30 research outputs found

    Young Consumers Behavior in Consuming Honey During the Covid-19 Pandemi: Case Study in Jakarta

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    Honey is a natural liquid produced by honey bees from plant flower essences or other parts of plants that contain various nutrients and bioactive compounds that can increase the body’s immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the behavior of Jakarta young consumers in consuming honey during the COVID- 19 pandemic. The method used in this study was a survey using a questionnaire. About 204 young consumers between 20-30 years old in Jakarta who had consumed honey were interviewed and filled out a questionnaire. The selection of respondents was determined using a probability sample with a disproportionately stratified random sampling technique. Honey consumer respondents agreed to consume honey because honey can increase body immunity and increase stamina during the COVID-19 pandemic. The relationship between knowledge and situational factors with the decision to consume honey was tested using the Rank Spearman correlation test. Knowledge level and situational factors have a significant relationship with the decision to consume honey. This study showed that the higher the level of knowledge and situations that support consumers, such as the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the higher the level of honey consumption

    Preferences of Young Consumers in Bogor City in Consuming Honey during the Covid 19 Pandemic

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, people’s habits in consuming highly nutritious food increased, especially to increase the body’s immunity. Consuming honey is one of the way because it has high content and boosts immunity. Research on consumer preferences in consuming honey was carried outto determine the level of consumer preference. Respondents of as many as 108 people were selected with an age range of 20 to 30 years and domiciled in Bogor City, and the sample was selected purposively. Respondents chose to consume honey with a brand and packaging they are interested in that is plastic bottles, because of the ease of distribution and storage. This type of honey consumes as much as 34.8% of forest honey. Respondents were 29.6% more likely to consume honey once a month. Consumers choose honey packaged using plastic bottles, 51.9%. Honey consumption is most often done by consuming honey alone without adding any food. Consumer decision-making is influenced by factors on the level of consumer preference for a product, so it is necessary to conduct research to determine consumer preferences

    Analysis of Youth Interest in Work as Sheep Farmers at P4S LKP2U

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    An increase in the number of demands for lamb meat every year represents livestock business opportunity while the supply from smallholder farmers continues to decline, causing prices to rise yearly. Sustainability is important in the sheep farming business, which older farmer dominated. The objective of this research was to assess the inclination of the younger population towards pursuing careers as sheep farmers after participating at the Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S) of Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Potensi Umat (LKP2U) program in the Madiun Regency. Novelty of the research is the presentation of the latest information on youth interest in working as a farmer. Data collection was carried out in December 2022 using non-probability sampling. The data in this study were analyzed using a Likert scale to measure entrepreneurial interest and demographic factors. Furthermore, a binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the predictor and response variables. Youth interest after participating in the training program chooses an interest in working as a sheep farmer at 70%. Factors that influence youth interest after attending the training program towards employment as a sheep farmer are demographic factors namely age, marital status, duration of education, parents occupation, parents income, family members, and entrepreneurial factors (e.g personal, environmental, and social)

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Ternak Berbasis E-Commerce di PT X

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    PT X is one of the online livestock marketplace companies that connects partners (housing investors, business partners, members, and farmers) with consumers. Products that were marketed by PT X include sheep (gembel, garut, merino) and cow (ongol, hisar, simmental). PT X in marketing its products used online marketing system based on e-commerce. This research was a case study research with qualitative approach that aimed to analyze the marketing strategy of livestock in PT X. This research used direct interview method that was involving all respondents as many as 3 managers of PT X and 1 expert respondents. The data were analyzed using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method and presented descriptively. There are 3 interrelated elements in analyzing the marketing strategy of PT X's online livestock, including factors (delivery and product availability systems) of actors (Founder, Coordinator of Mobile Centers, and Support Service) and alternatives (maintaining product quality, expanding cooperative relationships, and improve service system).This study concluded that product availability is a priority factor with the Mobile Sentra Coordinator having the most important role as an actor in the preparation of PT X's marketing strategy. Maintaining product quality becamethe main strategy that coulds be applied by PT X in increasing its marketing

    Persepsi Peternak tentang Ayam IPB D-1 sebagai Ayam Lokal Unggul (Kasus Sinar Harapan Farm Jampang Tengah Sukabumi)

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    IPB D-1 chickens were produced from research on the application of molecular genetics with the aim of increasing the productivity and quality of Indonesian local chickens. This study aims to determine the perception of farmers at Sinar Harapan Farm Jampang Tengah Sukabumi about IPB D-1 chickens, which is viewed from the characteristics of innovations in IPB D-1 chickens. The research was conducted at Sinar Harapan Farm (SHF) which was located in Jampang Tengah District, Sukabumi Regency. Data collection was carried out in August 2020. Data collection was carried out by interviewing all 18 member farmers of Sinar Harapan Farm. SHF farmers’ perceptions of IPB D-1 chickens were measured from five characteristics of innovations in IPB D-1 chickens which included: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The results showed that the perception score for the aspect of relative advantage was 4.34, compatibility was 4.38, compatibility was 4.25, trialability was 4.13, and observability was 4.15. The farmers of Sinar Harapan Farm Jampang Tengah Sukabumi showed a good perception about IPB-D1 chickens

    Strategy for Kleder Competency Improvement in The Camara Nusantara Cattle Ship

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    Camara Nusantara ship was provided for livestock transportation especially cattle, to help increasingefficiency and decrease weight losses in the supply chain process. There were, however, such poor cattleperformance was still found on the arrival port, which was claimed as related to the poor managementand less competence of working personnel on board, one of those was kleder. This study was aimed atanalyzing the strategy for increasing Human Resource competency in the Camara Nusantara LivestockShip. Method used in this study was observations on target location, documentation, literature review,and depth interviews with target respondents in the respective locations, qualitative analysis approachwas applied for data analysis. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with five levels were used to analyzedata obtained from the study. The results indicate that the main strategies for increasing the competencyof human resource in the Camara Nusantara Livestock Ship was started with development of competencystandardization with a weight of 0.361. Development of competency standards for kleder is required toprovide a guidelines for improving kleder’s skills and knowledge in managing and handling livestockat Camara Nusantara Livestock Ship. It can be concluded that to optimize kleder competency who areworking at Camara Nusantara Cattle Ship may help to maintain cattle performance during the sea tolltransportation. Therefore, developing a national job competency standard, so called SKKNI (StandarKompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia) is needed as guidance to formulate relevant training programsfor human resource development

    Analysis of the Sustainability of Beef Cattle Breeding Business-Intensive Rearing Patterns in, Indramayu Regency, West Java

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    The increase population growth may cause an increase in the need for food originating from animal protein, one of which is meat. The demand for beef is not matched by an increase in the national cattle population or productivity. Policies on cattle breeding in the future require basic information, potential resources, and supporting facilities that are actualized in indicators and aspects of sustainability. The aim of the study was to analyze the index and status of the sustainability of a cattle breeding business with an intensive rearing pattern in Situ Bolang Indramayu, West Java, which was assessed from ecological, socio-cultural, economic, legal-institutional, and technological-infrastructure indicators. The method used is multidimensional scaling (MDS) with the Rap-UPTS approach for the analysis of index values and sustainability status. The identification of sensitive indicators, errors in index values, and sustainability in each aspect was carried out by Leverage and Monte Carlo analysis. The respondents amounted to 12 farmers. The results of the sustainability index analysis illustrate that the ecological indicators are 66.39, socio-cultural 57.14, economic 56.31, and legal-institutional 57.44, with a fairly sustainable status. In the Technology-Infrastructure Indicator 45.48, the status is less sustainable. It is necessary to increase the status of sustainability in the future, and it is necessary to make efforts to improve overall in all sensitive aspects of increasing the status of cattle breeding areas

    Dampak Eksternalitas Peternakan Kambing Perah terhadap Kehidupan Masyarakat Sekitar

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    The number of milk consumption 12.50 Ls capita-1 year-1 have not been able to be  met through  national milk  production. Deficit in milk production opportunities for dairy goat farmers to develop the business. Livestock development resulting externalities.  According to Pindyck, Robert and Rubinfeld (2007) An externality is an activity either by perodusen or consumers that can affect producers and other consumers, but not factored into the cost of the market. Indirectly these impacts will be considered for the  development of dairy goat farming business, so the need for studies on the impact of positive and negative externalities caused by the presence of dairy goat farm. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of dairy goat farm externalities on people's lives around. The experiment was conducted at Wake Karso dairy goat farm. The population in this study is the community living around the dairy goat farm. Sampling method used was purposive sampling. This study uses 70 respondents who dwelt at a distance of 0 to 1 km from dairy goat farms. The results showed that the majority of people (57.32%) expressed disagreement to the positive externalities generated and the majority of people (90.20%) expressed disagreement to the negative externalities caused. Positive externalities not provide a real benefit to society and the negative impacts are not felt by the public, so the public is not compromised states due to dairy goat farm

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Produk Rumah Potong Hewan (Studi Kasus RPH Kategori I dan RPH Kategori II)

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    Abattoir categories I and II have different handling processes, abattoir category I without chilling facilites to produce hot carcass and abattoir category 2 with chilling facilities to produce chilled carcass . The objective of this study was to analyze the added value generated in abattoir category I and in abattoir category II, as well as to analyze the factors that affect the amount of added value. This study calculated the amount of added value that abattoir Category I and II could create using Hayami Method. The obtained results showed that abattoir category II produced added value of Rp 44 358 and Rp 45 489 per 1 kg of carcass and Rp 6 552 and Rp 7 022 per 1 kg edible offal, while in abattoir category I the produced added value was much lower that is equal to Rp 25 924 and Rp 25 072 per 1 kg carcass and Rp 3 097 and Rp 4 361 per 1 kg edible offal. The difference of this added value was caused by several factors, one of the most influential factor was the selling price of the product value, in abattoir category II there wasa process of foraging meat (chilling), cooling and packaging of meat divided into Prime Cut, Secondary Cut , Bone, and By Product