7,605 research outputs found
A cooperative cellular and broadcast conditional access system for Pay-TV systems
This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.The lack of interoperability between Pay-TV service providers and a horizontally integrated business transaction model have compromised the competition in the Pay-TV market. In addition, the lack of interactivity with customers has resulted in high churn rate and improper security measures have contributed into considerable business loss. These issues are the main cause of high operational costs and subscription fees in the Pay-TV systems. As a result, this paper presents the Mobile Conditional Access System (MICAS) as an end-to-end access control solution for Pay-TV systems. It incorporates the mobile and broadcasting systems and provides a platform whereby service providers can effectively interact with their customers, personalize their services and adopt appropriate security measurements. This would result in the decrease of operating expenses and increase of customers' satisfaction in the system. The paper provides an overview of state-of-the-art conditional access solutions followed by detailed description of design, reference model implementation and analysis of possible MICAS security architectures.Strategy & Technology (S&T) Lt
Security architectures in mobile integrated pay-TV
This paper presents the design and describes the advantage of the state-of-the-art Mobile Integrated Conditional Access System (MICAS) concerning interoperability, personalisation, security and operational costs in Pay-TV systems. The Message Handling Subsystem is proposed and outlined together with ‘Follow-Me’ service, which proposed herewith to extend mobility and personalisation concepts on Pay-TV service
Mobile integrated conditional access system
This paper presents design of a novel security architecture integrating mobile and broadcasting technologies in the Pay-TV system. The security architecture proposed herein is a state-of-the-art solution to tackle well-known problems challenging current Pay-TV systems including but not limited to interoperability amongst service providers, relatively high cost of the service deployment, the security compromise, limited interactivity and bespoken services offered to subscribers. It also proposes the Follow-me service that enables subscribers to access their entitlements via an arbitrary set-top box
Report of the Beyond the MSSM Subgroup for the Tevatron Run II SUSY/Higgs Workshop
There are many low-energy models of supersymmetry breaking parameters which
are motivated by theoretical and experimental considerations. Here, we discuss
some of the lesser-known theories of low-energy supersymmetry, and outline
their phenomenological consequences. In some cases, these theories have more
gauge symmetry or particle content than the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard
Model. In other cases, the parameters of the Lagrangian are unusual compared to
commonly accepted norms (e.g., Wino LSP, heavy gluino LSP, light gluino, etc.).
The phenomenology of supersymmetry varies greatly between the different models.
Correspondingly, particular aspects of the detectors assume greater or lesser
importance. Detection of supersymmetry and the determination of all parameters
may well depend upon having the widest possible view of supersymmetry
phenomenology.Comment: 78 pages, 49 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Tevatron
Run II SUSY/Higgs Workshop. Editor: J. F. Gunion; BTMSSM Convenors: M.
Chertok, H. Dreiner, G. Landsberg, J. F. Gunion, J.D. Well
Challenging Perceptions of Disability through Performance Poetry Methods: The "Seen but Seldom Heard" Project.
This paper considers performance poetry as a method to explore lived experiences
of disability. We discuss how poetic inquiry used within a participatory arts-based
research framework can enable young people to collectively question society’s
attitudes and actions towards disability. Poetry will be considered as a means to
develop a more accessible and effective arena in which young people with direct
experience of disability can be empowered to develop new skills that enable them
to tell their own stories. Discussion of how this can challenge audiences to critically reflect upon their own perceptions of disability will also be developed
The Global Epidemiological Transition in Cardiovascular Diseases:Unrecognised Impact of Endemic Infections on Peripheral Artery Disease
An epidemiological transition in the prevalence of peripheral artery disease (PAD) is taking place especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where an ageing population and adoption of western lifestyles are associated with an increase in PAD. We discuss the limited evidence which suggests that infection, potentially mediated by inflammation, may be a risk factor for PAD, and show by means of an ecological analysis that country-level prevalence of the major endemic infections of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are associated with the prevalence of PAD. While further research is required, we propose that scientists and health authorities pay more attention to the interplay between communicable and non-communicable diseases, and we suggest that limiting the occurrence of endemic infections might have some effect on slowing the epidemiological transition in PAD
Search for Production via Trilepton Final States in collisions at TeV
We have searched for associated production of the lightest chargino,
, and next-to-lightest neutralino, , of the
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in collisions at
\mbox{ = 1.8 TeV} using the \D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron
collider. Data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 12.5 \ipb
were examined for events containing three isolated leptons. No evidence for
pair production was found. Limits on
BrBr are
presented.Comment: 17 pages (13 + 1 page table + 3 pages figures). 3 PostScript figures
will follow in a UUEncoded, gzip'd, tar file. Text in LaTex format. Submitted
to Physical Review Letters. Replace comments - Had to resumbmit version with
EPSF directive
Measurement of the Boson Mass
A measurement of the mass of the boson is presented based on a sample of
5982 decays observed in collisions at
= 1.8~TeV with the D\O\ detector during the 1992--1993 run. From a
fit to the transverse mass spectrum, combined with measurements of the
boson mass, the boson mass is measured to be .Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, style Revtex, including 3 postscript figures
(submitted to PRL
Search for Top Squark Pair Production in the Dielectron Channel
This report describes the first search for top squark pair production in the
channel stop_1 stopbar_1 -> b bbar chargino_1 chargino_1 -> ee+jets+MEt using
74.9 +- 8.9 pb^-1 of data collected using the D0 detector. A 95% confidence
level upper limit on sigma*B is presented. The limit is above the theoretical
expectation for sigma*B for this process, but does show the sensitivity of the
current D0 data set to a particular topology for new physics.Comment: Five pages, including three figures, submitted to PRD Brief Report
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