153 research outputs found

    Percezione e Immaginazione nella fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl

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    La tesi vuole offrire una prospettiva sul rapporto tra immaginazione e percezione nella fenomenologia husserliana, con particolare riguardo alla questione dell'assenza, assenza compresa nell'atto di percezione e assenza presentificata con un atto di immaginazione. Si affronterĂ  inoltre la questione degli orizzonti indeterminati della coscienza e il senso della trascendenza fenomenologica implicata in essi

    Modelli educativi innovativi e contesti per l’inclusione sociale. Uno studio di caso

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    This paper provides a discussion concerning the use of new tech-nologies to favor teachinglearningprocesses in the University field, aimed at all students even with disabilities and withSpecific Learning Disorders. Specifically, authors present educative strate-gies and pedagogicalperspectives activated by Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). A significant pathwithin the Uni-versity of Macerata and the SĂŁo Paulo State University will be pre-sented, as arelevant example of new technologies in support of inclusive practice


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    Il percorso di dottorato di ricerca EUREKA (2019-2022), che verrà presentato in questo lavoro, è stato realizzato grazie alla partnership tra l’Università degli Studi di Macerata, la Regione Marche e la Comunità di Capodarco di Fermo. Lo scenario della Pedagogia Speciale rappresenta l'ambito disciplinare di riferimento entro il quale ha preso forma la ricerca, che ha avuto ad oggetto l’approfondimento di tematiche connesse alla realizzazione di progetti di vita per persone con disabilità complesse. Nello specifico, in seguito ad approfondimenti concernerti l’assetto epistemologico della Qualità della Vita, nella prima parte della presente trattazione l’attenzione sarà diretta verso le motivazioni fondanti la garanzia al diritto di esercizio di influenza dei propri ambienti di vita, attraverso canali comunicativi efficaci per persone con disabilità complesse. Il focus volge, dunque, nella delineazione della pratica educativa della Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa permettendo di apprezzarne le connotazioni teoriche e gli ancoraggi scientifici di riferimento negli interventi con persone con disabilità complesse. La seconda parte della trattazione entrerà nel cuore di una proposta attuativa di progettazione integrata, grazie alla presentazione del progetto “Virtual Learning Environment per persone con disabilità complesse”. In considerazione della ricostruzione del percorso di ricerca, condotto nel triennio 2019-2022, presso la sede centrale della Comunità di Capodarco di Fermo, saranno approfonditi gli step progettuali che hanno condotto alla stesura di due protocolli progettuali. Il primo integra strumenti di osservazione per l’assessment iniziale, il monitoraggio e la verifica, il secondo propone un assetto progettuale per la stesura dei piani educativi individualizzati. Lo studio effettuato nel corso del trienno permette di apprezzare sviluppi progettuali e traiettorie educative significative per i servizi alla persona e i professionisti che hanno partecipato al progetto di ricerca

    Students\u2019 Voice and Disability: Ethical and methodological reflections for Special Pedagogy research

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    Considering the Students\u2019 Voice takes us into a varied international and today also national pedagogical movement. The issue relating to the promotion of Students\u2019 Voice research paths with young people with disabilities is delicate. The authors, after a presentation of the movement, address the important issues of ethics and methodological critical issues in the research paths within the Special Pedagogy. It is important to highlight that also in Special Pedagogy research the focus must be not just to \u2018listening the students voice\u2019, but also to help students to become \u2018change agents\u2019, because they are the potential of transformatio

    New perspectives for Inclusive University Teaching: EduPlan4Inclusion

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    This paper presents a pilot project, developing at the University of Macerata and of the University Arizona, that is called \u201cEduPlan4Inclusion\u201d, oriented to implement accessibility in academic contents for all students, through the use of technology. The project wants to highlight the possible direction for Universities to balance the demands of an inclusive curriculum to a diverse student cohort within a technology-rich environment. In conclusion, the research proposes in this paper can be used to directly guide the reform of curriculum design and teaching methods in Colleges and Universities, with the aim to activate the possibility of implementing a more shared inclusive culture

    Progettazione e Quality of Life nella presa in carico di persone con disabilità intellettive: l’agricoltura sociale come nuovo spazio e tempo generativo

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    Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case concerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter-institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case con­cerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter­institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities

    Crushed Bricks: Demolition Waste as a Sustainable Raw Material for Geopolymers

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    Demolition activity plays an important role in the total energy consumption of the construction industry in the European Union. The indiscriminate use of non-renewable raw materials, energy consumption, and unsustainable design has led to a redefinition of the criteria to ensure environmental protection. This article introduces an experimental plan that determines the viability of a new type of construction material, obtained from crushed brick waste, to be introduced into the construction market. The potential of crushed brick waste as a raw material in the production of building precast products, obtained by curing a geopolymeric blend at 60 °C for 3 days, has been exploited. Geopolymers represent an important alternative in reducing emissions and energy consumption, whilst, at the same time, achieving a considerable mechanical performance. The results obtained from this study show that the geopolymers produced from crushed brick were characterized by good properties in terms of open porosity, water absorption, mechanical strength, and surface resistance values when compared to building materials produced using traditional technologies

    Effects of combination of sibutramine and L-carnitine compared with sibutramine monotherapy on inflammatory parameters in diabetic patients

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of 12-month treatment with sibutramine plus L-carnitine compared with sibutramine alone on body weight, glycemic control, insulin resistance, and inflammatory state in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Two hundred fifty-four patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus (glycated hemoglobin [HbA(1c)] >8.0\%) in therapy with different oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin were enrolled in this study and randomized to take sibutramine 10 mg plus L-carnitine 2 g or sibutramine 10 mg in monotherapy. We evaluated at baseline and after 3, 6, 9, and 12 months these parameters: body weight, body mass index, HbA(1c), fasting plasma glucose, postprandial plasma glucose, fasting plasma insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, adiponectin, vaspin, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. Sibutramine plus L-carnitine gave a faster improvement of fasting plasma glucose, postprandial plasma glucose, lipid profile, leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein compared with sibutramine alone. Furthermore, there was a better improvement of body weight, HbA(1c), fasting plasma insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index, vaspin, and adiponectin with sibutramine plus L-carnitine compared with sibutramine alone. Sibutramine plus L-carnitine gave a better and faster improvement of all the analyzed parameters compared with sibutramine alone without giving any severe adverse effect

    Study Empowerment for inclusion

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    Il contributo ha come scopo principale quello di sottolineare come, anche in contesti universitari, un intervento pedagogico sul metodo di studio possa essere per tutti gli studenti, e in particolare per le persone con disabilit\ue0 o con Disturbo Specifico di Apprendimento (DSA), una efficace via per l\u2019autodeterminazione e per l\u2019inclusione. A partire da una attenta analisi della situazione internazionale in termini di dispositivi offerti dai centri di eccellenza universitari internazionali che accolgono studenti con disabilit\ue0 e DSA, presentiamo il Progetto Inclusione 3.0 nella sezione relativa alla costruzione di un percorso di Study Empowerment rivolto a studenti universitari con dislessia che, attraverso un sistema integrato di dispositivi tecnologici, permetta di creare luoghi e tempi di vita universitaria inclusiva
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