97 research outputs found


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    Il presente contributo riporta i risultati di una indagine sulle varietà di lingua proposte nei corsi universitari d’italiano all’estero, attraverso l’analisi di quindici manuali e grammatiche per stranieri, impiegati presso le seguenti università: Universidad de Oviedo “Dante Alighieri” (Asturias-Oviedo, Spagna); Università statale “Goce Delcev” (Štip, Rep. di Macedonia); Youngstown State University (Ohio, USA); University College of Dublin (Irlanda); Università di Varsavia (Polonia); Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Messico); DalarnaUniversity (Falun, Svezia). La raccolta delle informazioni è stata effettuata somministrando un questionario a docenti operanti all’estero negli aa.aa. 2013-2014 e 2014-2015. L’interesse di questa indagine è sia linguistico, sia glottodidattico. Dal punto di vista linguistico, è interessante osservare se i manuali usati all’estero propongano solo la varietà standard tradizionale (sul piano morfo-sintattico, lessicale e fonetico) o anche registri meno formali (vedi le brachilogie tipiche degli sms e i tratti della lingua colloquiale) e diverse varietà diatopiche. Da un punto di vista glottodidattico, è utile indagare quale varietà sia proposta agli studenti d’italiano LS, tenendo presenti da un lato le loro motivazioni e dall’altro alcuni aspetti tradizionalmente considerati ‘critici’ nell’insegnamento della nostra lingua, in particolare il rapporto norma-uso. Sintetizzando, si è notato come nei corsi universitari all’estero si dia spazio anche a tratti appartenenti a varietà informali (linguaggio colloquiale, linguaggio giovanile, lingua degli sms). Riguardo alle varietà diatopiche, dall’analisi è emerso che la varietà proposta all’estero è un italiano neo-standard in cui prevalgono tratti settentrionali, ai quali però talvolta si mescolano tratti centrali, prefigurando forse la formazione in fieri di un italiano moderno «neutro» anche a livello fonetico. Riguardo, invece, alla presenza di diverse attività esplicite sugli italiani regionali, è stata notata solo in pochi casi la tendenza a far riflettere su alcuni aspetti della variabilità dell’italiano.The variety of italian in popular textbooks for foreigners used abroadThis paper reports the results of a survey on the varieties of language proposed in Italian language university courses abroad. Fifteen manuals and text books for foreigners used at the following universities were analyzed: Universidad de Oviedo “Dante Alighieri” (Asturias-Oviedo, Spain); State University “Goce Delcev” (Štip, Rep. of Macedonia); Youngstown State University (Ohio, USA); University College of Dublin (Ireland); University of Warsaw (Poland); Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Mexico); Dalarna University (Falun, Sweden). The data was collected by administering a questionnaire to teachers working abroad during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years. The survey focused on both language and language teaching. From a linguistic point of view, it was interesting to observe whether the text books used abroad only proposed traditional standard varieties (in morpho-syntactic, lexical and phonetic terms) or less formal registers (see the typical sms brachylogies and traits of colloquial language) and several diatopic varieties. From the point of view of language teaching, we investigated which variety was proposed to Italian FL students, taking into account, on the one hand, their motives and on the other, some of the traditionally considered ‘critical issues’ in the teaching of Italian, in particular the rule-use relationship. In brief, it was noted that university courses abroad also gave space to informal varieties (colloquial language, language used by young people, sms language). Regarding diatopic vareties, the analysis showed that the variety of Italian is predominantly northern neo-standardwhich, however, sometimes mingles with the language varieties of Central Italy, perhaps foreshadowing a “neutral” modern Italian, also in phonetic terms. With respect to regional Italian, only in a few cases was there a tendency to reflect on some aspects of variability in Italian

    The cardiac torsion as a sensitive index of heart pathology: A model study.

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    The torsional behaviour of the heart (i.e. the mutual rotation of the cardiac base and apex) was proved to be sensitive to alterations of some cardiovascular parameters, i.e. preload, afterload and contractility. Moreover, pathologies which affect the fibers architecture and cardiac geometry were proved to alter the cardiac torsion pattern. For these reasons, cardiac torsion represents a sensitive index of ventricular performance. The aim of this work is to provide further insight into physiological and pathological alterations of the cardiac torsion by means of computational analyses, combining a structural model of the two ventricles with simple lumped parameter models of both the systemic and the pulmonary circulations. Starting from diagnostic images, a 3D anatomy based geometry of the two ventricles was reconstructed. The myocytes orientation in the ventricles was assigned according to literature data and the myocardium was modelled as an anisotropic hyperelastic material. Both the active and the passive phases of the cardiac cycle were modelled, and different clinical conditions were simulated. The results in terms of alterations of the cardiac torsion in the presence of pathologies are in agreement with experimental literature data. The use of a computational approach allowed the investigation of the stresses and strains in the ventricular wall as well as of the global hemodynamic parameters in the presence of the considered pathologies. Furthermore, the model outcomes highlight how for specific pathological conditions, an altered torsional pattern of the ventricles can be present, encouraging the use of the ventricular torsion in the clinical practice.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2015.10.00

    AdRem: An Integrated Approach for Adaptive Remediation

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    Abandoned industrial sites are generally characterized by soil and subsoil contamination. The paradigm currently employed for their remediation is “tabula rasa”, i.e., remediation of the entire site before its repurpose. However, this method is not economically, socially, or technologically sustainable: it delays the reuse of large areas, often well-connected to infrastructures, whose reuse may prevent further soil consumption. A possible solution to this problem is the application of adaptive reuse principles. This study, conducted at FULL (Future Urban Legacy Lab) in Politecnico di Torino, presents an interdisciplinary approach to spatialize, visualize, and manage interactions between reclamation and urban design for the transformation of contaminated urban areas. The core is based on a decision support parametric toolkit, named AdRem, developed to compare available remediation techniques and schematic urban design solutions. AdRem uses a 3D modeling interface and VPL scripting. Required input data are a geometric description of the site, data on the contamination status, viable remediation techniques, and associated features, and schematic urban design recommendations. A filtering process selects the techniques compatible with the site use foreseen. The output is an optimized remediation and reuse plan that can support an interdisciplinary discussion on possible site regeneration options

    Sixteenth-Century Italian Literature and Author Philology: Three Examples (Marino, Stigliani, Tesauro)

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    Para el siglo XVII la filología de autor registra, con escasas excepciones, una penuria tanto de ediciones modernas y críticas como de estudios filológicos. Los tres casos que se estudian aquí, aunque muy diferentes entre sí, muestran cómo la investigación en este campo permite reunir valiosa información sobre la forma de trabajar de los autores del Barroco. Por lo que atañe a Marino, se revisa la situación de las Rime, la Galeria y el Adoney se brinda una primera valoración de las circunstancias y de los problemas de la tradición textual, a partir de los varios tipos de documentos supérstites (originales y ediciones al cuidado del autor). En cuanto a Stigliani, se ofrece una visión general de la gran variedad de materiales hoy disponibles: impresos, manuscritos y apostillas, que atestiguan un incansable proceso de reelaboración, en el cual influyeron de forma acusada las vicisitudes personales del propio escritor. El caso de Tesauro, final-mente, se presenta a través de su obra más conocida, Il Cannocchiale aristotelico, para la cual el cotejo de las ediciones significativas ha puesto de relieve las variaciones tanto en la estructura general del libro como en porciones aisladas del texto.In the field of the authorial philology, with very few exceptions, for the 17th century there is a dramatic lack of both modern and critical editions and, consequently, of philological studies. The three cases presented here, although very different from each other, show how research in this field allows us to gather valuable information on the way seventeenth-century authors worked. For Marino, by reviewing the cases of Rime, Galeria and Adone, an initial assessment of the aspects and problems of the tradition of Marino’s texts has been attempted, starting with the typology of the surviving elaborative materials. In the case of Stigliani, a general overview is offered of the great mass of material available, consisting of prints, manuscripts and marginalia, witnesses to a tireless process of re-elaboration that was largely influenced by the author’s personal vicissitudes. The case of Tesauro is instead presented through his best-known work, Il Cannocchiale Aristotelico, for which a comparison of the most significant editions has highlighted the variations in both the general structure of the book and the individual textual portions

    Liouville type results for periodic and almost periodic linear operators

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    We are concerned with some extensions of the classical Liouville theorem for bounded harmonic functions to solutions of more general equations. We deal with entire solutions of periodic and almost periodic parabolic equations including the elliptic framework as a particular case. We derive a Liouville type result for periodic operators as a consequence of a result for operators periodic in just one variable, which is new even in the elliptic case. More precisely, we show that if c0c\leq0 and aij,bi,c,fa_{ij}, b_i, c, f are periodic in the same space/time direction, with the same period, then any bounded solution uu of tuaij(x,t)ijubi(x,t)iuc(x,t)u=f(x,t),xRN, tR,\partial_t u-a_{ij}(x,t)\partial_{ij}u-b_i(x,t)\partial_iu-c(x,t)u=f(x,t),\quad x\in\R^N,\ t\in\R, is periodic in that direction. We then derive the following Liouville type result: if c0,f0c\leq0, f\equiv0 and aij,bi,ca_{ij}, b_i, c are periodic in all the space/time variables, with the same periods, then the space of bounded solutions of the above equation has at most dimension one. In the case of the equation tuLu=f(x,t)\partial_t u-Lu=f(x,t), with LL periodic elliptic operator independent of tt, the hypothesis c0c\leq0 can be weaken by requiring that the periodic principal eigenvalue of L-L is nonnegative. Instead, the periodicity assumption cannot be relaxed, because we explicitly exhibit an almost periodic function bb such that the space of bounded solutions of u+b(x)u=0u''+b(x)u'=0 in R\R has dimension 2, and it is generated by the constant solution and a non-almost periodic solution. Next, a sufficient condition for any bounded solution to be almost periodicis derived. We also treat the case of periodic domains under either Dirichlet or Robin boundary conditions.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    The Masked Singer e l'ascesa della Corea del Sud nel mercato internazionale dei format

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    I format sono programmi televisivi che viaggiano in giro per il mondo, già testati in almeno un Paese e che vengono acquistati dai broadcaster che ne realizzano delle versioni locali, in modo da ridurre il rischio della realizzazione ex novo di un programma. Oggi i format sono una parte essenziale del mercato televisivo e si sono evoluti con esso. Il mercato dei format non è statico ma fortemente dinamico e non esclude al suo interno Paesi emergenti. Tra questi distretti produttivi compare anche la Corea del Sud, in forte ascesa negli ultimi decenni grazie alla diffusione della cultura coreana in tutto il mondo. L'ultimo esempio è il fenomeno The Masked Singer, un talent coreano che ha fatto il giro del mondo facendo entrare la Corea nella rosa dei distretti produttivi più rilevanti dell'intero mercato. The Masked Singer è arrivato anche in Italia, dove l'adattamento è tuttavia risultato uno dei punti deboli dell'intera operazione: la figura di Milly Carlucci e il suo team, la rete su cui è andato in onda e la realizzazione complessiva dello show sono risultati meno innovativi rispetto all'impatto che il format ha avuto nel resto del mondo