4 research outputs found

    Poučavanje vokabulara učenika u prvom razredu osnovne Ŕkole: eksperimentalni pristup

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    Vocabulary teaching includes enriching vocabulary, learning and using words, and has a great influence on language development. The aim of this paper is the review of the designed experimental programme for vocabulary teaching, which influences the enrichment of pupilsā€™ vocabulary. The experimental programme was designed according to the types of lexical exercises, and it is applied in native language teaching. The sample of the experiment of parallel groups included pupils in the first grade of primary school (N = 110). The experimental programme for vocabulary teaching was realized within three months with three or four lexical exercises a week. After the completion of the programme, there was a test, which had the purpose of diagnosing the difference between the pupils in the experimental and control group. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the control and experimental group in the following vocabulary items: adjective, noun, verb, synonyms, antonyms, diminutives, and composing words out of the given letters. There were no differences between groups in composing words out of the given word. This research shows that the preparation of a detailed programme for vocabulary teaching influences the enrichment of pupilsā€™ vocabulary in the first grade of primary school.Poučavanje vokabulara uključuje obogaćivanje rječnika, učenje i upotrebu riječi te ima velik utjecaj na razvoj jezika u djece. Cilj ovoga rada jest preispitati eksperimentalni program koji je izrađen za poučavanje vokabulara, a koji utječe na obogaćivanje dječjeg rječnika. Eksperimentalni program izrađen je u skladu s vrstama leksičkih zadataka i primjenjuje se u nastavi materinskog jezika. Uzorak paralelnih grupa koje su sudjelovale u eksperimentu sastojao se od učenika prvoga razreda osnovne Å”kole (N = 110). Eksperimentalni program poučavanja vokabulara proveden je tijekom tri mjeseca, a učenici su imali tri ili četiri leksička zadatka tjedno. Nakon zavrÅ”etka provedbe programa, proveden je test čija je svrha bila utvrditi razliku između učenika u eksperimentalnoj i kontrolnoj grupi. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između kontrolne i eksperimentalne grupe u sljedećim dijelovima vokabulara: pridjevima, imenicama, glagolima, sinonimima, antonimima, umanjenicama i slaganjem novih riječi od slova neke ponuđene riječi. Istraživanja pokazuju da priprema detaljnog programa za poučavanje vokabulara utječe na obogaćivanje rječnika učenika u prvom razredu osnovne Å”kole

    Karakterizacija Morus vrsta u odnosu na mikro, makro i toksične elemente

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    This study examines the mineral composition of the extracts of the fruits, leaves and roots of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) grown in Serbia. All extract samples of white and black mulberry were analyzed for the content of micro (B, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Se, Sr, Zn), macro (Ca, Mg, Na), and toxic metals (Al, As, Cd, Hg, Pb) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The study revealed that parts of the plant had statistically significant impact on the levels of the examined elements among the two Morus species. All extracts contained high amounts of Ca, Mg, Na, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The studies showed that in the most of extracts dominant macro element was Mg (591- 1942 Ī¼g/g of dry extract), while dominant microelements were Zn, B, Cu in all extracts, except for the black mulberry leaves, whose extract was most abundant in Fe (143 Ī¼g/g of dry extract). The highest content of micro and macro elements was detected in the extract of black mulberry leaves. This work contributes to the knowledge of the nutritional properties of Morus species. The obtained results may be useful in the evaluation of new dietary and food products.Ispitivanje je bazirano na određivanju mineralnog sastava ekstrakata Morus alba L. (beli dud) i Morus nigra L . (crni dud) uključujući plod, list i koren sa teritorije Srbije. U svim analiziranim ekstraktima određen je sadržaj mikro (B, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Se, Sr, Zn), makro (Ca, Mg, Na) i toksičnih elemenata (Al, As, Cd, Hg, Pb) primenom optičke emisione spektroskopije sa induktivno kuplovanom plazmom (ICP-OES). Ispitivanje je pokazalo da postoji statistički značajna korelacija između delova biljke Morus vrste i sadržaja ispitivanih elemenata. U svim ekstraktima je dokazan visok sadržaj elemenata: Ca, Mg, Na, B, Cu, Fe, Mn i Zn, respektivno. Dominantan makro element u većem broju ekstrakata je Mg (591 - 1942 Ī¼g/g suvog ekstrakta). Å to se tiče mikroelemenata, u svim ispitivanim ekstraktima u većem sadržaju su zastupljeni Zn, B i Cu. U uzorku M. nigra posebno se izdvaja Fe po svom sadržaju (143 Ī¼g/g suvog ekstrakta) u odnosu na ostale prisutne elemente. Od svih ispitivanih uzoraka najviÅ”i sadržaj mikro i makro elemenata je detektovan u ekstraktima lista M. Nigra. Ovaj rad doprinosi poznavanju nutritivnih svojstava Morus vrsta. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti korisni u kreiranju novih dijetetskih i prehrambenih proizvoda

    Comics in language and literature teaching in lower primary school grades: Instructional potential

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    The purpose of this paper is presenting possibilities for using comics in teaching mother tongue, literature and linguistic culture in foreign language teaching, specifically the English language. Comics in teaching can motivate students to experience literary creation, to comprehend grammatical categories and spelling rules more completely or to be the feedback on the experience of what has been read. They boost the reading perception of students and develop students' ability to separate the key segments which are represented by picture and text. In modern age, dominated by digital media, comics surely deserve a special place in teaching in order to consolidate the value of books. The paper presents elements of comics, their structure and role the in teaching language and literature. Comics are visual aids for communication characterized by time dimension which is achieved by ordering scenes, which makes them similar to film. Their important characteristic is simultaneous expression by picture and text, which makes it a powerful aid in teaching language and literature. Dialogues are typical for comics, as well as dynamic storyline, which makes them especially interesting to students. Brief remarks on the historical development of comics are given because of the review on their general development, as well as on the possibilities for their application in teaching. The reading crisis occurs when children start school because they are supposed to acquire complex mental skills-technique of reading and writing. When aversion to the written media is obvious, comics can be of great help. The paper illustrates the use of comics in teaching literature, grammar, and linguistic culture as the motivational tool for reading and analysing a literary text. Special emphasis is placed on the possibilities of motivation to experience literary creation. Stimulated by comics, with compulsory reading, students can experience the work in pictures, which they will individually build up later, by reading the complete work. By reading comics in teaching of other subjects, especially English classes in primary school through communication of characters and visual experiences, students develop communication skill, while the pleasure which occurs after reading allows expression of individual characteristics of children and encouragement of creativity. Dialogues in comics make students an active recipient in mastering the language. Language learning, both mother and foreign language, thus becomes more interesting and it successfully enables the student to master the language in the practical sense