4 research outputs found

    Biotechnological Approach for the Production of Prebiotics and Search for New Probiotics and their Application in the Food Industry

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    Background and objective: Prebiotics and probiotics intake have been widely recognized in past recent years due to possessing multiple health benefits. Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that promote the growth and/or activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon which improves the health. Moreover, the incorporation of probiotics in food has also been a growing practice due to its immunomodulatory effect, the production of organic acids and other compounds that promotes the absorption of nutrients and the general health of the digestive system.Results and conclusion: Biotechnological strategies have been proposed for prebiotic production and purification in order to meet the demand to be included as ingredients in functional food formulation. Different aspects related to the substrates and different fermentation systems for their production as well as the purification and characterization processes are addressed. Also, we will present the benefits promoted by probiotics, the methods of isolation and characterization, as well as the evaluation of these attributes, so that they can be used in the food industry. With the technological developments in prebiotics and probiotics, it will be possible to deliver foods that respond to consumer demand with low cost and with pleasant sensory characteristics as well as providing beneficial health effects.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Evaluation of Solid-State Fermentation Conditions from Pineapple Peel Waste for Release of Bioactive Compounds by <i>Aspergillus niger</i> spp.

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    Currently, agroindustrial waste can be used to obtain bioactive compounds. The solid-state fermentation is an alternative for the valorization of these waste and to be able to release bioactive compounds that may be of interest to different industrial sectors. The aim of this study was to evaluate solid-state fermentation conditions using pineapple peel waste as the substrate with Aspergillus niger spp., to release bioactive compounds using a Plackett–Burman exploratory design. Temperature, humidity, inoculum, NaNO3, MgSO4, KCl, and KH2PO4 conditions in the fermentation process were evaluated. The antioxidant capacity was determined, and the main compounds of the fermentation extracts were identified. The results revealed that the Aspergillus niger HT3 strain reached a hydrolyzable tannin release of 10.00 mg/g, While Aspergillus niger Aa20 reached a condensed tannin release of 82.59 mg/g. The KH2PO4 affects the release of condensed tannins with A. niger Aa20, and MgSO4 affects the release of hydrolyzable tannins with A. niger HT3. In addition, a positive antioxidant activity was demonstrated for the DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP technique. The main compounds in the fermented pineapple peel were 3-feruloylquinic acid, caffeic acid, lariciresinol, and 3-hydroxyphloretin 2′-O-xylosyl-glucoside, among others. The solid-state fermentation process is a biotechnological alternative for the release of bioactive compounds

    Efectividad biológica del nematicida Nemmax en el cultivo del cafeto ("Coffea arabica" L.)

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    Phytoparasitic nematodes are one of the main pathogens that affect the cultivation of coffee trees (Coffea arabicaL.), reducing the yield between 10 and 70%. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological effectiveness of the nematicide of biological origin Nemmax, for the control of Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchusspp. and Dorylaimusspp., associatedto this crop in Motozintla, Chiapas, in 2014. Two population samplings were carried out, one prior to the application of treatments, and another one to the 120 days later, obtaining the number of nematodes in 100 g of floor. The Nemmax treatments (at doses of 2, 4 and 6 L ha with 3 applications), Nemacur 400 CE (Fenamiphos) (3 L has one application) and an absolute control. In the control of Meloidogyne incognita, a significant difference was observed in treatment 5 (133.2), which represents the control, since an increase in the population of the nematodes was observed, compared with the other treatments, which were statistically equal, presenting the same differences for Pratylenchusspp. With the nematode Dorylaimusspp., statistical differences were presented, with treatment 5 (249.6) with the greatest difference, 4 (18), 1 (8.2), 2 (6) and 3 (3.4). Treatment 3,of Nemmax at a dose of 6L/ha was the one that presented the lowest population of the filiform nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchusspp. and Dorylaimusspp. Keywords: biological control, coffee, phytopathogenic nematodesLos nematodos fitoparásitos constituyen uno de los principales patógenos que afectan el cultivo del cafeto (Coffea arabica L.),reduciendo el rendimiento entre 10 y 70 %. El objetivo de este estudio, fue evaluar la efectividad biológica del nematicida de origen biológico Nemmax, para el control de Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus spp. y Dorylaimus spp.,asociados a este cultivo en Motozintla, Chiapas,en el año 2014.Se realizaron dos muestreos poblacionales, uno previo a la aplicación de tratamientos, y otro a los 120 días posteriores, obteniendo el número de nematodos en 100 g de suelo.Los tratamientos Nemmax (a dosis de 2,4 y 6 Lha con 3 aplicaciones), Nemacur 400 CE (Fenamifos) (3Lha-1 una aplicación)y un testigo absoluto. En el control de Meloidogyne incognita, se observó diferencia significativa en el tratamiento 5 (133.2), que representa al testigo, ya que se observó un incremento en la población de los nematodos, comparado con los demás tratamientos, los cuales fueron iguales estadísticamente, presentándose las mismas diferencias para Pratylenchusspp.Con el nematodo Dorylaimusspp.,se presentaron diferencias estadísticas,siendo el tratamiento 5 (249.6) con mayor diferencia, 4 (18), 1 (8.2), 2 (6) y 3 (3.4). El tratamiento 3, de Nemmaxa dosis de 6Lha-1 fue el que presentó la menor población de los nematodos filiformes del género Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchusspp.y Dorylaimusspp. Palabras clave: café, control biológico,nematodos fitopatógeno

    Toxicidad de extractos de Carya illinoinensis (Fágales: Junglandaceae) contra Meloidogyne incógnita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) en tomate

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    ABSTRACT. Meloidogyne incógnita is important in tomato cultivation because of its ability to reduce fruit yield and quality. The objective was to evalúate the toxic activity of extracts from the pecan (Carya illinoinensis) nut shell and husk on the southern root-knot nematode (M. incógnita) in greenhouse-grown tomato plants. Plant extracts of pecan nut husk and shell were evaluated in seven treatments with four replications under a randomized complete block design, by assessing the population density of second-generation juveniles, and the efficiency of the treatments was determined. Applying pecan nut extracts on M. incógnita was found to have an effect, highlighted by the aqueous shell extracts with a 99 and 97% M. incógnita population reduction at concentrations of 1:50 and 1:75, followed by the ethanol husk extract with 87% at the 1:50 concentration and 71% at the 1:75 concentration.RESUMEN. Meloidogyne incógnita es importante en el cultivo de tomate, por su capacidad para reducir el rendimiento y la calidad del fruto. El objetivo fue evaluar la actividad tóxica de extractos de cáscara y ruezno de nogal pecanero (Carya illinoinensis), sobre el nematodo agallador (M. incógnita) en plantas de tomate en invernadero. Se evaluaron los extractos vegetales de ruezno y cáscara de nogal pecanero en siete tratamientos con cuatro repeticiones bajo un diseño en bloques completos al azar, mediante la valoración de la densidad de población de juveniles de segunda generación, y se determinó la eficiencia de los tratamientos. Se encontró efecto de la aplicación de los extractos de nogal sobre M. incógnita; sobresaliendo los extractos de ruezno acuoso con 99 y 97% de reducción de la población en concentraciones 1:50 y 1:75; seguido del extracto de ruezno etanólico con 87% en la concentración 1:50 y 71% en la concentración 1:75