604 research outputs found

    Selective leaching of precious metals from electrical and electronic equipment through hydrometallurgical methods

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    The rapid human evolution has improved the quality of our lives through the use of technology. This not only resulted in increased raw materials extraction but also in the production of a worrying amount of electronic wastes. Indeed, in 2019 worldwide production of Electronic and Electric Equipment Waste (WEEE) was worth 50 million tons, causing several disadvantages such as the reduced space in landfills and massive shipping to countries with less restrictive regulations. On the other side, the billionaire electrical devices market is causing a significant increase in Precious Metals (PM) demand. Nowadays, the economic importance of PMs is as high as their supply risk. The answer to this problem consists of finding selective methods to extract and raffinate precious metals from disposed WEEE. On average, WEEEs contain around 30 % of plastics, 30 % ceramics, and 40 % metals; among these only around 0.1 % is characterized by PMs, such as gold, silver, rhodium, platinum, and palladium. The separation of PMs from other non-precious components is generally obtained using pyrometallurgy, which consists of fusing the wastes at temperatures up to 1500 ÷ 1700 °C. However, this method produces toxic gaseous byproducts and implies high energy costs. A possible alternative is given by hydrometallurgical processes, consisting of leaching the WEEE with solutions containing acids and oxidants at temperatures lower than 100°C. One of the main issues of the hydrometallurgical process is to leach copper and other non-precious base-metals selectively while keeping PMs in the solid-state. In this work, we report preliminary results of equilibrium and kinetic leaching tests in a well-stirred batch reactor, aimed at the optimization of the main operating parameters of a hydrometallurgical process for selective leaching of copper and other base-metals from Wasted Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs). In particular, experiments have been carried out at different HCl and NaCl concentrations of the leaching solutions, exploring also the effect of temperature variation (20, 50, and 70 °C)

    L-DOPA preloading increases the uptake of borophenylalanine in C6 glioma rat model: a new strategy to improve BNCT efficacy.

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    Purpose: Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a radiotherapeutic modality based on 10B(n,a)7Li reaction, for the treatment of malignant gliomas. One of the main limitations for BNCT effectiveness is the insufficient intake of 10B nuclei in the tumor cells. This work was aimed at investigating the use of L-DOPA as a putative enhancer for 10B-drug 4-dihydroxy-borylphenylalanine (BPA) uptake in the C6-glioma model. The investigation was first per- formed in vitro and then extended to the animal model. Methods and Materials: BPA accumulation in C6-glioma cells was assessed using radiowave dielectric spectros- copy, with and without L-DOPA preloading. Two L-DOPA incubation times (2 and 4 hours) were investigated, and the corresponding effects on BPA accumulation were quantified. C6-glioma cells were also implanted in the brain of 32 rats, and tumor growth was monitored by magnetic resonance imaging. Rats were assigned to two experimental branches: (1) BPA administration; (2) BPA administration after pretreatment with L-DOPA. All an- imals were sacrificed, and assessments of BPA concentrations in tumor tissue, normal brain, and blood samples were performed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: L-DOPA preloading induced a massive increase of BPA concentration in C6-glioma cells only after a 4-hour incubation. In the animal model, L-DOPA pretreatment produced a significantly higher accumulation of BPA in tumor tissue but not in normal brain and blood samples. Conclusions: This study suggests the potential use of L-DOPA as enhancer for BPA accumulation in malig- nant gliomas eligible for BNCT. L-DOPA preloading effect is discussed in terms of membrane transport mechanisms

    From canopy to consumer: what makes and modifes terrestrial DOM in a temperate forest

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    To investigate how source and processing control the composition of “terrestrial” dissolved organic matter (DOM), we combine soil and tree leachates, tree DOM, laboratory bioincubations, and ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in three common landscape types (upland forest, forested wetland, and poor fen) of Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest. Tree (Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis) needles and bark and soil layers from each site were leached, and tree stemflow and throughfall collected to examine DOM sources. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were as high as 167 mg CL−1 for tree DOM, suggesting tree DOM fluxes may be substantial given the hypermaritime climate of the region. Condensed aromatics contributed as much as 38% relative abundance of spruce and hemlock bark leachates suggesting coniferous trees are potential sources of condensed aromatics to surface waters. Soil leachates showed soil wetness dictates DOM composition and processing, with wetland soils producing more aromatic formulae and allowing the preservation of traditionally biolabile, aliphatic formulae. Biodegradation impacted soil and tree DOM differently, and though the majority of source-specific marker formulae were consumed for all sources, some marker formulae persisted. Tree DOM was highly biolabile (> 50%) and showed compositional convergence where processing homogenized DOM from different tree sources. In contrast, wetland and upland soil leachate DOM composition diverged and processing diversified DOM from different soil sources during bioincubations. Increasing precipitation intensity predicted with climate change in Southeast Alaska will increase tree leaching and soil DOM flushing, tightening linkages between terrestrial sources and DOM export to the coastal ocean.The authors thank Emily Whitney for her invaluable feld, laboratory, and logistical assistance and Molly Tankersley for creating Fig. 1. They are also grateful to all the helpful researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory who enabled data acquisition and processing. This work took place on the lands of the Aak’w Kwáan Tlingit. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to MIB. A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory ICR User Facility, which is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry and Division of Materials Research through DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida. Conficts of interest/ Competing interests: The authors have no conficts of interests to declare.Ye

    From canopy to consumer: what makes and modifies terrestrial DOM in a temperate forest

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    To investigate how source and processing control the composition of “terrestrial” dissolved organic matter (DOM), we combine soil and tree leachates, tree DOM, laboratory bioincubations, and ultrahigh resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry in three common landscape types (upland forest, forested wetland, and poor fen) of Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest. Tree (Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis) needles and bark and soil layers from each site were leached, and tree stemflow and throughfall collected to examine DOM sources. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were as high as 167 mg CL−1 for tree DOM, suggesting tree DOM fluxes may be substantial given the hypermaritime climate of the region. Condensed aromatics contributed as much as 38% relative abundance of spruce and hemlock bark leachates suggesting coniferous trees are potential sources of condensed aromatics to surface waters. Soil leachates showed soil wetness dictates DOM composition and processing, with wetland soils producing more aromatic formulae and allowing the preservation of traditionally biolabile, aliphatic formulae. Biodegradation impacted soil and tree DOM differently, and though the majority of source-specific marker formulae were consumed for all sources, some marker formulae persisted. Tree DOM was highly biolabile (> 50%) and showed compositional convergence where processing homogenized DOM from different tree sources. In contrast, wetland and upland soil leachate DOM composition diverged and processing diversified DOM from different soil sources during bioincubations. Increasing precipitation intensity predicted with climate change in Southeast Alaska will increase tree leaching and soil DOM flushing, tightening linkages between terrestrial sources and DOM export to the coastal ocean.The authors thank Emily Whitney for her invaluable feld, laboratory, and logistical assistance and Molly Tankersley for creating Fig. 1. They are also grateful to all the helpful researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory who enabled data acquisition and processing. This work took place on the lands of the Aak’w Kwáan Tlingit. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to MIB. A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory ICR User Facility, which is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry and Division of Materials Research through DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida. Conficts of interest/ Competing interests: The authors have no conficts of interests to declare.Ye

    Demonstration of vasoproliferative activity from mammalian retina.

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    Identification of a Novel p53 Modulator Endowed with Antitumoural and Antibacterial Activity through a Scaffold Repurposing Approach

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    Intracellular pathogens, such as Chlamydia trachomatis, have been recently shown to induce degradation of p53 during infection, thus impairing the protective response of the host cells. Therefore, p53 reactivation by disruption of the p53-MDM2 complex could reduce infection and restore pro-apoptotic effect of p53. Here, we report the identification of a novel MDM2 inhibitor with potential antitumoural and antibacterial activity able to reactivate p53. A virtual screening was performed on an in-house chemical library, previously synthesised for other targets, and led to the identification of a hit compound with a benzo[a]dihydrocarbazole structure, RM37. This compound induced p53 up-regulation in U343MG glioblastoma cells by blocking MDM2-p53 interaction and reduced tumour cell growth. NMR studies confirmed its ability to dissociate the MDM2-p53 complex. Notably, RM37 reduced Chlamydia infection in HeLa cells in a concentration-dependent manner and ameliorated the inflammatory status associated with infection