129 research outputs found

    Light emission spectra of molecules in negative and positive back discharges in nitrogen with carbon dioxide mixture at atmospheric pressure

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    Results of spectroscopic investigations and current-voltage characteristics of back discharge generated in point-plane electrode geometry with plate covered fly ash layer in a mixture of N2 + CO2 at atmospheric pressure, for positive and negative polarity of the discharge electrode are presented in this paper. Point-plane electrode configuration was chosen in these studies in order to simulate the physical processes occurring in electrostatic precipitator. Three forms of back discharge for both polarities were investigated: glow, streamers and low-current back-arc. Diatomic reactions and dissociation products of N2 and CO2 (OH, NO, CN), atoms from fly ash layer (N, Ti, Na), free radicals, molecules or ions, which have unpaired valence electrons, and other active species, e.g., N2 (in C,B,A-state), N\hbox{2+_{2}^{+}} (B) were identified in the discharges by the method of optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The measurements shown that atomic and molecular optical emission spectral lines from back discharge depend on the forms of discharge and the discharge current. In normal electrical discharges, the emission spectra are dominated by gaseous components, but in the case of back discharge, atomic lines belonging to chemical compounds of fly ash were also recorded and identified

    The effect of damage to the fuel injector on changes of the vibroactivity of the diesel engine during its starting

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    Damage to fuel system components of combustion engines significantly contributes to the deterioration of their operation dynamics, accelerates their wear and worsens the emission of toxic components of exhaust fumes. Measurements and calculations of the level of vibration and noise of a diesel engine with a damaged common rail system injector were conducted as part of the study. The impact of damage to the fuel system injector on the change in the vibroactivity of the engine during its starting was evaluated based on the calculations carried out. Time and frequency distributions of signals of vibration and noise were also calculated in order to evaluate the impact of the injection system damage on the frequency structure of vibroacoustic signals emitted by the engine

    Assessment of diagnostic usefulness of vibration of the common rail system in the diesel engine

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    The paper presents an assessment of diagnostic usefulness of the vibration measurements and analysis of selected components of the common rail system in the diesel engine. Measurements were performed of the selected components of the CR system and changes were determined in the time and frequency structure of the recorded vibration signals. The research has shown that vibration recorded on the injector's housing and the rail of the common rail system is useful diagnostic information for the evaluation of the technical condition of the fuel supply system of a compression ignition engine

    Comparing transpulmonary thermodilution monitoring to lung ultrasound during pneumonia: an observational study

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    Introduction: Monitoring lung function during pneumonia is essential for the evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy in ICU patients. Among various bedside techniques, two particularly interesting are the lung ultrasound and the transpulmonary thermodilution technique. In this observational single center study we want to assess the correlation between the lung ultrasound examination (LUS) and transpulmonary thermodilution volumetric parameters such as extravascular lung water index (EVLWI) and pulmonary vascular permeability index (PVPI). Material and methods: We analyzed data obtained from medical history of twelve patients requiring mechanical ventilation and hemodynamics monitoring with PICCO catheter due to newly diagnosed pneumonia. We compared lung ultrasound examination performed on the first and third day of new antimicrobial therapy with results of transpulmonary thermodilution examination made on same day. We also calculate the difference between values obtained on first and third day to compare the trends. Results: We did not find any association between tested variables, except a correlation between PVPI and EVLWI, both measured at the same day (Rho = 0.3; 95%CI –0.02–0.59; p = 0.03), and trends in the period of 3 days (Rho = 0.6; 95%CI 0.2–0.8; p = 0.005). Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that volumetric values achieved using the PiCCO method as well as lung ultrasound should be interpreted with care and related to the clinical state of a patient, keeping in mind that no correlation between the result achieved and the actual state of inflammatory changes in the lungs may be possible

    Zanieczyszczenie gleby metalami ciężkimi związane z historycznym hutnictwem cynku w Jaworznie

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    The initial study of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni and Mn) contamination was carried out on the 22 samples taken from 4 forest soil (podzol) profiles and 5 waste samples taken from 3 points of the historical zinc smelting area in Jaworzno, Southern Poland. XRD and pH analyses on the soil samples were done. The trace element concentrations were measured with the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) after mineralisation in concentrated HNO3 (65 % Suprapur) and HCl (30 % Suprapur). Examined materials were ultra acidic to neutral, mostly very strong acidic. Total accumulations of trace elements in the soil varied from 21.91 to 119.32 mgCr, from 1.4 to 51.16 mgCu, from 2.15 to 36.16 mgNi and from 16.33 to 869.19 mgMn . kg–1. In waste samples quantities of the same elements equalled 45.55–67.38 mgCr, 19.5–244.74 mgCu, 4.96–22.15 mgNi and 30.75–369.11 mgMn . kg–1. Vertical distributions of examined metals were determined in each of soil profiles. The research revealed heavy metal pollution of studied soil. Influence of the historical smelter on the pollution is inferred, which changed soil environment to dangerous for humans, especially due to close proximity of abandoned industry to built-up and recreation areas as well as community gardens

    The correlation between interarm blood pressure differences and postoperative complications after peripheral vascular surgery: a prospective observational study

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    Background: A large difference in blood pressure between both arms is common in patients with disseminated atherosclerosis undergoing vascular surgery. In patients with high cardio-vascular risk, inter-arm blood pressure difference > 10mm Hg can occur in more than 38% of population, but the impact on short-term postoperative complications is still unclear. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inter-arm blood pressure asymmetry on the overall postoperative complications in Revised Cardiac Risk Index class I-II patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery. Secondly, we established other possible risk factors for postoperative complications and duration of hospital stay. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Single-centre study. Patients: Ninety-five RCRI class I-II patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery. Interventions: We measured blood pressure in brachial arteries on both arms in the operating room prior to administering anaesthesia for every patient enrolled in the study. After the surgery, all participants were followed up from the time of hospitalization for any postoperative complications. Main outcome measures: Blood pressure values Results: we did not find any correlation between overall postoperative complications and blood pressure differences (neither systolic, diastolic, nor mean) between the arms. Patients who underwent emergent surgery had highly increased risk of postoperative complications (OR 13,0; 95%CI 1,4 to 69,3; p < 0,01) and prolonged hospital stay time(HR 2,5; 95%CI 1,7 to 3,7; p < 0,01). Conclusion: although we did not find any relevant correlation between inter-arm blood pressure differences and postoperative complications, the measurement in both arms is crucial to determine adequate baseline values prior to surgery.Background: A large difference in blood pressure between both arms is common in patients with disse­minated atherosclerosis undergoing vascular surgery. In patients with high cardiovascular risk, inter-arm blood pressure difference &gt; 10 mm Hg can occur in more than 38% of the population, but the impact on short-term postoperative complications is still unclear. Material and methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inter-arm blood pressure asymmetry on the overall postoperative complications in the Revised Cardiac Risk Index class I–II patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery. Secondly, other possible risk factors for postoperative compli­cations and duration of hospital stay were established. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Single-centre study. Patients: Ninety-five RCRI class I-II patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery. Interventions: The authors measured blood pressure in brachial arteries on both arms in the operating room prior to administering anaesthesia for every patient enrolled in the study. After the surgery, all participants were followed up from the time of hospitalization for any postoperative complications. Main outcome measures: Blood pressure values Results: There was no correlation found between overall postoperative complications and blood pressure differences (neither systolic, diastolic nor mean) between the arms. Patients who underwent emergent surgery had highly increased risk of postoperative complications (OR 13.0; 95% CI 1.4 to 69.3; p &lt; 0.01) and prolonged hospital stay time (HR 2.5; 95% CI 1.7 to 3.7; p &lt; 0.01). Conclusion: Although the authors did not find any relevant correlation between inter-arm blood pressu­re differences and postoperative complications, the measurement in both arms is crucial to determine adequate baseline values prior to surgery

    Exploring Complex Networks with Graph Investigator Research Application

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    This paper describes Graph Investigator, the application intended for analysis of complex networks. A rich set of application functions is briefly described including graph feature generation, comparison, visualization and edition. The program enables to analyze global and local structural properties of networks with the use of various descriptors derived from graph theory. Furthermore, it allows to quantify inter-graph similarity by embedding graph patterns into low-dimensional space or distance measurement based on feature vectors. The set of available graph descriptors includes over eighty statistical and algebraic measures. We present two examples of real-world networks analysis performed with Graph Investigator: comparison of brain vasculature with structurally similar artificial networks and analysis of vertices importance in a macaque cortical connectivity network. The third example describes tracking parameters of artificial vascular network evolving in the process of angiogenesis, modelled with the use of cellular automata

    Costs of Hypertension in Poland

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    Wstęp Celem przeprowadzonej analizy była ocena kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce. Analizę przeprowadzono retrospektywnie z perspektywy społecznej dla populacji 9286 pacjentów z całej Polski, leczonych z powodu nadciśnienia tętniczego przez ostatni rok. Kalkulacji poddano bezpośrednie koszty medyczne związane z leczeniem farmakologicznym, konsultacjami lekarskimi, badaniami laboratoryjnymi i diagnostycznymi oraz hospitalizacjami. Koszty pośrednie związane z utratą produktywności zostały również uwzględnione. Wszystkie koszty zostały zebrane za pomocą &#8222;Formularza Oceny Kosztów Leczenia Nadciśnienia Tętniczego&#8221;. Wyniki Całkowity średni koszt związany z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego obliczono na 1570 PLN na pacjenta na rok. Próba oszacowania całkowitych kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce wykazała, że mogą one sięgać nawet 14 miliardów PLN rocznie. Rozkład kosztów całkowitych przedstawiał się następująco: leki &#8212; 10,2%, konsultacje lekarskie &#8212; 30,8%, badania laboratoryjne i diagnostyczne &#8212; 11,4%, hospitalizacje &#8212; 21,0%, pośrednie koszty utraconej produktywności &#8212; 26,6%. Międzynarodowe porównanie wyników badania PENT wykazało, że wydatki na leczenie farmakologiczne osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym w Polsce stanowią niższy odsetek całkowitych wydatków niż w innych krajach (np. Szwecja &#8212; 53,3%, Stany Zjednoczone &#8212; 20,7%). Teoretycznie całkowite obciążenie społeczne kosztami nadciśnienia tętniczego może więc wynosić, w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca na rok, odpowiednio: 31 USD w Szwecji, 82 USD w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz 88 USD w Polsce (wg kursu wymiany walut z dnia 21.01.2001). Wnioski Wyniki analizy ukazują, jak znaczne obciążenie ekonomiczne społeczeństwa polskiego stanowi nadciśnienie tętnicze. Koszty leczenia farmakologicznego stanowią w Polsce najniższy odsetek kosztów. Optymalna alokacja wydatków na leczenie farmakologiczne może więc wpłynąć na redukcję całkowitych kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce.Background The aim of the study was to assess costs related to hypertension in Poland. This analysis was carried out in GP&#8217;s centres throughout the country. The time horizon of the analysis was 12 months and a retrospective approach was applied. The direct medical costs of: pharmacological treatment, doctors&#8217; consultations, laboratory and diagnostic tests and hospitalisations were identified and calculated. Indirect costs due to productivity loss were also included in the analysis. The cost assessment questionnaire was used to collect all the data concerning cost components. Results The average cost per hypertensive patient per year was calculated at 1570 PLN. The total burden of hypertension in Poland, estimated on the basis of PENT study population analysis, may reach 14 billion PLN (14 ´ 109 PLN) per year. The distribution of total costs is as follows: pharmacological treatment &#8212; 10,2%, doctors&#8217; consultations &#8212; 30,8%, laboratory and diagnostic tests &#8212; 11,4%, hospitalisations &#8212; 21,0%, and productivity losses &#8212; 26,6%. An international comparison demonstrated that expenditure resulting from the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in Poland was much smaller than in other countries (i.e. Sweden &#8212; 53,3%, and USA &#8212; 20,7%). Theoretically, the total societal burden of hypertension per resident per year amounts to 31 USD in Sweden, 82 USD in United States and 88 USD in Poland (according to the exchange rate on 21.01.2000 &#8212; 1 USD = 4,0757 PLN). Conclusion The results of the analysis show that hypertension constitutes a high economic burden for the Polish population. The cost of pharmacological treatment represents the lowest percentage of the total costs of hypertension and also the lowest part of direct medical costs. The conclusion is that an optimal allocation of expenditure for pharmacological treatment may contribute to a significant reduction in total costs of hypertension following the example of other European countries (eg. Sweden) as well as the United States

    Porównanie monitorowania metodą termodylucji przezpłucnej z ultrasonografią płuc u pacjentów leczonych z powodu zapalenia płuc — badanie obserwacyjne

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    WSTĘP: Do oceny skuteczności terapii u pacjentów leczonych z powodu zapalenia płuc na oddziałach intensywnej terapii niezbędne jest monitorowanie czynności płuc. Spośród technik przyłóżkowych szczególnie interesujące są ultrasonografia płuc oraz technika termodylucji przezpłucnej. Celem jednoośrodkowego badania obserwacyjnego była ocena korelacji pomiędzy badaniem ultrasonograficznym płuc (LUS, lung ultrasound examination) a parametrami objętościowymi termodylucji przezpłucnej, takimi jak wskaźnik pozanaczyniowej wody wewnątrzpłucnej (EVLWI, extravascular lung water index) i wskaźnik przepuszczalności naczyń płucnych (PVPI, pulmonary vascular permeability index). MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przeanalizowano dane medyczne dwunastu pacjentów wymagających wentylacji mechanicznej i monitorowania hemodynamicznego metodą PiCCO (pulse index continuous cardiac output) z powodu świeżo rozpoznanego zapalenia płuc. Porównano wyniki badań ultrasonograficzych płuc przeprowadzonych w pierwszym i trzecim dniu terapii przeciwbakteryjnej z wartościami uzyskanymi metodą termodylucji przezpłucnej, wykonanymi w tych samych dniach. W celu oceny trendów obliczono różnicę między wartościami uzyskanymi w pierwszym i trzecim dniu. WYNIKI: Nie znaleziono korelacji pomiędzy badanymi zmiennymi, z wyjątkiem korelacji między PVPI i EVLWI, zarówno mierzonymi w tym samym dniu (Rho = 0,3; 95% CI –0,02–0,59; p = 0,03), jak i w trzydniowym trendzie (Rho = 0,6; 95% CI 0,2–0,8; p = 0,005). WNIOSKI: Wyniki badania wskazują, że parametry wolumetryczne uzyskane za pomocą metody PiCCO oraz badanie USG płuc powinny być interpretowane ostrożnie i z uwzględnieniem stanu klinicznego pacjenta, pamiętając, że możliwy jest brak korelacji między uzyskanymi wynikami a rzeczywistym stanem zmian zapalnych w płucach.WSTĘP: Do oceny skuteczności terapii u pacjentów leczonych z powodu zapalenia płuc na oddziałach intensywnej terapii niezbędne jest monitorowanie czynności płuc. Spośród technik przyłóżkowych szczególnie interesujące są ultrasonografia płuc oraz technika termodylucji przezpłucnej. Celem jednoośrodkowego badania obserwacyjnego była ocena korelacji pomiędzy badaniem ultrasonograficznym płuc (LUS, lung ultrasound examination) a parametrami objętościowymi termodylucji przezpłucnej, takimi jak wskaźnik pozanaczyniowej wody wewnątrzpłucnej (EVLWI, extravascular lung water index) i wskaźnik przepuszczalności naczyń płucnych (PVPI, pulmonary vascular permeability index). MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przeanalizowano dane medyczne dwunastu pacjentów wymagających wentylacji mechanicznej i monitorowania hemodynamicznego metodą PiCCO (pulse index continuous cardiac output) z powodu świeżo rozpoznanego zapalenia płuc. Porównano wyniki badań ultrasonograficzych płuc przeprowadzonych w pierwszym i trzecim dniu terapii przeciwbakteryjnej z wartościami uzyskanymi metodą termodylucji przezpłucnej, wykonanymi w tych samych dniach. W celu oceny trendów obliczono różnicę między wartościami uzyskanymi w pierwszym i trzecim dniu. WYNIKI: Nie znaleziono korelacji pomiędzy badanymi zmiennymi, z wyjątkiem korelacji między PVPI i EVLWI, zarówno mierzonymi w tym samym dniu (Rho = 0,3; 95% CI –0,02–0,59; p = 0,03), jak i w trzydniowym trendzie (Rho = 0,6; 95% CI 0,2–0,8; p = 0,005). WNIOSKI: Wyniki badania wskazują, że parametry wolumetryczne uzyskane za pomocą metody PiCCO oraz badanie USG płuc powinny być interpretowane ostrożnie i z uwzględnieniem stanu klinicznego pacjenta, pamiętając, że możliwy jest brak korelacji między uzyskanymi wynikami a rzeczywistym stanem zmian zapalnych w płucach