552 research outputs found

    Simplified Life Cycle Analysis. A Rural School in La Pampa, Argentina

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    This study case is a rural school in La Pampa, Argentina, where we compare two energy efficiency systems for construction: the local traditional building type and a proposed one, based on passive system design during its life cycle. In addition, we assume that savings of emissions of greenhousegases are valued in terms of Argentina’s energy matrix. The efficiency, in terms of energy, involves the consumption for its manufacture (extraction, transport and assembly of materials), construction, maintenance and dismantling, recycling and final disposal of waste. Knowing this information at the preliminary stage can be advantageous to evaluate the selected materials in terms of energy and cost savings to amortize its value over the life cycle, and introduce other types of design. At present, there are significant problems of resource scarcity. The implementation of the analysis of life cycle (LC) should be a significant contribution in the field of construction in reference to awareness about energy conservation and efficiency, and therefore contributing to the sustainable development of societies.Fil: Marsilese, Mariela Ines. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Habitat Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Czajkowski, Jorge Daniel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Energy behavior in low-income housing in very cold climates : The case of the province of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    This paper analyses the current state of the energy consumption in public housing built during the last few years in the province of Tierra del Fuego. A synthesis of the results obtained from the analysis of various housing with typological and constructive differences is presented; as well as a comparison with dwellings in other localities of the country with similar characteristics. Different typologies are compared,grouping them under the same heating degreeday for their comparison and there arises as a hypothesis that the housing in the south extreme of the Patagonia has a high energy consumption that exceeds the variables of the construction and the project. The results are systematized in order to serve as a useful precedent for future improvements. The feasibility of their implementation and the contribution to investigation and development in the sector are discussed as well.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Energy behavior in low-income housing in very cold climates : The case of the province of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    This paper analyses the current state of the energy consumption in public housing built during the last few years in the province of Tierra del Fuego. A synthesis of the results obtained from the analysis of various housing with typological and constructive differences is presented; as well as a comparison with dwellings in other localities of the country with similar characteristics. Different typologies are compared,grouping them under the same heating degreeday for their comparison and there arises as a hypothesis that the housing in the south extreme of the Patagonia has a high energy consumption that exceeds the variables of the construction and the project. The results are systematized in order to serve as a useful precedent for future improvements. The feasibility of their implementation and the contribution to investigation and development in the sector are discussed as well.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Methodological Approach for the Development of a Simplified Residential Building Energy Estimation in Temperate Climate

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    Energy ratings and minimum requirements for thermal envelopes and heating and air conditioning systems emerged as tools to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy e ciency and promote greater transparency with regard to energy use in buildings. In Latin America, not all countries have building energy e ciency regulations, many of them are voluntary and more than 80% of the existing initiatives are simplified methods and are centered in energy demand analysis and the compliance of admissible values for di erent indicators. However, the application of these tools, even when simplified, is reduced. The main objective is the development of a simplified calculation method for the estimation of the energy consumption of multifamily housing buildings. To do this, an energy model was created based on the real use and occupation of a reference building, its thermal envelope and its thermal system’s performance. This model was simulated for 42 locations, characterized by their climatic conditions, whilst also considering the thermal transmittance fulfilment. The correlation between energy consumption and the climatic conditions is the base of the proposed method. The input data are seven climatic characteristics. Due to the sociocultural context of Latin America, the proposed method is estimated to have more possible acceptance and applications than other more complex methods, increasing the rate of buildings with an energy assessment. The results have demonstrated a high reliability in the prediction of the statistical models created, as the determination coe cient (R2) is nearly 1 for cooling and heating consumption

    The classroom of a rural school from Buenos Aires: Adapting in to the law 13059/03 and its decree

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    En la provincia de Buenos Aires, cerca del 14% de las escuelas se encuentra en áreas rurales. Es frecuente que estas escuelas tengan que realizar ampliaciones en sus edificios que permitan absorber la creciente matrícula de alumnos además del mantenimiento de la infraestructura actual. Este trabajo analiza el desempeño térmico-energético de una escuela primaria ubicada en el área rural de la ciudad de La Plata a partir de tomar una de sus aulas como unidad de análisis. En el año 2010, se estableció el Decreto Reglamentario 1030/10 que otorga marco regulatorio para reducir los consumos de energías no renovables en edificios y hace obligatorio el cumplimiento de las Normas IRAM referidas al condicionamiento térmico de edificios y ventanas. Los resultados del análisis indican que la envolvente edilicia no cumple con los estándares vigentes por lo que se plantean modificaciones para la adecuación de la misma. Además, se realiza un análisis de los costos que conllevaría su aplicación práctica. Esto permitiría contar con ideas factibles de realizar en futuras ampliaciones y/o modificaciones de los edificios escolares de la localidad.In Buenos Aires province, about 14% of the schools are located in rural areas. Often these schools have to make upgrades in their buildings to absorb the increased enrollment of students in addition to the maintenance of existing infrastructure. This paper analyzes the thermal performance and energy development of a primary school in the rural area in La Plata from taking one of their classrooms as the unit of analysis. In 2010, established the Regulatory Decree 1030/10 which provides the regulatory framework to reduce non-renewable energy consumption in buildings and makes it mandatory compliance with the IRAM referred to the thermal conditioning of buildings and windows. The results of the analysis indicate that the envelope does not meet building current standards are raised thats why we proposed modifications to adapt it. Furthermore, an analysis of the costs that would entail its practical application. This would provide feasible ideas to make future extensions and / or modifications to school buildings in the locality.Fil: Marcilese, Mariela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Czajkowski, Jorge Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable; Argentin

    Edificio de oficinas de baja energía en Llavallol, Buenos Aires. Una experiencia universidad - empresa

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    El presente trabajo está enmarcado en un Convenio de trabajos a terceros entre el Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable y la Empresa Isover Saint Gobain Argentina S.A., con el objeto de desarrollar el proyecto de un modelo edilicio sustentable y de baja energía de 900 m2 en el predio de la fábrica en la localidad de Llavallol, provincia de Buenos Aires. El proyecto tecnológico - arquitectónico será demostrativo con el fin de describir soluciones innovadoras al modo convencional de materializar edificios en el país, además de mostrar la posibilidad de materializar edificios de baja energía a energía plus en países en vías de desarrollo, a costo razonable y con el conocimiento de profesionales, académicos y empresarios locales. Junto a esto valorar el comportamiento energético alcandable y describir su ventaja energética respecto de la edificación convencional. Se expone el proceso proyectual y resultados del comportamiento energético para el primer edificio de estas características en Argentina

    Índice bioambiental de consumo energético en edificios aplicado a un modelo de diseño paramétrico

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    This work is part of a doctoral thesis about optimization of parametric bioclimatic design. We develop two bioclimatic indexes of heating and cooling for typical winter and summer days respectively, which are optimised by means of genetic algorithms (GA) [1]. The object is a high-rise building with multiple uses, located in a plot of urban land, which adequates to Buenos Aires City Environmental Code [2]. The efficient envelope fulfils the Law of Thermal Conditioning in Buildings for Buenos Aires City and IRAM Standards 11604 [3] and 11659/1-2 [4]. After parameterizing the building geometry, we introduce solar thermal loads, transmission loads and internal loads. We employ our own climatic data from the Laboratory: hourly solar radiation and temperature. Then, we run the program successive times in order to obtain a set of solutions, which have equivalent energy performance but different spatial configuration. We utilize a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimise the process [5]. Based on the results, we can analyse which variables influence the energy performance of the alternatives. This tool proves to be effective to design and optimise architectural solutions for a high-rise building, while giving the designer more options than traditional design method. We verify the hypothesis of the incidence of envelope geometry on energy consumptionby means of these new indexes. The calculations of these new indexes—Bheat and Bcool —let us evaluate simultaneously both parameters, providing a common basis of comparison: 24-hour energy consumption of typical winter and summer days. We can affirm that energy efficient design cannot let apart summer condition for our bioclimatic zone (humid temperate) IIIb (IRAM 11603) [6]. Nevertheless, the above mentioned law in Buenos Aires Province only require a minimum Gheat, taking into account just winter condition. The same happens with IRAM Standard 11900 about energy efficiency labelling.Este trabajo es parte de una tesis de doctorado de arquitectura donde se desarrollan un índice bioclimático de calefacción—Bcal— y otro de refrigeración —Bref—para un día típico de invierno y de verano respectivamente, optimizados mediante algoritmos genéticos (AG) [1]. El objeto de estudio es un edificio en altura de usos variados y localización urbana, adecuado al Código Ambiental de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires [2] con una envolvente paramétrica eficiente, acorde a la Ley de Acondicionamiento Térmico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y las normas IRAM 11604 [3] y 11659/1-2 [4]. Una vez parametrizada la geometría edilicia, se introducen las cargas térmicas solares, de la envolvente y de la ocupación. Se utilizan registros climáticos propios de nuestro laboratorio: datos horarios de radiación solar y temperatura. Se diseña el algoritmo de cálculo de ambos índices empleando los datos de entrada. La configuración espacial queda sujeta al proceso de búsqueda del algoritmo genético (AG). Luego, el programa corre sucesivas veces hasta obtener un conjunto de diferentes soluciones espaciales de desempeño energético equivalente. La optimización del consumo— o sea, la búsqueda de los valores más bajos de Bcal y Bref— es realizada por un algoritmo genético (AG) [5]. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, podemos analizar las variables que inciden en el comportamiento de las distintas alternativas. La herramienta prueba ser efectiva, porque ofrece al diseñador más opciones que con un método de diseño tradicional. Se verifica la hipótesis de la incidencia de la geometría de la envolvente en el consumo energético mediante la obtención de nuevos índices para calefacción y refrigeración—Bcal y Bref— evaluando simultáneamente ambos parámetros, y proveyendo una base de comparación: el total del consumo energético horario para un día típico de invierno y de verano. Podemos concluir que el diseño eficiente no puede prescindir de la condición de verano para la zona bioambiental IIIb templada húmeda (IRAM 11603) [6] de la República Argentina. No obstante, la ley de eficiencia energética vigente en la provincia de Buenos Aires, considera exclusivamente la condición de invierno. Otro tanto sucede con la norma IRAM 11900 de etiquetado energético de edificio

    Procedure for discrimination natural gas consumption applications by dwellings

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    El trabajo de investigación presentado se encuadra dentro de la realización de una beca doctoral tipo II CONICET para aspirar al grado de doctora en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la FAU-UNLP. El tema de trabajo refiere a un “Modelo alternativo de planeamiento energético-ambiental de áreas metropolitanas MAPS basado en diferenciales de tejido urbano”. Al mismo tiempo se encuentra enmarcado en el proyecto de investigación PICT ANPCyT 2006-956: “Eficiencia energética edilicia en áreas metropolitanas. Evaluación mediante auditorías y propuestas de estándares”. Este trabajo busca plantear un procedimiento para poder discriminar el consumo de gas natural en calefacción y agua caliente+cocción, con el objetivo de ajustar variables críticas e indicadores energético-ambientales para diferenciales de tejido urbano. Los datos utilizados se obtuvieron en la campaña de medición en junio del año 2008, en dos casa en la ciudad de La Plata de tipología dúplex. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizó el Hobo ware, el Excel, EnergoCAD R14, AuditCAD y Discrgas.This Research is part of a type II Conicet Scholarship Project to obtain a PHd in Arquitecture and Urbanism of the FAU-UNLP (University of La Plata). The topic of the paper refers to an “Alternative model of energy-environmental planning of metropolitan areas (MAPS) based on urban fabric differentials”. It is also framed within the PICT ANPCyT 2006-956 research project: “Building energy efficiency in metropolitan areas. Evaluation through audits and standard proposals.” This paper seeks to propose a procedure to discriminate natural gas consumption for heating and hot water + cooking, in order toadjust critical variables and indicators for energy and environmental differentials urban fabric. The data used were obtained from the measurement campaign in June 2008 in two houses in the city of La Plata type duplex. For processing the data was used Hobo ware, Excel, EnergoCAD R14, andDiscrgas AuditCAD.Fil: Vagge, Carolina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Czajkowski, Jorge Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable; Argentin

    Programa de Especialización y Maestría en Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable

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    Se expone el programa de posgrado para sendas carreras de Especialización y Maestría en Arquitectura y Hábitat Sustentable de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Se tratan los antecedentes, estructura y contenido pedagógico y se discuten estrategias adoptadas. Se discuten experiencias y resultados a partir de la finalización de la primera cohorte en el corriente año. El objetivo es complementar otras propuestas del país con una orientada al proyecto arquitectónico urbano sustentable.Fil: Czajkowski, Jorge Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Habitat Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Analia Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Laboratorio de Arquitectura y Habitat Sustentable; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Simplified Life Cycle Analysis : A Rural School in La Pampa, Argentina

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    This study case is a rural school in La Pampa, Argentina, where we compare two energy efficiency systems for construction: the local traditional building type and a proposed one, based on passive system design during its life cycle. In addition, we assume savings of emissions of greenhouse-gases are valued in terms of Argentina´s energy matrix. The efficiency, in terms of energy, involves the consumption for its manufacture (extraction, transport and assembly of materials), construction, maintenance and dismantling, recycling and final disposal of waste. Knowing this information at the preliminary stage can be advantageous to evaluate the selected materials in terms of energy and cost savings to amortize its value over the life cycle, and introduce other types of design. At present, there are significant problems of resource scarcity. The implementation of the analysis of life cycle (LC) should be a significant contribution in the field of construction in reference to awareness about energy conservation and efficiency, and therefore contribute to the sustainable development of societies.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU