6 research outputs found

    Invasive species and their role in historic park sites

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    Invasive species are alien elements of flora and fauna to our environment, in each case their occurrence is a very serious threat to native organisms. Invasive insects damage trees of great significance in park sites. They face very little resistance from the environment and substantially affect the decorative character of plants. A well-known representative of the group of phytophages is Cameraria ohridella or Horse-chestnut leaf miner occurring on horse-chestnut. Recently, Phyllonorycter issikii was observed on lime trees, P. robiniella on Black Locust and P. platani on plane trees in the historical parks of the city of Rzeszów and its surrounding. Newly identified in Rzeszow and potentially dangerous pest of plane trees is also Corythucha ciliata, an insect in the Coreidae family. Another risk for trees and shrubs may be the Western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis, which is more and more frequently observed in different parts of Rzeszów

    Olbrycht T.: Historic Rzeszów parks as a mainstay of precious invertebrates

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    This research shows that historic parks in Rzeszów are inhabited by a significant number of interesting species of beetles. The most important group among them from the environmental and economic points of view are ground beetles, especially predatory species of the genus Carabus, legally protected. Rare and protected saproxylic beetles are represented by several species, of which Osmoderma eremita deserves special attention. Similarly, two species belonging to the family of Cerambycidae and Elateridae, rarely encountered in the Podkarpacie region, were identified in the parks of Rzeszów. Thus, the historic parks have become not only an important part of the landscape, but also contribute to the enrichment of biodiversity and to wildlife conservation

    Effect of Granulometric Composition of the Soil on the Occurrence of Carrion Beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)

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    The entomological material was collected in the years 2009–2012 and 2014 from 13 different habitat types from three localities in south-eastern Poland. In total, 11,095 Silphidae were collected. This study examined whether the percentage of individual soil granulometric fractions was significantly related to the total abundance of collected Silphidae and individual carrion beetle species. A positive correlation and a statistically significant correlation were found between the total number of specimens collected and the share of the mechanical fraction with a diameter of 0.05–0.002 mm (silt fraction). In three species, a statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between the number of collected Silphidae and the share of the mechanical fraction with a diameter of 2–0.05 mm (sand fraction). The two species Phosphuga atrata atrata and Nicrophorus vespilloides the correlation was positive. A statistically significant relationship was also observed for Thanatophilus sinuatus, but the correlation was negative. With regard to the mechanical fraction with a diameter Oiceoptoma thoracicum and for Nicrophorus vespilloides for which the correlation was negative. However, a positive correlation was found for T. sinuatus in this case

    The Specific Nature of Agricultural Production in the Vicinity of the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park

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    Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to evaluate activities of farms located in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park according to the principles of sustainable development

    The specific nature of agricultural production in the vicinity of the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park / Specyfika produkcji rolniczej na terenach Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego

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    Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to evaluate activities of farms located in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park according to the principles of sustainable development. Materials and methods: Survey research was carried out in the Korczyna commune among randomly selected farm owners at the turn of 2014 and 2015. Results and conclusion: Agricultural production is rather versatile and unspecialized in most of the farm-holdings covered by the study in Korczyna Local Government Area (LGA). Cereals dominate the cropping system, while animal husbandry is predominantly by using the Simmental cattle breed. The farmers are aware that they farm in specific conditions, where sustainable land use is crucial for protecting biodiversity and preserving cultural heritage, thus permitting inhabitants to live in an uncontaminated environment. The Korczyna Local Government Area enjoys favourable conditions for the running of ecological farms, but with farmers visibly lacking in motivation as they consider such farming system as unprofitable, besides requiring lots of time and work.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem badań była ocena funkcjonowania gospodarstw rolnych położonych na terenach Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju. Materiały i metody: Badania ankietowe zostały przeprowadzone na terenie gminy Korczyna wśród losowo wybranych właścicieli gospodarstw rolnych na przełomie 2014 i 2015 roku. Wyniki i wnioski: W większości badanych gospodarstw w gminie Korczyna produkcja rolna ma charakter wszechstronny oraz niewyspecjalizowany. W uprawach dominują zboża, a w produkcji zwierzęcej użytkowanie bydła rasy simentalskiej. Rolnicy mają świadomość, że gospodarują w specyficznych warunkach, gdzie zrównoważone użytkowanie gruntów jest bardzo ważne dla ochrony różnorodności biologicznej oraz zachowania dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także pozwala mieszkańcom na życie w nieskażonym środowisku. Gmina Korczyna posiada sprzyjające warunki do tworzenia gospodarstw ekologicznych, ale zaobserwowano brak motywacji ze strony rolników, którzy uważają ten typ gospodarowania za nieopłacalny oraz wymagający dużego nakładu pracy i czasu