1 research outputs found

    El discurso narrativo y su representaci?n mediante el c?mic, una propuesta did?ctica para promover la lectura y la escritura en el grado cuarto del Gimnasio Santa Roc?o

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    118 p. Recurso Electr?nicoA partir de la observaci?n realizada en la instituci?n, se tom? como poblaci?n el grado cuarto donde se encontr? falencias en cuanto a la comprensi?n lectora y producci?n escrita. Se implement? la investigaci?n ?EL DISCURSO NARRATIVO Y SU REPRESENTACI?N MEDIANTE EL C?MIC, UNA PROPUESTA DID?CTICA PARA PROMOVER LA LECTURA Y LA ESCRITURA EN EL GRADO CUARTO DEL GIMNASIO SANTA ROC?O? para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora a partir de la lectura de textos narrativos cortos que posibilit? la creaci?n de comics. Para su implementaci?n se elaboraron talleres con actividades l?dicas donde los estudiantes leyeron textos, identificaron personajes, crearon y expusieron sus propios comics para ser incluidos en el libro ?mis creaciones?. Para este proceso se tuvo en cuenta la investigaci?n cualitativa y el dise?o Investigaci?n Acci?n Participativa. De acuerdo con lo anterior se fundamenta en la normatividad emanada por las pol?ticas gubernamentales en: Ley general de educaci?n, lineamientos y est?ndares curriculares; al igual que te?ricos como Amaya (2002), C?rdenas (2004), Baena (1996), Ni?o (1985), Piaget (1973) y Ausubel (1983) que fortalecieron la conceptualizaci?n del lenguaje, la lectura, la escritura, el texto narrativo, el comic, los aspectos psicol?gicos y pedag?gicos que sirvieron como base para el desarrollo metodol?gico. En este orden de ideas se logr? que los estudiantes desarrollaran la competencia lectora, la creaci?n de textos propios a partir de vivencias y experiencias de la cotidianidad involucrado el comic como estrategia did?ctica que potencio la comprensi?n y producci?n textual. Palabras clave: Lectura, escritura, texto narrativos y comic.From the done observation at Gimnasio Santa Rocio, placed in Villa del Rio neighbourhood in the seventh district of Bosa. Some students of grade fourth were taken, which shawed some difficulties in reading comprehension and written production implemented an investigation called the narrative speech and its representation throught comics, a didactic proporsal to promote reading and writing in grade fourth in Gimnasio Santa Rocio aiming reinforcing reading comprehension from short narrative texts (fables and tales) those allowed to create comics. For its implementation some workshops and ludic activities were implemented; where students read text, identified characters, created and introduced their own comics to be included into the book ?My creations?. For this process it was taken into account the qualitative investigation and the participatory action research design. According to that, it is based in the rules issued by the government policies in general law of education (Ley general de Educaci?n), Curricular Guidelines (Lineamientos Curriculares) same as some theorist such as Amaya (2002), C?rdenas (2004), Baena (1996), Ni?o (1985), Vygotsky (1997), Piaget (1973) and Ausubel (1983) who strengthen the conceptualization of language, reading, writing, narrative text, comic, physiological and pedagogical aspects that were useful as a base for methodological development. In that order of ideas was achieved that students would develop the reading competence, the creations of own texts from experiences of everyday life involving comic as a didactic strategy that strength comprehension and textual production. Keywords: Reading, writing, narrative text (tales and fables) and comic