6 research outputs found


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    The study was carried out to find out the views and perceived understanding of the process approach in science teaching by primary school teachers. A survey was carried out in Seke urban primary schools. Convenience sampling of 140 teachers participated in this research study. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The SPSS data analysis package was used to analyses the data. The study found out that most teachers did not have knowledge of the process approach and they used the content and the concept approach in science teaching. The study recommends a capacity building programme for primary school teachers focusing on use of the process approach in science teaching.  Article visualizations


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    The study investigated the curriculum overload in primary schools. The multiple case study approach was used and ten schools in Bindura urban participated in this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants. The participants were teachers teaching in the primary schools. Data were generated using interviews ad open-ended questionnaires. Data were qualitatively analyzed. The study also found out that the curriculum was broad yet the time to cover this curriculum was limited. The study concluded that there was prevalence of work overload in the schools. The study recommends that the primary school curriculum be reviewed reduce work overload.  Article visualizations


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    The study sought to find out the factors affecting academic performance of orphaned children in Bindura District primary schools in Zimbabwe. The descriptive survey design was used in this study. The population was 300 teachers and 50 orphaned children. A sample of 80 teachers and 10 children randomly selected participated in this research study. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The SPSS programme was used to analyse the data. The study found out that orphaned children did not perform well academically during class work. They did not do homework assigned by the teachers. The study found out that teachers did not have knowledge or skills to assist orphaned children during teaching and learning. The study recommended that teachers should be equipped with skills to manage orphaned children academically. The study recommended that foster parents need to be made aware through workshops how to assist orphaned children with class work assigned to be done at home. More research should be done on how orphaned children can be motivated to learn

    Integrating Traditional African Education into Current Educational Practices: Suggestions for Primary School Pedagogy Integrating Traditional African Education into Current Educational Practices: Suggestions for Primary School Pedagogy 1

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    ABSTRACT This paper examines how traditional African educational approaches can be used with European methods in the teaching of young children at primary schools in Zimbabwe. From an African-centred perspective, European/Western education is viewed as 'compartmentalistic', limiting and potentially inhibitive of the communal, social, and cultural responsibilities expected of a fully initiated African adult. The paper takes the position that a re-look at African traditional knowledge dissemination system such as communal education, group learning, fireside folktales and legends, used in tandem with the European paradigm, will produce a better-cultured adult who fits comfortably in the frame of current developments on the African continent. The paper proposes a curriculum that recognises the value of African traditions as educational methods of teaching that can make learning more relevant and exciting for primary school going pupils

    Views of Distance Education Students on Factors affecting Completion of Research Projects at the Zimbabwe Open University

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    No Abstract Available Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research Vol.16(2) 2004: 103-11

    Trainee Teachers’ Views About The Role Of Mentors In Their Professional Development

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    An opinion poll by ZBTE on views of trainee teachers.The study investigated the views of trainee teachers about the role of mentors in their academic and professional development. The other purposes were to find out whether trainee teachers valued mentors’ assessment of teaching practice; mentors’ behaviours valued by trainee teachers; and why mentors are important in professional development. The study employed the descriptive survey method and questionnaire instrument. The population of the study was 439 third year trainee teachers who had Just completed a yearlong school attachment programme. A sample of 198 trainee teachers was chosen using preferred sampling. Research assistants who were lecturers at Seke Teachers’ College administered the questionnaire. This ensured a 100% return of completed questionnaires. The study used EP16 programme for data capturing and SPSS programme to produce frequency distribution runs. It was found out that trainee teachers viewed lecturers as better placed to help in their academic development than the mentors, and that trainee teachers viewed mentors as better placed to help in their professional development than lecturers. The study recommended further research to compare the views of trainee teachers, mentors and lecturers about the role of mentors in the professional development of trainee teachers