343 research outputs found

    Has the acceptance of the equality and freedom principles increased over 15 years? A comparative analysis of attitudes among students

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    The publication deals with the description of attitudes towards the democratic principles of equality and freedom among students. The survey was conducted four times in five-year time intervals (2003, 2008, 2013, 2018). Samples had 325, 379, 368, and 371 respondents respectively. The author speculated that the advancement of the transformation is accompanied by growth of the acceptance of pro-democratic attitudes among students, namely the wider acceptance of the principles of equality and freedom. The attitudes were diagnosed using nine pairs of statements (these include both original statements and statements adopted from literature). The hypothesis was not confirmed. The acceptance of the principles of equality and freedom has not increased in consecutive surveys and for many statements the acceptance has decreased.The publication deals with the description of attitudes towards the democratic principles of equality and freedom among students. The survey was conducted four times in five-year time intervals (2003, 2008, 2013, 2018). Samples had 325, 379, 368, and 371 respondents respectively. The author speculated that the advancement of the transformation is accompanied by growth of the acceptance of pro-democratic attitudes among students, namely the wider acceptance of the principles of equality and freedom. The attitudes were diagnosed using nine pairs of statements (these include both original statements and statements adopted from literature). The hypothesis was not confirmed. The acceptance of the principles of equality and freedom has not increased in consecutive surveys and for many statements the acceptance has decreased

    Horizontal and vertical “individualism – collectivism” and values

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    The presented study compares a link between two constructs: “individualism – collectivism” and values. The first construct takes into consideration horizontal and vertical orientation (equality and hierarchy respectively) (Triandis). The description of the second construct accounts for nineteen types of values located on two bipolar dimensions: “conservatism – openness to change” and “self-transcendence – self-enhancement” (Schwartz). The question about the relation between types of values and described horizontal and vertical orientations of individualism and collectivism is posed. The sample consists of 368 students. The results show that the differentiation of mentality on the “individualism – collectivism” dimension with its horizontal and vertical orientation is linked to the differentiation of types of values on the “conservatism – openness to change”. After accounting for horizontal “individualism – collectivism” and vertical “individualism – collectivism” and their relation to the second dimension of type of values (self-transcendence – self- enhancement) the results are not consistent.The presented study compares a link between two constructs: “individualism – collectivism” and values. The first construct takes into consideration horizontal and vertical orientation (equality and hierarchy respectively) (Triandis). The description of the second construct accounts for nineteen types of values located on two bipolar dimensions: “conservatism – openness to change” and “self-transcendence – self-enhancement” (Schwartz). The question about the relation between types of values and described horizontal and vertical orientations of individualism and collectivism is posed. The sample consists of 368 students. The results show that the differentiation of mentality on the “individualism – collectivism” dimension with its horizontal and vertical orientation is linked to the differentiation of types of values on the “conservatism – openness to change”. After accounting for horizontal “individualism – collectivism” and vertical “individualism – collectivism” and their relation to the second dimension of type of values (self-transcendence – self- enhancement) the results are not consistent

    Financial innovations and new tools in finance

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    A benefit in and of itself is not what makes innovation so valuable. In order to make the company ‘more innovative,’ you might hear someone advise a certain course of action. Additionally, a company’s ability to innovate successfully can serve as a magnet for the best and brightest in the industry. They become steadfast employees who appreciate the opportunity to be part of the company’s innovation efforts. Managing innovation is a systematic strategy to implement changes that aim to improve a company’s products, processes, or overall position. There must be an increase in sales or customer satisfaction, a stronger working relationship between the company’s many divisions, or a better working environment for employees as a result of the changes. Financing innovation refers to the development of new financial products, services, or procedures. Throughout the years, innovations in financial instruments and payment methods have fuelled financial innovation. Bank performance depends on financial innovation because it has the potential to boost the industry’s efficiency and profitability. Banks utilise financial and organisational innovation to save money and improve the sector. Using a cash dispensing machine provides users with an ability to withdraw money whenever and wherever they want. With a single click, you can receive or pay cash via mobile banking. This is a great choice for people who do not feel comfortable going to typical bank offices. With negligible transaction costs, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to evaluate financial services

    Glomus eburneum and Scutellospora fulgida, species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota) new for Europe

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    Morphological characters of spores and mycorrhizae of Glomus eburneum and spores of Scutellospora fulgida, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the phylum Glomeromycota, are described and illustrated. Additionally, the known distribution of these species in both Poland and other regions of the world is presented. Both species were not earlier reported from Europe

    Coexistence, cooperation, and competition between banks and non-banking entities

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    Financial stability is essential for the functioning of the economy, and competition between banks is seen as an essential factor for their stability. Reframing the conflict and each party’s goals in such a way that they are mutually dependent increases a party’s chances of reaching an agreement. This study investigates the relationship between bank size and the institution’s stability. Government regulators and anyone else’s ability to keep an eye on the entire financial system is jeopardized when large portions of it are left largely unregulated. Price competition (marginal-cost pricing) reduces the market power of a single firm as the number of firms in an industry grows. Since the 1990s, the banking industry, according to previous studies, has been experiencing concentration and competition. Some argue that the lack of technology in small banks may put them at an advantage in terms of customer satisfaction, but this is not necessarily the case

    Polimorfizam gena OLR1 i funkcionalna svojstva mliječnih krava

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    The study analyzed the polymorphism of single nucleotide substitution A8232C, located in the 3’UTR region of the receptor of the oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OLR1) gene. The study was conducted in a herd of Polish Holstein-Friesian (Red-and-White strain) dairy cattle. Identification of genotypes of individuals was performed using PCR-RFLP. The study stated the following frequency of A8232C polymorphism alleles: A - 0.30 and C - 0.70. Statistical analysis showed that the AC genotype cows were characterized by higher milk yield, protein and fat and for fat yield, the difference was confirmed statistically (P≀0.05). The cows with genotype AA were characterized by the latest occurrence of first calving and the longest intercalving interval, but the results were not confirmed statistically.Analiziran je polimorfizam pojedinačnog nukleotida na poziciji A8232C, smjeĆĄtenog u regiji 3’UTR, gena za receptor oksidiranog lipoproteina male gustoće (OLR1). U stadu poljskih holĆĄtajnsko-frizijskih (crveni i bijeli soj) krava za mlijeko genotipovi jedinki identificirani su PCR-RFLP metodom. Ustanovljena je sljedeća učestalost A8232 polimorfnih alela: A - 0,30 i C - 0,70. Statistička je analiza pokazala da su krave s genotipom AC imale veću proizvodnju mlijeka, bjelančevina i masti, pri čemu je razlika za mast potvrđena kao signifikantna (P≀0,05). Krave s genotipom AA imale su kasno prvo teljenje i dugo međutelidbeno razdoblje, no ti rezultati nisu potvrđeni kao statistički signifikantni
