392 research outputs found

    Using Statistics Canada LifePaths Microsimulation Model to Project the Health Status of Canadian Elderly

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    Complex population projections usually use microsimulation models; in Canada, Statistics Canada has developed a global dynamic microsimulation model named LifePaths in the Modgen programming language to be used in policy research. LifePaths provides a platform to build on for our research program, conjointly with Dr Janice Keefe from Mount Saint Vincent University, on projections of the Canadian chronic homecare needs for the elderly up to 2031 and of the human resources required. Beside marital status, family networks and living arrangements, future health status of the elderly is a key variable, but an intricate one. Since health status transitions were previously conditioned only on age and sex, we will use here the current disability module of LifePaths with longitudinal data from Canada’s National Population Health Survey (NPHS). These new health status transitions are considering other significant explicative variables like marital status, education etc. We will then present projections of future Canadian elderly by health status and a comparison with nine European countries for the Future Elderly Living Conditions in Europe (FELICIE) Research Program which has used the same approach. Our previous researches have shown the importance of future disability level for the management of an elderly society. The main output of the present paper would first produce, with new health scenarios, new estimates for Canada of elderly in poor health, for those aged 75 and over. Secondly, it would produce an interesting comparative analysis, useful especially for implementing new policies for the well-being of the Canadian elderly.Microsimulation, Elderly population, Aging, LifePaths, Health, Canada

    Using Statistics Canada LifePaths Microsimulation Model to Project the Disability Status of Canadian Elderly

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    Complex population projections usually use microsimulation models; in Canada, Statistics Canada has developed a global dynamic microsimulation model named LifePaths in the Modgen programming language to be used in policy research. LifePaths provides a platform to build on for our research program, conjointly with Dr Janice Keefe from Mount Saint Vincent University, on projections of the Canadian chronic homecare needs for the elderly up to 2031 and of the human resources required. Beside marital status, family networks and living arrangements, future disability status of the elderly is a key variable, but an intricate one. Since disability status transitions were previously conditioned only on age and sex, we will use here the current disability module of LifePaths with longitudinal data from Canada’s National Population Health Survey (NPHS). These new disability status transitions are considering other significant explicative variables like marital status, education etc. We will then present projections of future Canadian elderly by disability status and a comparison with nine European countries for the Future Elderly Living Conditions in Europe (FELICIE) Research Program which has used the same approach. Our previous researches have shown the importance of future disability level for the management of an elderly society. The main output of the present paper would first produce, with new health scenarios, new estimates for Canada of elderly in poor health, for those aged 75 and over. Secondly, it would produce an interesting comparative analysis, useful especially for implementing new policies for the well-being of the Canadian elderly.Microsimulation, Elderly population, Aging, LifePaths, Health, Disability, Canada

    Les zinnias : Les relations mĂšre-fille et la problĂ©matique de l’enfant de remplacement dans l’oeuvre de Germaine GuĂšvremont

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    Les textes autobiographiques de GuĂšvremont font une large place Ă  sa mĂšre, Valentine Labelle, et aux relations mĂšre-fille. Ces textes sont de plus fascinants pour la façon dont s’y lit, en clair-obscur, l’ombre qui tomba, dĂšs avant sa naissance, sur leur relation, car une tierce figure apparaĂźt en filigrane : celle d’une autre Germaine, la soeur aĂźnĂ©e de la romanciĂšre dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e en bas Ăąge. Yvan Lepage a dĂ©couvert l’existence de cette « premiĂšre » Germaine GuĂšvremont et une recherche Ă  la SociĂ©tĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©alogie des Laurentides permet de confirmer que celle-ci, baptisĂ©e le 11 dĂ©cembre 1891 sous le nom de Marie Germaine Éliane, est nĂ©e le 9 dĂ©cembre 1891 et dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e le 15 aoĂ»t 1892, Ă  l’ñge de huit mois et sept jours. NĂ©e huit mois aprĂšs ce dĂ©cĂšs, la romanciĂšre, baptisĂ©e du prĂ©nom de Marianne Germaine Grignon, fut donc un « enfant de remplacement ». Cet article analyse les rapports mĂšre-fille dans les fragments autobiographiques de GuĂšvremont et dans ses oeuvres de fiction, en montrant que ceux-ci sont marquĂ©s par la problĂ©matique de l’enfant de remplacement.The autobiographical texts of Germaine GuĂšvremont give considerable attention to her mother, Valentine Labelle and their mother-daughter relationship. The texts are all the more fascinating in the way they present, in chiaroscuro, the shadow that fell across their relationship even before her birth, a third figure appearing like a watermark behind the writing: an earlier Germaine, the novelist’s older sister who died as an infant. This “first” Germaine GuĂšvremont was discovered by Yvan Lepage, and research by the SociĂ©tĂ© de GĂ©nĂ©alogie des Laurentides confirmed that a Marie Germaine Éliane, baptized on December 11, 1891, was born December 9, 1891 and died August 15, 1892, at the age of eight months and seven days. Eight months after this death the novelist baptized as Marianne Germaine Grignon was born, and thus entered the world as a “replacement child.” This article examines the mother-daughter relationship revealed in GuĂšvremont’s autobiographical fragments and her fictional works and shows their preoccupation with the problematic of the replacement child

    Une scĂ©nographie onirique : Les rĂȘveries de la femme sauvage d’HĂ©lĂšne Cixous

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    HĂ©lĂšne Cixous, dans son rĂ©cit intitulĂ© Les rĂȘveries de la femme sauvage, emprunte Ă  la psychanalyse le phantasme des origines et la scĂšne primitive (rĂȘvĂ©e, imaginĂ©e, inventĂ©e) afin de reformuler les souvenirs douloureux de son enfance passĂ©e en AlgĂ©rie. Cette lecture se penche sur les stratĂ©gies d’écriture qui composent une scĂ©nographie onirique, laquelle se manifeste Ă  travers plusieurs scĂšnes marquantes qui tournent autour de l’identitĂ© sexuelle de la narratrice. La rĂ©sistance au rĂ©cit, l’oubli, l’aveuglement devant le passĂ© sont autant de motifs qui sont analysĂ©s ici afin de mettre au jour une poĂ©tique de la confession oĂč l’écriture, loin d’ĂȘtre rĂ©paratrice, est envisagĂ©e comme une rĂȘverie, seule voie possible pour Ă©noncer les trahisons de l’enfance.In her narrative entitled Les rĂȘveries de la femme sauvage (Daydreams of the Wild Woman), HĂ©lĂšne Cixous borrows from psychoanalysis the fantasy of origins and the primal scene (dreamed, imagined, invented) to reformulate the painful memories of her childhood in Algeria. This reading focuses on the writing strategies used to create a dreamscape, emphasized by several striking scenes centred on the narrator’s sexual identity. Resistance to the narrative, loss of memory and denial in the face of the past are sub-themes analyzed to reveal a poetics of confession in which writing, far from being a healing force, is viewed as a daydream, and the only possible way of expressing the betrayals of childhood

    Ma langue Ă  toi

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    Un duel entre la main et l’oeil : IntensitĂ©s du rapport texte/image dans certains phototextes de Sophie Calle

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    Quand Sophie Calle explique dans En finir pourquoi ce projet fut un Ă©chec, elle Ă©crit que les images qu’on lui avait fournies « ne se suffisaient pas Ă  elles-mĂȘmes. En montrant des photos trouvĂ©es sans apport vĂ©cu de ma part, je ne collais pas Ă  mon propre style. » Pour elle, le texte manquait, « ce texte, poursuit-elle, qui me colle Ă  la peau ». En partant de cette affirmation, nous nous proposons de relire et de revoir certaines oeuvres de Sophie Calle afin de les confronter Ă  cette question du style et du texte-peau qui vient Ă  manquer. Sophie Calle, qui ne semble pas croire aux mĂ©taphores, entretient un rapport aplani Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© oĂč la limite entre le propre et le figurĂ© n’existe pas. Nous montrons comment cette façon de voir le monde influence le contact entre Ă©criture, peinture et photographie dans ses oeuvres. En relisant ses filatures, en analysant son rapport aveugle Ă  la peinture et ses tentatives d’épuiser tout sentiment dans ses deux derniers livres, nous expliquons comment le rapport texte/image est chaque fois dĂ©fini par l’absence d’un « dĂ©boĂźtement » (Roland Barthes) entre les deux, offrant trĂšs peu d’espace au commentaire et au rĂȘve du lecteur.When Sophie Calle explains in En finir why the project was ultimately a failure, she writes that the images given to her “were not self-sufficient. By showing images obtained without any real involvement on my part, I did not stick to my own style.” For her, the text was missing, “this text, she continues, that sticks to my skin.” With this affirmation in mind, we wish to read and look at some of Sophie Calle’s works in order to address this double question of style, and of a text-as-skin sometimes missing. Sophie Calle, who does not seem to believe in metaphors, cultivates a flattened outlook on reality where bounderies between the literal and the figurative do not exist. Our intention is to show how such an outlook influences the way in which writing, painting and photography come into contact with one another in her works. By rereading her tailing tales, by analyzing her blind relationship to painting and her attempt to rid her last two books from any feeling, we explain how the text/image relationship is each time defined by a lack of dislocation (“dĂ©boĂźtement,” Roland Barthes) between the two, therefore offering very little space for the reader’s dream or commentary

    Le projet Archipel : une réflexion et une discussion géographiques

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    Le projet Archipel se définit comme un vaste programme d'aménagement des divers plans d'eau de la région de Montréal. Issu de la recherche d'une solution aux fréquents problÚmes d'inondation, Archipel est devenu un projet polyvalent et intégré touchant plus ou moins quelque soixante-cinq municipalités. Sa réalisation impliquerait un juste contrÎle des niveaux et des débits des eaux de l'archipel et une intervention majeure aux rapides de Lachine dont on pourrait tirer quelques centaines de mégawatts.The Archipel project can be described as a vast program of development of the many water Systems in the Montréal region. Beginning with the search for a solution to the problem of frequent flooding around Montréal, Archipel has evolved into a many phased and integrated project, affecting one way or the other sixty-five municipalities. Its implementation would imply a precise control of the level and flows of the waters of the archipelago and a major series of controls over the Lachine rapids which could yield a few hundred megawatts of hydro-electric power

    Germaine GuĂšvremont : Nouvelles survenances

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    L'éducation cinématographique, une nouvelle approche pour les écoles secondaires québécoises

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    Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version Ă©lectronique de ce mĂ©moire a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©pouillĂ©e de ses documents visuels. La version intĂ©grale du mĂ©moire a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©e au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al.Cette recherche propose de se questionner sur la prĂ©sence — ou l'absence — du cinĂ©ma dans les Ă©coles secondaires quĂ©bĂ©coises en 2011. Ce mĂ©moire s'amorce par un bref historique de l'Ă©ducation cinĂ©matographique au QuĂ©bec, qui permet de dĂ©montrer la rĂ©currence des recommandations Ă©mises en faveur de l'Ă©ducation cinĂ©matographique depuis les annĂ©es 60 au QuĂ©bec, et qui met en contexte la situation actuelle de l'Ă©ducation cinĂ©matographique. Il s'attarde ensuite Ă  la notion de culture, telle qu'entendue dans la rĂ©forme du programme de formation de l'Ă©cole quĂ©bĂ©coise, survenue au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000 au QuĂ©bec, et ce afin de souligner l'incongruitĂ© de l'absence du cinĂ©ma dans le parcours scolaire des Ă©tudiants. Il tente Ă©galement de dĂ©montrer l'urgence d'inclure le cinĂ©ma au corpus Ă©tudiant afin de former les Ă©lĂšves Ă  l’analyse critique et informĂ©e des images, urgence qui dĂ©coule en partie de l'omniprĂ©sence des images en sociĂ©tĂ©. Ce mĂ©moire analyse Ă©galement les diffĂ©rents outils pĂ©dagogiques liĂ©s au cinĂ©ma qui sont offerts aux enseignants des Ă©coles secondaires quĂ©bĂ©coises par l'Office national du film du Canada et par l'Association des cinĂ©mas parallĂšles du QuĂ©bec, pour ensuite les mettre en parallĂšle avec le projet cinĂ©matographique dĂ©veloppĂ© par Alain Bergala en France.This thesis proposes to question the presence — or absence — of cinema in secondary schools of the province of Quebec in 2011. It begins with a brief history of film education in Quebec, which demonstrates the recurrence of recommendations for film education since the 60s in the province, and puts into context the current situation of education film. It then focuses on the concept of culture, as described in the recent reform of the Quebec's educational program, which occurred in the early 2000s, in order to emphasize the incongruity of the absence of cinema in the program. It also demonstrates the urgency of including the cinema to the educational program to train students in critical analysis of images, urgency stems in part from the pervasiveness of images in society. This thesis then analyzes the various educational tools related to cinema that are available to high school teachers in Quebec, mostly offered by the National Film Board of Canada and the Association des cinĂ©mas parallĂšles du QuĂ©bec, and compares them with the educational project linked to cinema developed by Alain Bergala in France
