179 research outputs found

    Vegetation groups and habitats of neutro-basophilous fens in the Cantabro- Pyrenaean mountains

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    Los tremedales neutro-basófilos figuran entre los humedales con mayor riqueza de especies y más amenazados de Europa. Debido a su variabilidad ecológica y florística, la vegetación de estos hábitats puede estar sujeta a clasificaciones discordantes. En este trabajo utilizamos una base de datos de tremedales pirenaico-cantábricos para analizar los principales grupos de vegetación de estos medios y su relación con los tipos de hábitat europeos y la clasificación fitosociológica. Seleccionamos 295 muestras de acuerdo a la presencia de plantas higrófilas y calcícolas en el área de estudio (Carex lepidocarpa, C. davalliana, C. frigida y Eriophorum latifolium) y una estratificación espacial. Realizamos una clasificación utilizando datos sobre plantas vasculares y el sistema TWINSPAN modificado con una selección óptima de grupos. Analizamos los grupos de vegetación a partir de su distribución geográfica, variabilidad en altitud y pendiente, así como la similitud en la composición de especies mediante análisis de gradiente (DCA). Identificamos así cinco grupos relacionados con (i) tremedales de fuentes carbonatadas pirenaicas; (ii) fuentes carbonatadas cantábricas con el endemismo Centaurium somedanum; (iii) pastizales húmedos carbonatados pirenaico-cantábricos; (iv) tremedales carbonatados pirenaico-cantábricos; y (v) tremedales neutro-basófilos pirenaicos.Neutro-basophilous fens are among the most species-rich and threatened wetlands in Europe. Because of their ecological and floristic variability, vegetation of these habitats may be subject to classification inconsistencies. Here we use a vegetation database of Cantabro-Pyrenean fens to analyze the main vegetation groups related to these fens and their relationship with the European habitat types and phytosociological classification. We selected 295 vegetation relevés from the study area according to the presence of four calcicole specialists (Carex lepidocarpa, C. davalliana, C. frigida and Eriophorum latifolium) and geographical stratification. We classified the relevés using cover data of vascular plants, modified TWINSPAN analysis and classification crispness. We analyzed the vegetation groups according to their geographical distribution, variation in altitude and slope, and similarity of species composition using gradient analysis (DCA). We finally established five major vegetation groups: (i) Pyrenean calcareous spring fens related to high mountain streamsides, including Caricion davallianae communities with Carex frigida and relict plant communities of the Caricion maritimae alliance; (ii) Cantabrian calcareous springs with the endemic Centaurium somedanum and few fen species, which should be better assigned to tufa-forming springs; (iii) Pyreneo-Cantabrian calcareous fen grasslands, which could be included in alkaline fens or Molinietalia wet grasslands; (iv) Pyreneo-Cantabrian calcareous fens, possibly related to limestone bedrocks of Cantabrian Range and Western Pyrenees; and (v) Pyrenean neutro-basophilous fens, which seem to be part of extremely rich fens distributed on non-limestone substrates of Central and Eastern Pyrenees

    Evaluation of the biodiversity in Bryophytes and Pteridophytes in Nueva’s river basin (Llanes, Asturias, North Iberian Peninsula): scientific grounds for its protection and conservation

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    El valle del río de Nueva, orientado al este, se encuentra muy próximo al mar Cantábrico. Su cuenca alta y media, con una superficie de 5,5 Km2, presenta una elevada biodiversidad de briófitos al haberse identificado 145 taxones (85 musgos, 59 hepáticas y 1 antocerota), lo que representa el 23% de la flora briofítica de Asturias. El muestreo realizado, por cuadrículas UTM de 0,5 Km de lado, nos revela también la riqueza en briófitos de este territorio, ya que se han contabilizado hasta 70 taxones distintos en cada unidad de cuadrícula. Del catálogo elaborado resultan ser novedad para la Península Ibérica Dicranodontium asperulum y, además, para el Principado de Asturias, los musgos: Dicranum scottianum y Plagiothecium platyphyllum, y las hepáticas: Bazzania trilobata var. depauperata, Cephalozia crassifolia, Cephalozia loitlesbergeri, Kurzia sylvatica, Lepidozia cupressina, Nowellia curvifolia y Jungermannia paroica, taxa, la mayoría, de reducida distribución. Se amplía el área de distribución, a escala regional, de otras especies (15 hepáticas y 5 musgos) raras o amenazadas, incluidas en la «Red List of Bryophytes of the Iberian Peninsula» (Sérgio & al. 1994). Se ha realizado un estudio fitosociológico de las comunidades briopteridofíticas, en especial las presididas por helechos de carácter «subtropical» presentes en el área de estudio: Woodwardia radicans, Hymenophyllum tunbrigense, Culcita macrocarpa, Stegnogramma pozoi, Vandenboschia speciosa, etc. En su mayoría, estas comunidades pertenecen a la alianza Hymenophyllion tunbrigensis (Orden Anomodonto-Polypodietalia, Clase Anomodonto-Polypodietea), que agrupa fitocenosis constituidas, fundamentalmente, por briófitos y pteridófitos, que colonizan repisas de peñascos, muros y taludes terrosos compactos sobre una delgada capa de tierra (exocomófitos), desarrolladas en ambientes saturados de humedad ambiental, bajo el dosel de formaciones forestales. Mediante el cálculo de los índices de rareza específica, coeficiente de diversidad fitocenótica y calidad botánica, entre otros, se ha evaluado el territorio con el fin de sentar las bases científicas para su protección y conservación.Nueva’s River Valley lies close to the Cantabrico sea, facing towards the east. The upper and middle part of its basin, with a surface of 5.5 Km2, shows a high diversity of bryophytes, as we have identified 145 taxa (85 mosses, 59 liverworts and 1 hornworts), which represent 23% of the Asturias bryophytic flora. The use as sampling unit UTM squares of 0.5 Km side, shows also the richness in bryophytes of this place, as we have found up to 70 different taxa in each square unit. From the catalogue made, Dicranodontium asperulum turns out to be new for the Iberian Peninsula, as in the same way for Principado de Asturias are the mosses Dicranum scottianum and Plagiothecium platyphyllum, and the liverworts Bazzania trilobata var. depauperata, Cephalozia crassifolia, Cephalozia loitlesbergeri, Kurzia sylvatica, Lepidozia cupressina, Nowellia curvifolia and Jungermannia paroica. Most of these taxa have very reduced distribution area. At the regional level, our data represent to enlarge the area of some other rare or threatened species (15 liverworts and 5 mosses), included in the «Red List of Bryophytes of the Iberian Peninsula» (Sérgio & al. 1994). A phytosociologic study of the bryo-pteridophytic communities has been made, especially on those dominated by ferns bearing «subtropical» character: Woodwardia radicans, Hymenophyllum tunbrigense, Culcita macrocarpa, Stegnogramma pozoi, Vandenboschia speciosa, etc. Most of these communities belong to the alliance Hymenophyllion tunbrigensis (Order Anomodonto-Polypodietalia, Class Anomodonto- Polypodietea). This alliance gathers phytocoenoses mainly made by bryophytes and pteridophytes, that inhabit sides of large rocks, walls and compact earth slopes, rootin in a thin layer of soil (exocomophytes), and developed in a really wet environment, under the canopy of forest formations. Through calculation of the «Rare specific index», coefficient of diversity phytocenotics and of botanic quality, among others, we have evaluated the zone with the aim to lay the scientific grounds for its protection and conservation

    X-ray detection with Micromegas with background levels below 106^{-6} keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1}

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    Micromegas detectors are an optimum technological choice for the detection of low energy x-rays. The low background techniques applied to these detectors yielded remarkable background reductions over the years, being the CAST experiment beneficiary of these developments. In this document we report on the latest upgrades towards further background reductions and better understanding of the detectors' response. The upgrades encompass the readout electronics, a new detector design and the implementation of a more efficient cosmic muon veto system. Background levels below 106^{-6}keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} have been obtained at sea level for the first time, demonstrating the feasibility of the expectations posed by IAXO, the next generation axion helioscope. Some results obtained with a set of measurements conducted in the x-ray beam of the CAST Detector Laboratory will be also presented and discussed

    From chemosynthesis-based communities to cold-water corals: Vulnerable deep-sea habitats of the Gulf of Cádiz

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    The Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) represents an area of ecological importance within the northeastern Atlantic Ocean due to the presence of Mediterranean and Atlantic water masses, a heterogeneous seafloor and a biological confluence. Nevertheless, information on the presence of vulnerable deep-sea habitats is still very scarce and it is of importance for further habitat monitoring within the context of the Habitats and Marine Strategy Framework Directives and for improving conservation and resource extraction management. From 2010 to 2012, fluid migration and emission related edifices (e.g., mud volcanoes, diapirs) from the Spanish continental margin of the GoC have been explored using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV; Liropus 2000) and an underwater camera sled (UCS; APHIA 2012) as well as several devices for collecting sediment and fauna. Different vulnerable deep-sea habitats have been observed, including anoxic bottoms with bacterial mats, sea-pen communities, sponge aggregations, antipatharian and gorgonian communities and also cold-water coral banks. Some of these habitats are included in conservation lists of the habitat directive and in international conventions (OSPAR, RAC/SPA), however some of them are located in areas of the GoC that are exposed to intense trawling. The diversity of habitats detected in the Spanish continental margin of the GoC highlights the importance of seepage related edifices as inducers of seabed and habitat heterogeneity in deep-sea areas.En prens

    Caracterización geomorfológica y hábitats en estructuras volcánicas en el Campo Profundo de Expulsión de Fluidos (NE del Golfo de Cádiz)

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    Se ha analizado la morfología del fondo, las características sub-superficiales y los hábitats bentónicos de un sector del talud continental del Golfo de Cádiz. El objetivo es reconocer los tipos morfológicos y los procesos geológicos y oceanográficos para entender la relación con dichos procesos, así como su influencia sobre los hábitats y las especies bentónicas asociadas. Se han estudiado las características morfológicas, el tipo de sedimento y las especies bentónicas dominantes en cuatro estructuras volcánicas y en los fondos marinos adyacentes. Los tipos morfológicos identificados se han agrupado en formas relacionadas con escapes de fluidos desde el subsuelo, con corrientes de fondo, con movimientos en masa, formas estructurales y biogénicas. Además, se han identificado las especies bentónicas dominantes asociadas a escapes de fluidos, a sustratos duros (costras de carbonato autigénicos) y a sustratos blandos. Los principales factores que controlan la morfología y las comunidades bentónicas asociadas son los procesos relacionados con escapes de fluidos, aunque existen otros procesos, como los gravitacionales, y las propiedades de las masas de agua profunda. Los sedimentos de brecha fangosa y los organismos quimiosimbióticos se localizan principalmente en la cima de los edificios volcánicos, indicando que la actividad de expulsión de fluidos podría ser elevada en algunos casos. La presencia de coladas de fango y cuerpos lobulados sobre los flancos son indicativos de un proceso de extrusión que tuvo lugar en diferentes fases. Los carbonatos autigénicos se han localizado en los flancos y en la base de las estructuras volcánicas y están relacionados con una actividad de expulsión de fluidos moderada, siendo desenterrados por la actividad de las corrientes de fondo y colonizados por especies de sustratos duros. Las depresiones en las zonas adyacentes están formadas por procesos de colapso, debido a escapes de fluido activos y bajo la influencia de las corrientes profundas

    Evidence of fluid venting on the Hespérides complex at the middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz

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    En este trabajo se ha analizado la morfología del fondo, las características sub-superficiales y las comunidades bentónicas en el complejo Hespérides, situado en el talud continental del Golfo de Cádiz, con el objetivo de entender su relación con los procesos geológicos y oceanográficos, así como la influencia sobre los hábitats que se generan. Se han detectado especies bentónicas asociadas a escapes de fluidos, a sustratos duros y blandos en diferentes zonas del complejo. Los sedimentos de brecha fangosa y los organismos quimiosimbióticos se localizan en la cima de los conos volcánicos asociados a una mayor actividad de emisión. Los carbonatos autigénicos en los flancos y la base del edificio están relacionados con una actividad de expulsión de fluidos moderada, siendo desenterrados por las corrientes de fondo y colonizados por especies de sustratos duros. Las depresiones en la base están formadas por procesos de colapso, debido a escapes de fluidos activos bajo la influencia de las corrientes profundas. En general, los principales factores que controlan la morfología y las comunidades bentónicas asociadas son los procesos relacionados con escapes de fluidos, aunque no hay que despreciar el efecto de los procesos gravitacionales y la acción de las masas de agua profunda.Seabed morphology, sub-bottom characteristics and benthic communities of the Hespérides volcanic complex, located in the continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, have been analyzed. The aim of this study is to characterize the morphological features, the geological processes and near-bottom water masses for understanding the relationships between the occurrence of this fluid venting related edifice and their associated biota. Additionally, dominant benthic species associated with seepage, hard substrates or soft bottoms have also been observed in different areas of the complex. Mud breccia sediments and chemosymbiotic metazoans are mainly located at the summit indicating a higher seepage activity. Authigenic carbonates on the flanks and the base of the volcanic structure are related to a moderate seepage activity, being exhumed by bottom currents and colonized by hard substrate associated species. Adjacent depressions are linked to collapse processes as a result of the interplay of active fluid escape and bottom current effects. In general, major factors controlling these features and their associated biota are mud flow and fluid-escaperelated processes, although other factors such as gravitational and deep water masses related processes are also involved.LIFE+ INDEMARES/CHICA y ATLAS (EU Horizon 2020), Grupo PAIDI RNM-328. SUBVENT (CGL2012-39524-C02-01).Versión del editor0,000

    Underwater imagery-study of sediment and fauna for habitat characterization in mud volcanoes of the Spanish margin (Gulf of Cádiz)

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    Habitat characterization using underwater images has been carried out in 4 mud volcanoes (Gazul, Almazán, St. Petersburg and Aveiro) and one mud volcano/diapir complex (Hespérides) located at the middle slope of the Spanish margin of the Gulf of Cádiz (360-1200m depth). A total of 126 species, mostly cnidarians, sponges, brachiopods, crustaceans and echinoderms and 19 habitats have been observed in the underwater images, including anoxic bottoms with cold seep fauna or remains (Siboglinum sp., Lucinoma asapheus, Solemya elarraichensis), bottoms with authigenic carbonates colonized by gorgonians and anthipatharians, extensive muddy bottoms with sea pens (Kophobelemnon sp., Protoptilum sp.) and bamboo corals (Isidella elongata) and cold-water coral banks (Madrepora oculata). Habitat type and distribution seem influenced by sedimentary features, presence of hard substrates with authigenic carbonates, seepage activity, depth and hydrodynamic conditions. Cold seep related species and heterotrophic species not directly linked to fluid venting represent seepage activity indicators and induce habitat and biodiversity differentiation among the fluid venting edifices

    Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the SHARE European-scale seismic source model.

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    Abstract: SHARE (Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe) is an EC-funded project (FP7) that aims to evaluate European seismic hazards using an integrated, standardized approach. In the context of SHARE, we are compiling a fully-parameterized active fault database for Iberia and the nearby offshore region. The principal goal of this initiative is for fault sources in the Iberian region to be represented in SHARE and incorporated into the source model that will be used to produce seismic hazard maps at the European scale. The SHARE project relies heavily on input from many regional experts throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. At the SHARE regional meeting for Iberia, the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (WGISS) was established; these researchers are contributing to this large effort by providing their data to the Iberian regional integrators in a standardized format. The development of the SHARE Iberian active fault database is occurring in parallel with IBERFAULT, another ongoing effort to compile a database of active faults in the Iberian region. The SHARE Iberian active fault database synthesizes a wide range of geological and geophysical observations on active seismogenic sources, and incorporates existing compilations (e.g., Cabral, 1995; Silva et al., 2008), original data contributed directly from researchers, data compiled from the literature, parameters estimated using empirical and analytical relationships, and, where necessary, parameters derived using expert judgment. The Iberian seismogenic source model derived for SHARE will be the first regional-scale source model for Iberia that includes fault data and follows an internationally standardized approach (Basili et al., 2008; 2009). This model can be used in both seismic hazard and risk analyses and will be appropriate for use in Iberian- and European-scale assessments