5 research outputs found

    Influencia de las gomas naturales carragenina y xanthan como estabilizantes en el jugo de tamarindo (Tamarindus indica)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of stabilizers in tamarind (Tamarindus indica) fruit juice, demonstrating that the addition of natural gums influenced the properties of the beverage. Four treatments were studied: (T) administering xanthan gum (GX) and carrageenan (CG) with percentages of 0.3% and 0.4%, respectively, with 3 replicates for each analysis, applying a statistical model of 2k factorial design with block effect, being the days of evaluation the block effect. The physicochemical parameters pH, density, soluble solids, density and microbiological parameters such as mesophilic aerobes, molds and yeasts were evaluated 0, 5 and 10 days after the juice was prepared, based on the Ecuadorian Technical Standard for juices, pulps, concentrates, nectars, fruit and vegetable drinks NTE INEN 2337:2008. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the variables studied, except for soluble solids such as molds and yeasts. The incorporation of GX at 0.3% had a greater influence on the dependent variables except for viscosity and aerobes, being the best treatment. The 0.4% GC showed better microbiological stability over time. Keywords: Juice, tamarind, hydrocolloids, xanthan, carrageenan.El objetivo del presente trabajo consisti贸 en evaluar los efectos de la adici贸n de estabilizantes en jugo del fruto de tamarindo (Tamarindus indica), demostrando que, al a帽adir las gomas naturales, estas influyeron en las propiedades de la bebida. Se estudiaron cuatro tratamientos: (T) administrando goma xantana (GX) y carragenina (CG) con porcentajes de 0.3% y 0.4%, respectivamente, con 3 repeticiones por cada an谩lisis, aplicando un modelo estad铆stico de dise帽o factorial 2k con efecto de bloque, siendo los d铆as de evaluaci贸n el efecto de bloqueo. Se evaluaron los par谩metros f铆sico-qu铆micos pH, densidad, s贸lidos solubles, densidad y microbiol贸gicos como aerobios mes贸filos, mohos y levaduras a los 0, 5 y 10 d铆as de elaborado el jugo, tomando como base la Norma T茅cnica Ecuatoriana para jugos, pulpas, concentrados, n茅ctares, bebidas de frutas y vegetales NTE INEN 2337:2008. Se observaron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en las variables estudiadas, excepto en los s贸lidos solubles como en mohos y levaduras. La incorporaci贸n de GX a 0.3%, influy贸 en mayor medida en las variables dependientes a excepci贸n de viscosidad y aerobios, siendo el mejor tratamiento. La CG 0.4% present贸 mejor estabilidad microbiol贸gica en el tiempo. Palabras clave: Jugo, tamarindo, hidrocoloides, xantana, carragenina. Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of stabilizers in tamarind (Tamarindus indica) fruit juice, demonstrating that the addition of natural gums influenced the properties of the beverage. Four treatments were studied: (T) administering xanthan gum (GX) and carrageenan (CG) with percentages of 0.3% and 0.4%, respectively, with 3 replicates for each analysis, applying a statistical model of 2k factorial design with block effect, being the days of evaluation the block effect. The physicochemical parameters pH, density, soluble solids, density and microbiological parameters such as mesophilic aerobes, molds and yeasts were evaluated 0, 5 and 10 days after the juice was prepared, based on the Ecuadorian Technical Standard for juices, pulps, concentrates, nectars, fruit and vegetable drinks NTE INEN 2337:2008. Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the variables studied, except for soluble solids such as molds and yeasts. The incorporation of GX at 0.3% had a greater influence on the dependent variables except for viscosity and aerobes, being the best treatment. The 0.4% GC showed better microbiological stability over time. Keywords: Juice, tamarind, hydrocolloids, xanthan, carrageenan. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 29 de julio de 2022. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 20 de septiembre de 2022.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de julio de 2023

    Influencia de la leche de soya, pasta de cacao y distintos edulcorantes en la evaluaci贸n sensorial de una bebida funcional

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    The objective of the research is to evaluate the influence of soy milk (Glycine max), cocoa paste (Theobroma cacao) and different types of sweeteners on the sensory analysis of a functional beverage, demonstrating that the modification of the variables does influence the properties of the beverage. Three factors with various levels were examined, obtaining twelve treatments (T): Factor A concentration of soy milk (50 mL and 36 mL), factor B concentration of cocoa paste (5 g and 10 g) and factor C type of sweetener (sucrose, panela and stevia) applying 3 replications, obtaining 36 experimental units; a trifactorial ADEVA statistical model and the TUKEY significance test were used to determine the best treatments. The variables color, odor, flavor and appearance of the functional beverage treatments were analyzed. The best results for the color variable were: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa and sucrose, odor: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa and panela, with the formulation: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa paste and stevia as sweetener improved the flavor, while the formulation 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa paste and panela provided an adequate appearance. Keywords: Organoleptic, soy, cocoa, sweetener.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n radica en evaluar la influencia de la leche de soya (Glycine max), pasta de cacao (Theobroma cacao) y diferentes tipos de edulcorantes sobre el an谩lisis sensorial de una bebida funcional, demostrando que la modificaci贸n de las variables si influye en las propiedades de la bebida. Se examinaron tres factores con varios niveles, obteniendo doce tratamientos (T): Factor A concentraci贸n de leche de soya (50 mL y 36 mL), factor B concentraci贸n de pasta de cacao (5 g y 10 g) y factor C tipo de edulcorante (sacarosa, panela y stevia) aplicando 3 repeticiones, obteni茅ndose 36 unidades experimentales; fue empleado un modelo estad铆stico ADEVA trifactorial y la prueba de significancia de TUKEY para conocer los mejores tratamientos. Se analizaron las variables color, olor, sabor y apariencia de los tratamientos de la bebida funcional. Los mejores resultados para la variable color fueron: 50 mL de leche de soya, 10 g de cacao y sacarosa, olor: 50 mL de leche de soya, 10 g de cacao y panela, con la formulaci贸n: 50 mL de leche de soya, 10 g de pasta de caco y stevia como edulcorante mejor贸 el sabor, mientras que la formulaci贸n 50 mL leche de soya, 10 g de pasta de caco y panela brind贸 una apariencia adecuada. Palabras clave: Organol茅ptico, soya, cacao, edulcorante. Abstract The objective of the research is to evaluate the influence of soy milk (Glycine max), cocoa paste (Theobroma cacao) and different types of sweeteners on the sensory analysis of a functional beverage, demonstrating that the modification of the variables does influence the properties of the beverage. Three factors with various levels were examined, obtaining twelve treatments (T): Factor A concentration of soy milk (50 mL and 36 mL), factor B concentration of cocoa paste (5 g and 10 g) and factor C type of sweetener (sucrose, panela and stevia) applying 3 replications, obtaining 36 experimental units; a trifactorial ADEVA statistical model and the TUKEY significance test were used to determine the best treatments. The variables color, odor, flavor and appearance of the functional beverage treatments were analyzed. The best results for the color variable were: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa and sucrose, odor: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa and panela, with the formulation: 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa paste and stevia as sweetener improved the flavor, while the formulation 50 mL of soy milk, 10 g of cocoa paste and panela provided an adequate appearance. Keywords: Organoleptic, soy, cocoa, sweetener. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 05 de enero de 2023. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 16 de marzo de 2023.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de julio de 2023

    Evaluaci贸n fisicoquimica en jugo de maracuy谩 con diferentes concentraciones de hidrocoloides

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of hydrocolloids addition on the stability of passion fruit juice, for the purpose a statistical model of factorial design with blocking effect was carried out, blocking the days of evaluation. Four treatments were formulated adding xanthan gum and ceam pectin VIS 4110 at 0, 3 and 0,4 % respectively with three replicates each. pH, density, soluble solids, and sedimentation percentage during five days were evaluated. There were statistical differences (p<0,05) for the studied variables, except for soluble solids. The addition of xanthan gum in treatment one and two, influenced the homogeneity of the continuous phase, preventing the appearance of instability mechanisms in the passion fruit juice. Treatment one showed better physicochemical stability in the time, using xanthan gum at 0,3%. The addition of ceam pectin in treatments three and four, caused the separation of passion fruit juice showing 23% of sediments at the bottom and 77% of clarified juice at the top.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n consisti贸 en evaluar el efecto de la adici贸n de hidrocoloides en la estabilidad del jugo de maracuy谩 (JM), aplicando un modelo estad铆stico de dise帽o factorial 2" con efecto de bloque, siendo efecto de bloqueo los d铆as de evaluaci贸n; se formularon cuatro tratamientos (T) incorporando Goma Xantana (GX) y Ceam Pectin VIS 4110 (CP) con porcentajes de 0,3 y 0,4 respectivamente con 3 repeticiones por cada an谩lisis. Se evalu贸: pH, densidad, s贸lidos solubles, y % de sedimentaci贸n durante 5 d铆as, se observaron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en estas variables estudiadas, excepto en los s贸lidos solubles. La incorporaci贸n de GX en el T1 y T2, influyeron en la homogeneidad de la fase continua, evitando la aparici贸n de mecanismos de inestabilidad en el JM. El T1 present贸 mejor estabilidad fisicoqu铆mica en el tiempo, utilizando GX al 0,3%. La incorporaci贸n de CP en el T3 y T4, provoc贸 la separaci贸n del JM obteniendo 23% de sedimentos en la parte inferior y 77% de jugo clarificado en la parte superior

    Evaluaci贸n de levaduras en la producci贸n de etanol a partir de melaza de ca帽a de az煤car

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of the addition of three types of commercial yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces exiguus and Candida utilis, using molasses solution. The stages of the experiment consisted of yeast activation and fermentation for ethanol production through simple distillation; determining the most optimal ethanol production of the experiment, with different concentrations of sucrose (19掳Bx, 23掳Bx and 27掳Bx) and different environmental conditions (27掳C, 30掳C and 33掳C). A Latin-square design was applied using Microsoft Excel, taking as a factor of interest the types of yeasts and secondary factors the soluble solids (掳Bx) and storage temperatures (掳C). Nine treatments (T) were formulated, of which significant differences (p&lt;0.05) were observed between the soluble solids (掳Bx) and (p&gt;0.05) for the types of yeast studied and the storage temperatures. During ethanol production from sugar cane molasses solution. The best treatment was T8, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast at 27掳Bx, with a temperature of 30掳C.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n consisti贸 en evaluar el efecto de la adici贸n de tres tipos de levaduras comerciales Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces exiguus y Candida utilis, utilizando disoluci贸n de melaza, las etapas del experimento consistieron en la activaci贸n de levadura y fermentaci贸n para la producci贸n de etanol mediante una destilaci贸n simple; determinando la producci贸n de etanol m谩s 贸ptima del experimento, con diferentes concentraciones de sacarosa (19掳Bx, 23掳Bx y 27掳Bx) y diferentes condiciones ambientales (27掳C, 30掳C y 33掳C). Se aplic贸 un modelo estad铆stico de dise帽o cuadrado latino utilizando el programa Microsoft Excel, tomando como factor de inter茅s tipos de levaduras y factores secundarios los s贸lidos solubles (掳Bx) y temperaturas de almacenamiento (掳C). Se formularon nueve tratamientos (T), de los cuales se observaron diferencias significativas (p&lt;0,05) entre los s贸lidos solubles (掳Bx) y (p&gt;0,05) para los tipos de levaduras estudiadas y las temperaturas de almacenamiento. Durante la producci贸n de etanol a partir de la disoluci贸n de melaza de ca帽a, el mejor tratamiento fue el T8, utilizando levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae a 27掳Bx y con temperatura de 30掳C

    Efecto del recubrimiento con quitosano en la reducci贸n microbiol贸gica y conservaci贸n del color del banano poscosecha

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    The objective of the present work was to determine the effect of edible chitosan coating on the microbial properties and peel color of postharvest bananas, formulating percentages of chitosan coating (0,75%-1,00%-1,25%-1,50% w/v) plus untreated bananas as a control. The experimental design employed was completely randomized blocks and Dunnett's test; with five treatments and five blocks concerning days 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, and 20 of postharvest storage. The dependent factors were peel color during ripening and microbiological count of molds and yeasts (Log UPC/g). The best results were presented in the fruit coated with 1 % chitosan, with lower lightness (54,27); the samples that reported a decrease in the count of molds and yeasts with 0,28 Log UPC/g were those coated with 1,50 % chitosan. Keywords: Chitosan, edible coating, banana, color.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto del recubrimiento comestible de quitosano en las propiedades microbianas y color de c谩scara del banano poscosecha, formulando porcentajes del recubrimiento de quitosano (0,75%-1,00%-1,25 %-1,50 % p/v) m谩s bananos sin tratamiento como control. El dise帽o experimental empleado fue de bloques completamente al azar y la prueba de Dunnett; con cinco tratamientos y cinco bloques concernientes a los d铆as 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20 de almacenamiento poscosecha. Los factores dependientes fueron color de la c谩scara durante la maduraci贸n y recuento microbiol贸gico de mohos y levaduras (Log UPC/g). Los mejores resultados se presentaron en el fruto recubierto con 1 % de quitosano, con menor luminosidad (54,27); las muestras que reportaron disminuci贸n en el recuento de mohos y levaduras con 0,28 Log UPC/g fueron las recubiertas con 1,50 % quitosano. Palabras clave: Quitosano, recubrimiento comestible, banano, color. Abstract The objective of the present work was to determine the effect of edible chitosan coating on the microbial properties and peel color of postharvest bananas, formulating percentages of chitosan coating (0,75%-1,00%-1,25%-1,50% w/v) plus untreated bananas as a control. The experimental design employed was completely randomized blocks and Dunnett's test; with five treatments and five blocks concerning days 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, and 20 of postharvest storage. The dependent factors were peel color during ripening and microbiological count of molds and yeasts (Log UPC/g). The best results were presented in the fruit coated with 1 % chitosan, with lower lightness (54,27); the samples that reported a decrease in the count of molds and yeasts with 0,28 Log UPC/g were those coated with 1,50 % chitosan. Keywords: Chitosan, edible coating, banana, color. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 19 de mayo de 2023. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 22 de junio de 2023.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de enero de 2024