351 research outputs found


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    Employment in the Energy Sector: Status Report 2020

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    The green economic and clean energy transition are already underway worldwide and in Europe. This report provides an overview of recent employment trends at the global and EU-28 level related to the greening and decarbonisation of the economy, with a focus on the energy sector. It brings together and presents statistical data and the results of recent employment assessment reports. In addition, the report examines qualitative aspects, including education as well as skills requirements and changing talent profiles in the green transition. It addresses workforce characteristics, including gender and generational aspects. The report concludes by highlighting key figures and providing policy recommendations to overcome labour force related barriers as part of a just transition to a cleaner energy system.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Potenciális COVID-19 fertőzés automatikus felismerésé hagyományos véranalízis alapján: Automatic detection of potential COVID-19 infection based on conventional blood analysis

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    To control the spread of the COVID-19 it is very important to identify those who have been already infected by this new type of virus. The rRT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) testing is the golden standard for COVID-19 detection, but it is time consuming, laborious manual process and it is very short in supply. To reduce the number of tests, in this article we will present a possible solution for COVID-19 preliminary patient filtering based on regular blood tests, using artificial intelligence (AI) models. The most appropriate AI model will be selected using our auto-adaptive AI platform, AutomaticAI. The hyperparameters of the selected algorithm will also be adjusted automatically by this platform to match the context of the problem. Kivonat A COVID-19 terjedésének megfékezése érdekében nagyon fontos azonosítani azokat a személyeket, akiket már megfertőzött ezen új típusú vírus. Az rRT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) teszt a COVID-19 detektálásának leghatékonyabb eszköze, ám időigényes, fárasztó kézi folyamat, és nagyon szűk a készlet belőle. A tesztek számának csökkentése érdekében, ebben a cikkben a COVID-19 előzetes betegszűrésének lehetséges megoldását mutatjuk be hagyományos vérvizsgálatok alapján, mesterséges intelligencia (AI) modellek felhasználásával. A leghatékonyabb AI-modellt automatikusan alkalmazkodó AI-platformunk, az AutomaticAI segítségével választjuk ki. A kiválasztott algoritmus hiperparamétereit platformunk képes automatikusan beállítani, ezáltal megfelelve a probléma kontextusának. &nbsp

    Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Action at the City Level: The Hungarian Experience

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    Cities are increasingly acknowledged as an appropriate governance level to tackle climate change; they both cause and are affected by this global challenge. While the case of sustainable, climate friendly cities in Western democracies has been analysed extensively, experiences from transition countries have received less attention. This article aims to address this research gap. Through the experience of two case studies conducted in Hungary, it identifies why middle-sized cities engage in sustainable energy and climate action. The main drivers are identified as the energy cost reduction related co-benefits derived from energy efficiency improvements, combined with the presence of local political leadership that is committed to sustainable energy and climate action. The role of favourable factors, including the presence of national support programmes for energy efficiency improvement in buildings, EU membership, the joining of national and transnational networks of sub-national governments for sustainable energy and climate action, health and fuel poverty concerns, are explored in the Hungarian context. Barriers to achieving the transition to a low carbon society at the city level are also identified. These include financing constraints combined with high up-front costs of sustainable energy investments, lack of strategic guidance from the national level in terms of climate change and sustainable energy action in cities, and a low level of local public pressure and civil engagement. Areas where local authorities could implement improvements are the development of comprehensive climate change strategies and action plans, including quantified, time-bound targets identifying financing sources and the individuals responsible for implementation, as well as the enhanced integration of climate action with other policy areas.JRC.F.7-Renewable Energ

    Formation of Oxide Phases in the System Fe203-Sm203

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    Formation of oxide phases in the system Fe2O3-Sm2O3 was investigated. The samples wore prepared by the solid state reactions et two molar ratios of Fe203 and Sm203

    Evaluation of carotenoids, polyphenols content and antioxidant activity in the sea buckthorn fruit

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    Due to the content of biologically active substances, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) has become the object of great interest of both, experts and the general public. It is appreciated particularly for the high content of vitamins and other biologically active substances, not only in berries but also in leaves and bark. The aim of the study was to evaluate the nutritional quality of sea buckthorn juice prepared from different varieties of sea buckthorn based on the content of total carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activity. In this study we used varieties Hergo, Tytti, Vitaminaja, Raisa, Askola, Dorana, Slovan, Leikora, Bojan, Terhi and Masličnaja. Content of different components was quantified using spectrophotometry. The total carotenoids content expressed as β-carotene content in juice ranged from 50.63 mg.100 g-1 DM to 93.63 mg.100 g-1 DM, the highest content was in variety Askola and the lowest one in Terhi. Total polyphenols content determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method ranged from 13.03 mg GAE. dm-3 DM to 25.35 mg GAE. dm-3 DM. The highest content was identified in juice of variety Dorana and the lowest one in Raisa. The antioxidant activity quantified by the FOMO method ranges from 45.11 g AA. dm-3 DM to 108.77 g AA. dm-3 DM. The highest antioxidant activity was determined in juice of Dorana and the lowest in variety Boja

    FT-IR and Mossbauer Study of Corrosion of Steel in Tap and Mineral Water

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    The influence of carbonates on the process of corrosion of steel in aqueous media has been studied. The corrosion of steel in tap water and mineral water of three different chemical compositions (all for human use) was monitored for up to 6 months. Rust samples were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and 57 Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy. Some selected samples were also analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD).It was shown that the concentration of carbonates plays an important role in the corrosion of steel in aqueous media, both during short (days), and long times (months) of corrosion. For short times of corrosion in the presence of a high content of carbonates, the rust was found amorphous for XRD. It was proved that "\u27(-FeOOHwas absent in amorphous rust. The possible presence of ferrihydrite in this amorphous fraction is discussed taking into account the FT-IR and Mossbauer spectroscopic results. At a very high concentration of carbonates, after 6 month of corrosion,\u27(-FeOOHwas not found in the rust. Formation of a-FeOOH and Fe304 in corrosion products was also monitored. It was suggested that, in the very early stages of corrosion, carbonates can be structurally incorporated in the rust in the form of hydroxycarbonates, while in the later stages, they can modify the phase transformation by the mechanism of specific adsorption

    Stvaranje hrđe tijekom korozije čelika u vodi i otopinama (NH4)2S04. II.

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    Chemical and structural properties of the rust formed by corrosion of steel in water and (NH4)2S04 solutions at 20 °C for time periods up to 6 months were investigated by X-ray dittraction, Fourier transform IR spectroscopy and 67Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy.Kemijska i strukturna svojstva hrđe, stvorene korozijom čelika u vodi i otopinama (NH4)2S04 pri 20 °C u vremenskom periodu do 6 mjeseci, istraživana su difrakcijom X-zraka, FT-IR spektroskopijom i 57Fe Mossbauerovom spektroskopijom. U uzorcima hrđe detektirane su tri oksidne faze: lepidokrokit, magnetit i getit. Raspodjela tih faza u uzorcima hrde ovisila je o vremenu korozije i o koncentraciji (NH4)2SO4. 57Fe Mossbauerova spektroskopija pokazala je nestehiometrijski karakter magnetita (Fe3-x04). Magnetit nije opažen u hrđi koja je stvorena u otopini 2M (NH4)2S04. FT-IR spektroskopija pokazala se posebno pogodnom za određivanje malih količina getita i lepidokrokita u hrđi. Snažan utjecaj koncentracije (NH4)2S04 na fazni sastav hrđe objašnjen je kumulativnim efektom iona NH4+ i SO2- agresivnih u korozijskom smislu