18 research outputs found

    Integrated approach for legionellosis risk analysis in touristic-recreational facilities

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    Legionellosis is a severe pneumonia caused by the inhalation of aerosols containing Legionella, Gram-negative bacteria present in the water systems of touristic-recreational facilities. The purpose of this study was to develop a scoring tool to predict the risk of both environmental contamination and Legionnaires' disease cases in such facilities in the Apulia region of southern Italy. We analyzed 47 structural and management parameters/risk factors related to the buildings, water systems, and air conditioning at the facilities. A Poisson regression model was used to compute an overall risk score for each facility with respect to three outcomes: water samples positive for Legionella (risk score range: 7-54), water samples positive for Legionella with an average load exceeding 1000 colony-forming units per liter (CFU/L) (risk score range: 22-179,871), and clinical cases of Legionnaire's disease (risk score range: 6-31). The cut-off values for three outcomes were determined by receiver operating characteristic curves (first outcome, samples positive for Legionella in a touristic-recreational facility: 19; second outcome, samples positive for Legionella in a touristic-recreational facility with an average load exceeding 1000 CFU/L: 2062; third outcome, clinical cases of Legionnaire's disease in a touristic-recreational facility: 22). Above these values, there was a significant probability of observing the outcome. We constructed this predictive model using 70% of a large dataset (18 years of clinical and environmental surveillance) and tested the model on the remaining 30% of the dataset to demonstrate its reliability. Our model enables the assessment of risk for a touristic facility and the creation of a conceptual framework to link the risk analysis with prevention measures

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Investigations on the Efficacy of Ozone as an Environmental Sanitizer in Large Supermarkets

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    Awareness of the importance of the microbial contamination of air and surfaces has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacteria and fungi in the air and on surfaces within some critical areas of large supermarkets with and without an ozonation system. Surveys were conducted in four supermarkets belonging to the same commercial chain of an Apulian city in June 2021, of which two (A and B) were equipped with an ozonation system, and two (C and D) did not have any air-diffused remediation treatment. There was a statistically significant difference in the total bacterial count (TBC) and total fungal count (TFC) in the air between A/B and C/D supermarkets (p = 0.0042 and p = 0.0002, respectively). Regarding surfaces, a statistically significant difference in TBC emerged between A/B and C/D supermarkets (p = 0.0101). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the effect of ozone on commercial structures in Italy. Future investigations, supported by a multidisciplinary approach, will make it possible to deepen the knowledge on this method of sanitation, in light of any other epidemic/pandemic waves

    High Dose Ifosfamide in Relapsed and Unresectable High-Grade Osteosarcoma Patients: A Retrospective Series

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    Background: The evidence on high-dose ifosfamide (HD-IFO) use in patients with relapsed osteosarcoma is limited. We performed a retrospective study to analyze HD-IFO activity. Methods: Patients with osteosarcoma relapsed after standard treatment [methotrexate, doxorubicin, cisplatin +/- ifosfamide (MAP+/-I)] with measurable disease according to RECIST1.1 were eligible to ifosfamide (3 g/m2/day) continuous infusion (c.i.) days 1-5 q21d. RECIST1.1 overall response rate (ORR) (complete response (CR) + partial response (PR)), progression-free survival at 6-month (6m-PFS), duration of response (DOR), and 2-year overall survival (2y-OS) were assessed. PARP1 expression and gene mutations were tested by immunohistochemistry and next-generation sequencing. Results: 51 patients were included. ORR was 20% (1 CR + 9 PR). Median DOR was 5 months (95%CI 2-7). Median PFS, 6m-PFS, OS, and 2y-OS were 6 months (95%CI 4-9), 51%, 15 months (10-19), and 30%, respectively. A second surgical complete remission (CR2) was achieved in 26 (51%) patients. After multivariate analysis, previous use of ifosfamide (HR 2.007, p = 0.034) and CR2 (HR 0.126, p < 0.001) showed a significant correlation with PFS and OS, respectively. No significant correlation was found between outcomes and PARP1 or gene mutations. Conclusions: HD-IFO should be considered as the standard first-line treatment option in relapsed osteosarcoma and control arm of future trial in this setting

    Legionella anisa or Legionella bozemanii? Traditional and molecular techniques as support in the environmental surveillance of a hospital water network

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    Understanding the actual distribution of different Legionella species in water networks would help prevent outbreaks. Culture investigations followed by serological agglutination tests, with poly/monovalent antisera, still represent the gold standard for isolation and identification of Legionella strains. However, also MALDI-TOF and mip-gene sequencing are currently used. This study was conducted to genetically correlate strains of Legionella non pneumophila (L-np) isolated during environmental surveillance comparing different molecular techniques. Overall, 346 water samples were collected from the water system of four pavilions located in a hospital of the Apulia Region of Italy. Strains isolated from the samples were then identified by serological tests, MALDI-TOF, and mip-gene sequencing. Overall, 24.9% of water samples were positive for Legionella, among which the majority were Legionella pneumophila (Lpn) 1 (52.3%), followed by Lpn2-15 (20.9%), L-np (17.4%), Lpn1 + Lpn2-15 (7.1%), and L-np + Lpn1 (2.3%). Initially, L-np strains were identified as L. bozemanii by monovalent antiserum, while MALDI-TOF and mip-gene sequencing assigned them to L. anisa. More cold water than hot water samples were contaminated by L. anisa (p < 0.001). PFGE, RAPD, Rep-PCR, and SAU-PCR were performed to correlate L. anisa strains. Eleven out of 14 strains identified in all four pavilions showed 100% of similarity upon PFGE analysis. RAPD, Rep-PCR, and SAU-PCR showed greater discriminative power than PFGE

    Case series study of nosocomial Legionnaires’ disease in Apulia region (southern Italy): The role of different molecular methods in identifying the infection source

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    Background and aim: Legionnaires' disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the inhalation or aspiration of water droplets contaminated with Legionella pneumophila and other Legionella species. These bacteria are commonly found in natural habitats and man-made water systems. Legionnaires' disease is a significant public health problem, especially in healthcare settings where patients may be exposed to contaminated environmental sources. Nosocomial outbreaks have been reported worldwide, leading to high morbidity and mortality rates, and increased healthcare costs. This study aimed to compare, the clonal relationship of clinical L. pneumophila strains from two different hospitals with L. pneumophila strains isolated from the water supply. Methods: In the period from 2019 to 2021, clinical and environmental strains involved in three cases of legionellosis were compared by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis and sequence based typing techniques. Results: Our findings highlight the persistence of clonally distinct strains within each hospital examined. Furthermore, the L. pneumophila strains detected from hospital environmental sources were related to the clinical strains isolated, demonstrating the nosocomial origin of these cases. Conclusions: Therefore, it is important to implement more accurate surveillance systems both for epidemiological studies and to check the effectiveness of remediation procedures. (www.actabiomedica.it)