25 research outputs found

    The critical parameters in in-situ MgB2 wires and tapes with ex-situ MgB2 barrier after hot isostatic pressure, cold drawing, cold rolling and doping

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    MgB precursor wires were prepared using powder in tube technique by Institute of High Pressure PAS in Warsaw. All samples were annealed under isostatic pressure generated by liquid Argon in the range from 0.3 GPa to 1 GPa. In this paper, we show the effects of different processing routes, namely, cold drawing (CD), cold rolling (CR), hot isostatic pressure (HIP) and doping on critical current density (J), pinning force (F), irreversible magnetic-field (B), critical temperature (T), n value, and dominant pinning mechanism in MgB/Fe wires with ex situ MgB barrier. The results show that medium pressures (∼0.35 GPa) lead to high J in low and medium magnetic fields (0 T - 9 T). On the other hand, higher pressures (∼1 GPa) lead to enhanced J in high magnetic fields (above 9 T). Transport measurements show that CD, CR, and HIP have small effects on B and T, but CD, CR, HIP, and doping enhance J and F in in situ MgB wires with ex situ MgB barrier. Transport measurements on in situ undoped MgB wire with ex situ MgB barrier yield a J of about 100 A/mm at 4.2 K in 6 T, at 10 K in 4 T and at 20 K in 2 T. The results also show that cold drawing causes increase of n value

    The effects of microstructural modification by mechanical milling on hydrogen desorption from magnesium hydride

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    Nanostructured hydrides fabricated by mechanical (ball) milling offer a promising alternative to hydrogen storage in compressed or liquid form. However, ball milling brings about both beneficial and detrimental effects to their hydrogen desorption characteristics. These effects have been studied in the ball milled magnesium hydride, MgH2. A beneficial effect is that the refinement of the hydride powder particle size and the gamma-MgH2 phase residing within the powder particles, acting additively, are responsible for a substantial reduction of hydrogen desorption temperature of MgH2 hydride. A detrimental effect is a reduction of the hydrogen storage capacity after nanostructuring of MgH2 by ball milling. Both effects are presented and discussed. In particular DSC hydrogen desorption curves at the heating rate of 4°C/min of the ABCR powder as received, milled in hydrogen for (a) 0.25 to 5h and (b) 10 and 20h and finally cycled, XRD patterns of MgH2 (Tego Magnan registered trademark) powders milled continuously for 100h, desorption curves under 0.1 MPa H2 at various temperatures of commercial MgH2 powder Tego Magnan registered trademark milled continuously for 20h are presented in the paper

    Evaluation of the Possibility of Applying Spatial 3D Imaging Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Multiphase Materials / Rentgenowska Analiza Ilościowa Materiałów Wielofazowych Z Wykorzystaniem Przestrzennego Obrazowania (3D) Przy Użyciu Metod Rekonstrukcji Tomografii Komputerowej

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    In this paper the possibility of using X-ray computed tomography (CT) in quantitative metallographic studies of homogeneous and composite materials is presented. Samples of spheroidal cast iron, Fe-Ti powder mixture compact and epoxy composite reinforced with glass fibers, were subjected to comparative structural tests. Volume fractions of each of the phase structure components were determined by conventional methods with the use of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) quantitative analysis methods. These results were compared with those obtained by the method of spatial analysis of the reconstructed CT image. Based on the comparative analysis, taking into account the selectivity of data verification methods and the accuracy of the obtained results, the authors conclude that the method of computed tomography is suitable for quantitative analysis of several types of structural materials

    Rentgenowska analiza ilościowa materiałów wielofazowych z wykorzystaniem przestrzennego obrazowania (3D) przy użyciu metod rekonstrukcji tomografii komputerowej

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    In this paper the possibility of using X-ray computed tomography (CT) in quantitative metallographic studies of homogeneous and composite materials is presented. Samples of spheroidal cast iron, Fe-Ti powder mixture compact and epoxy composite reinforced with glass fibers, were subjected to comparative structural tests. Volume fractions of each of the phase structure components were determined by conventional methods with the use of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) quantitative analysis methods. These results were compared with those obtained by the method of spatial analysis of the reconstructed CT image. Based on the comparative analysis, taking into account the selectivity of data verification methods and the accuracy of the obtained results, the authors conclude that the method of computed tomography is suitable for quantitative analysis of several types of structural materials.W pracy przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania rentgenowskiej tomografii komputerowej (CT) w ilościowych badaniach metalograficznych materiałów jednorodnych oraz kompozytowych. Badaniom porównawczym poddano wypraskę mieszaniny proszkowej Fe – Ti, żeliwo sferoidalne, a także kompozyt epoksydowy zbrojony włóknami szklanymi. Udział objętościowy poszczególnych składników strukturalnych określano za pomocą klasycznych metod stereologicznych z wykorzystaniem skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM) oraz metodami rentgenowskiej analizy ilościowej (XRD). Uzyskane typowymi metodykami wyniki porównano z rezultatami otrzymanymi za pomocą metody przestrzennej analizy obrazu tomografii komputerowej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz, biorąc pod uwagę selektywny sposób weryfikacji danych oraz dokładność uzyskiwanych wyników, można stwierdzić przydatność wykorzystania metody tomografii komputerowej, w obszarze ilościowej analizy strukturalnej szerokiego spektrum materiałów konstrukcyjnych

    Fabrication and geometric characterization of highly-ordered hexagonally arranged arrays of nanoporous anodic alumina

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    Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) has been fabricated in the 0.3 M oxalic acid at voltage range 20-60 V and temperature range of 35-50oC. The resulting nanoporous alumina surfaces were characterized by high resolution scanning electron microscopy, and the images were quantitatively analysed by means of an innovative approach based on fast Fourier transform. The influence of operating anodization voltage and electrolyte temperature on nanopores geometry (pore diameter, interpore distance, porosity, pores density) and arrangement has been studied in details and compared to literature data and theoretical calculations. It was found that independently from the temperature, the best arrangement of the nanopores is for anodic aluminum oxide formed at voltages ranging from 40 to 50 V. Moreover, it was found that pore diameter and interpore distance increase linearly with voltage, what is in line with the literature data

    Fabrication and geometric characterization of highly-ordered hexagonally arranged arrays of nanoporous anodic alumina

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    Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) has been fabricated in the 0.3 M oxalic acid at voltage range 20-60 V and temperature range of 35-50oC. The resulting nanoporous alumina surfaces were characterized by high resolution scanning electron microscopy, and the images were quantitatively analysed by means of an innovative approach based on fast Fourier transform. The influence of operating anodization voltage and electrolyte temperature on nanopores geometry (pore diameter, interpore distance, porosity, pores density) and arrangement has been studied in details and compared to literature data and theoretical calculations. It was found that independently from the temperature, the best arrangement of the nanopores is for anodic aluminum oxide formed at voltages ranging from 40 to 50 V. Moreover, it was found that pore diameter and interpore distance increase linearly with voltage, what is in line with the literature data