26 research outputs found

    Zoosporic aquatic fungi growing on avian excrements in various types of water bodies

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    AbstractCoprophilic fungi in the water from six different water bodies were studied between 1995–1997. For hydrochemical analysis samples of water were collected every three months while for estimation of fungus content every month. Excrements of 3 phytophagous (greylag goose, roman-nosed goose, mute swan), 4 carnivorous (grey heron, white stork, marsh harrier, cormorant) and 3 omnivorous bird species (musk-duck, mallard, black-headed gull) were used as bait.Thirty-six fungus species growing on avian excrements in the water of all examined water bodies were found, 6 of these species belonged to Chytridiomycetes and 30 to Oomycetes. The largest number of fungus species was detected on excrements of musk duck, mallard and mute swan, the smallest one on excrements of roman-nosed goose, marsh harrier and cormorant. Such fungus species as Achlya americana, Aphanomyces laevis, Dictyuchus monosporus, Pythium debaryanum, Pythium rostratum, Saprolegnia asterophora, Saprolegnia ferax and Saprolegnia parasitica were detected on excrements of all birds examined. Out of these 36 species, 11 are known as parasites or necrotrophs of fish. Rhizophydium ampullaceum and Diasporangium jonesianum are reported for the first time from Poland

    Amount and qualities of carotenoids in fillets of fish species fed with natural feed in some fisheries of West African Coast

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    Using column (CC), thin- layer (TLC) and high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), carotenoid content was examined in the fillets (muscles with skin) of 16 fish species from the fisheries of West African Coast. 15 carotenoids, including 6 ketocarotenoids (4’- hydroxyechinenone, canthaxanthin, phoenicopterone, phoenicoxanthin, astaxanthin, 7,8- didehydroastaxanthin) were found, with a predominance of 3,4- dihydro- α- carotene, zeaxanthin, phoenicopterone, canthaxanthin, phoenicoxanthin and astaxanthin. Total carotenoid content in the examined material ranged from 0.086 (Merluccius merluccius) to 0.352 μg g-1 wet mass (Macrurus aequalis). Also, the increase of different environmental factors- especially food, parasites and organochlorine pollution on carotenoid content in fishes and their role in human’s life was discussed.Keywords: Carotenoids, fish, fillets, fisheries, West AfricaAfrican Journal of Biotechnolog Vol. 12(12), pp. 1443-144

    Hyphomycetes in rain water, melting snow and ice

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    Zoosporic fungi in springs in the vicinity of Białystok

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    Aquatic fungi and fungus-like organisms growing on driffing in water nuts of seven birch species

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    Aquatic fungi and fungus-like organisms, growing on nuts of seven birch species (Betula gracilis, B. humilis, B. lutea, B. nana, B. papyrifera, B. pubescens and B. verrucosa) found in the water of three limnologically and trophically different water bodies (spring, river and pond), were investigated. The total of 63 species, including 23 fungus-like organisms and 40 fungal species were found on the nuts of the investigated birches. The most common species were Karlingia rosea, Nowakowskiella macrospora, Achlya americana, Aphanomyces laevis, Saprolegnia ferax, Acrodictys bambusicola, Angulospora aquatica, Arbusculina fragmentans, Canalisporium caribense, Heliscus lugdunensis, Pithomyces obscuriseptatus, Tetracladium marchalianum and Tripospermum camelopardus ). Most of the species were observed on the nuts of Betula verrucosa (49 species) and the fewest on the nuts of Betula nana (42). In Cypisek spring, the number of fungal species and fungus-like organisms on the nuts was closely associated with the concentration of chlorides.However, in Supraśl River and Dojlidy pond it was associated with the sulphates concentration (in both cases negative correlation)

    Investigations of carotenoids in fungi. III. Fructifications of some species from the genus Suillus

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    Using column and thin-layer chromatography the occurrence of carotenoids and their content was determined in fructifications of 5 species from the genus Suillus. 21 carotenoids were found, among them 3 which had not hitherto been detected in fungi (auroxanthin, 3,4-dihydroxy-α-carotene and myxoxantophyll). Moreover quantitative and qualitative differences were found in the content of carotenoids in fructifications of Boletus luteus which may be of importance in their taxonomy

    Hydromycoflora fungi of small forest lakes "Suchary" in the Wigry National Park

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    One hundred and fifteen species of fungi were found in the small forest lakes "Suchary" in the Wigry National Park. The following fungi were recorded for the first time from Poland: Blastociadella simplex, Rhizoclosmatium globosum, R. hyalinum, Rhopalophlyctis sarcoptoides, Condylospora spumigena, Gyoerffyella myrmecophagiforms, Helicon pluriseptatum and Kontospora halophila