29 research outputs found

    Examination of the heavy metal uptake of carrot (daucus carota) in different soil types

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    In this paper the heavy metal uptake of carrot (Daucus carota) is studied in sample areas withdifferent soil types. Our aim is to examine how the different soil types possessing differentcharacteristics affect the heavy metal uptake and distribution in the plant. Correlation analyses werecarried out in order to determine which of the total heavy metal concentrations and soil characteristics(pH, CaCO3-content, humus content, granulometric composition) play the most important role in theuptake of the Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Zn and in the metal distribution in the examined plant. Soil andplant samples were collected from 5 different Hungarian areas in July, 2008. In the cases of soils withdifferent soil characteristics, the examined plants are supposed to give varied physiological responses.During the examination we proved that the genetic type and the heavy metal content of the soil do notsignificantly affect the heavy metal uptake of carrot. The granulometric composition of the soil hasthe most considerable effect but this factor only affects the rate of the metal uptake in 50% of theexamined heavy metals (Ni, Mn, Zn)

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    Fő célkitűzésünk az volt, hogy meghatározzuk, hogy a talaj bizonyos alaptulajdonságai hogyan befolyásolják a talaj mikroelemszolgáltató képességét és ezen keresztül a növények mikroelemellátottságát.régi képzésTájvédő Geográfusg