273 research outputs found

    Galactic fountains and outflows in star forming dwarf galaxies: ISM expulsion and chemical enrichment

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    We investigated the impact of supernova feedback in gas-rich dwarf galaxies experiencing a low-to-moderate star formation rate, typical of relatively quiescent phases between starbursts. We calculated the long term evolution of the ISM and the metal-rich SN ejecta using 3D hydrodynamic simulations, in which the feedback energy is deposited by SNeII exploding in distinct OB associations. We found that a circulation flow similar to galactic fountains is generally established, with some ISM lifted at heights of one to few kpc above the galactic plane. This gas forms an extra-planar layer, which falls back to the plane in about 10810^8 yr, once the star formation stops. Very little or no ISM is expelled outside the galaxy system for the considered SFRs, even though in the most powerful model the SN energy is comparable to the gas binding energy. The metal-rich SN ejecta is instead more vulnerable to the feedback and we found that a significant fraction (25-80\%) is vented in the intergalactic medium, even for low SN rate (7×10−57\times 10^{-5} - 7×10−47\times 10^{-4} yr−1^{-1}). About half of the metals retained by the galaxy are located far (z>z > 500 pc) from the galactic plane. Moreover, our models indicate that the circulation of the metal-rich gas out from and back to the galactic disk is not able to erase the chemical gradients imprinted by the (centrally concentrated) SN explosions.Comment: 19 pages, MNRAS accepte

    Star formation feedback and metal enrichment by SN Ia and SN II in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: the case of Draco

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    We present 3D hydrodynamical simulations aimed to study the dynamical and chemical evolution of the interstellar medium in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. This evolution is driven by the explosions of Type II and Type Ia supernovae, whose different contribution is explicity taken into account in our models. We compare our results with detailed observations of the Draco galaxy. We assume star formation histories consisting of a number of instantaneous burst separated by quiescent periods. Because of the large effectiveness of the radiative losses and the extended dark matter halo, no galactic wind develops, despite the total energy released by the supernovae is much larger than the binding energy of the gas. This explains why the galaxy is able to form stars for a long period (> 3 Gyr), consistently with observations. In this picture, the end of the star formation and gas removal must result from external mechanisms, such as ram pressure and/or tidal interaction with the Galaxy. The metallicity distributions of the stars found in our models agree very well with the observed one. We find a mean value =-1.65 with a spread of ~1.5 dex. The chemical properties of the stars derive by the different temporal evolution between Type Ia and Type II supernova rate, and by the different mixing of the metals produced by the two types of SNe. We reproduce successfully the observed [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] diagram. However, our interpretation of this diagram differs from that generally adopted by previous chemical models. In fact, we find that the chemical properties of the stars derive, besides the different temporal evolution of the SNe II and SNe Ia rates, from the spatial inhomogeneous chemical enrichment due to the different dynamical behaviour between the remnants of the two types of supernovae.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures (1 added), MNRAS accepted, Minor changes following referee repor

    Feedback from massive stars and gas expulsion from proto-globular clusters

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    © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Globular clusters (GCs) are considerably more complex structures than previously thought, harboring at least two stellar generations that present clearly distinct chemical abundances. Scenarios explaining the abundance patterns in GCs mostly assume that originally the clusters had to be much more massive than today, and that the second generation of stars originates from the gas shed by stars of the first generation (FG). The lack of metallicity spread in most GCs further requires that the supernova-enriched gas ejected by the FG is completely lost within ∼30 Myr, a hypothesis never tested by means of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. In this paper, we use 3D hydrodynamic simulations including stellar feedback from winds and supernovae, radiative cooling and self-gravity to study whether a realistic distribution of OB associations in a massive proto-GC of initial mass M tot ∼ 10 7 M o is sufficient to expel its entire gas content. Our numerical experiment shows that the coherence of different associations plays a fundamental role: as the bubbles interact, distort, and merge, they carve narrow tunnels that reach deeper and deeper toward the innermost cluster regions, and through which the gas is able to escape. Our results indicate that after 3 Myr, the feedback from stellar winds is responsible for the removal of ∼40% of the pristine gas, and that after 14 Myr, 99% of the initial gas mass has been removed

    Colour gradients of high-redshift Early-Type Galaxies from hydrodynamical monolithic models

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    We analyze the evolution of colour gradients predicted by the hydrodynamical models of early type galaxies (ETGs) in Pipino et al. (2008), which reproduce fairly well the chemical abundance pattern and the metallicity gradients of local ETGs. We convert the star formation (SF) and metal content into colours by means of stellar population synthetic model and investigate the role of different physical ingredients, as the initial gas distribution and content, and eps_SF, i.e. the normalization of SF rate. From the comparison with high redshift data, a full agreement with optical rest-frame observations at z < 1 is found, for models with low eps_SF, whereas some discrepancies emerge at 1 < z < 2, despite our models reproduce quite well the data scatter at these redshifts. To reconcile the prediction of these high eps_SF systems with the shallower colour gradients observed at lower z we suggest intervention of 1-2 dry mergers. We suggest that future studies should explore the impact of wet galaxy mergings, interactions with environment, dust content and a variation of the Initial Mass Function from the galactic centers to the peripheries.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication on MNRA

    The oxygen vs. sodium (anti)correlation(s) in omega Cen

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    Recent exam of large samples of omega Cen giants shows that it shares with mono-metallic globular clusters the presence of the sodium versus oxygen anticorrelation, within each subset of stars with iron content in the range -1.9<~[Fe/H]<~-1.3. These findings suggest that, while the second generation formation history in omega Cen is more complex than that of mono-metallic clusters, it shares some key steps with those simpler cluster. In addition, the giants in the range -1.3<[Fe/H]<~-0.7 show a direct O--Na correlation, at moderately low O, but Na up to 20 times solar. These peculiar Na abundances are not shared by stars in other environments often assumed to undergo a similar chemical evolution, such as in the field of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. These O and Na abundances match well the yields of the massive asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB) in the same range of metallicity, suggesting that the stars at [Fe/H]>-1.3 in omega Cen are likely to have formed directly from the pure ejecta of massive AGBs of the same metallicities. This is possible if the massive AGBs of [Fe/H]>-1.3 in the progenitor system evolve when all the pristine gas surrounding the cluster has been exhausted by the previous star formation events, or the proto--cluster interaction with the Galaxy caused the loss of a significant fraction of its mass, or of its dark matter halo, and the supernova ejecta have been able to clear the gas out of the system. The absence of dilution in the metal richer populations lends further support to a scenario of the formation of second generation stars in cooling flows from massive AGB progenitors. We suggest that the entire formation of omega Cen took place in a few 10^8yr, and discuss the problem of a prompt formation of s--process elements.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    The formation of multiple populations in the globular cluster 47 Tuc

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    We use the combination of photometric and spectroscopic data of 47 Tuc stars to reconstruct the possible formation of a second generation of stars in the central regions of the cluster, from matter ejected from massive Asymptotic Giant Branch stars, diluted with pristine gas. The yields from massive AGB stars with the appropriate metallicity (Z=0.004, i.e. [Fe/H]=-0.75) are compatible with the observations, in terms of extension and slope of the patterns observed, involving oxygen, nitrogen, sodium and aluminium. Based on the constraints on the maximum helium of 47 Tuc stars provided by photometric investigations, and on the helium content of the ejecta, we estimate that the gas out of which second generation stars formed was composed of about one-third of gas from intermediate mass stars, with M>= 5Mo and about two-thirds of pristine gas. We tentatively identify the few stars whose Na, Al and O abundances resemble the undiluted AGB yields with the small fraction of 47 Tuc stars populating the faint subgiant branch. From the relative fraction of first and second generation stars currently observed, we estimate that the initial FG population in 47 Tuc was about 7.5 times more massive than the cluster current total mass.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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