95 research outputs found

    The importance of earliness for creating new MS f-1 pepper hybrids

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    Cvikic D., N. Pavlovic, M. Brdar and Z. Girek (2010): The importance of earliness for crating new msF1 pepper hybrids - Genetika, Vol 42, No. 3, 521-528. Breeding new line pepper genotypes is an important goal for the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka. Years of selection resulted in great number of varieties, however, the selection of F-1 pepper hybrids started recently. Pepper F-1 hybrids have proved to be better than cultivars in the terms of earliness, yield, plant uniformity, pathogen resistance etc. Considering significant heterosis values for earliness, this paper deals with the genetic analysis of F-1 and F-2 pepper hybrids, obtained by crossing four lines, including ms line HM-6

    Varijabilnost i koeficijent heritabilnosti prosečnog sadržaja suve materije u lukovicama crnog luka (Allium cepa L.)

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    In order to research the variability of average dry matter content in onion bulbs, the trial has been set up on the experimental plot in the Centre for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka during 2000. and 2001. The trial has been performed by applying the method of random block design with five replicas. Ten cultivars of different geographical origin have been used. Examined characteristics were determined by applying the variance analysis of two-factorial trial - model 2. Hadzivukovic, 1991. The components of phenotype variance, genotype and phenotype coefficient of variance and heritability in broader sense have been calculated according to SINGH and CHAUDHARY (1976). The significant variability has been found for dry matter content in bulbs during both years of research. The researched trait had a greater genotype variance than out door conditions factor variance and the coefficient of phenotype variation greater than genetic variance coefficient. High percentage of genetic variability in total phenotype variability has been confirmed by high heritability. .U cilju ispitivanja varijabilnosti prosečnog sadržaja suve materije u lukovicama crnog luka, postavljen je ogled na oglednom polju Centra za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci u toku 2000. i 2001. godine. Ogled je izveden po slučajnom blok sistemu u pet ponavljanja. Za istraživački materijal korišćeno je deset sorata, različitog geografskog porekla. Utvrđene vrednosti ispitivanih svojstava su obrađene analizom varijanse dvofaktorijalnog ogleda-model 2. (Hadživuković, 1991). Komponente fenotipske varijanse, genotipski i fenotipski koeficijent varijacije i heritabilnost u širem smislu izračunate su prema Singh i Chaudhary (1976). Značajna varijabilnost je dobijena za prosečni sadržaj suve materije u lukovicama tokom obe godine istraživanja. Ispitivana osobina imala je varijansu genotipa veću od varijanse faktora spoljašnje sredine i koeficijent fenotipske varijacije veći od koeficijenta genetičke varijacije. Veći udeo genetičke u ukupnoj fenotipskoj varijabilnosti potvrđuje visoka heritabilnost.

    Mode of inheritance of dry matter content in onion (allium cepa l.) Bulb

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    Pavlovic N., D. Cvikic, J. Zdravkovic, M. Mijatovic and M. Brdar-Jokanovic (2011): Mode of inheritance of dry matter content in onion (A. cepa L.) bulb. - Genetika, Vol 43, No. 1, 19 -27. Onion dry matter content is very important in terms of processing. The study was undertaken in order to investigate dry matter content inheritance pattern in fresh onion bulb. Five divergent onion genotypes, originating from different geographical areas, have been crossed. Full diallel crossing method (without reciprocals) was applied in order to obtain F-1 and F-2 generation offspring. Field trial including parents and F-1 and F-2 hybrids was performed at the Institute for Vegetable Crops experimental plot, Smederevska Palanka. The trial was conducted in randomized blocks, with five replications. Intermediate inheritance pattern prevailed for both F-1 and F-2 generation. Additive genetic component value was higher than dominant for both F-1 and F-2 generation, which implies additive effect of genes. Hybrid combination PR x BB was characterized by the highest heterosis value (11.85%). Better general combining abilities were confirmed for three lines in comparison with other lines, whereas special combining abilities were significant for one F-1 hybrid. Neither general nor special combining abilities were significant for F-2 generation

    Generation mean analysis of yield components and yield in tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.)

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    Tomato yield depends on two components viz., fruit weight and number of fruit per flower branch. These traits are quantitative and therefore influenced by multiple genes. The objective of this study was to estimate the main gene effects ( additive, dominant and digenic epistasis) and to determine the mode of inheritance for yield components and yield in three tomato cross combinations by generation mean analysis. The trial included genotypes differing in morphology and yield: line DAT, cultivar SP-109 and local population KGZ. The analyzed genotypes belong to tomato germplasm collection of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Six families per hybrid, including parents, have been tested. Besides, the additive and dominance gene effects, non-allelic gene interactions have been detected for yield components and yield. Duplicate type of epistasis was confirmed for fruit weight and yield in all cases characterized by significant dominance and dominance/dominance effects, which diminishes the effect of dominant genes and makes breeding for yield increase more difficult. Therefore, number of fruits per flower branch increase would be the most efficient strategy for increasing tomato yielding ability

    Način nasleđivanja mase lukovice crnog luka (Allium cepa L.)

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    One of the most important traits of onion bulb is its bulb fresh weight. Also, this trait is in a group of morphological markers that, together with RAPD, represent the parameter of the most precise identification of onion genotype. For the purpose of this study, the chosen genotypes were: Makoi bronzi, Piroska, AC 101, Jasenicki crveni, Bukino beo. Also, they were of a different geographical origin. Method of full diallel without reciprocals was applied in order to obtain F1 and F2 generation. Field trial with parents and hybrids F1 and F2 generation was set in a random block system with five replications at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Considering all crossing combinations, super-domination and domination are the modes of inheritance for bulb fresh weight. The best general combiner was the line Makoi bronzi. The highest level of SCA in F1 and F2 generation was found in hybrid combination Makoi bronzi x Piroska. Also, this hybrid combination had the highest values of heterosis.Među najbitnije proizvodne osobine lukovice crnog luka ubraja se njena masa. Zatim, ova osobina spada u grupu morfoloških markera koja zajedno sa primenom molekularnih markera (RAPD), služi kao parametar za najtačniju identifikaciju genotipova crnog luka. U cilju ispitivanja načina nasleđivanja ove osobine izvršeno je ukrštanje između pet divergentnih genotipova crnog luka, različitog geografskog porekla. Primenjen je metod punog dialela bez recipročnih ukrštanja, radi dobijanja potomstva F1 i F2 generacije. Poljski ogled sa roditeljima i hibridima F1 i F2 generacije postavljen je po slučajnom blok sistemu u pet ponavljanja u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka. Uzevši u obzir sve kombinacije ukrštanja, može se zaključiti da superdominacija i dominacija predstavljaju način nasleđivanja mase lukovice. Najbolji opšti kombinator bila je linija Makoi bronzi. Najvišu vrednost za SCA u F1 i F2 generaciji imao je hibrid nastao ukrštanjem linija Makoi bronzi x Piroška. Takođe, ova hibridna kombinacija imala je i najveće izračunate vrednosti za heterozis

    Rezultati oplemenjivanja salatnog krastavca (Cucumis sativus L.) u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka

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    Market significance of cucumber for fresh consumption and the new technology of growing make it one of the most attractive vegetable variety. Interest of producers is higher every day, while the selection of new varieties is very low. The aim of this research was the selection of cucumber intended for fresh consumption with good agronomic traits intended for growing in the greenhouses and in the open field. The researchers of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka created new cucumber hybrid which was recognized by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Plant protection in 2013, under the name 'Kralj'.Tržišna značajnost salatnog krastavca i nove tehnologije gajenja čine da on postaje jedna od najatraktivnijih povrtarskih vrsta. Zainteresovanost proizvođača je sve veća a domaća selekcija sorata na ovoj povrtarskoj vrsti je jako oskudna. Cilj ovog istraživanja je selekcija salatnog krastavca sa dobrim agronomskim osobinama namenjenog za gajenje u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju. Novi hibrid salatnog krastavca Kralj, kreiran je u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka. Hibrid je priznat kod MPVŠ, RS, Uprava za zaštitu bilja, 2013 godine pod nazivom Kralj

    Energy efficiency of the mineral fertilizer application in cereal production

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    Cereal grains have represented the principal component of the human diet for thousands of years. Modern cereal production can not be imagined without the use of mineral fertilizers, particularly in terms of better utilization of biological potential of the yield of growing plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the energetic efficiency of wheat and barley production, with special reference to the share of the use of mineral fertilizers in total energy consumption. Input data and yield of wheat and barley fields were collected in the experimental trials in Serbia. Results showed that total energy inputs of wheat and barley fields were 22178.04and15921.16 MJ·ha-1, respectively. Total energy outputs for wheat and barley fields were 80037.83 and 104496.08 MJ·ha-1,respectively. The results obtained indicate that mineral fertilizers claim a share of the total energy consumption in cereal production ranging from 49.19% in barley to 52.01% in wheat. Specific energy input, energy output–input ratio (energy use efficiency), energy productivity and net energy gain were 5.13 MJ·kg-1, 3.61,0.19 kg·MJ-1and57859.79MJ·ha-1in wheat system and 2.75 MJ·kg-1, 6.56, 0.36 kg·MJ-1and88574.92 MJ·ha-1in barley system, respectively. According to the results, it seems that barley production is more efficient from different aspects of energy consumption compared to wheat in the studied region. In general, production in barley fields was more sustainable than wheat production because, in view of ecological indices such as amount of energy use and renewable energy consumption, it was more environment-friendly production

    Study of some bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) populations originating from central Serbia

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    Proučavanje populacija pasulja prikupljenih tokom rada na terenu, poseta proizvođačima ili na lokalnim pijacama centralne Srbije, ima izuzetno veliki značaj za program oplemenjivanja pasulja u Institutu za povrtarstvo d.o.o. u Smederevskoj Palanci. U početnim istraživanjima obuhvaćene su standardne osobine: visina stabla, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna u mahuni, masa 1000 semena, oblik i boja zrna, potencijalna rezistentnost. Istraživanjima su obuhvaćene 37 populacija. Od posmatranih osobina u radu su prokazane tri osobine: visina stabla, broj zrna u mahuni i masa 1000 semenaStudy of bean populations collected during the field work, visiting the producers or local markets in central Serbia is extremely significant in bean breeding at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka. In the initial studies of standard traits of beans: stalk height, number of pods per plant, number of grains in pod, weight of 1000 grains, shape and col our of grains, potential resistance have been examined. The study covered 37 populations. From all re searched traits, this pa per deals with three: stalk height, number of grains per pod and weight of 1000 grains

    Study of some bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) populations originating from central Serbia

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    Proučavanje populacija pasulja prikupljenih tokom rada na terenu, poseta proizvođačima ili na lokalnim pijacama centralne Srbije, ima izuzetno veliki značaj za program oplemenjivanja pasulja u Institutu za povrtarstvo d.o.o. u Smederevskoj Palanci. U početnim istraživanjima obuhvaćene su standardne osobine: visina stabla, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna u mahuni, masa 1000 semena, oblik i boja zrna, potencijalna rezistentnost. Istraživanjima su obuhvaćene 37 populacija. Od posmatranih osobina u radu su prokazane tri osobine: visina stabla, broj zrna u mahuni i masa 1000 semenaStudy of bean populations collected during the field work, visiting the producers or local markets in central Serbia is extremely significant in bean breeding at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka. In the initial studies of standard traits of beans: stalk height, number of pods per plant, number of grains in pod, weight of 1000 grains, shape and col our of grains, potential resistance have been examined. The study covered 37 populations. From all re searched traits, this pa per deals with three: stalk height, number of grains per pod and weight of 1000 grains

    Svojstva koja utiču na prinos crnog luka u uslovima organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje

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    Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem utvrđivanja uticaja nekoliko svojstava crnog luka na prinos u uslovima organskog i konvencionalnog gajenja. Dvogodišnji poljski ogled (2009, 2010) je postavljen na eksperimentalnoj parceli Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci i uključivao je pet sorti crnog luka. Ogled je podrazumevao neđubrene parcele, parcele đubrene NPK (kontrole), mikrobiološkim đubrivom i staj nja kom (tretmani). Utvrđene su značajne razlike među sortama, godinama i tretmanima u pogledu ispitivanih svojstava. Masa lukovice, broj lukovica po parceli i prečnik lažnog stabla su ispoljili pozitivne, a broj dana od setve do nicanja i dužina vegetacije negativne efekte na prinos u svim uslovima gajenja crnog luka. Prema tome; ova svojstva mogu biti od koristi u selekciji crnog luka, bez obzira da li je reč o konvencionalnom ili organ skom sistemu gajenja. Prečnik lukovice, visina lukovice, indeks lukovice, dužina lažnog stabla i visina biljke su ispoljili različite efekte na prinos, zavisno od uslova gajenja.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of several traits on yield in onion grown in organic and conventional environments. Two-year field trial (2009, 2010) was set at the experimental field of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka and included five onion cultivars. The trial included unfertilized plots, plots treated with NPK (controls), bacterial fertilizer and farm yard manure (treatments). Significant differences have been found among the cultivars, growing seasons and treatments, with respect to the investigated traits. Bulb weight, num er of bulbs per plot and neck diameter exhibited positive, while number of days from sowing to emergence and vegetation period exhibited negative effects on yield in both conventional and organic environments. Therefore; these traits may be useful in onion breeding, regardless of the growing system. The effects of bulb diameter, bulb height, bulb index, neck length and plant height on yield differed, de pending on the growing system