13 research outputs found

    Individual differences in response to uncertainty and decision making : the role of behavioral inhibition system and need for closure

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    In two studies, we examined the influence of behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and need for closure (NFC) on information processing in decision making. We expected that BIS would regulate behavior in a decisional context and that this relationship would be mediated by epistemic motivation expressed by NFC. In addition, drawing on contradictory findings in the literature on anxiety, NFC, and information processing, we investigated the moderating role of decision rules. The results supported our predictions. BIS was strongly and positively related to NFC, and through NFC it was related to decision-making style. Moreover, decision task characteristics moderated the relationship between NFC and decision making. When a task did not offer a confident decision rule, high NFC participants prolonged the information search more than low NFC individuals. However, when a reliable strategy was suggested, high NFC participants behaved in line with it. These results are discussed within an uncertainty management framework

    From threat to relief : expressing prejudice toward atheists as a self-regulatory strategy protecting the religious orthodox from threat

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    We claim that religious orthodoxy is related to prejudice toward groups that violate important values, i.e., atheists. Moreover, we suggest that expressing prejudice may efficiently reduce the threat posed by this particular group among people who hold high levels, but not low levels, of orthodox belief. We tested these assumptions in an experimental study in which, after being exposed to atheistic worldviews (value-threat manipulation), high and low orthodox participants were allowed (experimental condition) or not (control condition) to express prejudice toward atheists. Threat was operationalized by cardiovascular reactivity, i.e., heart rate (HR); the higher the HR index, the higher the threat. The results found that people who hold high (vs. low) levels of orthodox belief responded with increased HR after the threat manipulation. However, we observed decreased HR after the expression of prejudice toward atheists among highly orthodox participants compared to the control condition. We did not find this effect among people holding low levels of orthodox belief. Thus, we conclude that expressing prejudice toward this particular group may be an efficient strategy to cope with the threat posed by this group for highly orthodox people. The results are discussed in light of previous findings on religious beliefs and the self-regulatory function of prejudice

    The role of fear, closeness, and norms in shaping help towards war refugees

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    The paper investigates the psychological factors associated with the unprecedented assistance that Poles have offered refugees from Ukraine since the outset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Building on social identity theory, and examining the current social context in Poland, we focus on three social identity dimensions, i.e., a feeling of closeness towards refugees from Ukraine, anticipatory fears (of a Russian invasion), and a community norm of helping. These three dimensions predict collective helping resulting from a sense of a common fate and a feeling of togetherness with Ukrainians. We tested this hypothesis in a study (N = 1066) conducted between 11 and 17 March 2022. Participants were asked about their helping activities during the previous week; they also responded to questions on different measures of social identity processes. The results support our expectations, revealing that closeness, anticipatory fears, and social norms are associated with two forms of help: benevolent and activist. The results of the study contribute to the discussion on social identity processes underlying offers of help to people fleeing from war-zones. Thus, they enhance our understanding of the role of citizens in terms of their contribution to helping refugees, and can be used to improve responses to other humanitarian crises

    Helping when the desire is low : expectancy as a booster

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    One might assume that the desire to help (here described as Want) is the essential driver of helping declarations and/or behaviors. However, even if desire to help (Want) is low, intention to help may still occur if the expectancy regarding the perceived efectiveness of helping is high. We tested these predictions in a set of three experimental studies. In all three, we measured the desire to help (Want) and the Expectancy that the aid would be impactful for the victim; in addition, we manipulated Expectancy in Study 3. In Studies 1 and 3, we measured the participants’ declaration to help while in Study 2, their helping behavior was examined. In all three studies, we used variations of the same story about a victim. The results supported our hypothesis. Thus, the studies help to tease apart the determinants of helping under conditions of lowered desire to do so, an issue of great importance in public policymaking

    Need for closure and dealing with uncertainty in decision making context : the role of the behavioral inhibition system and working memory capacity

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderated mediation model of the relationship between the behavioral inhibition system (BIS), need for closure (NFC) and working memory capacity (WMC) in the decision making process. It was assumed that NFC works as a motivational mechanism that enables individuals high in BIS to deal with uncertainty; therefore, NFC mediates the effect of BIS on behavior in a decision-making situation. Moreover, as uncertainty management requires cognitive resources, we expected WMC to moderate this relationship. In line with our hypothesis, we found that NFC mediated the relationship between BIS and the information search about the job candidates, and this effect occurred only for individuals high in WMC. We discuss these results in the context of effective self-regulation, as well as motivational and cognitive determinants of effort

    Cortisol and moral decisions among young men : the moderating role of motivation toward closure

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    Previous research has demonstrated that under stress people make more deontological than utilitarian judgements. We however suggest that the relationship between stress and moral decisions may differ depending on which goals are accessible. In this study we focused on the goal to achieve certainty and individual differences in its importance, expressed as the need for closure. In particular, we examined whether the effects of individual variation in stress levels, measured by cortisol level, on moral decisions depended on individual differences in certainty importance, i.e., the need for closure. Male participants completed the Need for Closure scale and performed a moral decision making task. Saliva samples from these participants were collected. We found that cortisol level was associated with more utilitarian than deontological judgments when achieving certainty was a focal goal (i.e., high need for closure level) but only when ingroup was involved. When certainty reduction is not of such importance (i.e., low need for closure level), groups are not a crucial aid when navigating the social world. In this case, high cortisol levels were associated with more deontological than utilitarian decisions. This was true only for dilemmas in which ingroup was not involved

    Dealing with uncertainty at the level of social judgments and beliefs

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    W niniejszym rozdziale proponujemy analizę sądów społecznych z perspektywy 3-Komponentowego Modelu Zaangażowania Ideologicznego (Model 3K: komponent motywacyjny, komponent narracyjny oraz komponent społeczny). Odnosząc się do komponentu motywacyjnego wskazujemy, iż u podłoża różnych ideologii (politycznych, religijnych, naukowych) leży potrzeba redukcji niepewności. Możliwość zaspokajania tego motywu jest powiązana z komponentem narracyjnym, czyli systemem przekonań zawierającym się w ramach poszczególnych światopoglądów. Postulujemy tu, że znaczenie mają formalne charakterystyki systemu, takie jak struktura czy odwołanie do autorytetów, podczas gdy treść pełni drugorzędną rolę. Z kolei komponent społeczny, czyli identyfikacja z grupą i podzielanie poglądów z innymi ludźmi, wzmacnia przekonanie na temat słuszności i prawdziwości narracji. Naszym celem jest więc pokazanie związków pomiędzy różnymi ideologiami społecznymi a potrzebą redukcji niepewności oraz wskazanie potencjalnych mechanizmów, które mogą tłumaczyć te związki