284 research outputs found

    Bayesian Reconstruction of Gravitational-wave Signals from Binary Black Holes with Nonzero Eccentricities

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    We present a comprehensive study on how well gravitational-wave signals of binary black holes with nonzero eccentricities can be recovered with state of the art model-independent waveform reconstruction and parameter estimation techniques. For this we use BayesWave, a Bayesian algorithm used by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration for unmodeled reconstructions of signal waveforms and parameters. We used two different waveform models to produce simulated signals of binary black holes with eccentric orbits and embed them in samples of simulated noise of design-sensitivity Advanced LIGO detectors. We studied the network overlaps and point estimates of central moments of signal waveforms recovered by BayesWave as a function of ee, the eccentricity of the binary at 8 Hz orbital frequency. BayesWave recovers signals of near-circular (e0.2e\lesssim0.2) and highly eccentric (e0.7e\gtrsim0.7) binaries with network overlaps similar to that of circular (e=0e=0) ones, however it produces lower network overlaps for binaries with e[0.2,0.7]e\in[0.2,0.7]. Estimation errors on central frequencies and bandwidths (measured relative to bandwidths) are nearly independent from ee, while estimation errors on central times and durations (measured relative to durations) increase and decrease with ee above e0.5e\gtrsim0.5, respectively. We also tested how BayesWave performs when reconstructions are carried out using generalized wavelets with linear frequency evolution (chirplets) instead of sine-Gaussian wavelets. We have found that network overlaps improve by 1020\sim 10-20 percent when chirplets are used, and the improvement is the highest at low (e<0.5e<0.5) eccentricities. There is however no significant change in the estimation errors of central moments when the chirplet base is used.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in CQ

    Constraints on coasting cosmological models from gravitational-wave standard sirens

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    We present the first test of coasting cosmological models with gravitational-wave standard sirens observed in the first three observing runs of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detector network. We apply the statistical galaxy catalog method adapted to coasting cosmologies and infer constraints on the H0H_0 Hubble constant for the three fixed values of the curvature parameter k={1,0,+1}k=\left\{ -1,0,+1 \right\} in H02c2H_0^2 c^{-2} units. The maximum posteriors and 68.3%68.3\% highest density intervals we obtained from a combined analysis of 4646 dark siren detections and a single bright siren detection are H0={68.15.6+8.5,67.55.2+8.3,67.15.8+6.6} km s1 Mpc1H_0=\left\{68.1^{+8.5}_{-5.6},67.5^{+8.3}_{-5.2},67.1^{+6.6}_{-5.8} \right\}~\mathrm{km\ s^{-1}\ Mpc^{-1}}, respectively. All our constraints on H0H_0 are consistent within one sigma with the H0H_0 measured with the differential age method, which provides a constraint on H0H_0 in coasting cosmologies independently from kk. Our results constrain all cosmological models with a(t)ta(t)\propto t linear expansion in the luminosity distance and redshift range of the 4747 LIGO-Virgo detections, i.e. dL5 Gpcd_\mathrm{L}\lesssim 5~\mathrm{Gpc} and z0.8z\lesssim 0.8, which practically include all (both strictly linear and quasi-linear) models in the coasting model family. As we have found, the coasting models and the Λ\LambdaCDM model fit equally well to the applied set of gravitational-wave detections.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Impact of modelling galaxy redshift uncertainties on the gravitational-wave dark standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant

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    Gravitational wave science is a new and rapidly expanding field of observational astronomy. Multimessenger observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 have provided some iconic results including the first gravitational-wave standard-siren measurement of the Hubble constant, opening up a new way to probe cosmology. The majority of the compact binary sources observed in gravitational waves are however without bright electromagnetic counterparts. In these cases, one can fall back on the ``dark standard siren'' approach to include information statistically from potential host galaxies. For such a measurement, we need to be cautious about all possible sources of systematic errors. In this paper, we begin to study the possible errors coming from the galaxy catalogue sector, and in particular, look into the effect of galaxy redshift uncertainties for the cases where these are photometry-based. We recalculate the dark standard siren Hubble constant using the latest GWTC-3 events and associated galaxy catalogues, with different galaxy redshift uncertainty models, namely, the standard Gaussian, a modified Lorentzian, and no uncertainty at all. We find that not using redshift uncertainties at all can lead to a potential bias comparable with other potential systematic effects previously considered for the GWTC-3 H0H_0 measurement (however still small compared to the overall statistical error in this measurement). The difference between different uncertainty models leads to small differences in the results for the current data; their impact is much smaller than the current statistical errors and other potential sources of systematic errors which have been considered in previous robustness studies.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted to publication in MNRA

    Modeling Schumann resonances with schupy

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    Schupy is an open-source python package aimed at modeling and analyzing Schumann resonances (SRs), the global electromagnetic resonances of the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonator in the lowest part of the extremely low frequency band (<100 Hz). Its very-first function forward_tdte applies the solution of the 2-D telegraph equation introduced recently by Prácser et al. (2019) for a uniform cavity and is able to determine theoretical SR spectra for arbitrary source-observer configurations. It can be applied for both modeling extraordinarily large SR-transients or “background” SRs excited by incoherently superimposed lightning strokes within an extended source region. Three short studies are presented which might be important for SR related research. With the forward_tdte function our aim is to provide a medium complexity numerical background for the interpretation of SR observations. We would like to encourage the community to join our project in developing open-source analyzing capacities for SR research as part of the schupy package

    Attitude determination for nano-satellites – II. Dead reckoning with a multiplicative extended Kalman filter

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    This paper is the second part of a series of studies discussing a novel attitude determination method for nano-satellites. Our approach is based on the utilization of thermal imaging sensors to determine the direction of the Sun and the nadir with respect to the satellite with sub-degree accuracy. The proposed method is planned to be applied during the Cubesats Applied for MEasuring and LOcalising Transients (CAMELOT) mission aimed at detecting and localizing gamma-ray bursts with an efficiency and accuracy comparable to large gamma-ray space observatories. In this paper we introduce a simulation model aimed at testing the applicability of our attitude determination approach. Its first part simulates the orbit and rotation of a satellite with arbitrary initial conditions while its second part applies our attitude determination algorithm which is based on a multiplicative extended Kalman filter. The simulated satellite is assumed to be equipped with a GPS system, MEMS gyroscopes and the infrasensors. These instruments provide the required data input for the Kalman filter. We demonstrate the applicability of our attitude determination algorithm by simulating the motion of a nano-satellite on Low Earth Orbit. Our results show that the attitude determination may have a 1σ\sigma error of 30\sim30' even with a large gyroscope drift during the orbital periods when the infrasensors provide both the direction of the Sun and the Earth (the nadir). This accuracy is an improvement on the point source detection accuracy of the infrasensors. However, the attitude determination error can get as high as 25^{\circ} during periods when the Sun is occulted by the Earth. We show that following an occultation period the attitude information is immediately recovered by the Kalman filter once the Sun is observed again

    Search for Transient Gravitational-wave Signals Associated with Magnetar Bursts during Advanced LIGO's Second Observing Run

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    We present the results of a search for short- and intermediate-duration gravitational-wave signals from four magnetar bursts in Advanced LIGO' s second observing run. We find no evidence of a signal and set upper bounds on the root sum squared of the total dimensionless strain (h(rss)) from incoming intermediate-duration gravitational waves ranging from 1.1 x 10(-22) at 150 Hz to 4.4 x 10(-22) at 1550 Hz at 50% detection efficiency. From the known distance to the magnetar SGR 1806-20 (8.7 kpc), we can place upper bounds on the isotropic gravitational-wave energy of 3.4 x 10(44) erg at 150 Hz assuming optimal orientation. This represents an improvement of about a factor of 10 in strain sensitivity from the previous search for such signals, conducted during initial LIGO' s sixth science run. The short-duration search yielded upper limits of 2.1 x 10(44) erg for short white noise bursts, and 2.3 x 10(47) erg for 100 ms long ringdowns at 1500 Hz, both at 50% detection efficiency