19 research outputs found

    Multiagent Learning Through Indirect Encoding

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    Designing a system of multiple, heterogeneous agents that cooperate to achieve a common goal is a difficult task, but it is also a common real-world problem. Multiagent learning addresses this problem by training the team to cooperate through a learning algorithm. However, most traditional approaches treat multiagent learning as a combination of multiple single-agent learning problems. This perspective leads to many inefficiencies in learning such as the problem of reinvention, whereby fundamental skills and policies that all agents should possess must be rediscovered independently for each team member. For example, in soccer, all the players know how to pass and kick the ball, but a traditional algorithm has no way to share such vital information because it has no way to relate the policies of agents to each other. In this dissertation a new approach to multiagent learning that seeks to address these issues is presented. This approach, called multiagent HyperNEAT, represents teams as a pattern of policies rather than individual agents. The main idea is that an agent’s location within a canonical team layout (such as a soccer team at the start of a game) tends to dictate its role within that team, called the policy geometry. For example, as soccer positions move from goal to center they become more offensive and less defensive, a concept that is compactly represented as a pattern. iii The first major contribution of this dissertation is a new method for evolving neural network controllers called HyperNEAT, which forms the foundation of the second contribution and primary focus of this work, multiagent HyperNEAT. Multiagent learning in this dissertation is investigated in predator-prey, room-clearing, and patrol domains, providing a real-world context for the approach. Interestingly, because the teams in multiagent HyperNEAT are represented as patterns they can scale up to an infinite number of multiagent policies that can be sampled from the policy geometry as needed. Thus the third contribution is a method for teams trained with multiagent HyperNEAT to dynamically scale their size without further learning. Fourth, the capabilities to both learn and scale in multiagent HyperNEAT are compared to the traditional multiagent SARSA(λ) approach in a comprehensive study. The fifth contribution is a method for efficiently learning and encoding multiple policies for each agent on a team to facilitate learning in multi-task domains. Finally, because there is significant interest in practical applications of multiagent learning, multiagent HyperNEAT is tested in a real-world military patrolling application with actual Khepera III robots. The ultimate goal is to provide a new perspective on multiagent learning and to demonstrate the practical benefits of training heterogeneous, scalable multiagent teams through generative encoding

    Generating Flower Images and Shapes with Compositional Pattern Producing Networks

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    Various embodiments are disclosed for generating an image from a Compositional Pattern Producing Network (CPPN). One such method includes receiving, in the CPPN, a series of polar coordinates {r, 0}; outputting, by the CPPN, a series of pixel values, each of the pixel values corresponding to one of the polar coordinates; and displaying the pixel values at the corresponding polar coordinates to product the image

    Intercollegiate Women\u27s Choral Festival

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    KSU School of Music presents Intercollegiate Women\u27s Choral Festival.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1097/thumbnail.jp

    Picbreeder: A Case Study in Collaborative Evolutionary Exploration of Design Space

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    For domains in which fitness is subjective or difficult to express formally, interactive evolutionary computation (IEC) is a natural choice. It is possible that a collaborative process combining feedback from multiple users can improve the quality and quantity of generated artifacts. Picbreeder, a large-scale online experiment in collaborative interactive evolution (CIE), explores this potential. Picbreeder is an online community in which users can evolve and share images, and most importantly, continue evolving others\u27 images. Through this process of branching from other images, and through continually increasing image complexity made possible by the underlying neuroevolution of augmenting topologies (NEAT) algorithm, evolved images proliferate unlike in any other current IEC system. This paper discusses not only the strengths of the Picbreeder approach, but its challenges and shortcomings as well, in the hope that lessons learned will inform the design of future CIE systems

    Intercollegiate Women\u27s Choral Festival

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    KSU School of Music presents Intercollegiate Women\u27s Choral Concert.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1162/thumbnail.jp

    Scalable Multiagent Learning Through Indirect Encoding Of Policy Geometry

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    Multiagent systems present many challenging, real-world problems to artificial intelligence. Because it is difficult to engineer the behaviors of multiple cooperating agents by hand, multiagent learning has become a popular approach to their design. While there are a variety of traditional approaches to multiagent learning, many suffer from increased computational costs for large teams and the problem of reinvention (that is, the inability to recognize that certain skills are shared by some or all team member). This paper presents an alternative approach to multiagent learning called multiagent HyperNEAT that represents the team as a pattern of policies rather than as a set of individual agents. The main idea is that an agent\u27s location within a canonical team layout (which can be physical, such as positions on a sports team, or conceptual, such as an agent\u27s relative speed) tends to dictate its role within that team. This paper introduces the term policy geometry to describe this relationship between role and position on the team. Interestingly, such patterns effectively represent up to an infinite number of multiagent policies that can be sampled from the policy geometry as needed to allow training very large teams or, in some cases, scaling up the size of a team without additional learning. In this paper, multiagent HyperNEAT is compared to a traditional learning method, multiagent Sarsa(λ), in a predator-prey domain, where it demonstrates its ability to train large teams. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    A Novel Generative Encoding For Exploiting Neural Network Sensor And Output Geometry

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    A significant problem for evolving artificial neural networks is that the physical arrangement of sensors and effectors is invisible to the evolutionary algorithm. For example, in this paper, directional sensors and effectors are placed around the circumference of a robot in analogous arrangements. This configuration ensures that there is a useful geometric correspondence between sensors and effectors. However, if sensors are mapped to a single input layer and the effectors to a single output layer (as is typical), evolution has no means to exploit this fortuitous arrangement. To address this problem, this paper presents a novel generative encoding called connective Compositional Pattern Producing Networks (connective CPPNs) that can effectively detect and capitalize on geometric relationships among sensors and effectors. The key insight is that sensors and effectors with consistent geometric relationships can be exploited by a repeating motif in the neural architecture. Thus, by employing an encoding that can discover such motifs as a function of network geometry, it becomes possible to exploit it. In this paper, a method for evolving connective CPPNs called Hypercube-based Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies (HyperNEAT) discovers sensible repeating motifs that take advantage of two different placement schemes, demonstrating the utility of such an approach. Copyright 2007 ACM

    Generative Encoding For Multiagent Learning

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    This paper argues that multiagent learning is a potential killer application for generative and developmental systems (GDS) because key challenges in learning to coordinate a team of agents are naturally addressed through indirect encodings and information reuse. For example, a significant problem for multiagent learning is that policies learned separately for different agent roles may nevertheless need to share a basic skill set, forcing the learning algorithm to reinvent the wheel for each agent. GDS is a good match for this kind of problem because it specializes in ways to encode patterns of related yet varying motifs. In this paper, to establish the promise of this capability, the Hypercube-based NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (HyperNEAT) generative approach to evolving neurocontrollers learns a set of coordinated policies encoded by a single genome representing a team of predator agents that work together to capture prey. Experimental results show that it is not only possible, but beneficial to encode a heterogeneous team of agents with an indirect encoding. The main contribution is thus to open up a significant new application domain for GDS. Copyright 2008 ACM

    A Hypercube-Based Encoding for Evolving Large-Scale Neural Networks

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    Research in neuroevolution-that is, evolving artificial neural networks (ANNs) through evolutionary algorithms-is inspired by the evolution of biological brains, which can contain trillions of connections. Yet while neuroevolution has produced successful results, the scale of natural brains remains far beyond reach. This article presents a method called hypercube-based NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (HyperNEAT) that aims to narrow this gap. HyperNEAT employs an indirect encoding called connective compositional pattern-producing networks (CPPNs) that can produce connectivity patterns with symmetries and repeating motifs by interpreting spatial patterns generated within a hypercube as connectivity patterns in a lower-dimensional space. This approach can exploit the geometry of the task by mapping its regularities onto the topology of the network, thereby shifting problem difficulty away from dimensionality to the underlying problem structure. Furthermore, connective CPPNs can represent the same connectivity pattern at any resolution, allowing ANNs to scale to new numbers of inputs and outputs without further evolution. HyperNEAT is demonstrated through visual discrimination and food-gathering tasks, including successful visual discrimination networks containing over eight million connections. The main conclusion is that the ability to explore the space of regular connectivity patterns opens up a new class of complex high-dimensional tasks to neuroevolution