23 research outputs found

    A powerful bursting radio source towards the Galactic Centre

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    Transient astronomical sources are typically powered by compact objects and usually signify highly explosive or dynamic events. While radio astronomy has an impressive record of obtaining high time resolution observations, usually it is achieved in quite narrow fields-of-view. Consequently, the dynamic radio sky is poorly sampled, in contrast to the situation in the X- and gamma-ray bands in which wide-field instruments routinely detect transient sources. Here we report a new transient source, GCRT J1745-3009, detected in 2002 during a moderately wide-field radio transient monitoring program of the Galactic center (GC) region at 0.33 GHz. The characteristics of its bursts are unlike those known for any other class of radio transient. If located in or near the GC, its brightness temperature (~10^16 K) and the implied energy density within GCRT J1745-3009 vastly exceeds that observed in most other classes of radio astronomical sources, and is consistent with coherent emission processes rarely observed. We conclude that GCRT J1745-3009 is the first member of a new class of radio transient sources, the first of possibly many new classes to be identified through current and upcoming radio surveys.Comment: 16 pages including 3 figures. Appears in Nature, 3 March 200

    The CatWISE Preliminary Catalog: Motions from WISE and NEOWISE Data

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    CatWISE is a program to catalog sources selected from combined WISE and NEOWISE all-sky survey data at 3.4 and 4.6 μm (W1 and W2). The CatWISE Preliminary Catalog consists of 900,849,014 sources measured in data collected from 2010 to 2016. This data set represents four times as many exposures and spans over 10 times as large a time baseline as that used for the AllWISE Catalog. CatWISE adapts AllWISE software to measure the sources in coadded images created from six-month subsets of these data, each representing one coverage of the inertial sky, or epoch. The catalog includes the measured motion of sources in eight epochs over the 6.5 yr span of the data. From comparison to Spitzer, signal-to-noise ratio = 5 limits in magnitudes in the Vega system are W1 = 17.67 and W2 = 16.47, compared to W1 = 16.96 and W2 = 16.02 for AllWISE. From comparison to Gaia, CatWISE positions have typical accuracies of 50 mas for stars at W1 = 10 mag and 275 mas for stars at W1 = 15.5 mag. Proper motions have typical accuracies of 10 mas yr⁻¹ and 30 mas yr⁻¹ for stars with these brightnesses, an order of magnitude better than from AllWISE. The catalog is available in the WISE/NEOWISE Enhanced and Contributed Products area of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive

    Music Mentoring in Action

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    Brightness variability of QSOs is associated with variations of the spectral energy distribution in the optical-UV range. The observed change of the spectral shape depends on the contribution of the host galaxy. Simulations, taking into account luminosities and spectra expected for the host galaxies, are compared with the observed spectral variability of a complete QSO sample.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop on "QSO hosts and their environments", IAA, Granada, 10-12 Jan 200