26 research outputs found
Biological spectrum of the weed flora in the VrŔac vineyards (Serbia)
Agrotechnical measures are the main factor defining the vineyard weed flora structure and composition, while adequate weed control measures simultaneously ensure that vineyards are being well-managed, thus securing good grapevine health and high quality of wine. Given that the biological spectrum of weeds affects the choice of weed control measures, the aim of this study was to determine the biological properties of the weed flora in VrÅ”ac vineyards, by assessing dominant life forms and phenology of the identified weeds. The floristic analysis was conducted during the 2016 vegetation season (March-November) at 60 plots (1 m2), at three field sites. The presence of 97 plant taxa, belonging to 26 families, was determined. The biological spectrum of the vineyards weed flora has shown a theroĀ¬phyto-hemicryptophyte character (therophytes: 57.73% and hemicryptophytes: 34.02%). The scapose herbaceous plants with summer-flowering phenology were dominant within the therophytes and hemicryptophytes. The obtained results have shown a higher weed diversity in vineyards, when compared to previous research of the weed flora in the study area, but similar to more recent studies conducted in the neighbouring countries. Furthermore, the dominant presence of therophytes in the vineyard weed flora was expected, bearing in mind the primarily mechanical weed control measures traditionally applied in vineyard
Riparijalne oblasti kao koridori invazije Xanthium strumarium u Srbiji
Xanthium strumarium L., also known as common cocklebur, is a potentially invasive weed species in Serbia. It is one of the most competitive weeds, strongly affecting the yield of some crops, such as maize, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet, etc. Since watercourses act as important transportation routes for the long-distance dispersal of weeds and the fruit of X. strumarium is easily dispersed by water, our aim was to analyse the degree of X. strumarium invasion in riparian areas of Serbia and examine the role of rivers and canals as its potential invasion corridors. The field research was carried out during the summer months of 2013,2014, and 2015, along the course of 35 rivers and five major canals of the Danube- Tisa-Danube Hydrosystem (HSDTD) in Serbia. Fieldwork was conducted along 100 m long transects of 500 m long river stretches (chosen following the RHS methodology), where the invasive alien weed species presence and abundance were recorded. Over the period of three years, the presence of X. strumarium was recorded along the course of 33 rivers (94.25%), while it was documented along 66.85% of the total number of river stretches. However, along the canals, it was recorded in only 12% of the localities. The data on the distribution ofX. strumarium expand the existing knowledge on the distribution of this economically harmful weed species in our country, while at the same time highlighting riparian areas of rivers as potentially important corridors of its spread.Xanthium strumarium L. u narodu poznat kao obiÄna ili zelena boca, je potencijalno invazivna korovska vrsta na podruÄju Srbije. Jedna je od najkompetitivnijih korovskih vrsta, koja jako utiÄe na prinos nekih kultura, kao Å”to su kukuruz, soja, suncokret, repa, itd. ImajuÄi u vidu Äinjenicu da vodotokovi predstavljaju znaÄajne transportne puteve za disperziju korovskih vrsta na veÄe razdaljine, naÅ” cilj je bio da analiziramo stepen invazije X. strumarium u riparijalnim podruÄjima Srbije i ispitamo kakva je uloga reka i kanala kao njegovih potencijalnih koridora invazije. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su u periodu letnjih meseci 2013, 2014. i 2015. godine, duž toka 35 reka i pet glavnih kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav u Srbiji. Istraživanja su vrÅ”ena na 100m dugim transektima u okviru 500 m dugih deonica reÄnog toka (odabranih u skladu sa RHS metodologijom), gde su beleženi prisustvo i pokrovnost stranih invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Tokom trogodiÅ”njeg perioda istraživanja, prisustvo X. strumarium zabeleženo je duž toka 33 reke (94,25%), a duž 66,85% od ukupnog broja reÄnih deonica. MeÄutim, duž toka kanala, ova potencijalno invazivna vrsta registrovana je na samo 12% lokaliteta. Podaci o rasprostranjenju vrste X. strumarium proÅ”iruju postojeÄe znanje o rasprostranjenju ove ekonomski znaÄajne korovske vrste u naÅ”oj zemlji, dok u isto vreme istiÄu riparijalne oblasti reka kao potencijalno znaÄajne koridore njenog Å”irenja
The digital database of aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation in Serbia
Despite the absence of a centralized national phytocoenological database of Serbia, over 16,000 relevĆ©s of all vegetation types have been gathered and stored in the database āPhytocoenosis of Serbiaā as a result of the Project āHabitats of Serbiaā. However, as the data on aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation comprise only 5% of the collected relevĆ©s, the aim of this paper is to expand on this, complete the database and present the data on these vegetation types in Serbia. The work included the expansion of the existing database with the addition of relevant sources, their digitalization, using Flora and Turboveg programs, and their subsequent georeferencing, using OziExplorer and DIVAGIS softwares. Consequently, the phytocoenological database on aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation in Serbia now stores 1,720 relevĆ©s from 243 phytocoenological tables, collected and published by 24 authors during the period of 70 years (1940ā2010), with the majority of the relevĆ©s collected over the last decade (56.40%). Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea Klika in Klika et NovĆ”k 1941 (Syn: Phragmitetea communis R. Tx. et Prsg. 1942), Potametea Klika in Klika et NovĆ”k 1941 (Syn: Potametea R. Tx. et Preising 1942) and Lemnetea de BolĆ³s et Masclans 1955 (Syn: Lemnetea minoris W. Koch et R. Tx. 1955) have proven to be the most represented classes, while Scirpo-Phragmitetum W. Koch 1926 (nomen ambiguum) and Salvinio natantis-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae SlavniÄ 1956 are associations with the highest number of relevĆ©s in the database. Accordingly, the most common species (>500 relevĆ©s) are Ceratophyllum demersum L. subsp. demersum, Lemna minor L. and Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden
The influence of integral and organic growing systems on sugar content in selected tomato types and cultivars
Interest in production of protected crops has grown significantly over the past decade. Different cultivation systems (conventional, integral, and organic) affect the biological activity, which is ultimately reflected in the high quality of the fruits of different vegetable crops. In accordance with the requirements for health-safe products without residues of harmful substances in fruits, there is an increasing need for the production of tomatoes in integral and organic production systems. One of the most important features of these vegetables is their high quality and health safety, high nutritional and biological value. Agricultural production systems and growing practices are critical factors in determining the nutritional quality of tomato fruits [1]. In tomato, the sugar content is one of the important factors and one of the most significant parameters from the aspect of food quality [1]. Therefore, the aim of this work is to monitor fluctuations in sugars content, as parameters
that determine the nutritional value in tomato cultivars, induced by growing under integral and organic conditions. For this purpose, a set of sixteen samples of four types of tomatoes - beef, grapolo, mini and midi plum, and cherry - was analyzed. Each type of tomato included two varieties, grown in two agricultural systems - integral and organic. The sugars profile was obtained using High-Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (HPAECPAD). The content of eleven sugar components was determined. Fructose and glucose were the major sugar compounds [2], while the sugar microcomponents were trehalose, arabinose, melibiose, sucrose, isomaltose, gentiobiose, raffinose, maltose, and panose. The results showed differences between samples produced in integral and organic growing systems, primarily in microsugar components. Higher content of trehalose and melibiose was found in samples obtained from organic production.
Fig.1. Principal Component Analysis (A)- The difference between integral (I) and organic (O) type of production; score plot (1a) ā tomato samples: integral samples (I) 9-14, organic samples (O) 1-8, and loading plot (1b), and results of the Mann-Whitney U test (B) - sugar markers of type of production.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Zeleni hit d.o.o. from Belgrade, Serbia, for field trials and support. This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological
Development and Innovation of Republic of Serbia, Contract number: 451-03- 47/2023-01/200168, 451-03-47/2023-01/200288 and 451-03-47/2023-01/ 200045.
[1] E. Rosa-MartĆnez, M. D. GarcĆa-MartĆnez, A. M. Adalid-MartĆnez, L. Pereira-Dias, C. Casanova, E. Soler, M. Rosario Figas, M. Dolores
Raigon, M. Plazas, S. Soler, J. Prohens, Food Research International, 147 (2021) 110531.
[2] C. Agius, S. von Tucher, B. Poppenberger, W. Rozhon, MethodsX, 5 (2018). 537-550
Konzervacioni status makrofitske vegetacije u kopovima Å”ljunka u plavnom podruÄju donjeg toka reke Drine
Human-made aquatic habitats, such as gravel pit lakes could be alternative habitats and biodiversity refugia for aquatic biota. The aim of this study was to determine conservation value of gravel pit lakes in the Drina river floodplain using rarity and naturalness of aquatic macrohytes. Conservation value was calculated for 14 lakes. The obtained results showed that the analyzed gravel pits along the Drina River represent an optimal habitats for rare and endangered macrophytic flora
ZnaÄaj riparijalnih podruÄja Srbije u Å”irenju invazivnih biljnih vrsta
Procenjuje se da je oko 13.000 biljnih vrsta Ŕirom sveta postalo naturalizovano izvan
njihovog prirodnog areala, pri Äemu podruÄje Evrope broji skoro 6.000 naturalizovanih
alohtonih biljnih vrsta. Smatra se da tip staniŔta predstavlja najbolji pokazatelj nivoa
invazije na regionalnom nivou, pri Äemu su riparijalna ili priobalna staniÅ”ta meÄu
onima koja se karakteriŔu najviŔim nivoom invazije. Riparijalne zone karakteriŔe
mozaik razliÄitih tipova vegetacije koji se nalaze pod snažnim pritiskom antropogenih
aktivnosti, Å”to dodatno doprinosi invazibilnosti ovih fragilnih podruÄja. Kao posledica
toga, riparijalna staniŔta postaju centri diverziteta stranih i invazivnih biljnih vrsta, a
ujedno i potencijalni izvor njihovog daljeg prodora u okolna prirodna staniŔta i
agroekosisteme. ImajuÄi sve navedeno u vidu, cilj istraživanja bio je da se analizira
stepen invazije u riparijalne zone na podruÄju Srbije. Terenska istraživanja obavljena
su u periodu jul-septembar 2013-2016. godine, pri Äemu je analizirano ukupno 250
lokaliteta na podruÄju Srbije. Od ukupnog broja lokaliteta, u istraživanje je ukljuÄeno
217 lokaliteta u riparijalu 39 reka (osam reÄnih slivova) i 33 u riparijalu Å”est deonica
kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav (HS DTD). Podaci o brojnosti i pokrovnosti 26
analiziranih invazivnih biljnih vrsta beleženi su na obali reke/kanala, u okviru
transekata dužine 100 m. Kanonijsko korespodentna analiza (CCA) raÄena je u
programu CANOCO 5.0. Od 26 taksona Äije je prisustvo analizirano, taksoni sa
najveÄim brojem nalaza su Xanthium strumarium L. subsp. italicum (Moretti) D. Lƶve,
Amorpha fruticosa L., Erigeron canadensis L., Robinia pseudoacacia L. i Echinochloa
crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. Biogeografska analiza pokazala je da su u riparijalnim
podruÄjima Srbije dominantno prisutne invazivne vrste poreklom iz Severne Amerike
(68% nalaza), praÄene južnoameriÄkim i azijskim vrstama, koje su zastupljene sa
16%, odnosno 14% nalaza. U pogledu bioloÅ”kog spektra, registrovan je najveÄi broj
jednogodiŔnjih invazivnih biljnih vrsta (terofite, 60%), dok viŔegodiŔnje drvenaste vrste
(fanerofite) predstavljaju drugu najviÅ”e zastupljenu grupu (16%). ReÄni slivovi
Dunava, Južne Morave, Zapadne Morave i Timoka se istiÄu prisustvom invazivnih
biljnih taksona, sa 384, 131, 129 i 110 nalaza, redom, pri Äemu je, veza pripadnosti
vodotoka odreÄenom reÄnom slivu i zastupljenosti pojedinaÄnih istraživanih taksona,
dodatno potvrÄena rezultatima CCA analize. CCA analiza je ukazala da odreÄeni
taksoni pokazuju jaÄu preferenciju prema rekama pojedinih reÄnih slivova, npr.
Helianthus tuberosus L. je u veÄoj meri zastupljen u riparijalu reka sliva Zapadne
Morave, dok je Reynoutria x bohemica Chrtek & ChrtkovĆ” u najveÄoj meri prisutna u
riparijalnim zonama u okviru slivova Zapadne Morave i Drine. Sa druge strane, vrste
Asclepias syriaca L., Solidago gigantea Ait. i Xanthium spinosum L. su u veÄoj meri
zastupljene u riparijalu kanala HS DTD, u odnosu na reÄne tokove. Analizom
celokupnog seta podataka o distribuciji, brojnosti i pokrovnosti analiziranih taksona,
slivovi Dunava, Zapadne Morave i Kolubare se mogu oznaÄiti kao glavni koridori
Å”irenja veÄine istraživanih taksona, dok je moguÄe oÄekivati da Äe se u narednom
periodu, usled klimatskih promena, slivovi Save, Velike i Južne Morave takoÄe naÄi
pod snažnim pritiskom daljeg Ŕirenja invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Porast u broju i
pokrovnosti invazivnih biljnih vrsta moguÄe je oÄekivati i u riparijalnim zonama
visokoplaninskih predela i na podruÄju jugozapadne Srbije (doline Lima, Ibra i njihovih
pritoka), takoÄe kao posledica klimatskih promena
Plant invasions in riparian areas of the Middle Danube Basin in Serbia
Riparian areas experience strong invasion pressures worldwide and represent important points of spread for invasive alien plants (IAPs) in the European mainland. The Danube Basin is a well-known point of high plant invasion levels. Given that the middle part of the Danube Basin is critically understudied and the general lack of data for Serbia, the study aimed to provide an insight into the spatial patterns of plant invasions in the riparian areas of Serbia (Middle Danube Basin area). A total of 250 field sites, distributed along 39 rivers (nine catchment areas) and six canal sections, were studied during a four-year period (2013ā2016) for the presence and abundance of IAPs. At the landscape scale, we studied distribution patterns of IAPs, differences in invasion levels in different catchment areas and between rivers and canals. At the local scale, we investigated how the proximity to roads/railway lines, housing areas, different land-use types (primarily agriculture), and dominant vegetation on site related to invasion patterns. Of the 26 studied IAPs, those with a well-known weedy behavior, long history of cultivation and strong affinity for riparian areas prevailed in the study area. Riparian zones of the Danube catchment exhibited the highest invasion levels in terms of IAPs richness and abundance, followed by the catchment areas of the Timok, Sava and Zapadna Morava rivers. Surprisingly, the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal network had the lowest invasion level. At the local scale, agriculture in proximity of the field site and dominant vegetation on site were observed as significant predictors of the invasion level. On the other hand, proximity to roads/railway lines and housing areas was not related to the invasion level. Finally, our study provides the first systematic overview of IAPsā distribution data for riparian areas of the Middle Danube Basin in Serbia, which could provide a basis for long-term monitoring of IAPs and development of future management plans
The contemporary records of aquatic plants invasion through the Danubian floodplain corridor in Serbia
Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to introductions of non-indigenous species, which potentially lead to major disruptions in the functioning of these invaluable habitats. Despite the significance of aquatic systems, there is no collated data available on the aquatic non-native plants in Serbia. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to provide a first overview of the aquatic alien plant species recorded in Serbia, their origins, current distribution, habitat preferences and invasiveness status. This study comprises the results of a comprehensive literature review and extensive field research on lake and river systems over a nine year period (2007-2015), with the addition of data from the IASV database and Joint Danube Surveys 2 & 3. The results of this study show the presence of seven non-indigenous aquatic plant species in Serbia which, despite being a relatively low number when compared to France and Germany, is in line with most of the countries of the region (e.g. Croatia, Bulgaria and FYR Macedonia). The majority of the species are native to the Americas, which concurs with the results of previous studies at the European level, with only one species of Asian origin. The most abundant of the registered non-natives is Vallisneria spiralis, followed by Azolla filiculoides and Elodea nuttallii, while Cabomba caroliniana, as the newest registered aquatic alien in Serbia, has the least number of records. All of the registered non-natives predominantly occur in running waters, including as much as 91% of the records for Elodea canadensis and 85% for Elodea nuttalli. Vallisneria spiralis is present in five different EUNIS habitat types, while Paspalum distichum was recorded predominantly along the River Danube, thereby highlighting it as P. distichum's main corridor of spread in Serbia. The distribution of all the recorded non-indigenous species is primarily linked to the northern, low-lying part of Serbia-i.e. Vojvodina Province. Such a distribution pattern is concordant with the presence of adequate habitat types, the courses of potential international invasion corridors in the Sava and Danube rivers and the position of the elaborate irrigation canal network of the Danube-Tisa-Danube Hydrosystem; but also with the frequency of studies carried out in this region over the years. Of the seven aquatic aliens present in Serbian waterbodies, three are considered to be highly invasive and one potentially invasive, while two have also been included in the list of 150 most widespread alien species in Europe
Catchment area, environmental variables and habitat type as predictors of the distribution and abundance of Portulaca oleracea L. in the riparian areas of Serbia
Portulaca oleracea L. is one of the most widely distributed plant species, invading a host of worldwide regions. Rivers and canals, as
corridors connecting neighboring habitats, are known to exhibit high invasion levels. Consequently, the aim of this paper was to show
which catchment areas, environmental factors and habitat types can be seen as predictors of the presence of this invasive species in the
riparian areas of Serbia. Field research was carried out at 250 field sites, where the cover and abundance of P. oleracea, relevant
environmental variables and habitat type were recorded. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and response curves fitted using a generalized
linear model (GLM) were used to show the relation of the cover of P. oleracea and the following variables: catchment area, predominant
bank material, elevation, and the total number of invasive species on site. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to
group sites where P. oleracea was found, based on the values of its cover. In general, primarily the rivers in the northern, low-lying part of
Serbia can be seen as important corridors of the spread of P. oleracea. Its dominance is especially associated with areas draining into the
Danube and Sava rivers and field sites characterized by a high pressure of invasive plants. Of the total number of records, the highest
number of invaded field sites was recorded along the Danube, Tisa and Zapadna Morava rivers. Regarding the environmental and habitat
predictors, the results have shown that the abundance of P. oleracea is associated with gravelly and sandy banks and grassland habitat
types, primarily anthropogenic herb stands
Distribution of economically important weed species in the riparian and roadside vegetation of Serbia
Transportation corridors such as waterways and road networks serve as an entranceway for invasive and economically important weed species. The unstable environment of riparian areas and nutrient enrichment of road verges promotes the establishment and spread of these species, which may have a negative effect on nearby arable land, leading to severe yield reductions. We aimed to register the presence and frequency of five selected weed species (Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, and Lactuca serriola) within these linear corridors. Sites along waterways were visited during 2013-2016, and road networks during 2018-2019. At each site, studied weed species were registered along 100 m transects, resulting in 250 localities along waterways and 180 near road networks. The most frequent species is C. arvensis, followed by L. serriola and C. album, while less prevalent species are C. arvense and C. dactylon. The main characteristic of studied species is their preference for roadside habitats, except for Chenopodium album, which is more common in riparian areas