27 research outputs found

    Dietary Flavonoids Sensitize HeLa Cells to Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)

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    TRAIL is a promising candidate for cancer therapeutics that preferentially induces apoptosis in cancer cells. The combined treatment flavonoids with TRAIL might be promising as a chemoprevention and/or new therapy against malignant tumors. We examined the cytotoxic effect of dietary flavonoids in combination with TRAIL on HeLa cells. It was found that treatment with noncytotoxic concentration of some flavonoids significantly sensititizes to TRAIL induced death in HeLa cells. Our study demonstrated that flavone, apigenin and genistein markedly augmented TRAIL mediated cytotoxicity against HeLa, whereas kaempferol and quercetin produced no effect

    DSC serum profiles of sportsmen

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    The blood serum of young athletes has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. The component peaks of complex endothermic transition corresponding to serum denaturation may be correlated with the main protein fractions of serum: albumin, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta- and gamma-globulins. The averaged shape of thermal transition observed for serum of sportsmen participating in our pilot study differs from that reported previously for healthy subjects. One of the reason for the difference may be the lower than normal value of albumins to globulins ratio found for individuals in our group of athletes. Modifications of serum DSC transition due to the exercise test and 1 and 2 h rest have been observed. Statistically based conclusions are not currently possible because of the low number of participants in the study. The averaged responses to the effort and to the rest have been shown clearly different for athletes classified as the best and typical. The first moment of the transition with respect to the temperature axis has been found significantly lower for the group of athletes considered as the best

    Enrichment of maternal diet with conjugated linoleic acids influences desaturases activity and fatty acids profile in livers and hepatic microsomes of the offspring with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a] antracene- induces mammary tumors

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    The aim of this study was to assess the influence of diet supplementation of pregnant and breastfeeding female Sprague-Dawley rats with conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) on the Δ6- and Δ5-desaturase activity in hepatic microsomes as well as on fatty acids profile and lipids peroxidation in liver and hepatic microsomes of the progeny with chemically induced mammary tumors. Rats were divided into two groups with different diet supplementation (vegetable oil (which did not contain CLA) or CLA). Their female offspring was divided within these groups into two subgroups: (1) ñ fed the same diet as mothers (K1 ñ oil, O1 ñ CLA), and (2) ñ fed the standard fodder (K2, O2). At 50th day of life, the progeny obtained carcinogenic agent (7,12- dimethylbenz[a]anthracene). Higher supply of CLA in diet of mothers resulted in lower susceptibility to chemically induced mammary tumors in their offspring (p = 0.0322). It also influenced the fatty acids profile in livers and in hepatic microsomes, especially polyunsaturated n3 and n6 fatty acids. CLA inhibited the activity of the desaturases, which confirmed that CLA can reduce the level of arachidonic acid directly, reducing linoleic acid content in membranes, or indirectly, through the regulation of its metabolism. We were unable to confirm or deny the antioxidative properties of CLA. Our results indicate that the higher supply of CLA in mothersí diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding causes their incorporation into tissues of children, changes the efficiency of fatty acids metabolism and exerts health-promoting effect in their adult life reducing the breast cancer risk

    Coexistence of posterior cerebral circulation anatomical variations andbasilar artery aneurysms : case-control study

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    Background: The anatomy of arteries supplying blood to the brain often varies among the population. It applies particularly to posterior cerebral circulation. The impact of its anatomy variabilities on the formation of intracranial aneurysms has not been determined yet. The aim was to find out if posterior cerebral circulation anatomy variations coexist with basilar artery aneurysms (BAAs). We retrospectively analyzed 27 patients with BAA and a group of 30 patients matched by gender and age but without BAA. In both groups together most (66.67%) of patients were female and the average age was 59.75 ± 10.91. All of the patients had Computed Tomography performed. We assessed the occurrence of BAA, basilar artery (BA) diameter, vertebral artery (VA) diameter, posterior cerebral artery (PCA) diameter, and if patients had hypoplastic VA or PCA. Results: The presence of right VA hypoplasia significantly increased the risk of BAA occurrence (48.15% vs. 16.67%; p = 0.011). The occurrence of hypoplastic VA on either side was significantly associated with the risk of BAA formation (59.26% vs. 26.67%; p = 0.013). Patients with BAA had slightly larger left PCA diameter 1cm after division (1.96 ± 0.51 vs. 1.64 ± 0.42; p = 0.014) in comparison to those without BAA. Additionally, hypoplastic right PCA occurred more often in patients with BAA (22.22% vs. 0%; p = 0.022). Conclusions: We can conclude that the anatomy of PCA and VA affects the occurrence of BAA. Hypoplastic VA, the presence of wider left PCA and hypoplastic right PCA may be factors that coexist with BAA occurrence

    Behavioral and emotional disorders in children and psychological and pedagogical assistance

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    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zaburzeń zachowania i emocji u dzieci i młodzieży oraz pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej udzielanej w szkole w świetle aktualnych przepisów prawa. Zaburzenia zachowania i emocji mogą prowadzić do niedostosowania społecznego, dlatego tak ważne jest rozpoznawanie trudności i deficytów u dzieci i młodzieży, a potem adekwatne działania nauczycieli oraz specjalistów poprzez zastosowanie odpowiednich form pomocy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej.The article concerns the issues of behavioral and emotional disorders in children and adolescents as well as psychological and pedagogical assistance provided at school in the light of current legal regulations. Behavioral and emotional disorders can lead to social maladjustment, which is why it is so important to recognize difficulties and deficits in children and adolescents, and then adequate actions of teachers and specialists through the use of appropriate forms of psychological and pedagogical assistance

    Language in use: An analysis of the discourse of purchasers and vendors in a Polish bazaar

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    The main aim of this paper is to discuss the notion of language viewed as a tool of communication of purchasers and vendors in a Polish bazaar. On the basis of scholarly literature and the material gathered in the conducted study the authors of this article emphasize an important role which language plays in the discourse of these two groups of people and identify a set of functions which language performs in exchanging information between them. It demonstrates how socio-economic reality is related to and reflected by means of language and how language as a tool helps members of the bazaar community (both sellers and buyers) to communicate messages and build relationships with each other. In order to exemplify how language is used in this particular social context, they provide evidence in the form of citations and eventually draw conclusions with regard to the subject in question

    Psychosocial strategies supporting the student’s abilities in contemporary education

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    Każdy jest inny, inaczej się zachowuje, ma inne preferencje i charakter, może posiadać także odmienne zdolności. Czym one są? Czym się charakteryzują osoby uzdolnione? Jak wcześnie lub kiedy najpóźniej mogą się ujawnić zdolności człowieka? Czy zdolności związane są bardziej z czynnikami wrodzonymi, czy może zależą od środowiska i kształcenia? Czy w każdym wieku można rozwijać swoje zdolności? Czy może tylko wczesne wykrycie i kształcenie pozwala na rozwinięcie talentu? Współcześnie uważa się, że tyle jest rodzajów zdolności, ile jest różnych aktywności człowieka. Oczywiście, wraz z powstającymi i wcześniej nieznanymi dziedzinami aktywności mogą się pojawiać nowe uzdolnienia i ich struktury. Jednocześnie część zdolności ulega zanikowi z powodu braku zapotrzebowania społecznego na konkretne usługi w specyficznych polach aktywności. Wiele rzadkich uzdolnień trudno jest zidentyfikować. Wskaźniki określane jako zachowania znamionujące zdolności mogą być niekiedy nieprawidłowo interpretowane przez osoby i nauczycieli, którzy nie posiadają odpowiedniej wiedzy i doświadczenia w zakresie zdolności. Dlatego ważne jest odpowiednie kształcenie nauczycieli, którzy potrafiliby rozpoznać i identyfikować zdolności uczniów oraz zaproponować programy wychowawcze i edukacyjne pozwalające na ich rozwój. Zarówno upowszechnianie wiedzy teoretycznej, jak również wymiana informacji i doświadczeń w zakresie dobrych praktyk aktualnie realizowanych, a także zweryfikowanych historycznie są nieodzowne dla twórczego poszukiwania najlepszych rozwiązań dla uczniów o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych. W artykule znajdują się informacje związane z najnowszymi badaniami i koncepcjami zdolności i twórczości, jak również przykłady dobrych praktyk w kształceniu uczniów zdolnych.Everyone is different, behaves differently, has different preferences and character, he may also have different abilities. What are they What characterizes gifted people? How early or when can human abilities become apparent at the latest? Are abilities related more to innate factors or do they depend on the environment and education? Can you develop your skills at any age? Or is it only early detection and training that allows you to develop talent? It is now believed that there are as many types of abilities as there are various human activities. Of course, along with emerging and previously unknown fields of activity, new talents and their structures may appear. At the same time, part of the capacity is disappearing due to the lack of public demand for specific services in specific fields of activity. Many rare talents are difficult to identify. Indicators referred to as abilities that characterize abilities may sometimes be misinterpreted by persons and teachers who do not have adequate knowledge and experience in the field of abilities. That is why it is important to properly train teachers who can recognize them and identify students’ abilities and propose educational and educational programs allowing their development. Both the dissemination of theoretical knowledge and exchange of information and experience in the field of good practices currently implemented as well as historically verified are indispensable for the creative search for the best solutions for students with special educational needs. The article contains information related to the latest research and concepts of ability and creativity, as well as examples of good practices in the education of talented students

    Chronic Exposure to Normobaric Hypoxia Increases Testosterone Levels and Testosterone/Cortisol Ratio in Cyclists

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the “live high, train low” method (LH–TL) and intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) on testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) levels in cyclists. Thirty cyclists participated in the experiment. The LH–TL group (n = 10) was exposed to normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 = 16.3%) for 11–12 h a day and trained in normoxia for 3 weeks. In the IHT group (n = 10), participants followed the IHT routine three times a week for 3 weeks in normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 = 16.3%). The control group (N; n = 10) followed the same training protocol in normoxia. The LH–TL training was found to significantly increase (p < 0.05) T levels and the testosterone/cortisol (T/C) ratio during the experiment. The area under the curve (AUC) calculated for T levels over 4 weeks was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the LH–TL group, by 25.6%, compared to the N group. The results also indicated a significant correlation (r = 0.53; p < 0.05) between AUC for T levels over 4 weeks and ∆ values of hemoglobin (HGB) in the LH–TL group. Overall, the findings show that LH–TL training at a moderate simulated altitude contributes to an increase in T levels and T/C ratio in athletes, which is a beneficial change stimulating anabolic processes and erythropoiesis