46 research outputs found

    Melatonin: Implications at the oral level

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    The strong relationship between the pineal gland and the immune system continues to establish itself more and more. In situations of a pinealectomy or in those of inhibition of the production of melatonin, a state of immunosuppression is produced which disappears when the patient receives this hormone. Likewise, melatonin counteracts the negative effects that immunosuppressive drug treatments produce over the immunity. It is due to these facts that one postulates the possibility of utilizing melatonin in primary and secondary immunodeficiency states as well as in cancerous immunotherapy. The action of this hormone over the immune system is carried out through the T-helper lymphocytes, lymphokines and also it seems through certain pituitary hormones. On the other hand, lymphokines such as Gamma-Interferon and Interleukin-2, as well as the thymus, can modulate the synthesis of melatonin at the level of the pineal gland. Without doubt, all these actions have important consequences at the time of treatment of our high-risk dental patients who have, in one way or another, an altered immunologic system. The altered immune system has direct implications in primary oral pathologies, or in others derived directly from our dental treatment.Une relation de plus en plus prĂ©cise s’établit entre la glande pinĂ©ale et le systĂšme immunitaire. Dans les cas d’une pinĂ©alectomie ou d’une inhibition de la production de mĂ©latonine, un Ă©tat d’immunodĂ©pression apparaĂźt et qui disparaĂźt lorsque le patient reçoit cette hormone. Par ailleurs, la mĂ©latonine contrecarre les effets nĂ©gatifs des immunodĂ©presseurs sur l’immunitĂ©. Il en rĂ©sulte que l’on peut postuler l’utilisation de la mĂ©latonine dans les Ă©tats d’immunodĂ©ficience primaire et secondaire ainsi qu’au cours de l’immunothĂ©rapie cancĂ©reuse. L’action de cette hormone sur le systĂšme immunitaire s’exerce au travers des lymphocytes T-helper, des lymphokines et aussi semble-t-il au travers de certaines hormones hypophysaires. De plus, des lymphokines telles que l’Interferon gamma et l’Interleukine 2, aussi bien que le thymus, peuvent moduler la synthĂšse de la mĂ©latonine au niveau de la glande pinĂ©ale. Sans doute, toutes ces actions possĂšdent d’importantes consĂ©quences lors du traitement en dentisterie, chez nos patients Ă  haut risque souffrant d’une maniĂšre ou d’une autre d’une altĂ©ration de leur systĂšme immunitaire.Le systĂšme immunitaire altĂ©rĂ© exerce une implication directe dans des pathologies primitives de la bouche ou dans celles qui dĂ©rivent directement de notre traitement dentaire

    Oral pathology in the Iberian Neanderthals

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    In 1994, a series of human bones was found at the Sidrón cave in Borines (Concejo de Piloña, Asturias), Spain. Since the investigators suspected that they were dealing with human remains from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the bones were collected by the Civil Guard, but were not subjected to archeological scrutiny. The finding was reported then to the corresponding authorities, who had them sent to the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology of the Forensic Institute of Madrid (Spain), where an anthropological study was undertaken. This revealed the extraordinary palaeoanthropological and palaeopathological interest of the remains. The specimen studied herein, a mandible catalogued as SDR 7-8 (SIDRON 7-8) by the Forensic Laboratory in Madrid (Spain) and belonging to Homo neanderthalensis, with an age of 90,000 to 40,000 years BCE, showed special characteristics of oral pathology, making it a specimen of great palaeodontological interest.Key words: Mandible, Neanderthal, oral pathology, Sidrón, Asturias