120 research outputs found

    When should cardiovascular prevention begin? The importance of antenatal, perinatal and primordial prevention

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    Cardiovascular diseases represent a major health problem, being one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, in this scenario, cardiovascular prevention plays an essential role although it is difficult to establish when promoting and implementing preventive strategies. However, there is growing evidence that prevention should start even before birth, during pregnancy, aiming to avoid the onset of cardiovascular risk factors, since events that occur early in life have a great impact on the cardiovascular risk profile of an adult. The two pillars of this early preventive strategy are nutrition and physical exercise, together with prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases during pregnancy. This review attempts to gather the growing evidence of the benefits of antenatal, perinatal and primordial prevention, discussing also the possibility to reverse or to mitigate the cardiovascular profile developed in the initial stages of life. This could pave the way for future research, investigating the optimal time and duration of these preventing measures, their duration and maintenance in adulthood, and the most effective interventions according to the different age and guiding in the next years, the best clinical practice and the political strategies to cope with cardiovascular disease

    Novel echocardiographic techniques to assess left atrial size, anatomy and function

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    Three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) and speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) have recently applied as imaging techniques to accurately evaluate left atrial (LA) size, anatomy and function. 3DE and off-line quantification softwares, have allowed, in comparison to magnetic resonance imaging, the most time-efficient and accurate method of LA volume quantification. STE provides a non-Doppler, angle-independent and objective quantification of LA myocardial deformation. Data regarding feasibility, accuracy and clinical applications of LA analysis by 3DE and STE are rapidly gathering. This review describes the fundamental concepts of LA 3DE and STE, illustrates how to obtain respective measurements and discuss their recognized and emerging clinical applications

    Indications and utility of cardiac genetic testing in athletes.

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    Sports Cardiology practice commonly involves the evaluation of athletes for genetically determined cardiac conditions that may predispose to malignant arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death. High-level exercise can lead to electrical and structural cardiac remodelling which mimics inherited cardiac conditions (ICCs). Differentiation between 'athlete's heart' and pathology can be challenging and often requires the whole armamentarium of available investigations. Genetic studies over the last 30 years have identified many of the genetic variants that underpin ICCs and technological advances have transformed genetic testing to a more readily available and affordable clinical tool which may aid diagnosis, management, and prognosis. The role of genetic testing in the evaluation and management of athletes with suspected cardiac conditions is often unclear beyond the context of specialist cardio-genetics centres. This document is aimed at physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals involved in the athlete's care. With the expanding role and availability of genetic testing in mind, this document was created to address the needs of the broader sports cardiology community, most of whom work outside specialized cardio-genetics centres, when faced with the evaluation and management of athletes with suspected ICC. The first part of the document provides an overview of basic terminology and principles and offers guidance on the appropriate use of genetic testing in the assessment of such athletes. It outlines key considerations when contemplating genetic testing, highlighting the potential benefits and pitfalls, and offers a roadmap to genetic testing. The second part of the document presents common clinical scenarios in Sports Cardiology practice, outlining the diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications of genetic testing, including impact on exercise recommendations. The scope of this document does not extend to a comprehensive description of the genetic basis, investigation, or management of ICCs

    Athletes with valvular heart disease and competitive sports: a position statement of the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology.

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    This article provides an overview of the recommendations from the Sports Cardiology section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology on sports participation in individuals with valvular heart disease (VHD). The aim of these recommendations is to encourage regular physical activity including sports participation, with reasonable precaution to ensure a high level of safety for all affected individuals. Valvular heart disease is usually an age-related degenerative process, predominantly affecting individuals in their fifth decade and onwards. However, there is an increasing group of younger individuals with valvular defects. The diagnosis of cardiac disorders during routine cardiac examination often raises questions about on-going participation in competitive sport with a high dynamic or static component and the level of permissible physical effort during recreational exercise. Although the natural history of several valvular diseases has been reported in the general population, little is known about the potential influence of chronic intensive physical activity on valve function, left ventricular remodelling pulmonary artery pressure, and risk of arrhythmia. Due to the sparsity of data on the effects of exercise on VHD, the present document is largely based on clinical experience and expert opinion

    Roadmap for cardiovascular education across the European Society of Cardiology: inspiring better knowledge and skills, now and for the future

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    AIMS: The provision of high-quality education allows the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) to achieve its mission of better cardiovascular practice and provides an essential component of translating new evidence to improve outcomes. METHODS AND RESULTS: The 4th ESC Education Conference, held in Sophia Antipolis (December 2016), brought together ESC education leaders, National Directors of Training of 43 ESC countries, and representatives of the ESC Young Community. Integrating national descriptions of education and cardiology training, we discussed innovative pathways to further improve knowledge and skills across different training programmes and health care systems. We developed an ESC roadmap supporting better cardiology training and continued medical education (CME), noting: (i) The ESC provides an excellent framework for unbiased and up-to-date cardiovascular education in close cooperation with its National Societies. (ii) The ESC should support the harmonization of cardiology training, curriculum development, and professional dialogue and mentorship. (iii) ESC congresses are an essential forum to learn and discuss the latest developments in cardiovascular medicine. (iv) The ESC should create a unified, interactive educational platform for cardiology training and continued cardiovascular education combining Webinars, eLearning Courses, Clinical Cases, and other educational programmes, along with ESC Congress content, Practice Guidelines and the next ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. (v) ESC-delivered online education should be integrated into National and regional cardiology training and CME programmes. CONCLUSION: These recommendations support the ESC to deliver excellent and comprehensive cardiovascular education for the next generation of specialists. Teamwork between international, national and local partners is essential to achieve this objective

    Heat flux evaluation for yes2 re-entry vehicle: numerical simulation

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    The present paper is a short summary of the work done by a research group of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in the frame of the 2nd Young European Satellite (YES2) re-entry capsule. YES2 is a project promoted by Delta-Utec in Netherlands, supported by European Space Agency and executed by 150 students from thirty universities in Europe and beyond. Main task of the group of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” is the evaluation of the thermal fluxes in correspondence of the most critical points along the re-entry trajectory. A numerical approach has been adopted to study the flow field that develops around the two different shapes of the YES2 capsule: the Closed shape, used to store YES2 on the International Space Station (ISS), and the Inflate shape used in the re-entry phase. A simplified dissociative model based on the Monti-Napolitano method has been implemented into the commercial CFD code FLUENT. A comparison and validation of the adopted approach has been also performed on the base of experimental data