17 research outputs found

    A minute focus of extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma arising in Hashimoto thyroiditis diagnosed with PCR after laser capture microdissection: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary thyroid gland lymphomas are uncommon tumours that occur in the setting of lymphocytic thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease in almost all cases. In this condition a distinction between an inflammatory lymphoid infiltrate and a low grade lymphoma may be extremely difficult and precise criteria are necessary for a correct diagnosis.</p> <p>Patient and methods</p> <p>We report a case of a minute focus of primary extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (EMZBCL), incidentally discovered in a 63-year-old man with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and diagnosed by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after laser capture microdissection.</p> <p>The histological examination of surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of HT and showed a minute focus of dense lymphoid infiltrate (less than 4 mm in diameter), composed by centrocyte-like cells forming MALT balls. Immunoistochemistry was not useful. A microscopic focus of EMZBCL was suspected on the basis of morphological features. PCR assays revealed the rearrangement of the heavy chain of immunoglobulins only in the microdissected suspicious area, confirming the diagnosis of EMZBCL.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our finding suggests that in cases of autoimmune thyroiditis a careful examination of the thyroid specimen is warranted, in order to disclose areas or small foci of lymphomatous transformation. Furthermore, in difficult cases with doubtful immunohistological findings, ancillary techniques, such as molecular studies, are necessary for a conclusive diagnosis.</p

    Epithelioid variant of pleomorphic liposarcoma as potential mimic of metastatic carcinoma

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    We report a case of epithelioid variant of pleomorphic liposarcoma (EPL) found in the the infrapatellar fat pad of Hoffa of a 31-year old male. Histologically, the predominant population was formed by epithelioid cells with eosinophilic or clear cytoplasm admixed with rare pleomorphic lipoblasts. The immunohistochemical panel was not helpful in the diagnosis. FISH analysis using the locus-specific indicator CHOP (12q13) dual color break apart was applied to representative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The result of FISH indicated a rearranged CHOP (DDIT3) gene and confirmed the diagnosis of EPL. The EPL should be differentiated from a metastatic carcinoma or other type of sarcoma. In these cases a clinicopathological correlation and an exhaustive sampling of the specimen for demonstration of lipogenic areas or pleomorphic lipoblasts is always necessary. FISH with demonstration of CHOP gene rearrangement is useful in providing specific ancillary information for the difficult differential diagnosis of this case

    Standardised profiling for tinnitus research: The European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ)

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    Background: The heterogeneity of tinnitus is substantial. Its numerous pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical manifestations have hampered fundamental and treatment research significantly. A decade ago, the Tinnitus Research Initiative introduced the Tinnitus Sample Case History Questionnaire, a case history instrument for standardised collection of information about the characteristics of the tinnitus patient. Since then, a number of studies have been published which characterise individuals and groups using data collected with this questionnaire. However, its use has been restricted to a clinical setting and to the evaluation of people with tinnitus only. In addition, it is limited in the ability to capture relevant comorbidities and evaluate their temporal relationship with tinnitus. Method: Here we present a new case history instrument which is comprehensive in scope and can be answered by people with and without tinnitus alike. This ‘European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire’ (ESIT-SQ) was developed with specific attention to questions about potential risk factors for tinnitus (including demographics, lifestyle, general medical and otological histories), and tinnitus characteristics (including perceptual characteristics, modulating factors, and associations with co-existing conditions). It was first developed in English, then translated into Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish, thus having broad applicability and supporting international collaboration. Conclusions: With respect to better understanding tinnitus profiles, we anticipate the ESIT-SQ to be a starting point for comprehensive multi-variate analyses of tinnitus. Data collected with the ESIT-SQ can allow establishment of patterns that distinguish tinnitus from non-tinnitus, and definition of common sets of tinnitus characteristics which might be indicated by the presence of otological or comorbid systemic diseases for which tinnitus is a known symptom

    State of the art of 18F-FDG PET/CT application in inflammation and infection: a guide for image acquisition and interpretation

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    Aim The diagnosis, severity and extent of a sterile inflammation or a septic infection could be challenging since there is not one single test able to achieve an accurate diagnosis. The clinical use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose ([F-18]FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging in the assessment of inflammation and infection is increasing worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to achieve an Italian consensus document on [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI in inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as osteomyelitis (OM), prosthetic joint infections (PJI), infective endocarditis (IE), prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), cardiac implantable electronic device infections (CIEDI), systemic and cardiac sarcoidosis (SS/CS), diabetic foot (DF), fungal infections (FI), tuberculosis (TBC), fever and inflammation of unknown origin (FUO/IUO), pediatric infections (PI), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), spine infections (SI), vascular graft infections (VGI), large vessel vasculitis (LVV), retroperitoneal fibrosis (RF) and COVID-19 infections. Methods In September 2020, the inflammatory and infectious diseases focus group (IIFG) of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AIMN) proposed to realize a procedural paper about the clinical applications of [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI in inflammatory and infectious diseases. The project was carried out thanks to the collaboration of 13 Italian nuclear medicine centers, with a consolidate experience in this field. With the endorsement of AIMN, IIFG contacted each center, and the pediatric diseases focus group (PDFC). IIFG provided for each team involved, a draft with essential information regarding the execution of [F-18]FDG PET/CT or PET/MRI scan (i.e., indications, patient preparation, standard or specific acquisition modalities, interpretation criteria, reporting methods, pitfalls and artifacts), by limiting the literature research to the last 20 years. Moreover, some clinical cases were required from each center, to underline the teaching points. Time for the collection of each report was from October to December 2020. Results Overall, we summarized 291 scientific papers and guidelines published between 1998 and 2021. Papers were divided in several sub-topics and summarized in the following paragraphs: clinical indications, image interpretation criteria, future perspectivess and new trends (for each single disease), while patient preparation, image acquisition, possible pitfalls and reporting modalities were described afterwards. Moreover, a specific section was dedicated to pediatric and PET/MRI indications. A collection of images was described for each indication. Conclusions Currently, [F-18]FDG PET/CT in oncology is globally accepted and standardized in main diagnostic algorithms for neoplasms. In recent years, the ever-closer collaboration among different European associations has tried to overcome the absence of a standardization also in the field of inflammation and infections. The collaboration of several nuclear medicine centers with a long experience in this field, as well as among different AIMN focus groups represents a further attempt in this direction. We hope that this document will be the basis for a "common nuclear physicians' language" throughout all the country

    The LANDSUPPORT geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) vision: Operational tools to implement sustainability policies in land planning and management

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    Nowadays, there is contrasting evidence between the ongoing continuing and widespread environmental degradation and the many means to implement environmental sustainability actions starting from good policies (e.g. EU New Green Deal, CAP), powerful technologies (e.g. new satellites, drones, IoT sensors), large databases and large stakeholder engagement (e.g. EIP-AGRI, living labs). Here, we argue that to tackle the above contrasting issues dealing with land degradation, it is very much required to develop and use friendly and freely available web-based operational tools to support both the implementation of environmental and agriculture policies and enable to take positive environmental sustainability actions by all stakeholders. Our solution is the S-DSS LANDSUPPORT platform, consisting of a free web-based smart Geospatial CyberInfrastructure containing 15 macro-tools (and more than 100 elementary tools), co-designed with different types of stakeholders and their different needs, dealing with sustainability in agriculture, forestry and spatial planning. LANDSUPPORT condenses many features into one system, the main ones of which were (i) Web-GIS facilities, connection with (ii) satellite data, (iii) Earth Critical Zone data and (iv) climate datasets including climate change and weather forecast data, (v) data cube technology enabling us to read/write when dealing with very large datasets (e.g. daily climatic data obtained in real time for any region in Europe), (vi) a large set of static and dynamic modelling engines (e.g. crop growth, water balance, rural integrity, etc.) allowing uncertainty analysis and what if modelling and (vii) HPC (both CPU and GPU) to run simulation modelling 'on-the-fly' in real time. Two case studies (a third case is reported in the Supplementary materials), with their results and stats, covering different regions and spatial extents and using three distinct operational tools all connected to lower land degradation processes (Crop growth, Machine Learning Forest Simulator and GeOC), are featured in this paper to highlight the platform's functioning. Landsupport is used by a large community of stakeholders and will remain operational, open and free long after the project ends. This position is rooted in the evidence showing that we need to leave these tools as open as possible and engage as much as possible with a large community of users to protect soils and land

    Réflexion sur l'enclenchement des consommations transmédiatiques et des pratiques culturelles participatives contemporaines : le cas de la saga «A Song of Ice and Fire»

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    Master [120] en communication (horaire décalé), Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    I materiali in metallo dell’Athenaion di Paestum: un quadro di sintesi preliminare

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    Gli autori presentano i risultati preliminari del lavoro di studio e catalogazione di circa un migliaio di oggetti in metallo provenienti dal santuario urbano settentrionale di Poseidonia-Paestum in attesa della pubblicazione sistematica di tutto il contesto in una prossima monografia. Nel contributo sono descritte le tipologie di materiali, le funzioni con particolare attenzione alle armi

    Applying Data Mining Techniques to Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become a hot research topic in recent years. They have many potential applications for both civil and military tasks. However, the unattended nature of WSNs and the limited computational and energy resources of their nodes make them susceptible to many types of attacks. Intrusion detection is one of the major and efficient defence methods against attacks in a network infrastructure. Intrusion Detection Systems can be seen as the second line of defence and they complement the security primitives that are adopted in order to prevent attacks against the computer network being protected. The peculiar features of a wireless sensor network pose stringent requirements to the design of intrusion detection systems. In this paper, we propose a hybrid, lightweight, distributed Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for wireless sensor networks. This IDS uses both misuse-based and anomaly-based detection techniques. It is composed of a Central Agent, which performs highly accurate intrusion detection by using data mining techniques, and a number of Local Agents running lighter anomaly-based detection techniques on the motes. Decision trees have been adopted as classification algorithm in the detection process of the Central Agent and their behaviour has been analysed in selected attacks scenarios. The accuracy of the proposed IDS has been measured and validated through an extensive experimental campaign. This paper presents the results of these experimental tests

    Adrenal gland non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma

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    Although primary neoplasms of adrenal gland are uncommon, adrenal metastases are frequently encountered in patients with malignancy, and lung is the most common primary tumour site. Among primary tumours of the adrenal gland non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a very rare entity. We describe a case of a 79-year-old man with a previous diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the lung who presented after 2 years with a unilateral adrenal gland mass. A solitary metastasis from pulmonary carcinoma was suspected and a laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. Histological examination revealed a diffuse large B-cell NHL. The patient was treated with CHOP regimen plus rituximab and a total remission was achieved. After an 8-month follow-up the patient was free of disease. This is the first reported case of a rare non-synchronous tumoral combination involving lung and adrenal gland, emphasising at the incidental discovery of the NHL during a procedure performed for a pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Copyright 2013 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    A GPS Spoofing Resilient WAMS for Smart Grid

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    Smart grids provide efficiency in energy distribution, easy identification of disturbance sources, and fault prediction. To achieve these benefits a continuous monitoring of voltage and current phasors must be performed. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) allow measurements of the phasors. A Wide Area Measurement System uses PMUs placed in different locations to assess the status of the power grid. To correctly analyze the phasors provided by PMUs, phasors must refer to the same time. For this reason each PMU uses the clock provided by a GPS receiver. GPS receiver is vulnerable to spoofing attack and it is a single point of failure. In this context we examined Network Time Protocol (NTP) as an alternative time source when the GPS receiver is compromised. In this paper a resilient architecture is proposed that is able to detect and react to the GPS spoofing attack. Experimental tests have shown the effectiveness of our solution