20 research outputs found

    Comparison of different optimization and process control procedures

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    This paper includes a comparison of different optimization methods, used for optimizing the cutting conditions during milling. It includes also a part of using soft computer techniques in process control procedures. Milling is a cutting procedure dependent of a number of variables. These variables are dependent from each other in consequence, if we change one variable, the others change too. PSO and GA algorithm are applied to the CNC milling program to improve cutting conditions, improve end finishing, reduce tool wear and reduce the stress on the tool, the machine and the machined part. At the end a summary will be given of pasted and future researches.Peer Reviewe

    Turning of high quality aluminium alloys with minimum costs

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    Tokarenje je jedan od najčešće korištenih postupaka za rezanje metala. Da bi se optimizirao takav proces rezanja, potrebne su neke prilagodbe. Uređaj za nadzor trošenja alata kod suhog rezanja može značajno smanjiti troškove proizvodnje. Ovo istraživanje se fokusira na isplativost korištenja suhog rezanja u odnosu na korištenje tekućine za rezanje i korištenje alata s različitom geometrijom. Provedena je serija testova i na kraju su dani rezultati.Turning is one of the most common metal cutting procedures used. To optimize such a cutting process, some adaptations must be made. Implementing tool wear conditioning and the use of dry cutting can significantly lower the production cost. This research focuses on the cost effectiveness of using dry cutting in comparison with the use of cutting fluids and the use of different tool geometry. A series of tests was conducted and in the end the results are given

    Dinamika populacije kvasca pri spontanim i induciranim alkoholnim fermentacijama vinskog mošta Zametovka

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    Inoculated fermentations, which are more rapid and more reliable than spontaneous fermentations, and assure predictable wine quality, are nowadays prevalent in Slovenia’s large-scale wine production. However, spontaneous fermentation strengthens local characteristics of wine and offers opportunities for technological innovation. In the 1999 vintage, spontaneous and inoculated fermentations of Zametovka (Vitis vinifera) grape must were studied. Zametovka is the main red variety in production of traditional Slovene red blend wine, Cvicek. The diversity of yeast species and strains in both of the investigated fermentations was determined by molecular and traditional identification methods. The outset of alcoholic fermentation, yeast growth kinetics, and yeast population dynamics presents the main differences between the examined fermentations. Yeast population diversity was higher in the spontaneous process. Dominant yeast isolates from spontaneous fermentation were identified as Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae; whereas Saccharomyces bayanus, Pichia kluyveri, Pichia membranifaciens and Torulaspora delbrueckiim were found less frequently. Dominant species in the inoculated fermentation was Saccharomyces cerevisiae; other species found in smaller numbers were Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum and Debaryomyces hansenii var. hansenii. Using PFGE, we were able to distinguish among 15 different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and three different Saccharomyces bayanus strains isolated from spontaneous fermentation, whereas, in the case of inoculated fermentation, only two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were found. Their chromosomal patterns coincide with the chromosomal patterns of the starter culture strains.U dana{njoj industrijskoj proizvodnji vina u Sloveniji prevladava inducirana fermentacija koja je brža i pouzdanija od spontane, a osigurava predvidivu kvalitetu vina. Spontana fermentacija pospješuje lokalne specifičnosti vina i omogućuje tehnološke inovacije. U berbi 1999. provedena je spontana i inducirana fermentacija mošta Zametovka (Vitis vinifera). Zametovka je glavna sorta crnog vina u proizvodnji Cvičeka, tradicionalnog slovenskog crnog vina. Raznolikost vrsta i sojeva kvasca u obje ispitivane fermentacije utvrđena je primjenom fizioloških i molekularnih testova. Glavne razlike između ispitivanih fermentacija sastojale su se u različitom početku alkoholne fermentacije, u kinetici rasta i dinamici populacije kvasca. Raznolikost u populaciji kvasca bila je veća pri spontanom procesu. Kao dominantni izolati kvasca pri spontanoj fermentaciji utvrđeni su Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum i Saccharomyces cerevisiae a rjeđe su se pojavljivali Saccharomyces bayanus, Pichia kluyveri, Pichia membranifaciens i Torulaspora delbrueckii. Pri induciranoj fermentaciji dominantna je vrsta Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a nađen je manji broj vrsta Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum i Debaryomyces hansenii var. hansenii. Koristeći gel-elektroforezu u pulsirajućem polju (PFGE), iz mošta pri spontanoj fermentaciji izolirano je 15 razli~itih sojeva Saccharomyces cerevisiae i tri različita soja Saccharomyces bayanus, a u induciranoj fermentaciji opažena su samo dva soja Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Njihova kromosomska struktura podudara se sa strukturom kromosoma soja starter-kulture

    Comparison of different optimization and process control procedures

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    This paper includes a comparison of different optimization methods, used for optimizing the cutting conditions during milling. It includes also a part of using soft computer techniques in process control procedures. Milling is a cutting procedure dependent of a number of variables. These variables are dependent from each other in consequence, if we change one variable, the others change too. PSO and GA algorithm are applied to the CNC milling program to improve cutting conditions, improve end finishing, reduce tool wear and reduce the stress on the tool, the machine and the machined part. At the end a summary will be given of pasted and future researches

    Comparison of different optimization and process control procedures

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    This paper includes a comparison of different optimization methods, used for optimizing the cutting conditions during milling. It includes also a part of using soft computer techniques in process control procedures. Milling is a cutting procedure dependent of a number of variables. These variables are dependent from each other in consequence, if we change one variable, the others change too. PSO and GA algorithm are applied to the CNC milling program to improve cutting conditions, improve end finishing, reduce tool wear and reduce the stress on the tool, the machine and the machined part. At the end a summary will be given of pasted and future researches.Peer Reviewe