38 research outputs found

    On the generalized spectral subradius

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    AbstractIn this note we study the concepts of generalized spectral subradius and joint spectral subradius of a family of matrices. We show that both these numbers are equal and we present two different formulas for them. We also explain the relation between them and maximal Lyapunov exponent of discrete linear time varying system. Finally we show that the spectral subradius is less than one if and only if a discrete linear inclusion is stable in a certain sense

    Spectra based on Bohl exponents and Bohl dichotomy for nonautonomous difference equations

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    For nonautonomous linear difference equations with bounded coefficients on N\mathbb{N} which have a bounded inverse, we introduce two different notions of spectra and discuss their relation to the well-known exponential dichotomy spectrum. The first new spectral notion is called Bohl spectrum and is based on an extended notion of the concept of Bohl exponents. The second new spectral notion is called Bohl dichotomy spectrum and is based on a relaxed version of exponential dichotomy called Bohl dichotomy. We prove spectral theorems and show that the Bohl dichotomy spectrum is the closure of the Bohl spectrum and also a subset of the exponential dichotomy spectrum. We discuss the spectra of upper triangular systems and how they relate to the spectra of their diagonal entries. An example illustrates the subtle differences between the different notions of spectra

    On the exponential exponents of discrete linear systems

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    AbstractIn this paper we introduce the concepts of exponential exponents of discrete linear time varying systems. It is shown that these exponents describe the possible changes in the Lyapunov exponents under perturbation decreasing at infinity at exponential rate. Finally we present formulas for the exponential exponents in terms of the transition matrix of the system

    A formula for the lower Bohl exponent of discrete time-varying systems

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    In this note, a formula for the lower Bohl exponent of a discrete system with variable coefficients and weak variation was proved. This formula expresses the Bohl exponent through the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix. Based on these formulas a necessary and sufficient condition for an uniform exponential instability of such systems is also presented

    Asymptotic properties of discrete linear fractional equations

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    In this paper we study the dynamical behavior of linear discrete-time fractional systems. The first main result is that the norm of the difference of two different solutions of a time-varying discrete-time Caputo equation tends to zero not faster than polynomially. The second main result is a complete description of the decay to zero of the trajectories of one-dimensional time-invariant stable Caputo and Riemann-Liouville equations. Moreover, we present Volterra convolution equations, that are equivalent to Caputo equations

    Variation of constant formulas for fractional difference equations

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    In this paper, we establish variation of constant formulas for both Caputo and Riemann- Liouville fractional difference equations. The main technique is the Z -transform. As an application, we prove a lower bound on the separation between two different solutions of a class of nonlinear scalar fractional difference equations

    Adaptive control of continuous time linear stochastic system with quadratic cost functional

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    Praca sk艂ada si臋 z czterech cz臋艣ci. W cz臋艣ci pierwszej sformu艂owano i podano rozwi膮zanie zagadnienia sterowania optymalnego w liniowym uk艂adzie stochastycznym z kwadratowym funkcjona艂em koszt贸w na sko艅czonym i niesko艅czonym przedziale czasowym. Twierdzenie 1, podaj膮ce posta膰 sterowania optymalnego na sko艅czonym przedziale czasowym, jest dobrze znane ([l], [5]), natomiast twierdzenie 2 jest uog贸lnieniem znanych rezultat贸w. Zwykle formu艂uje si臋 je przy za艂o偶eniach gwarantuj膮cych istnienie i jedyno艣膰 rozwi膮zania algebraicznego r贸wnania Riccatiego ([5], [4]). W tym sformu艂owaniu w jakim znajduje si臋 w pracy mo偶na je znale藕膰 w [16] ale dla uk艂adu deterministycznego. W cz臋艣ci drugiej zbadano w艂asno艣ci algebraicznego r贸wnania Riccatiego. Algebraiczne r贸wnanie Riccatiego odgrywa pierwszoplanow膮 rol臋 w konstrukcji sterowania optymalnego i po艣wi臋cono mu wiele uwagi w pracach [2], [4], [13], [15], Twierdzenie 5 pokazuje na jakie trudno艣ci mo偶emy natrafi膰 w procedurze adaptacyjnego sterowania, gdy nieznane wsp贸艂czynniki r贸wnania Riccatiego b臋dziemy zast臋powa膰 ich ocenami. Problem ten obszerniej om贸wiono w [4] i [8]. G艂贸wnym wynikiem tej cz臋艣ci pracy jest twierdzenie 6, kt贸re odgrywa zasadnicz膮 rol臋 w konstrukcji i dowodzie optymalno艣ci sterowania adaptacyjnego. W cz臋艣ci trzeciej skonstruowano ocen臋 najwi臋kszego prawdopodobie艅stwa dla macierzy liniowej transformacji stanu. Estymator ten pojawi艂 si臋 po raz pierwszy w zagadnieniu sterowania optymalnego w pracy [12]. Wreszcie w czwartej, g艂贸wnej cz臋艣ci pracy podano algorytm sterowania adaptacyjnego oraz dow贸d jego optymalno艣ci (twierdzenie 10). Podany algorytm i dow贸d jego optymalno艣ci s膮 modyfikacj膮 wynik贸w podanych w [6] i [7], Obejmuj膮 one og贸lniejsze przypadki ni偶 w tych pracach, gdzie zak艂ada si臋 znajomo艣膰 domkni臋tego, sp贸jnego i ograniczonego zbioru, do kt贸rego nale偶y oceniany parametr, niemniej uzyskane rezultaty s膮 jeszcze dalekie od analogicznych wynik贸w uzyskanych w pracy [3] dla czasu dyskretnego.An adaptive control problem for linear, continuous time stochastic system is described and solved in this paper. The unknown parameters in the model appear affinely in the drift term of the stochastic differential equation. The parameter estimates given by the maximum likelihood method are used to define the feedback gain. It is proved that the parameter estimates are strongly consistent and the cost functional reaches its minimum, i.e. the adaptive control is optimal. In this paper the continuity of the solution of the algebraic Riccati equation as a function of coefficient is also verified. The continuity is important for applications to problems in adaptive control

    Adaptive Control of Discrete Time-Varying LQGko

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    .The adaptive version of the discrete time-varying linear quadratic control is considered under the assumption that the coefficients have limits as time tends to infinity sufficiently fast in certain sense and the limiting system is observable and stabilizable. It is proved that time invariant LS estimator can be used to estimate the limits of the coefficients and that it is strongly consistent under some conditions well known from the time invariant case. The estimator of the parameters is used to define an adaptive control law and it is shown that the control law is optimal