739 research outputs found

    Vitamin D and Male Sexual Function: A Transversal and Longitudinal Study

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    Background. The effects of vitamin D on sexual function are very unclear. Therefore, we aimed at evaluating the possible association between vitamin D and sexual function and at assessing the influence of vitamin D administration on sexual function. Methods. We retrospectively studied 114 men by evaluating clinical, biochemical, and sexual parameters. A subsample (n=41) was also studied longitudinally before and after vitamin D replacement therapy. Results. In the whole sample, after performing logistic regression models, higher levels of 25(OH) vitamin D were significantly associated with high values of total testosterone and of all the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire parameters. On the other hand, higher levels of total testosterone were positively and significantly associated with high levels of erectile function and IIEF total score. After vitamin D replacement therapy, total and free testosterone increased and erectile function improved, whereas other sexual parameters did not change significantly. At logistic regression analysis, higher levels of vitamin D increase (Δ-) were significantly associated with high values of Δ-erectile function after adjustment for Δ-testosterone. Conclusions. Vitamin D is important for the wellness of male sexual function, and vitamin D administration improves sexual function

    Le zone ornitologiche della Sicilia: un metodo per l'individuazione oggettiva di ecoregioni.

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    Gli autori presentano una zonizzazione ecologica della Sicilia costruita in maniera oggettiva su base ornitologica con i dati sulla distribuzione delle specie nidificanti raccolti nei periodi 1979-1984, 1985-1992 e 1993-2006. Le maglie quadrate 10x10 km in cui erano riportati i dati originali sono state raggruppate con una cluster analysis sulla base della somiglianza della comunità ornitica nidifican- te, utilizzando le specie indicatrici per individuare il livello ottimale di raggruppamento che caratte- rizza ciascun gruppo e, insieme alle categorie di uso del suolo, fitoclimatiche e geologiche prevalen- ti al loro interno, i caratteri ecologici principali di ciascun gruppo. Sono state individuate nel complesso sette zone ornitologiche: (1) isole circumsiciliane, (2) pianure costiere mediterranee, (3) sistemi agricoli mediterranei della vite, (4) sistemi agricoli mediterranei steppici, (5) sistemi agricoli mesomediterranei (6), montagne mesomediterranee e (7) montagne temperate. La zona (1) risulta ben caratterizzata da uccelli marini (Calonectris diomedea, Puffinus yelkouan, Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) e specie legate a scogliere ed ambienti rocciosi (Falco eleonorae, Falco peregrinus, Monti- cola solitarius). La zona (2) è caratterizzata da specie legate ai litorali (Charadrius alexandrinus) o agli ambienti umidi (es.: Himantopus himantopus, Ixobrychus minutus, Anas platyrhynchos) e compren- de, in sostanza, ambienti prevalentemente costieri, pianeggianti e non aridi, anche coltivati (Cistico- la juncidis). Carattere decisamente agricolo hanno le zone (3), (4) e (5), con la zona (3) priva di spe- cie indicatrici e che comprende i sistemi più poveri dal punto di vista ornitologico e la zona (4) invece, che include le aree con carattere più steppico (specie indicatrici: Sturnus unicolor, Falco biar- micus, Burhinus oedicnemus). La zona (6) è quella più eterogenea, caratterizzata da moltissime spe- cie indicatrici, legate alle rupi (Neophron percnopterus, Aquila chrysaetos, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax), alle aree aperte (Alauda arvensis, Lullula arborea, Anthus campestris) con alberi sparsi (Lanius sena- tor), ai boschi (Turdus viscivorus, Certhia brachydactyla); molte di queste specie sono di elevato inte- resse (es.: Milvus milvus, Milvus migrans), indicando la grande importanza conservazionistica di que- sta zona ornitologica. La zona (7) è ben caratterizzata da specie legate al bosco e a climi freschi (Phylloscopus collybita, Periparus ater, Poecile palustris siculus, Sitta europaea). In generale le zone ornitologiche mostrano una corrispondenza molto limitata con zonizzazioni su base fitoclimatica e una maggiore corrispondenza invece con le classificazioni dei sistemi di paesaggio che includono anche gli aspetti dell’azione storica dell’uomo sul territorio

    Effect of forest structure and management on the functional diversity and composition of understorey plant communities

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    Questions Do forest structural parameters related to stand heterogeneity enhance functional diversity (FD) of understorey plant communities? Do FD and functional composition of understorey plant communities vary between high-forest (HF) and old coppices-with-standard (oldCWS) management types? Are HF stands characterized by a higher FD than oldCWS? Location Submediterranean beech forests of Montagne della Duchessa Reserve (central Italy). Methods We sampled 57 (20 m × 20 m) forest plots, 29 oldCWS and 28 HF stands, where we recorded plant species cover abundance. We used Leaf–Height–Seed and clonal traits, and run multiple separate linear models to quantify the effect of forest structural parameters and management types on FD and functional composition of understorey plant communities. Results We found that increasing lying deadwood enhanced FD of specific leaf area (SLA) through micro-environmental heterogeneity of soil fertility regardless of management type. We also found that increased horizontal stratification filtered the range of plant sizes, probably through light reduction. HF management enhanced FD of SLA and clonal traits through micro-environmental heterogeneity, while reducing the FD of plant size and seed mass. HF tended to select plant communities characterized by high resource acquisition strategies but lower persistence between ramets, possibly as an effect of more mature forest conditions. Conclusion Our study suggests that understorey plant community diversity and composition change in response to forest structure and management. Combining Leaf–Height–Seed with clonal traits offers a promising framework for understanding and predicting plant response to management practices

    Urban squares morphologies, contributes of a multidimensional analysis

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    The word Square and the Latin – platea – derived terms (piazza, plaza, praça, piaţă) are used to identify a public space of an exceptional character that is morphologically distinct in the urban morphology. The study of urban morphology seeks to understand the spatial structure and character of the city by identifying the patterns of its elements and the process of its development. The characterizing traits of the urban square are diverse and their origin twofold: global properties, referred to its relationships within the whole grid, and local properties, depending on the intrinsic morphologic features of its space; what requires a multi-dimensional and multi-scale approach. This paper will present a multidimensional analysis of two Italian Tuscan historic squares and two Portuguese historic squares. The squares will be analysed from a simultaneous view of their attributes. Thus, it is proposed, in an ongoing joint research project, to address the limitations of traditional-descriptive urban morphology in dealing with this simultaneity. Developing the relations between formal attributes and intangible spatial properties, their identity and closeness may be disclosed by multivariate statistical analysis and computational techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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