273 research outputs found

    Schulsystem, Selektion und Schulzufriedenheit in Frankreich

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    #deutsch#Forschungsmethode: beschreibend, empirisch, Befragung. "Im Zuge einer Vereinheitlichung europaeischer Bildungssysteme erhebt sich die Frage, an welchen Leitlinien, Kriterien oder Ideen sich die Weiterentwicklung der Ausbildungssysteme und Schulformen in Europa orientieren soll. Bei der Analyse des franzoesischen Schulsystems ergibt sich ein Grundproblem: Wie lassen sich ein hoher Leistungsanspruch und eine moeglichst optimale Foerderung aller Schueler verbinden? Diese, in unserer juengeren Denktradition zum Dilemma werdende Frage, wird aber offensichtlich von franzoesischen Schuelern - wie empirische Ergebnisse zeigen, als viel weniger belastend empfunden als das aus unserer Sicht zu erwarten waere. Diese ueberraschenden Ergebnisse werden mit einer Wirkungsanalyse des Schulsystems und einer Rezeptionsanalyse bei Schuelerurteilen zu beantworten versucht. Als Fazit wird festgestellt, dass eine schnelle Veraenderung von Schulsystemen wie Bildungsideen wegen ihrer Kontextgebundenheit nicht erwartet werden kann, dass aber wechselseitige Lernprozesse moeglich und sinnvoll erscheinen." (Autorenreferat)

    Short study-program for graduates in natural sciences. Data from a masters program at the University of LĂĽneburg

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    In vielen Schulen gibt es einen akuten Mangel an Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, vor allem in den Naturwissenschaften an Haupt- und Realschulen. Die Universität Lüneburg hat für Frauen und Männer mit einem abgeschlossenen Studium in Naturwissenschaften einen Kurzstudiengang von zwei Semestern zur Vorbereitung auf das Referendariat angeboten. Nach einem Semester wird eine erste Bilanz gezogen. (DIPF/Orig.)In many schools, primarily on the secondary level, there is a noticeable shortage of teachers, particularly in the natural sciences. The University of Lüneburg offers a two semester course of studies for graduates in the natural sciences which prepares them for the second phase in teacher training. The course will be evaluated after the first semester. (DIPF/Orig.

    Vorurteile und Sexismus im Hiphop

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    Diplomarbeit über Vorurteile, Sexismus und Hiphop. Auseinandersetzung mit der Herkunft von Hiphop, und einigen der Eigenschaften, die ihm im gesellschaftlichen und medialen Diskurs oft vorgeworfen werden, wie z.B. der Verwendung von "gewalttätiger Sprache" und die einseitige Darstellung und Diskriminierung der Frau. Empirische Untersuchung mit zwei Videoclips zum Thema "Wahrnehmung der Darstellung der Frau"

    Proteomic analysis of nipple aspirate fluid to detect biologic markers of breast cancer.

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    The early detection of breast cancer is the best means to minimise disease-related mortality. Current screening techniques have limited sensitivity and specificity. Breast nipple aspirate fluid can be obtained noninvasively and contains proteins secreted from ductal and lobular epithelia. Nipple aspirate fluid proteins are breast specific and generally more concentrated than corresponding blood levels. Proteomic analysis of 1 microl of diluted nipple aspirate fluid over a 5-40 kDa range from 20 subjects with breast cancer and 13 with nondiseased breasts identified five differentially expressed proteins. The most sensitive and specific proteins were 6500 and 15 940 Da, found in 75-84% of samples from women with cancer but in only 0-9% of samples from normal women. These findings suggest that (1) differential expression of nipple aspirate fluid proteins exists between women with normal and diseased breasts, and (2) analysis of these proteins may predict the presence of breast cancer

    Touchdown General Primer (GP5+/GP6+) PCR and optimized sample DNA concentration support the sensitive detection of human papillomavirus

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    BACKGROUND: The GP5+/GP6+ PCR assay is a well-established HPV detection technique. This study has examined the effects of incorporating 'hot start' and 'touchdown' steps into the protocol. In addition, dTTP was substituted with dUTP to permit contamination control measures against carry-over PCR product. METHODS: Firstly, HPV-16 was amplified from SiHa cell DNA (0.1 ng–100 ng) diluted in a background of C-33A DNA (100 ng-2 μg). Secondly, the detection of small quantities (15ag-1.5pg) of HPV recombinant plasmids (types 16, 31, 33, 45, 51, 52, and 56) diluted in C-33A DNA was investigated. Thirdly, clinical sample DNA extracts (cervical smears, formalin-fixed vaginal lesions and breast tumors) were tested for HPV. Six different PCR protocols were assessed. HPV was detected by gel electrophoresis, and by Southern and dot blot hybridization. RESULTS: HPV detection sensitivity was dependent on the total amount of DNA in a PCR. Touchdown protocols supported HPV-16 detection from 1 ng or 0.5 ng SiHa cell DNA in a background of 2 μg or 1 μg C-33A DNA respectively, and from 0.1 ng of SiHa cell DNA (~28 copies HPV-16) in 500 ng or 100 ng background DNA. Under standard GP5+/GP6+ annealing conditions, HPV-16 went undetected when the DNA content of a PCR was 2 μg or 1 μg, and with 500 ng C-33A DNA the sensitivity limit was 1 ng SiHa cell DNA. HPV recombinant plasmids were each detected with high (albeit varying) sensitivity by a touchdown protocol. HPV-31 was better amplified under standard annealing conditions (1.5fg in 100 ng background DNA) than by a touchdown approach (15fg detection limit). HPV-52 was not amplified by the standard protocol at the dilutions tested. Seventeen different HPV types were demonstrated in 47/65 (72%) abnormal cytology samples recorded as HPV negative by standard GP5+/GP6+ conditions. Twenty-one different HPV types were recorded in 111/114 (97%) vaginal lesions. Multiple infections were also detectable using a touchdown approach. Of 26 breast tumors, 5 (19%) tested HPV positive by the standard assay and 15/26 (58%) using a touchdown protocol. CONCLUSION: Touchdown modification of the GP5+/GP6+ PCR assay enables the detection of HPV undetected under regular assay conditions. The use of standardized DNA quantities in a PCR rather than standard sample volumes containing arbitrary amounts of DNA is supported. A touchdown approach may be beneficial as an analytical test for the re-evaluation of (apparently) HPV negative abnormal cervical cytological or histological samples, and for investigating the association of HPV with disease conditions at diverse organ sites. The clinical utility of a touchdown approach for HPV detection requires further investigation as increased assay analytical sensitivity may not necessarily equate with improved clinical sensitivity or specificity

    The use of tumour necrosis factor alpha-blockers in daily routine. An Austrian consensus project

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    To define relevant disease parameters and their respective limits indicating the initiation of TNF-α-blockers in individual patients. Subsequently, to analyze retrospectively patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS), who started TNF-α inhibition in 2006. Points to consider, regarded relevant for individual treatment decisions as well as their assessment methods, were ascertained by experts’ consensus applying the Delphi technique. Subsequently, these parameters’ thresholds with respect to the initiation of a TNF-α-blocker were identified. Thereafter, the rheumatologists representing 12 centres all over Austria agreed to retrospectively analyze their patients started on a TNF-α-blocker in 2006. Experts’ opinion regarding disease parameters relevant to initiate TNF-α-blockers in RA patients only slightly differed from those applied in clinical trials, but the parameters’ threshold values were considerably lower. For PsA patients, some differences and for AS patients, considerable differences between experts’ opinion and clinical studies appeared, which held also true for decisive parameters’ means and thresholds. Six hundred and fifty patients, started on TNF-blockers in 2006, could be analyzed retrospectively, 408 RA patients (53.3 years mean, 340 females), 93 PsA patients (48.9 years mean, 59 males) and 149 AS patients AS (42.2 years mean, 108 males), representing approximately 25% of all Austrian patients initiated on a TNF-blocker in this respective year. Far more individualized, patient-oriented treatment approaches, at least in part, are applied in daily routine compared with those derived from clinical trials or recommendations from investigative rheumatologists

    Presence of papillomavirus sequences in condylomatous lesions of the mamillae and in invasive carcinoma of the breast

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    BACKGROUND: Viruses including Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), a human equivalent of murine mammary tumour virus (MMTV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) have been implicated in the aetiology of human breast cancer. We report the presence of HPV DNA sequences in areolar tissue and tumour tissue samples from female patients with breast carcinoma. The presence of virus in the areolar–nipple complex suggests to us a potential pathogenic mechanism. METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was undertaken to amplify HPV types in areolar and tumour tissue from breast cancer cases. In situ hybridisation supported the PCR findings and localised the virus in nipple, areolar and tumour tissue. RESULTS: Papillomavirus DNA was present in 25 of 29 samples of breast carcinoma and in 20 of 29 samples from the corresponding mamilla. The most prevalent type in both carcinomas and nipples was HPV 11, followed by HPV 6. Other types detected were HPV 16, 23, 27 and 57 (nipples and carcinomas), HPV 20, 21, 32, 37, 38, 66 and GA3-1 (nipples only) and HPV 3, 15, 24, 87 and DL473 (carcinomas only). Multiple types were demonstrated in seven carcinomas and ten nipple samples. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrate the occurrence of HPV in nipple and areolar tissues in patients with breast carcinoma. The authors postulate a retrograde ductular pattern of viral spread that may have pathogenic significance
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