133 research outputs found

    Unemployment duration, city size, and the tightness of the labor market

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    This paper attempts to determine whether residential location affects unemployment duration. Our analysis is based on a spatial job search framework that shows the importance of dissociating the role of travel time from physical distance in unemployment duration. The contribution of our study also stems from the development of skill-specific accessibility measures that take into account the spatial distribution of labor supply and demand. Our results show that physical distance and competition among searchers must be controlled for in order to understand the significant role of job access (measured in terms of travel time) in unemployment duration. Second, improvements in access raise the probability that persons living in urban fringes and rural areas will become employed. Third, for workers living in large urban centers, the relationship between location and unemployment duration is insignificant.unemployment duration, job accessibility, commuting time

    Les ruraux en 1999 : qui sont-ils et d'oĂą viennent-ils ?

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    L'évolution démographique des espaces à dominante rurale n'est plus négative depuis la fin des années 70 et cette évolution favorable s'est amplifiée au cours des 30 dernières années. Elle est le résultat d'un solde migratoire positif, qui vient plus que compenser le déficit naturel de ces espaces. A contrario, c'est un bilan naturel positif qui permet aux pôles urbains de conserver une évolution démographique positive, alors que les départs de ces espaces sont supérieurs aux arrivées. Dans les espaces ruraux, le déficit naturel, conjugué avec des flux migratoires croisés non aléatoires (départ des jeunes qualifiés et arrivée des retraités), conduit à une sur-représentation des personnes âgées et des ouvriers.

    Life-cycle position and migration to urban and rural areas: estimations of a mixed logit model on French data

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    Migration flows between urban and rural areas in developed countries show a strong difference in migration destinations with regard to age. Our paper analyses, in the French case, who rural areas attract or repel and what their so-called “pull-factors” are. Our goal is to explain the propensity to migrate and the destination choice among four categories of area (urban centres, suburbs, rural areas under urban influence, rural LMAs), for three age groups. Mixed logit models, that do not rely on the IIA assumption and allow for heterogeneity in individual behaviours are estimated on a large French sample. The results show that the educational level of young people and the labour market characteristics of their initial residential area particularly influence their destination choices. The labour market variables have little influence on the migration decisions of the middle-aged, for whom residential motivations appear to be predominant. The migration decisions of 45-64 years old are clearly residentially motivated changes.life-cycle; migration; mixed logit models; urban and rural areas

    Life-cycle position and migration to urban and rural areas: estimations of a mixed logit model on French data

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    Working Paper du GATE 2004-03Migration flows between urban and rural areas in developed countries show a strong difference in migration destinations with regard to age. Our paper analyses, in the French case, who rural areas attract or repel and what their so-called “pull-factors” are. Our goal is to explain the propensity to migrate and the destination choice among four categories of area (urban centres, suburbs, rural areas under urban influence, rural LMAs), for three age groups. Mixed logit models, that do not rely on the IIA assumption and allow for heterogeneity in individual behaviours are estimated on a large French sample. The results show that the educational level of young people and the labour market characteristics of their initial residential area particularly influence their destination choices. The labour market variables have little influence on the migration decisions of the middle-aged, for whom residential motivations appear to be predominant. The migration decisions of 45-64 years old are clearly residentially motivated changes

    Les salariés agricoles. Entre ancrage sectoriel et précarité

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    Les différents parcours professionnels des salariés travaillant dans les exploitations agricoles sont caractérisés et quelques clés de lectures, pour mieux les appréhender, sont proposées à partir d’une base de données originale, issue de la Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA). Une méthode d’analyse séquentielle, combinée avec une classification ascendante conduit à distinguer sept trajectoires types. Une première qualification de ces trajectoires permet de montrer comment celles-ci suivent pour partie des schémas observés dans les autres secteurs, notamment dans l’industrie, en se singularisant pour une autre partie du fait de certaines caractéristiques des emplois offerts par le secteur agricole, avec notamment des parcours de « saisonniers permanents ».The different career paths for employees working on farms are characterized and some keys to understand are produced from a original database, provided by the Mutualité sociale Agricole (MSA). We use the method of sequential analysis, combined with an upward classification led to distinguish seven different trajectories. A first qualification of these trajectories shows how they partly follow patterns observed in other sectors, especially industry, while singling out due to certain characteristics of the jobs offered by the agricultural sector, including "permanent seasonal courses.

    EU agriculture and innovation: what role for the cap?

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    One of the current European public debates concerns the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the most integrated European policy created over the last 60 years. Given the challenges of sustainable food and nutrition security, innovation should be an important aspect of that debate. Our organisations, Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen UR) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), believe that a broad dissemination of results from our research contributes to creating benefit. This benefit is created not only through novel applications of technologies but also by working on societal challenges through dialogue with society and contributing to government policy and legislation. We are both concerned and thrilled about the future of the CAP. Concerned because of the need to take the right science-based decisions to ensure the long-term future of European agriculture as one of the most innovative, socially responsible and sustainable sectors in the world. And thrilled, because contributing to this promising long-term future provides our institutions with great challenges for partnerships with governments, farmers, consumers, private business, NGOs and scientific peers. The authors of this policy brief, experts in European research and innovation policy as well as in agricultural policy, have tried to take a critical look at the current CAP and more specifically how it supports innovation for European agriculture, food and rural areas. They have come up with suggestions to take on board in the public debate on the future CAP. Even it is not easy to have Ă  clear picture of the total amount of regional, national and European public funds made available for innovation in agriculture, food and rural areas, we think that the share of the CAP budget specifically devoted to innovation (today, at best a few percentage points of Pillar II expenditure) is too limited. It should at least be doubled in the next CAP. The authors want to thank policy officers in the Dutch and French Ministries, as well as in the European Commission, for stimulating discussions. They very warmly thank Professor Alan Matthews for his very careful review of an earlier draft of the paper and his very useful remarks and suggestions. The Dutch authors thank the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for financing part of this study and their travel expenses. We look forward to the responses in the public debate on the thoughts reflected in in the public debate on the thoughts reflected in this policy brief

    Changing agricultural systems and food diets to prevent and mitigate global health shocks

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    No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environmental and health point of view, and that increasing their sustainability must be a major objective of farm and food policies. Simultaneously, climatic, environmental, and health shocks are likely to increase in the coming years. This note defends the idea of an additional double benefit of public policies, aiming at favoring environmentally friendly food systems and healthy diets through two channels: by reducing the risks of developing shocks and by limiting their negative impacts on populations when they occur. As a result, public policies should address, simultaneously and consistently, supply and demand issues. This is illustrated in the case of the European Union. Supply measures should favor the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems through a more rigorous application of the polluter pays principle, implying notably the taxation of the main determinants of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions (cattle heads and nitrogen fertilizers) and biodiversity loss (mineral fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, and antibiotic treatments). This would send the right signals to farmers and would legitimize an extended use of the provider gets principle, allowing the remuneration of positive externalities. Demand measures should favor the adoption of healthier and environmentally friendly food diets by changing consumer behaviors through dietary recommendations, information campaigns, nutritional labeling, and fiscal instruments

    L’accès à l’éco-régime français de la PAC par la voie de la certification environnementale

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    La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l’éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d’accès des agriculteurs à l’éco-régime français par la voie dite de la certification environnementale. Les résultats mettent en lumière le faible niveau d’ambition climatique et environnementale de la voie puisque la quasi-totalité des exploitations agricoles auraient accès au premier niveau, et plus d’un tiers au niveau supérieur, sans aucune modification de leurs pratiques actuelles. Le référentiel de la certification HVE est en cours de révision. L’analyse est basée sur la version de ce référentiel en vigueur au 1er octobre 2022.The future CAP displays a greater climate and environmental ambition sought notably through the new first-pillar instrument of the eco-scheme. This article analyses access conditions to the French eco-scheme through the so-called environmental certification path. Our results highlight the low level of climate and environmental ambition of this access path since almost all farms would have access to the first level and more than a third to the upper level without any change in their current practices. The HVE certification standard is currently under revision. Analysis is based on the standard in force on October 1, 2022

    Accès à la formation continue en entreprise et caractéristiques des marchés locaux du travail

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    [fre] Tous les salariés n’ont pas les mêmes chances d’accéder . à la formation continue financée par leur entreprise. . Le salarié pour qui cette probabilité est la plus élevée n’est novice ni dans son poste ni sur le marché du travail, occupe un emploi de cadre ou une profession intermédiaire dans une grande entreprise (plus de 500 salariés) de service ou du secteur industriel à haut niveau technologique. Ce salarié a plus d’une chance . sur deux d’avoir suivi une formation financée par son . entreprise au cours de l’année précédente, alors que la moyenne est plus proche d’une chance sur quatre. Une fois contrôlées ces caractéristiques du salarié et de l’entreprise, il reste des différences spatiales d’accès à la formation continue: la probabilité d’accès diminue lorsque la densité des marchés locaux du travail (mesurée à l’échelle de la zone d’emploi) augmente. Les meilleurs appariements employé-poste et le turnover plus élevé sur les marchés denses seraient déterminants pour expliquer le moindre recours à la formation continue dans ces espaces. Le rôle négatif de la densité concernerait uniquement les salariés des entreprises urbaines et l’accès à formation continue serait moins fréquent pour les salariés des . firmes rurales que pour ceux des firmes urbaines. [ger] Nicht alle Arbeitnehmer haben die gleichen Chancen auf . eine von ihrem Unternehmen finanzierte Fortbildung. . Der Arbeitnehmer mit den größten Chancen ist weder neu auf seinem Posten noch auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, hat eine Stellung als Führungskraft oder einen intermediären Beruf in einem großen Unternehmen (über 500 Beschäftigte) der Dienstleistungs-oder Hochtechnologieindustriebranche. Dieser Arbeitnehmer hat eine fünfzigprozentige Chance, im Verlauf des letzten Jahres eine von seiner Firma bezahlte Fortbildung durchgeführt zu haben, während der Durchschnitt eher bei einer fünfundzwanzigprozentigen Chance liegt. Nach der Kontrolle dieser Eigenschaften des Arbeitnehmers und der Firma verbleiben räumliche Unterschiede beim Zugang zur Fortbildung: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dieses Zugangs reduziert sich bei steigender Dichte der lokalen Arbeitsmärkte (gemessen auf der Ebene der Arbeitszone). Die besseren Paarbildungen Arbeitnehmer/ Posten und die größere Fluktuation auf dichten Märkten sollen ausschlaggebend sein, um die geringere Beanspruchung der Weiterbildung in diesen Räumen zu erklären. Die negative Rolle der Dichte soll dabei nur die Arbeitnehmer der städtischen Unternehmen betreffen und der Zugang zur Fortbildung wäre geringer für die Arbeitnehmer in den ländlichen als in den städtischen Firmen. [spa] No todos los asalariados tienen las mismas probabilidades . de acceso a la formación continua financiada por . su empresa. El asalariado para quien esta probabilidad es más elevada no es novato ni en su puesto de trabajo . ni en el mercado de trabajo; ocupa un puesto directivo . o es un cuadro intermedio en una gran empresa (más de 500 asalariados) de los servicios o del sector industrial con un alto nivel tecnológico. Este asalariado tiene más de una probabilidad sobre dos de haber seguido . una formación financiada por su empresa en el transcurso . del año anterior, mientras que la media está más cerca de una probabilidad sobre cuatro. Una vez determinadas estas características del asalariado de la empresa, quedan diferencias espaciales de acceso a la formación continua: la probabilidad de acceso disminuye cuando aumenta la densidad de los mercados locales de trabajo (medida en la escala de la zona de empleo). Los mejores emparejamientos empleado-puesto de trabajo y la renovación más elevada en los mercados densos serían determinantes para explicar el menor recurso a la formación continua en dichos espacios. El papel negativo de la densidad afectaría únicamente a los asalariados de las empresas urbanas y el acceso a la formación continua sería menos frecuente para los asalariados de las empresas rurales que para los de las empresas urbanas. [eng] Not all workers are equally likely to access continuingeducation programs funded by their employers. The employees with the greatest chances of doing so are neither beginners in their jobs nor newcomers to the . labour market; they hold managerial or intermediate white-collar positions in large firms (more than 500 . employees) in the service sector or high-tech industrial sector. Such employees have more than one chance in two of having attended an employer-funded training program in the previous year, compared with an average closer to one chance in four. After examining these characteristics of the employee . and the firm, we are left with spatial differences in access to continuing education: the probability of access decreases when the density of local labour markets (measured at employment-area level) increases. The better employee/ job matches and the higher turnover in dense markets seem to be decisive in explaining the lesser reliance on continuing education in these geographic areas. . . Our findings suggest that (1) the negative role of density only affects employees in urban firms and (2) employees in rural firms are less likely to access continuing education than their urban-firm counterparts.

    Les salariés agricoles: entre ancrage sectoriel et précarité

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    National audienc
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