11 research outputs found

    Glicerina cruda en la dieta de bovinos: efecto sobre los parámetros bioquímicos séricos

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    El objetivo fue evaluar posibles alteraciones en los valores bioquímicos séricos de bovinos de engorde confinados, recibiendo elevadas concentraciones de glicerina cruda en la dieta. Treinta novillos Nelore fueron utilizados para las colectas de sangre, las cuales se realizaron cada 28 días. Los animales fueron confinados durante 103 días, alimentados con cinco dietas experimentales con 0; 7.5; 15; 22.5 y 30% de glicerina cruda en la materia seca, formuladas para obtener una relación entre forraje: concentrado de 30:70, en la que el ensilaje de maíz fue la fuente forrajera, y el concentrado compuesto por grano de maíz, cascarilla de soya, torta de girasol, glicerina cruda, carbonato de calcio, fosfato bicálcico y sal común. Se utilizó un diseño en bloques al azar, con cinco tratamientos y seis repeticiones, utilizando contrastes ortogonales para determinar los efectos lineal, cuadrático y cúbico de la adición de glicerina. Hubo un efecto lineal de la adición de glicerina sobre las concentraciones de creatina quinasa (P=0.02), cuadrático sobre la de alanina amino transferasa (P=0.009), cúbico sobre la de urea y creatinina (P=0.008 e P=0.002, respectivamente). La adición de glicerina, considerando el tratamiento control, afectó significativamente (P<0.05) las concentraciones de amino transferasa, alanina amino transferasa y creatinina dietas para bovinos tipo carne, con elevadas proporciones de glicerina, ocasionan alteraciones en los parámetros bioquímicos séricos de los animales

    Glicerina associada à ureia na alimentação de bovinos Nelore

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the combination of glycerol with urea in the diet of Nellore cattle , as the productive performance , meat characteristics , ruminal fermentation , digestibility and microbial mass . The study was divided into two experiments . In the first experiment , 28 heifers ( 20 months Nelore breed, initial body weight = 277kg , ) were distributed so entirely casualisada to four treatments which were tested diets you experience . C = control without glycerin and urea, U = 1 % urea in dry matter ; G10 = 10 % glycerin dry matter ; GU10 = 10 % glycerin and 1 % urea in dry matter . During 100 days of confinement , evaluated the dry matter intake , weight gain and feed efficiency . After this period there was the slaughter of animals , which was obtained by the hot carcass yield , fat thickness , ribeye area and removed meat samples . The second experiment added two new diets : G20 = 20 % glycerin in dry and GU20 = 20 % glycerin and 1 % urea in dry matter. Six animals fitted with rumen cannulas Nellore were used to verify the parameters pH , ammonia nitrogen , digestibility and microbial mass distributed in a 6x6 Latin square . The glycerin decreases the digestibility of the fiber . There influence of diets on the growth of rumen microorganisms in rumen pH and ammonia nitrogen , which does not cause effect on performance and meat qualityO objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a combinação de glicerina com ureia na dieta de bovinos da raça Nelore, quanto ao desempenho produtivo, características da carne, parâmetros ruminais, digestibilidade e massa microbiana. O estudo foi dividido em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento, 28 novilhas (raça Nelore, peso corporal inicial = 277kg, 20 meses de idade) foram distribuídas de forma inteiramente casualizada em quatro tratamentos, onde foram testadas as dietas experimentais. C = controle sem glicerina e ureia; U= 1% de ureia na matéria seca; G10= 10% de glicerina matéria seca; GU10= 10% de glicerina e 1% de ureia na matéria seca. Durante 100 dias de confinamento, avaliou-se o consumo de matéria seca, ganho em peso e eficiência alimentar. Após este período houve o abate dos animais, onde foi obtido o rendimento de carcaça quente, espessura de gordura, área de olho de lombo e retiradas amostras de carne. No segundo experimento, foram acrescentadas duas novas dietas: G20= 20% de glicerina na matéria seca e GU20= 20% de glicerina e 1% de ureia na matéria seca. Seis animais da raça Nelore providos de cânulas ruminais foram utilizados para verificar os parâmetros pH, nitrogênio amoniacal, a digestibilidade e a massa microbiana, distribuídos em quadrado latino 6x6. As dietas influenciaram (p<0,05) os parâmetros ruminais estudados. Ocorreu diminuição na digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro e da hemicelulose nas dietas com glicerina. A massa microbiana foi alterada com as dietas, sendo observados efeitos de tempo e de tratamentos (p<0,05). O consumo, desempenho e as características da carne não foram influenciados pelas dietas. A glicerina diminui a digestibilidade da fração fibrosa. Há influência de dietas no crescimento dos microrganismos ruminais, no pH e nitrogênio amoniacal ruminal, o que não ocasiona efeito no desempenho e na qualidade da carn

    Digestibility of diets with glycerin for Nellore heifers in feedlot

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    The research for not pollutants and renewable sources of energy, made the biodiesel is reused. But, its production generates the “Glycerin” (10% of biodiesel volume). This production is increasing and accumulating year by year, like other industrious by-products. With no law about discarding, scientists started to feed animals in different species with it. Rich in glycerol, it gives energy for animals and doesn't have other nutrients. It improves the alimentary conversion and does not change ruminal ambient or carcass production. For ruminants is used glycerin originated just from vegetables. This experiment aimed to discover what glycerin’s level can be used on diet. Made at the Unesp University of Campus of Jaboticabal, were used 24 heifers of Nellore in feedlot, weight of ± 265 kg in individuals stalls for 112 days. Were used three crossbreed cattle (Angus x Nellore) castrated and cannulated, with ± 400 kg of weight for incubation. The “blond glycerin” used has 83% of glycerol. The proportion of Forage: Concentrate was 30:70. Corn silage was the forage. The concentrate was composed of: soy hulls, sunflower meal, urea and corn or corn more glycerin. All treatments had same percentages of protein and energy and were identified as “without glycerin” (G0), “with 10% of glycerin” (G10) and “20% of glycerin inclusion” (G20) in the dry matter of diet. Samples of food, leavings and excrements were collected. The collections of excrements were made at the superior part of them, without contact with the floor, at the moment of defecation for three consecutive days. Leavings and food were collected just before feeding. Bromatologics analyses were made according AOAC (1995), VAN SOEST and WINE (1967), HENDRIX (1993) and the digestion was made in autoclave (0,5 Kgf/cm2, 111ºC for 50 minutes), proceeding adapted of PELL and SCHOFIELD (1992). ADFi was used as indicator. Incubation was made according to CASALI et al. (2008) for 240 hours and new bromatologics analyses were made. The dry matter, organic matter, fat, starch, crude protein and ADF do not suffered any alteration. The digestibility’s coefficients of dry matter and organic matter are similar, so the embers do not changed the digestion of the three diets. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) had a reduction of its digestibility from 62,47 to 52,14% for (reduction of 16,5%). The hemicellulose (HEM) suffered reduction of 12,56%, from 71,14 to 62,20%, both percentages when diet G0 and G20 are compared D’AUREA (2010) obtains similar data using NDFi. The growing utilization of sunflower meal that contains lignified fibers may have contributed to these results. The inclusion until 10% of “blond glycerin” in the dry matter of a diet does not affect the digestibility's coefficients at these conditions. With 20% of inclusion it had a reduction at it’s the digestibility of NDF and HEM. The glycerin can be utilized on diets as a part of the concentrate, been the energy part of diets to Nellore heifers

    Crude glycerin in diets for feedlot Nellore cattle

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    Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of crude glycerin on feed intake, performance, carcass characteristics, and total digestibility of Nellore bulls. In experiment 1, cattle (n = 30) were fed a control diet without crude glycerin and diets containing 7.5, 15, 22.5, and 30% crude glycerin, for 103 d. Animals were harvested and data of carcass characteristics were collected. In experiment 2, a digestibility trial was performed using indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) as internal marker, and five rumen-cannulated steers. Both experiments were conducted as a randomized complete block design and data were analyzed using mixed procedures. In experiment 1 no differences were observed among treatments on dry matter intake, and performance variables. Regarding carcass characteristics, no effect was observed, except for carcass fat estimates, which were greater in treatments with crude glycerin. In experiment 2, crude glycerin promoted a decrease in digestibility of fibrous fractions NDF and HEM, and increased digestibility of crude protein by 6%. Although it caused negative effect on digestibility of fibrous fraction of diets, crude glycerin can be a good energy source for Nellore bulls, since no losses are observed on performance and carcass characteristics when animals are fed up to 30% of this by-product

    Crude glycerin in diets for feedlot Nellore cattle

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    Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of crude glycerin on feed intake, performance, carcass characteristics, and total digestibility of Nellore bulls. In experiment 1, cattle (n = 30) were fed a control diet without crude glycerin and diets containing 7.5, 15, 22.5, and 30% crude glycerin, for 103 d. Animals were harvested and data of carcass characteristics were collected. In experiment 2, a digestibility trial was performed using indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) as internal marker, and five rumen-cannulated steers. Both experiments were conducted as a randomized complete block design and data were analyzed using mixed procedures. In experiment 1 no differences were observed among treatments on dry matter intake, and performance variables. Regarding carcass characteristics, no effect was observed, except for carcass fat estimates, which were greater in treatments with crude glycerin. In experiment 2, crude glycerin promoted a decrease in digestibility of fibrous fractions NDF and HEM, and increased digestibility of crude protein by 6%. Although it caused negative effect on digestibility of fibrous fraction of diets, crude glycerin can be a good energy source for Nellore bulls, since no losses are observed on performance and carcass characteristics when animals are fed up to 30% of this by-product.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Desempenho e digestibilidade de componentes nutritivos de dietas contendo subprodutos de leaginosas na alimentação de cordeiros

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    The aim of this work was evaluate introduction of byproducts of oleaginous in lambs feeding. Diets were composed for 30% of Tifton hay and 70% of concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, soybean cake, sunflower cake and peanut cake, limestone and mineral mixture, as dites: FS - control with soybean meal, TS - soybean cake as part of the concentrate, TG sunflower cake as part of the concentrate and TA - peanut cake as part of the concentrate. For performance evaluating 24 Santa Ines lambs with initial age and weight of 70 days and 19 +/- 2 kg, according to a completely randomized design. For digestive evaluate, weight Santa Ines sheep with initial age and weight of 70 days and 16 +/- 1.2 kg, adapted to the use of bag, for collect feces. Animals were distributed in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin Square and means were compared by Tukey's test with 5% significance level. By the performance trial, duration of confinement, weight gain, fed conversion and the dry matter intake were not affected (P>0,05), with averages of 54.29 days, 259 g/day, 4.29 kg of DM/kg and 1.32 kg/day, respectively. There were no difference P>0,05) for intake DM, OM, CP, CT and CE among diets, digestibility trial with averages of 76.23; 74.47; 76.44; 41.12; 73.00 and 93.00%, respectively. There were no differences for digestibility DM, OM, CP, ADF, CT and NCF. The partial substitution of the soybean meal for byproducts of oleaginous was a good proteic alternative in the feeding of lambs

    Glycerin in cattle feed: intake, digestibility, and ruminal and blood parameters

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de glicerina na dieta de bovinos de corte sobre o consumo, digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, pH ruminal, concentrações de amônia ruminal e parâmetros sanguíneos. O trabalho foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias- FCAV/Unesp, campus de Jaboticabal, utilizando-se cinco bovinos mestiços distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5 x 5. As dietas foram formuladas com a inclusão de 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 g kg-1 de glicerina na MS. Para determinação do consumo e digestibilidade foram realizadas colheitas de alimentos, sobras e fezes. Para determinação do pH e amônia ruminal foram colhidas amostras de líquido ruminal nos tempos –1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 e 8 horas após a alimentação. As colheitas de sangue foram realizadas 4h após a alimentação matutina via veia coccígea. A substituição do milho pela glicerina resultou em menores concentrações de extrato etéreo e carboidratos não fibrosos nas dietas, o que levou a redução linear no consumo desses nutrientes (P0,05). As concentrações séricas de ureia, triglicerídeos e colesterol ficaram dentro dos níveis considerados normais pela literatura assim como as concentrações plasmáticas de glicose. A inclusão de glicerina na dieta de bovinos alterou a fermentação ruminal, reduzindo a concentração de N-NH3, a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro e dos carboidratos não fibrosos. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of glycerin supplements in the diet of beef cattle by assessing intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal pH, ruminal ammonia concentrations, and blood parameters. The study was conducted at the São Paulo State University (UNESP, Jaboticabal campus) using five crossbred cattle in an experiment employing a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Cattle diet treatments included zero, 50, 100, 150, and 200 g kg-1 dry matter of glycerin. Feed, leftover feed, and faeces were collected to determine intake and digestibility. Samples of ruminal liquid were collected at –1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h after feeding to determine pH and ruminal ammonia. Blood was collected four hours after the morning feeding from the coccygeal vein. Replacing maize with glycerin resulted in lower concentrations of ether extract and non-fibre carbohydrates in the diets, leading to a linear decrease in the intake of these nutrients (P<0.05). The digestibility of neutral detergent fibre and non-fibre carbohydrates also decreased linearly with increasing dietary glycerin concentrations (P<0.05). The results for ruminal fermentation parameters showed a linear decrease (P<0.05) in the ruminal concentration of N-NH3 with increasing dietary levels of glycerin; however, ruminal pH was not affected (P<0.05). Serum concentrations of urea, triglycerides, cholesterol, and plasma glucose concentrations were within normal ranges based on the literature. The inclusion of glycerin in the cattle diet altered rumen fermentation, reducing the concentration of N-NH 3, the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and non-fiber carbohydrates