquitecto Grosvenor Atterbury, y como las ideas de Meyer ayudaron a Atterbury a resolver los detalles del nuevo edificio. Aunque escasamente citada en los textos de Psicología, la Clínica Phipps sigue siendo una de las instituciones más importantes para la fundación de la moderna psiquiatría y psicología clínica. Desde su inicio en 1913, gracias a la donación de millón y medio de dólares por el filántropo americano Henry Phipps, la Clínica encarnó las ideas psicobiológicas de Adolf Meyer, y en Estados Unidos, fue el primer complejo para pacientes mentales construido como parte de un hospital general, el Hospital John Hopkins. La clínica fue concebida por el arquitecto americano Grosvenor Attebury, inspirado por las ideas de Meyer. De este modo, diseñó un edificio plenamente integrado con el resto de las instalaciones del Hospital, y que permitía cumplir las tres funciones que Meyer preveía en su acercamiento psicobiológico: la investigación, la formación y la prevención. Así, la Clínica contaba con tres laboratorios, su propia biblioteca aulas y salas de conferencias y para seminarios; así como una clínica para pacientes externos. Además, Atterbury, alentado por la psicobiología de Meyer, enfatizó la importancia del entorno y de la estética en la sanación de los pacientes.In this paper, we explore the interactions between a psychiatrist, Adolf Meyer, and an architect, Grosvenor Atterbury, in the design of the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic, and how the ideas of Meyer helped Atterbury to figure out the details of this new building. Although barely mentioned in the History of Psychology textbooks, Phipps Clinic still remains as one of the most important institutions for the launching of modern American psychiatry and clinical psychology. Since its inception in 1913, after the American philanthropist Henry Phipps donated one million and half dollars, Phipps Clinic embodied Adolf Meyer psychobiological ideas, and was the first inpatient facility in the States for the mental patients constructed as a part of a general hospital —the John Hopkins Hospital. This new clinic was conceived by the American architect Grosvenor Atterbury, who was inspired by Meyer’s ideas. So, Atterbury designed a building well integrated with the rest of facilities of the John Hopkins Hospital, and that permitted to accomplish the three functions that Meyer envisioned in his psychobiological approach: research, teaching and prevention. Thus, Phipps Clinic included three laboratories, library, conference hall, classrooms and seminar rooms, and an outpatient clinic as well. Besides, Atterbury encouraged by Meyer’s psychobiology also defended the importance of the setting and the esthetics for the cure of the patients.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia SEJ2006-14090-C02-01/PSI

    Role of the Cytoskeletal Actomyosin Complex in the Motility of Cyanobacteria and Fungal Spores

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    This study demonstrates the involvement of the cytoskeleton in the movement of cyanobacteria and fungal spores to their hosts to establish a state of symbiosis or pathogenicity. The term symbiosis sensu lato is referred not only to commensalism and mutualism but also to the parasitic aberrations. The establishment of association implies that the endohabitant can move on a wet surface until finding an entry point in the exohabitant surface. In aqueous media, the exohabitant secretes glycoproteins that form a chemoattraction gradient for the invading cells. In lichens, the gradient consists of fungal lectins whose function is to recognize a compatible green alga or cyanobacterium. In the case of pathogens, the secreted proteins usually are a mixture that includes false quorum and chemoattractant signals, and cell wall digestive enzymes. The results indicate that fungal lectins and defense proteins bind to specific cell wall receptors for signaling the activation of cytoskeleton, causing successive cycles of cell contraction-relaxation that permits the migration of the endohabitant. In this study, different biochemical and microscopy techniques have been used. The mechanisms through which the cytoskeleton carries out these cycles of cell contractionrelaxation are described, being this a remarkable advance compared to previous results

    Effects of concanavalin A on the germination of smut teliospores and on the hyphal growth

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    Sporisorium scitamineum cells, that causes smut disease in sugar cane, respond to Concanavalin A (ConA). This lectin stimulates the cytoagglutination of teliospores, an excessive elongation of germinative tubes and induces morphological changes in hyphae, in the same way that it occurs in other cellular types. These events seem to play a defensive role in plants against pathogenic infections. In fact, ConA prevents S. scitamineum germination. Binding assays reveal that the distribution of ConA specific receptors is heterogeneous in both location and stage of cycle. Generally, it seems that the lectin activates mitotic events during the life cycle of cells that have been previously able to germinate. For example, increased cell budding is observed in released sporidia after contact with high concentration of the lectin. Moreover, desorption assays indicate that bound ConA is partially desorbed by methyl-mannose and by sugar cane glycoproteins, suggesting that important polysaccharide ligands involved in the defensive response against smut disease could be contained in sugar cane juice produced by resistant varieties

    Algal-fungal mutualism: cell recognition and maintenance of the symbiotic status of lichens

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    Lichens are specific symbiotic associations between photosynthetic algae or cyanobacteria and heterotrophic fungi forming a double entity in which both components coexist. Specificity required for the lichen establishment can be defined in this context as the preferential, but not exclusive, association of a biont with another, since the algal factor susceptible to be recognized is an inducible protein. Recognition of compatible algal cells is performed by specific lectins produced and secreted by the potential mycobiont. Some lectins from phycolichens and cyanolichens are glycosylated arginases which bind to an algal cell wall receptor, identified as a a-1, 4-polygalactosylated urease. However, other ligands exist which bind other lectins specific for mannose or glucose. This implies that, after recognition of a potential, compatible partner, other fungal lectins could determine the final success of the association. Since the fungus can parasitize non - recognized partners during the development of the association, the success after the first contact needs of a set of algal cells, the number of which was sufficient to prevent that the death of a certain number of them makes fail the symbiosis. Fungal lectins act as chemo tactic factors in such a way that algae and cyanobacteria move towards the hyphae, to acquire that critical size of the colony, by means of successive contractions and relaxation of the actomyosin cytoskeleton in absence of any motile appendages

    ¿Es posible conseguir la lealtad de los clientes de establecimientos de comida rápida? Una aproximación con PLS

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    En la literatura sobre fast-food restaurants (FFRs), las investigaciones realizadas no han encontrado suficientes evidencias relacionadas con la lealtad en servicios de comida rápida debido principalmente a su carácter económico, rápido y de conveniencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es verificar la existencia de lealtad en consumidores de fast-food y su dependencia de la calidad percibida, diferenciando entre la calidad de la comida, la calidad del servicio ofrecido y/o la atmósfera presente en el local. Para ello, se propone un modelo compuesto estimado en modo B para analizar los elementos que constituyen la calidad del establecimiento, ya que esta variable ha sido utilizada previamente en la literatura como un constructo multidimensional compuesto de tres dimensiones correlacionadas. Además, se estudia el papel directo y mediador de constructos como la satisfacción y la confianza para la formación de lealtad en FFRs. Los resultados de este estudio aportarán recomendaciones para los responsables de restaurantes fast-food en el objetivo de mejorar la lealtad de los usuarios.Throughout the literature on fast-food restaurants (FFRs), existing studies have not found sufficient evidence of the role of loyalty in fast-food services, mainly due to their economical, quick, and convenient nature. The objective of this research is to verify the existence of loyalty in fast-food consumers and its dependence on perceived quality, differentiating between the quality of the food, the quality of the service provided, and/or the atmosphere present in the store. To that end, we propose a composite model estimated by mode B to analyze the elements that constitute establishment quality; this variable has been previously used in the literature as a multidimensional construct consisting of three dimensions that are correlated. Furthermore, we study the direct and mediating role of constructs such as satisfaction and trust in creating loyalty in FFRs. The results of this study will provide recommendations for those responsible for fast food restaurants in order to improve the loyalty of the consumers

    Participación de los principales destinos turísticos europeos en buscadores: aplicación al ámbito español

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    Un importante desafío al que se enfrentan las organizaciones y destinos turísticos es poder ser visualizados por un buscador y, de esta forma, poder ser accesibles por los turistas potenciales en la planificación de su viaje. La accesibilidad y visualización por el buscador proporcionan, particularmente a los destinos, una oportunidad para promover y comercializar su página web e incluso el destino en sí, incentivando la competitividad del destino turístico. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar la representatividad del turismo online para los principales destinos turísticos europeos a través de cuatro buscadores. El trabajo extiende el estudio a nueve categorías turísticas que son analizadas para los principales destinos turísticos españoles. Los resultados del estudio revelan que los buscadores indexan una gran cantidad de páginas web relacionadas con el turismo, sin embargo, la presencia de páginas de destinos que es visible y accesible por los turistas es muy pequeña. La baja visibilidad de las páginas web turísticas en los buscadores analizados indica que las oportunidades para los turistas online de tener interacciones con organizaciones y destinos turísticos son escasas. Como implicación de los resultados obtenidos, se recomienda a las organizaciones y destinos turísticos su presencia en un número importante de buscadores. Para conseguir tal finalidad, los destinos turísticos deberían utilizar una serie de acciones que ayuden a incrementar la visibilidad de una página web en los resultados ofrecidos al turista potencial a través del buscador, esperando la perfecta solución a sus necesidades de viaje.Online visibility and accessibility is a challenge for tourist organizations and destinations. Potential tourists should be able to plan their journeys and completely satisfy their travel needs using online search engines and the websites of destinations. The accessibility and visibility of tourist destinations and organizations in a search engine are a great opportunity to promote and market both organizations and destinations, and many have a decisive influence on competitiveness. This article therefore aims to determine how four online search engines present the concept “tourism” in the most famous European tourist destinations. This study divides the concept of tourism into nine tourist categories which are used to analyze how tourism is represented in the main Spanish tourist destinations. The results of this research reveal that search engines index a great number of websites related to tourism, although the visibility and accessibility of tourist destinations for tourists is relatively low. The low visibility of tourist websites in the search engines used here suggests that the possibility of online interaction between tourists and tourist organizations and destinations is small. Results also indicate that tourist organizations and destinations should increase their presence in as many online search engines as possible. Tourist destinations should also take actions contributing to increase the visibility of their websites in the results found by search engines, so that potential tourists may satisfy their travel needs completely

    Different involvement of medial prefrontal cortex and dorso-lateral striatum in automatic and controlled processing of a future conditioned stimulus

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    Recent studies support the idea that stimulus processing in latent inhibition can vary during the course of preexposure. Controlled attentional mechanisms are said to be important in the early stages of preexposure, while in later stages animals adopt automatic processing of the stimulus to be used for conditioning. Given this distinction, it is possible that both types of processing are governed by different neural systems, affecting differentially the retrieval of information about the stimulus. In the present study we tested if a lesion to the dorso-lateral striatum or to the medial prefrontal cortex has a selective effect on exposure to the future conditioned stimulus (CS). With this aim, animals received different amounts of exposure to the future CS. The results showed that a lesion to the medial prefrontal cortex enhanced latent inhibition in animals receiving limited preexposure to the CS, but had no effect in animals receiving extended preexposure to the CS. The lesion of the dorso-lateral striatum produced a decrease in latent inhibition, but only in animals with an extended exposure to the future conditioned stimulus. These results suggest that the dorsal striatum and medial prefrontal cortex play essential roles in controlled and automatic processes. Automatic attentional processes appear to be impaired by a lesion to the dorso-lateral striatum and facilitated by a lesion to the prefrontal cortex.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad PSI2015-65500-

    Bronchobiliary fistula: a rare complication after biliodigestive surgery for bile duct injury

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    A bronchobiliary fistula (BBF) is an abnormal communication between the biliary and bronchial systems. It is a rare condition with an unclear etiology. The principal causes are hepatic hydatid cysts, obstructive and iatrogenic processes. Presenting symptoms are variable and range from productive cough to recurrent pneumonia. The finding of bilioptisis is patognomonic. This case report presented a 22-year-old female patient who underwent a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (RYHJ) for a bile duct injury and who later on, developed a bronchobiliary fistula