102 research outputs found

    Il mondo del vaso Chigi: pittura, guerra e societĂ  a Corinto alla metĂ  del VII secolo a.C.

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    This book analyses the stylistic, iconographic and historical aspects of the Chigi vase, the famous Protocorinthian olpe dating back as early as ca. 650 BC. The vase is the masterpiece of the Chigi Master, a skilful vase-painter who was acquainted as well with the big size Corinthian painting. The different themes, which run along the three main friezes, link each other in order to build up a true iconographic program: its key point is the distinction between the lower frieze for the ephebes’ paideia and the two main friezes which show the Corinthian elites through their activities – either real or symbolic ones - and distinguishing attributes. Paris’ judgement is meant as part of this iconographic program as it shows, through a mythical paradigm, a necessary step of the life, i.e. the wedding, as well as the risks that it involves. The socio-political interpretation of the iconographic program opens the historical question on which system could be implied, as the vase was painted in a critical moment of Corinthian history, i.e. in the period when Kypselos became tyrant and exiled the Bakchiads. Finally, on the background of Demaratus’ tradition, the analysis investigates a possible scenario for the arrival of the Chigi olpe in the hands of an Etruscan prince of Veii, in whose tumulus it was found in 188

    La lissè petre in Od. III, 293-296, ed i territori di Gortina e di Festòs in epoca arcaica

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    This paper deals with a passage of the Odyssey (III, 293-296) and other related sources, regarding the Southern coast of Crete between Gortyn and Phaistos. According to the interpretation put forward, the lissè petre here mentioned corresponds to the Lithinos Cape. It is described as the border between the Gortyn territory and the Phaistos one. As other sources show, the lissè petre was called also Lissès or Lissèn. It does not correspond to the Maleou – mikròs lithos, which is quoted by the same passage of the Odyssey. The latter cape appears to be the small headland, which protects Kommos from South; Kommos was the harbour of Phaistos. The Phaistos territory included the Western Mesara. Starting from the early Archaic period it extended from the Lithinos Cape Northwards, including the earlier harbour of Phaistos – that was Kommos – and the later one – which was Matala. The latter one became the harbour of Gortyn only after the conquest of Phaistos by Gortyn which happened around the half of the 2nd Century BC. The Gortyn territory occupied the Eastern Mesara. In the Archaic period it developed from the Lithinos Cape Eastwards. On the coastline the territory of Gortyn included the emporion-harbour of Lebena. This harbour goes back as early as the Iron Age, as a newly identified site shows: it locates behind the headland of Lebena. Along the Southern coast there were other harbours in the territory of Gortyn: Lasaia – Kaloi Limenes, and the polis and hormos of Amyklaion, which has still to be found

    The City Siege and the Lion. The Fortetsa bronze Belt and Quiver between Near Eastern Models and heroic Ideology

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    The author re-examines two well-known Orientalizing bronzes found in Fortetsa tomb P at Knossos: the belt which represents a city siege and the quiver with lion-tamers. He analyses their find context and chronology (last decades of the 9th century BC), style and iconographies, ideological background. Their style shows close similarities with the North-Syrian prototypes and strenghtens the hypothesis that they were hammered by immigrant metal-workers, coming perhaps from Zincirli, or by Cretan apprentices. From the iconographic point of view, in the city siege on the belt the Near Eastern prototypes were changed by the introduction of Greek elements, among them the city as a palace (or as a temple) in order to reflect the models of the Cretan leaders: these basileis referred to the symbols of power of the Near Eastern kingdoms and mirror as well the Homeric ideolog


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    This paper deals with a Daedalic terracotta head recently found in Phaistos – dating from the first half of the 7th Cent. BC – and with the few other Daedalic works found on this site

    Ricerche archeologiche a Cirene – “Casa del Propileo” – Campagna 2009

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    This paper is a report of the activities of the archeological mission by the University of Napoli "L'Orientale", which investigates the "Casa del Propileo" in Cyrenae (Liby): during this campaign pottery and stratigraphies of the Greek and Roman periods were studie

    Opere di regimentazione delle acque in etĂ  arcaica. Roma, Grecia e Magna Grecia, Etruria e mondo italico, Roma

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    Il volume raccoglie una serie di contributi sui sistemi di regimentazione delle acque in etĂ  arcaica, in Grecia, Magna Grecia, Sicilia, mondo Italico e Rom
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