29 research outputs found

    GrailQuest & HERMES: Hunting for Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterparts and Probing Space-Time Quantum Foam

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    Within Quantum Gravity theories, different models for space-time quantisation predict an energy dependent speed for photons. Although the predicted discrepancies are minuscule, GRB, occurring at cosmological distances, could be used to detect this signature of space-time granularity with a new concept of modular observatory of huge overall collecting area consisting in a fleet of small satellites in low orbits, with sub-microsecond time resolution and wide energy band (keV-MeV). The enormous number of collected photons will allow to effectively search these energy dependent delays. Moreover, GrailQuest will allow to perform temporal triangulation of high signal-to-noise impulsive events with arc-second positional accuracies: an extraordinary sensitive X-ray/Gamma all-sky monitor crucial for hunting the elusive electromagnetic counterparts of GW. A pathfinder of GrailQuest is already under development through the HERMES project: a fleet of six 3U cube-sats to be launched by 2021/22

    Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

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    Le pergamene dell\u2019archivio della Prepositura di Trento (1154-1297)

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    edizione di un importante fondo pergamenaceo trentin

    La documentazione dei vescovi di Trento (XI secolo - 1218)

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    Edizione della documentazione medievale del principato vescovile di Trento. SI TRATTA DI UNA EDIZIONE CRITICA

    Santuari d'Italia: in preparazione in volume del Trentino-Sudtirol

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    Sintesi di un lavoro in corso

    Monasteri nascosti

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    Giovanni da Parma, canonico della Cattedrale di Trento, e la sua Cronaca (1348-1377)

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    edizione e studio della cronaca di Giovanni da Parma, raro esempio di fonte narrativa medievale del territorio trentin