865 research outputs found

    Gender differences and the timing of first marriages

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    In this article we provide a simple model of the marriage market where singles search for spouses. In our model economy men and women live for many years and they differ in their survival probabilities, in their fecundity, and in their earnings. We show that modelling the marriage decision in a very simple model economy is sufficient to account for much of the observed marriage behavior in the United States in the year 2000. We conclude that gender differences in fecundity are all important in accounting for marriage behavior, and that differences in earnings matter little. We also conclude that, even though they are in short supply, the market power of fecund women is not enough for them to demand compensation in all cases. And that studying the marriage decision without modelling explicitly the roles played by age and by fecundity, as has been typically done by the previous literature, makes little sense

    Case Study: Impacts of trade liberalization on poverty and inequality in Argentina: policy insights from a non-parametric CGE Microsimulation analysis

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    This paper studies the economic, poverty, and income inequality impacts of both world and domestic trade reform in Argentina, with a special focus on export taxes. Argentina offers an interesting case study as the only large agricultural exporter that has, at many points in its history, applied export taxes to several of its agricultural products. The paper combines results from a global economy-wide model (World Bank?s LINKAGE model), a national CGE model, and microsimulations. The results suggest that full liberalization of world trade (including subsidies and import taxes, but not export taxes), both for agricultural and non-agricultural goods, reduces poverty and inequality in Argentina. However, if only agricultural goods are included, indicators for poverty and inequality do not improve and even deteriorate somewhat. This is particularly the case if export taxes are eliminated.Poverty; trade liberalization; agricultural policy; Argentina; export taxes.

    Gender Differences and the Timing of First Marriages

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    We study the steady state of an overlapping generations economy where singles search for spouses. In our model economy men and women live for many years and they differ in their fecundity, in their earnings, and in their survival probabilities. These three features are age-dependent and deterministic. Singles meet at random. They propose when the expected value of their current match exceeds that of remaining single. If both partners propose, the meeting ends up in a marriage. Marriages last until death does them apart, widows and widowers never remarry, and people make no other economic decisions whatsoever. In our model economy people marry because they value companionship, bearing children, and sharing their income with their spouses. The matching function depends on the single sex-ratios which are endogenous. Our model economy has only two free parameters: the search friction and the utility share of bearing children. We choose their values to match the median ages of first-time brides and grooms. We show that modeling the marriage decision in this simple way is sufficient to account for the age distributions of ever and never married men and women, for the probabilities of marrying a younger bride and a younger groom, and for the age distributions of first births observed in the United States in the year 2000. The previous literature on this topic claims that marriage is a waiting game in which women are choosier than men, and old and rich pretenders outbid the young and poor ones in their competition for fecund women. In this article we tell a different story. We show that their shorter biological clocks make women uniformly less choosy than men of the same age. This turns marriage into a rushing game in which women are willing to marry older men because delaying marriage is too costly for women. Our theory predicts that most of the gender age difference at first marriage will persist even if the gender wage-gap disappears. It also predicts that the advances in the reproductive technologies will play a large role in reducing the age difference at first marriage.marriage, search, sex ratio

    Globalization of food and agriculture and the poor:

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    The economic impact of globalization, particularly on poverty, and the changes in agri-food markets have received much attention in recent years. However, the intersection of these two trends has been neglected. The present volume fills this gap by focusing on the way globalization of agri-food systems affects the world's poor and its impact on food and nutrition security in developing countries. Rather than offering a single policy prescription or simplistic messages about globalization being 'good' or 'bad', the book acknowledges the complexity of the subject by including a variety of policy and research perspectives. The contributors analyse in details the links between poverty and globalization. They examine the different interactions between the forces influencing and driving globalization—politics and governance; markets, capital investment, and labour; information and innovation; and health, social policies, and conflicts—and elements of the food chain—production, marketing, and consumption. Complementing these analyses are six interspersed essays by leading policy analysts and economists that highlight primary issues in the ongoing debate on the impact of globalization. The insights offered make this volume a valuable resource for researchers and decisionmakers in government, NGOs, and the private sector who wish to shape globalization and the agri-food system to produce pro-poor outcomes.Food supply, Developing countries, Rural poor, Globalization,

    Consumption and haste, anchor-points of anguish

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    .El autor plantea como el consumo y la prisa rasgos de una época marcada por el intento de eliminación del tiempo de comprender y de la promoción de la necesidad en lugar del vínculo con el otro-, lejos de eliminar la angustia , de liberar al sujelo de sus malestares, le aboca a nuevos cuadros sintomáticos. Dar lugar a la palabra, al tiempo subjetivo, aparece en el horizonte como salida a los impases de la modernidad.Consumption and haste are characteristics of our era, typified by attempts to suppress time for understanding and to promote necessity at the expense of links with others. The author proposes tha, far from eliminating anguish and freeing the individual from malaise, these activities produce new types of symptom. Making room for the world, for subjective time, appears on our horizon as one way out of the impasses of modern times

    Validación y exploración de métodos de solución a problemas propuestos a través del uso de la tecnología

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    El uso de ambientes instruccionales donde se consideren actividades que incluyan el uso de la tecnología parece extenderse cada vez más en el estudio de las matemáticas. Particularmente, ilustramos el uso del software Cabri-Geométre para resolver problemas propuestos. Un recurso importante de este software es que permite fijar un cierto número de variables y explorar el cambio de formas de las figuras manipulando elementos seleccionados del diseño de la representación. Las fases que aparecen durante el proceso de solución del problema (que incluyen su comprensión, diseño e implementación de un plan de solución y la realización de exploraciones posteriores), son usadas para dar un marco de discusión en donde se destacan la representación del problema en la computadora, los criterios de justificación de la solución y la formulación de preguntas relacionadas al problema. Se muestra también que los métodos de solución, los recursos y estrategias matemáticas usadas para resolver los problemas vía software son diferentes al compararse con los que normalmente exhiben las soluciones tradicionales. Aquí, es importante que los estudiantes discutan las ventajas y desventajas de ambos métodos

    Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Poverty and Inequality in Argentina: Policy Insights from a Non-parametric CGE Microsimulation Analysis

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    This paper studies the economic, poverty, and income inequality impacts of both world and domestic trade reform in Argentina, with a special focus on export taxes. Argentina offers an interesting case study as the only large agricultural exporter that has, at many points in its history, applied export taxes to several of its agricultural products. The paper combines results from a global economy-wide model (World Bank's LINKAGE model), a national CGE model, and microsimulations. The results suggest that full liberalization of world trade (including subsidies and import taxes, but not export taxes), both for agricultural and non-agricultural goods, reduces poverty and inequality in Argentina. However, if only agricultural goods are included, indicators for poverty and inequality do not improve and even deteriorate somewhat. This is particularly the case if export taxes are eliminated.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    From theory to practice: professional experimentation in the course of graphic design

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    Da teoria à prática: a experimentação profissional no curso de design gráficoEste artigo relata um caso de aproximação de estudantes de design com o mercado de trabalho. Alunos do curso de graduação em design gráfico da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina participaram de experimentação profissional na disciplina de Metodologia e Desenvolvimento de Projetos II, através do desenvolvimento de um projeto de programação visual para uma ação de reciclagem de óleo vegetal usado. A experiência foi fundamental para preparar os alunos para o mercado de trabalho, além de estimular para o bom aproveitamento da disciplina. Para a ação de reciclagem de óleo vegetal usado, os resultados alcançados mostraram-se tecnicamente adequados, superando expectativas