4,359 research outputs found

    Angular Resolution of the LISA Gravitational Wave Detector

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    We calculate the angular resolution of the planned LISA detector, a space-based laser interferometer for measuring low-frequency gravitational waves from galactic and extragalactic sources. LISA is not a pointed instrument; it is an all-sky monitor with a quadrupolar beam pattern. LISA will measure simultaneously both polarization components of incoming gravitational waves, so the data will consist of two time series. All physical properties of the source, including its position, must be extracted from these time series. LISA's angular resolution is therefore not a fixed quantity, but rather depends on the type of signal and on how much other information must be extracted. Information about the source position will be encoded in the measured signal in three ways: 1) through the relative amplitudes and phases of the two polarization components, 2) through the periodic Doppler shift imposed on the signal by the detector's motion around the Sun, and 3) through the further modulation of the signal caused by the detector's time-varying orientation. We derive the basic formulae required to calculate the LISA's angular resolution ΔΩS\Delta \Omega_S for a given source. We then evaluate ΔΩS\Delta \Omega_S for two sources of particular interest: monchromatic sources and mergers of supermassive black holes. For these two types of sources, we calculate (in the high signal-to-noise approximation) the full variance-covariance matrix, which gives the accuracy to which all source parameters can be measured. Since our results on LISA's angular resolution depend mainly on gross features of the detector geometry, orbit, and noise curve, we expect these results to be fairly insensitive to modest changes in detector design that may occur between now and launch. We also expect that our calculations could be easily modified to apply to a modified design.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, RevTex 3.0 fil

    A New Waveform Consistency Test for Gravitational Wave Inspiral Searches

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    Searches for binary inspiral signals in data collected by interferometric gravitational wave detectors utilize matched filtering techniques. Although matched filtering is optimal in the case of stationary Gaussian noise, data from real detectors often contains "glitches" and episodes of excess noise which cause filter outputs to ring strongly. We review the standard \chi^2 statistic which is used to test whether the filter output has appropriate contributions from several different frequency bands. We then propose a new type of waveform consistency test which is based on the time history of the filter output. We apply one such test to the data from the first LIGO science run and show that it cleanly distinguishes between true inspiral waveforms and large-amplitude false signals which managed to pass the standard \chi^2 test.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity for the proceedings of the Eighth Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-8

    Uric acid enhances longevity and endurance and protects the brain against ischemia

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    Among mammals, there is a positive correlation between serum uric acid (UA) levels and life span. Humans have high levels of UA because they lack a functional urate oxidase (UOX) enzyme that is present in shorter lived mammals. Here, we show that male and female mice with UOX haploinsufficiency exhibit an age-related elevation of UA levels, and that the life span of female but not male UOX+/− mice is significantly increased compared to wild-type mice. Serum UA levels are elevated in response to treadmill exercise in UOX+/− mice, but not wild-type mice, and the endurance of the UOX+/− mice is significantly greater than wild-type mice. UOX+/− mice exhibit elevated levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, reduced brain damage and improved functional outcome in a model of focal ischemic stroke. Levels of oxidative protein nitration and lipid peroxidation are reduced in muscle and brain tissues of UOX+/− mice under conditions of metabolic and oxidative stress (running in the case of muscle and ischemia in the case of the brain), consistent with prior evidence that UA can scavenge peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical. Our findings reveal roles for UA in life span determination, endurance and adaptive responses to brain injury, and suggest novel approaches for protecting cells against injury and for optimizing physical performance.España, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte EX2009–091

    Estimating the detectable rate of capture of stellar mass black holes by massive central black holes in normal galaxies

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    The capture and subsequent inspiral of stellar mass black holes on eccentric orbits by central massive black holes, is one of the more interesting likely sources of gravitational radiation detectable by LISA. We estimate the rate of observable events and the associated uncertainties. A moderately favourable mass function could provide many detectable bursts each year, and a detection of at least one burst per year is very likely given our current understanding of the populations in cores of normal spiral galaxies.Comment: 3 pages 2-column revtex Latex macro. No figures. Classical and Quantum Gravity, accepte

    Detection of high energy X-rays from the galactic center region

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    Observations of the galactic center region made with the high energy X-ray detector on OSO-8 are discussed. A strong hard X-ray which was detected during these observations from the vicinity of the galactic center are examined. The counting rate spectrum and the photon number spectrum of the flux are determined. Comparisons with the high energy X-ray fluxes observed from sources in the region by others are discussed

    Rejection of the name Borreliella gen. nov. and all proposed species comb. nov. placed therein. Request for an opinion

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    Rejection (nomen rejiciendum) of the name Borreliella gen. nov. and all new combinations therein is being requested on grounds of risk to human health and patient safety (Principle 1, subprinciple 2 and Rule 56a) and violation to aim for stability of names, avoid useless creation of names (Principle 1, subprinciple 1 and 3) and that names should not be changed without sufficient reason (Principle 9 of the Code)

    The high-energy pulsed X-ray spectrum of HER X-1 as observed with OSO-8

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    Her X-1 was observed from 1977 August 30 to September 10 using the High-Energy X-Ray Scintillation Spectrometer on board the OSO-8 satellite. The observation, during which the source was monitored continually for nearly an entire ON-state, covered the energy range from 16 to 280 keV. Pulsed flux measurements as a function of binary orbit and binary phase are presented for energies between 16 and 98 keV. The pulsed flux between 16 and 33 keV exhibited a sharp decrease following the fourth binary orbit and was consistent with zero pulsed flux thereafter. The pulsed spectrum was fitted with a power law, a thermal spectrum without features, and a thermal spectrum with a superposed gaussian centered at 55 keV. The latter fit has the smallest value of chi - squared per degree of freedom, and the resulting integrated line intensity is 1.5 superscript + 4.1 subscript - 1.4 x .001 photons s superscript-1 cm superscript-2 for a width of 3.1 superscript + 9.1 subscript -2.6 keV. This result, while of low statistical significance, agrees with the value observed by Trumper (1978) during the same On-state

    Collisions of boosted black holes: perturbation theory prediction of gravitational radiation

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    We consider general relativistic Cauchy data representing two nonspinning, equal-mass black holes boosted toward each other. When the black holes are close enough to each other and their momentum is sufficiently high, an encompassing apparent horizon is present so the system can be viewed as a single, perturbed black hole. We employ gauge-invariant perturbation theory, and integrate the Zerilli equation to analyze these time-asymmetric data sets and compute gravitational wave forms and emitted energies. When coupled with a simple Newtonian analysis of the infall trajectory, we find striking agreement between the perturbation calculation of emitted energies and the results of fully general relativistic numerical simulations of time-symmetric initial data.Comment: 5 pages (RevTex 3.0 with 3 uuencoded figures), CRSR-107

    How Good a Deal Was the Tobacco Settlement?: Assessing Payments to Massachusetts

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    We estimate the increment in Massachusetts Medicaid program costs attributable to smoking from December 20, 1991, to 1998. We describe how our methods improve upon earlier estimates of analogous costs at the national level. Current costs to the Massachusetts Medicaid program approximate the payments to Massachusetts under the tobacco settlement of November 1998. Whether these payments are viewed as appropriate compensation for Medicaid costs over time depends upon the rate of increase in future health care costs, the rate of decline in smoking, the proportion of smoking that should be attributed to the actions of the tobacco companies and the liklihood that state would have prevailed at trial. The costs to the Medicaid program are dwarfed by the internal costs to smokers themselves.

    A How-To for the Mock LISA Data Challenges

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    The LISA International Science Team Working Group on Data Analysis (LIST-WG1B) is sponsoring several rounds of mock data challenges, with the purpose of fostering development of LISA data-analysis capabilities, and of demonstrating technical readiness for the maximum science exploitation of the LISA data. The first round of challenge data sets were released at this Symposium. We describe the models and conventions (for LISA and for gravitational-wave sources) used to prepare the data sets, the file format used to encode them, and the tools and resources available to support challenge participants.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, in Proceedings of the Sixth International LISA Symposium (AIP, 2006