99 research outputs found


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    The modern way of life lead to the emergence of hypokinesis, obesity or various conditions and spine curvature disorders which are more and more present among younger children. The aim of this research was to determine the connection between nutritional levels and kyphosis and lordosis among preschool children. The sample of participants included of 50 boys and girls, preschoolers aged 6 to 7, who attend the Jelica Obradović Preschool in Mladenovac. Previous approval was obtained from their parents and teachers for participation in this study. To evaluate nutritional levels, the body mass index was used, which divided the participants into four categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Somatoscopy was used to evaluate posture, along with a wooden frame to which a net with square decimeters was attached. Based on the results of this test, the following variables were obtained: normal posture, poor posture, first level of severity and poor posture, second level of severity.  To determine the connection, or possible influence of the nutritional levels on body posture, the Chi square test was used. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant connection between nutritional levels and kyphosis and lordosis for this group of preschool children. This could indicate that obesity and underweight do not influence the occurrence of spine curvature disorders independently, but probably in combination with other factors such as heredity, physical inactivity, etc

    Phyto-pharmacological aspects of Nepeta nuda L.: A systematic review

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    Nepeta nuda L. (syn. N. pannonica L.) is a herbaceous perennial plant that is the most widespread species of the genus Nepeta, the largest genera in Lamiaceae family. N. nuda is divided into four subspecies according to morphological differences which occur within large geographical range of distribution: subsp. nuda, subsp. albiflora, subsp. lydiae, and subsp. glandulifera. In this review, previous reports on N. nuda concerning its botanical description and systematics, phytochemistry, use in traditional medicine, pharmacology, and posibilities for other applications were summarized. All of these data indicate N. nuda as a highly promising species for application in food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in agriculture for the development of natural pesticides

    Hemijski sastav etarskog ulja Dragocephalum moldavica L. iz Vojvodine (Srbija)

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    Dracocephalum moldavica L., also called Moldavian balm or Moldavian dragonhead, is native to temperate climate of Asia, but it was naturalized in Eastern and Central Europe, North Africa, China and northeastern United States. This is an annual plant, with numerous stems (up to 6), 22-45 cm high, and blue flowers arranged in pseudo-whorls growing in leaf axils. Essential oil accumulates in exogenous oil-containing cells at the dorsal sides of the leaves, and in the inflorescence. Because of this, the entire plant has a citrus-like flavor, resembling that of lemon balm and catnip. This plant is extensively used as a spice and for composition of tea blends, in food aromatization (canned fish, jams, candies, syrups), perfumery, alcohol industry, soaps and detergents. Dracocephalum moldavica from Vojvodina Province, Serbia contains geranial (29.6%), geranyl acetate (27.2%) and neral (19.4%) as the most abundant compounds. Further investigations will be focused on the influence of weather conditions on essential oil composition, as well as on bioactive potential of this essential oil.Biljka Dracocephalum moldavica L., poznata je kao Moldavska melisa ili Moldavska zmajeglavka. Poreklom je iz umerenog klimata Azije, ali je naturalizovana u Istočnoj i Centralnoj Evropi, Severnoj Africi, Kini i severo-istočnom delu SAD. Iz korena ove jednogodišnje biljke izbija veći broj stabljika (do 6), koje su 22-45 cm visine, sa plavim cvetovima raspoređenim u lažnim pršljenastim cvastima u pazusima listova. Etarsko ulje se akumulira u egzogenim uljanim ćelijama sa donje strane listova i u cvetovima. Zbog etarskog ulja koje ima citrusnu notu ova biljka podseća na matičnjak i macinu travu. Biljka se intenzivno koristi kao začin i kao dodatak čajnim mešavinama, za aromatizaciju hrane (konzervirana riba, džemovi, slatkiši, sirupi), parfimeriji, alkoholnoj industriji, proizvodnji sapuna i deterdženata. Etarsko ulje D. moldavica iz AP Vojvodine, Srbije sadrži geranial (29,6%), geranil-acetat (27,2%) i neral (19,4%) kao najzastupljenije komponente. Dalja istraživanja biće usmerena na uticaj vremenskih uslova na sastav etarskog ulja, kao i na njegov biološki potencija

    Assessment of Emissions into the Atmosphere from Biogas Cogeneration Plant in Serbia

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    Biogas je gasna smeša koja nastaje tretmanom otpadnih tokova u procesu anaerobne digestije. Proizvodnja električne energije iz kogeneracionih postrojenja koja koriste biogas je u porastu u Republici Srbiji. U ovom radu je izvršena kvantifikacija emisija (ugljen-dioksida, sumpor-dioksida, oksida azota, metana i čestica) u atmosferu iz tipičnog biogasnog postrojenja u Republici Srbiji, instalisanog kapaciteta od 1 MW. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da proizvodnja električne energije iz kogeneracije biogasa predstavlja dobro rešenje u cilju smanjenja emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte i racionalne upotrebe prirodnih resursa

    Consideration of Energy Flows in the Life Cycle of Energy Production from Biogas

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    The aim of this paper is to present the energy flows in the life cycle of the biogas cogeneration system, as well as their mutual relations, starting from providing of feedstock materials(corn silage and cow manure), anaerobic digestion, cogeneration up to the digestate as fertilizer on agricultural land. The cogeneration process has been considered according to the performance of the biogas plant located on the Mirotin dairy farm in Vrbas (Serbia). For evaluation of energy flows in this work were used four energy indicators. According to the Life Cycle Energy Assessment approach, results obtained in this study have shown that the biogas cogeneration process has positive energy balances and this process is energy sustainable. The applied approach in this research can be adjusted to any biogas power plant since it complies with the main material and energy balances.Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže tokove energije u životnom ciklusu biogas kogeneracionog sistema, kao i njihove međusobne odnose, počev od obezbeđivanja sirovine (kukuruzna silaža i kravlji stajnjak), anaerobne digestije, kogeneracije, pa do digestata. kao đubrivo na poljoprivrednom zemljištu. Proces kogeneracije je razmatran prema performansama biogas postrojenja koje se nalazi na farmi mleka Mirotin u Vrbasu (Srbija). Za evaluaciju energetskih tokova u ovom radu korišćena su četiri energetska indikatora. Prema LCEA pristupu, rezultati dobijeni u ovoj studiji su pokazali da proces kogeneracije biogasa ima pozitivan energetski bilans i da je ovaj proces energetski održiv. Primenjeni pristup u ovom istraživanju može se prilagoditi bilo kojoj elektrani na biogas jer je u skladu sa osnovnim materijalnim i energetskim bilansima

    Biogas tehnologija u funkciji proizvodnje energije

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    Potreba za smanjenjem upotrebe fosilnih goriva, zbog štetnog uticaja na životnu sredinu i sve veća potražnja za energijom, doveli su do proizvodnje energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Pristup čistoj i obnovljivoj energiji postao je imperativ za društveni napredak. Poboljšanje postojećih resursa biomase u efikasne nosioce energije kao što je biogas iz anaerobne digestije ima potencijal da obezbedi čistu i pouzdanu energiju, uz zaštitu životne sredine, racionalno korišćenje prirodnih resursa i stvaranje novih radnih mesta. Uz smanjenje emisije gasova staklene bašte, biogas poboljšava energetsku sigurnost i, kao obnovljivi izvor energije, omogućava eksploataciju otpadnih tokova. Biogas proizveden u sistemu anaerobne digestije se obično sagoreva u kogeneracionoj jedinici da bi se proizvela toplota, električna energija i energija za hlađenje. Konačno, biogas se može prečistiti u biometan, koristiti kao gorivo u vozilima ili ubrizgati u nacionalne mreže prirodnog gasa. Digestat kao nusproizvod anaerobne digestije je pouzdan materijal za upotrebu kao đubrivo u poljoprivredi. U ovom radu sumirano je korišćenje biogasa za proizvodnju toplotne, električne energije, rashladne energije, kao i goriva sa pregledom postojećih tehnologija za njegovu upotrebu. Takođe, ovaj rad pruža priliku da se razmotri uloga biogasa u budućim energetskim sistemima.The need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, due to the harmful impact on the environment and the growing energy demand, have led to the production of energy from renewable sources. Access to clean and renewable energy has become imperative for social progress. Improving existing biomass resources into efficient energy carriers such as biogas from anaerobic digestion has the potential to provide clean and reliable energy, with environmental protection, rationally using natural resources and generation of new jobs. Along with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, biogas improves energy security and, as a renewable energy source, enables the exploitation of waste streams. Biogas produced in an anaerobic digestion system is usually burned in a cogeneration unit to produce heat, electricity, and cooling energy. Finally, biogas can be purified into biomethane, used as a fuel for vehicles, or injected into national natural gas networks. Digestate as a by-product of anaerobic digestion is a reliable material for use as a fertilizer in agriculture. This paper summarizes the use of biogas for the production of heat, electricity, cooling energy, as well as fuel with an overview of existing technologies for its use. Also, this paper provides an opportunity to consider the role of biogas in future energy systems

    Hidrolati - nusproizvodi prilikom destilacije etarskih ulja - hemijski sastav, biološka aktivnost i mogućnosti upotrebe

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    Hydrolates, also referred to as hydrosols, floral or distillate waters, as well as aromatic waters, are produced in the same isolation process with essential oils by steam distillation. A small amount of essential oil constituents is dissolved in hydrolates providing specific organoleptic properties and flavor, as well as biological activity which makes them useful as raw material in many industries. Their popularity is still on the rise, especially in aromatherapy. The objective in this review is to analyze the chemical compositions of hydrolates and their corresponding essential oils, as well as biological activity of hydrolates (antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiinflamatory) and potential uses, not only in food industry for flavoring, and preservation of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, but also as functional (soft) drinks. However, hydrolates can be used in aromatherapy and cosmetics, as well as in organic agriculture and aquaculture.Hidrolati, koji se takođe nazivaju i hidrosoli, cvetne ili aromatične vode, kao i destilati, proizvode se u procesu destilacije etarskih ulja vodenom parom. Mala količina etarskog ulja nalazi se rastvorena u hidrolatima dajući im specifične organoleptičke osobine i ukus, kao i biološku aktivnost, što ih čini korisnim kao sirovinu u mnogim industrijama. Njihova popularnost poslednjih godina raste, posebno u aromaterapiji. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je da se analizira hemijski sastav hidrolata i njihovih etarskih ulja, kao i biološku aktivnost hidrolata (antimikrobna, antioksidativna i antiinflamatorna), ali i mogućnosti upotrebe, ne samo u prehrambenoj industriji kao prirodnih aroma i konzervanasa sveže isečenog voća i povrća, ali i funkcionalnih (bezalkoholnih) napitaka. Takođe, hidrolat i mogu da se koriste u aromaterapiji i kozmetici kao i u organskoj poljoprivredi i ribarstvu

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Angelica archangelica Root Essential Oil

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    Roots of wild growing Angelica archangelica L. from Mt. Ozren (Serbia) were subjected to hydrodistillation and GC-MS analysis. The roots contained 0.10% of essential oil with alpha-pinene (29.7%), delta-3-carene (14.2%), and a mixture of beta-phellandrene and limonene (13.2%) as main compounds. The modified resazurin microtiter-plate assay was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were 14.2 mu L/mL for S. aureus and 28.4 mu L/mL for E. coli, while the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were 56.8 mu L/mL and 113.6 mu L/mL, respectively. According to the obtained results, the angelica root essential oil can be applied as a natural preservative in food and as a natural antibiotic for the treatment of several infectious diseases caused by these two bacteria

    Selection of antagonists for biocontrol of xanthomonas euvesicatoria

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    Xanthomonas euvesicatoria is a worldwide causer of pepper bacterial spot, a bacterial plant disease responsible for massive losses of fresh pepper fruits. Considering the current problems in management of bacterial plant diseases, biological control using antagonistic microbial strains with high potential for plant pathogens suppression emerges as a possible solution. The aim of this study was to select suitable antagonists for suppression of X. euvesicatoria among the bacteria, yeast and fungi from the genera Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces and Trichoderma, based on in vitro antimicrobial activity testing using the diffusion disc method. The results of this study have revealed that cultivation broth samples of the antagonists Lactobacillus MK3 and Trichoderma reseii QM 9414, as well as supernatant samples of the antagonist Pseudomonas aeruginosa I128, have showed significant potential to be applied in biological control of X. euvesicatoria. Further research would be required to formulate suitable cultivation medium and optimize bioprocess conditions for production of the proposed pepper bacterial spot biocontrol agents