34 research outputs found
Scattering and Pairing in Cuprate Superconductors
The origin of the exceptionally strong superconductivity of cuprates remains
a subject of debate after more than two decades of investigation. Here we
follow a new lead: The onset temperature for superconductivity scales with the
strength of the anomalous normal-state scattering that makes the resistivity
linear in temperature. The same correlation between linear resistivity and Tc
is found in organic superconductors, for which pairing is known to come from
fluctuations of a nearby antiferromagnetic phase, and in pnictide
superconductors, for which an antiferromagnetic scenario is also likely. In the
cuprates, the question is whether the pseudogap phase plays the corresponding
role, with its fluctuations responsible for pairing and scattering. We review
recent studies that shed light on this phase - its boundary, its quantum
critical point, and its broken symmetries. The emerging picture is that of a
phase with spin-density-wave order and fluctuations, in broad analogy with
organic, pnictide, and heavy-fermion superconductors.Comment: To appear in Volume 1 of the Annual Review of Condensed Matter
Two types of nematicity in the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductor YBaCuO
Nematicity has emerged as a key feature of cuprate superconductors, but its
link to other fundamental properties such as superconductivity, charge order
and the pseudogap remains unclear. Here we use measurements of transport
anisotropy in YBaCuO to distinguish two types of nematicity. The
first is associated with short-range charge-density-wave modulations in a
doping region near . It is detected in the Nernst coefficient, but
not in the resistivity. The second type prevails at lower doping, where there
are spin modulations but no charge modulations. In this case, the onset of
in-plane anisotropy - detected in both the Nernst coefficient and the
resistivity - follows a line in the temperature-doping phase diagram that
tracks the pseudogap energy. We discuss two possible scenarios for the latter
nematicity.Comment: 8 pages and 7 figures. Main text and supplementary material now
combined into single articl
Anisotropy of the Seebeck Coefficient in the Cuprate Superconductor YBaCuO: Fermi-Surface Reconstruction by Bidirectional Charge Order
The Seebeck coefficient of the cuprate YBaCuO was
measured in magnetic fields large enough to suppress superconductivity, at hole
dopings and , for heat currents along the and
directions of the orthorhombic crystal structure. For both directions,
decreases and becomes negative at low temperature, a signature that the Fermi
surface undergoes a reconstruction due to broken translational symmetry. Above
a clear threshold field, a strong new feature appears in , for
conduction along the axis only. We attribute this feature to the onset of
3D-coherent unidirectional charge-density-wave modulations seen by x-ray
diffraction, also along the axis only. Because these modulations have a
sharp onset temperature well below the temperature where starts to drop
towards negative values, we infer that they are not the cause of Fermi-surface
reconstruction. Instead, the reconstruction must be caused by the quasi-2D
bidirectional modulations that develop at significantly higher temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Broken rotational symmetry in the pseudogap phase of a high-Tc superconductor
The nature of the pseudogap phase is a central problem in the quest to
understand high-Tc cuprate superconductors. A fundamental question is what
symmetries are broken when that phase sets in below a temperature T*. There is
evidence from both polarized neutron diffraction and polar Kerr effect
measurements that time- reversal symmetry is broken, but at temperatures that
differ significantly. Broken rotational symmetry was detected by both
resistivity and inelastic neutron scattering at low doping and by scanning
tunnelling spectroscopy at low temperature, but with no clear connection to T*.
Here we report the observation of a large in-plane anisotropy of the Nernst
effect in YBa2Cu3Oy that sets in precisely at T*, throughout the doping phase
diagram. We show that the CuO chains of the orthorhombic lattice are not
responsible for this anisotropy, which is therefore an intrinsic property of
the CuO2 planes. We conclude that the pseudogap phase is an electronic state
which strongly breaks four-fold rotational symmetry. This narrows the range of
possible states considerably, pointing to stripe or nematic orders.Comment: Published version. Journal reference and DOI adde
Pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors confined by Fermi surface topology
The properties of cuprate high-temperature superconductors are largely shaped
by competing phases whose nature is often a mystery. Chiefly among them is the
pseudogap phase, which sets in at a doping that is material-dependent.
What determines is currently an open question. Here we show that the
pseudogap cannot open on an electron-like Fermi surface, and can only exist
below the doping at which the large Fermi surface goes from hole-like
to electron-like, so that . We derive this result from
high-magnetic-field transport measurements in
LaNdSrCuO under pressure, which reveal a large and
unexpected shift of with pressure, driven by a corresponding shift in
. This necessary condition for pseudogap formation, imposed by details
of the Fermi surface, is a strong constraint for theories of the pseudogap
phase. Our finding that can be tuned with a modest pressure opens a new
route for experimental studies of the pseudogap.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 7 supplemental figure
Expansion of the Tetragonal Magnetic Phase with Pressure in the Iron Arsenide Superconductor Ba₁₋ₓKₓFe₂As₂
In the temperature-concentration phase diagram of most iron-based superconductors, antiferromagnetic order is gradually suppressed to zero at a critical point, and a dome of superconductivity forms around that point. The nature of the magnetic phase and its fluctuations is of fundamental importance for elucidating the pairing mechanism. In Ba1-xKxFe2As2 and Ba1-xNaxFe2As2, it has recently become clear that the usual stripelike magnetic phase, of orthorhombic symmetry, gives way to a second magnetic phase, of tetragonal symmetry, near the critical point, in the range from x = 0.24 to x=0.28 for Ba1-xKxFe2As2. In a prior study, an unidentified phase was discovered for x \u3c 0.24 but under applied pressure, whose onset was detected as a sharp anomaly in the resistivity. Here we report measurements of the electrical resistivity of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 under applied hydrostatic pressures up to 2.75 GPa, for x = 0.22, 0.24, and 0.28. The critical pressure above which the unidentified phase appears is seen to decrease with increasing x and vanish at x = 0.24, thereby linking the pressure-induced phase to the tetragonal magnetic phase observed at ambient pressure. In the temperature-concentration phase diagram of Ba1-xKxFe2As2, we find that pressure greatly expands the tetragonal magnetic phase, while the stripelike phase shrinks. This reveals that pressure may be a powerful tuning parameter with which to explore the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in this material
Decrease of upper critical field with underdoping in cuprate superconductors
The transition temperature Tc of cuprate superconductors falls when the
doping p is reduced below a certain optimal value. It is unclear whether this
fall is due to strong phase fluctuations or to a decrease in the pairing gap.
Different interpretations of photoemission data disagree on the evolution of
the pairing gap and different estimates of the upper critical field Hc2 are in
sharp contradiction. Here we resolve this contradiction by showing that
superconducting fluctuations in the underdoped cuprate Eu-LSCO, measured via
the Nernst effect, have a characteristic field scale that falls with
underdoping. The critical field Hc2 dips at p = 0.11, showing that
superconductivity is weak where stripe order is strong. In the archetypal
cuprate superconductor YBCO, Hc2 extracted from other measurements has the same
doping dependence, also with a minimum at p = 0.11, again where stripe order is
present. We conclude that competing states such as stripe order weaken
superconductivity and this, rather than phase fluctuations, causes Tc to fall
as cuprates become underdoped.Comment: Supplementary Information file available upon request; Nature Physics
Nernst effect of iron pnictide and cuprate superconductors: signatures of spin density wave and stripe order
The Nernst effect has recently proven a sensitive probe for detecting unusual
normal state properties of unconventional superconductors. In particular, it
may sensitively detect Fermi surface reconstructions which are connected to a
charge or spin density wave (SDW) ordered state, and even fluctuating forms of
such a state. Here we summarize recent results for the Nernst effect of the
iron pnictide superconductor , whose ground state evolves
upon doping from an itinerant SDW to a superconducting state, and the cuprate
superconductor which exhibits static stripe
order as a ground state competing with the superconductivity. In , the SDW order leads to a huge Nernst response, which allows
to detect even fluctuating SDW precursors at superconducting doping levels
where long range SDW order is suppressed. This is in contrast to the impact of
stripe order on the normal state Nernst effect in . Here, though signatures of the stripe order are
detectable in the temperature dependence of the Nernst coefficient, its overall
temperature dependence is very similar to that of ,
where stripe order is absent. The anomalies which are induced by the stripe
order are very subtle and the enhancement of the Nernst response due to static
stripe order in as compared to that of the
pseudogap phase in , if any, is very small.Comment: To appear in: 'Properties and applications of thermoelectric
materials - II', V. Zlatic and A. Hewson, editors, Proceedings of NATO
Advanced Research Workshop, Hvar, Croatia, September 19 -25, 2011, NATO
Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, (Springer
Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
Fermi-surface reconstruction by stripe order in cuprate superconductors
Quantum oscillations have revealed the presence of a small pocket in the
Fermi surface of the cuprate superconductor YBCO, whose nature and origin are
the subject of much debate. Interpretations include electron and hole pockets;
scenarios include Fermi-surface reconstruction by antiferromagnetism,
d-density-wave order, and stripe order. Here we report quantum oscillations in
the Seebeck and Nernst coefficients of YBCO and show, from the magnitude and
sign of the Seebeck coefficient, that they come from an electron pocket. Using
measurements of the Seebeck coefficient as a function of hole doping p, we show
that the evolution of the Fermi surface in YBCO is the same as in Eu-LSCO, a
cuprate where stripe order (a modulation of spin and charge densities) is well
established. The electron pocket is most prominent where stripe order is
strongest, at p = 1/8. This shows that Fermi-surface reconstruction is a
generic mechanism of underdoped cuprates, intimately related to stripe order.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary information now integrated into