6 research outputs found

    Suture-mediated closure devices for percutaneous endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair

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    Purpose: Endovascular procedures such as endovascular aneurysm repair or transcatheter aortic valve implantation have become very common because of reduced patient traumatisation and the ability to use shorter or local anaesthesia. In these procedures large-bore sheath devices are used. Access with percutaneous closure is an alternative method to surgical cutdown in groins. The aim of the study was to assess the correlation between sheath size and unsuccessful haemostasis. In addition, the effectiveness of haemostasis after a percutaneous procedure and the number and type of complications were evaluated. Material and methods: There were 202 patients included in the study. Patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm were qualified to percutaneous aortic stentgraft implantation with Perclose Proglide preclosure technique. Results: There were 384 access sites performed with 12F to 22F sheaths during aortic stentgraft implantation with Perclose Proglide (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA) preclosure technique. High effectiveness of haemostasis (98%), low percentage of short- and mid-term complications (2.6%), and infinitesimal number of surgical conversions (n = 5) were stated in the study. There was no correlation between diameter of used introducer sheath and lack of haemostasis observed (Fisher-Freeman-Halton test; p = 0.122). No relationship between diameter of introducer sheath and number of closure devices was observed (c2 = 2.436; df = 5; p = 0.786). Conclusions: Large-bore device percutaneous procedures with closure devices are effective and safe. High effectiveness of haemostasis (98%) was observed in the study group, with a low percentage of complications (2.6%). There was no correlation between size of the vascular access and the lack of haemostasis found in the study

    Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer in children in the multicenter analysis in Poland for PPGGL

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    Wstęp: Zróżnicowane raki tarczycy (DTC, differentiated thyroid carcinoma) występują u dzieci rzadko. Większość przypadków wykrywanych jest w wieku 11–17 lat. W odróżnieniu od dorosłych DTC u dzieci prezentują odmienne zachowanie biologiczne. Mała liczba przypadków DTC w poszczególnych ośrodkach oraz względnie łagodny ich przebieg utrudniają ocenę występowania i leczenia DTC u dzieci w Polsce, uzależniając ją od wysiłków włożonych w uzyskanie rzetelnych danych. Autorzy przedstawiają wstępne wyniki analizy wieloośrodkowej dotyczące występowania, diagnostyki i leczenia DTC u dzieci. Materiał i metody: Podjęte badania są retrospektywną analizą obejmującą lata 2000–2005, opartą na danych z historii chorób uzyskanych z ankiet rozesłanych do ośrodków dla dzieci i dorosłych podejmujących leczenie DTC. Do analizy zgłoszono 107 pacjentów z 14 ośrodków akademickich w Polsce. Analizie poddano wiek i płeć dzieci z DTC, wielkość i lokalizację zmian w tarczycy, sposoby rozpoznawania DTC, rodzaje i zakres wykonywanych zabiegów operacyjnych oraz leczenie uzupełniające izotopem J131. Wyniki: Raka brodawkowatego stwierdzono u 83 dzieci, pęcherzykowego u 10 dzieci, a rdzeniastego u 14 dzieci. Częstość występowania DTC u dzieci w Polsce wahała się między 18 a 23 przypadkami rocznie. W województwach: mazowieckim i połączonych wielkopolskim i lubuskim wykazano w okresie 2000–2005 wyższą (24 i 25) częstość występowania DTC, w pozostałych województwach wykazywano od 2 do 10 przypadków DTC. Największą grupę pacjentów stanowiły dzieci w wieku 11–15 lat, a stosunek dziewcząt do chłopców wynosił 3,3 : 1. Klinicznie DTC prezentowały się najczęściej jako pojedyncze guzki tarczycy. Limfadenopatię szyjną w badaniu klinicznym stwierdzono u 42% pacjentów, a śródoperacyjnie u 50% dzieci. U większości pacjentów dominowały niższe stopnie zaawansowania DTC (T1 u 36% i T2 u 26% dzieci). Operacje jednoetapowe wykonano u 65% dzieci, operacje dwuetapowe u 25% dzieci, a profilaktyczne tyreoidektomie u 79% dzieci z grupy pacjentów z rakiem rdzeniastym tarczycy (MTC, medullary thyroid cancinoma) i mutacją genu Ret. Leczenie izotopowe J131 podjęto u 80% dzieci. Przerzuty do płuc w scyntygrafii poterapeutycznej wykazano u 14% dzieci z DTC. Wnioski: We wnioskach podkreśla się konieczność wdrożenia na terenie całego kraju ujednoliconego i ocenianego na podstawie obiektywnych przesłanek sposobu postępowania z dziećmi z DTC.Introduction: Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) in children presents different biological behavior in comparison to adults. Authors presents preliminary results of multicenter analysis concerning incidence, diagnostics and treatment of DTC in children. Material and methods: The study is a retrospective analysis of 107 pediatric patients from 14 academic centers based on the data from 2000 to 2005 obtained by questionnaire in hospitals involved in the treatment of DTC in children. Results: Papillary thyroid cancer was diagnosed in 83 children, follicular thyroid cancer in 10 children and medullary thyroid cancer in 14 children. Incidence of DTC in children was estimated between 18 and 23 cases per year. The biggest group of patients consisted of children between 11 and 15 years of age, with girls to boys ratio 3.3 : 1. Clinically DTC in children presented most often as solitary thyroid nodule. Cervical lymphadenopathy was observed in 42% of patients. Intraoperative verification indicated metastatic nodes in 50% of children. Low stage DTC predominated (T1 in 36% and T2 in 26% of children). One step surgery was performed in 65% of children with DTC, two step surgery in 25% of patients. I131 therapy was undertaken in 80% of children. Lung metastases were indicated in post therapeutic studies in 14% of children with DTC. Prophylactic thyroidectomies were performed in 79% of children in the group of patients with MTC and RET gene mutations. Conclusions: The necessity of introduction of unified therapeutic standard in children with DTC in Poland is underlined

    The Anti-Candida albicans Agent 4-AN Inhibits Multiple Protein Kinases

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    Small molecules containing quinone and/or oxime moieties have been found as promising anti-fungal agents. One of them is 4-AN, a recently reported potent anti-Candida compound, which inhibits the formation of hyphae, decreases the level of cellular phosphoproteome, and finally shows no toxicity towards human erythrocytes and zebrafish embryos. Here, further research on 4-AN is presented. The results revealed that the compound: (i) Kills Candida clinical isolates, including these with developed antibiotic resistance, (ii) affects mature biofilm, and (iii) moderately disrupts membrane permeability. Atomic force microscopy studies revealed a slight influence of 4-AN on the cell surface architecture. 4-AN was also shown to inhibit multiple various protein kinases, a characteristic shared by most of the ATP-competitive inhibitors. The presented compound can be used in novel strategies in the fight against candidiasis, and reversible protein phosphorylation should be taken into consideration as a target in designing these strategies

    Security theory and practice: The Total Defence 21st century.COM – building a resilient society

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    Introduction: "When we started working on the issue entitled “The Total Defence 21st century. COM – building a resilient society”, we did not know then how topical this issue would become. We were aware of its importance, especially since 2014, which was the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. However, we did not think that the need to build an effective concept of total/comprehensive defence, and then its implementation, would become so pressing in February 2022. Two of the three general regularities in the history of international relations have also become extremely topical. We are talking about the clash between imperial and polyarchic tendencies, and nations’ desire to express their independence and identity, and as a result, to have their own state. It can be assumed that in order to achieve this goal, as well as for small and medium-sized states to be able to defend themselves against the forces of empires and effectively deter them, they must use the concept of total/comprehensive defence, in its improved, 21st century version."(...