510 research outputs found

    Impact of disorder on dynamics and ordering in the honeycomb-lattice iridate Na2IrO3

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    Kitaev's honeycomb spin-liquid model and its proposed realization in materials such as α-RuCl3, Li2IrO3, and Na2IrO3 continue to present open questions about how the dynamics of a spin liquid are modified in the presence of non-Kitaev interactions as well as the presence of inhomogeneities. Here we use Na23 nuclear magnetic resonance to probe both static and dynamical magnetic properties in single-crystal Na2IrO3. We find that the NMR shift follows the bulk susceptibility above 30 K but deviates from it below; moreover below TN the spectra show a broad distribution of internal magnetic fields. Both of these results provide evidence for inequivalent magnetic sites at low temperature, suggesting inhomogeneities are important for the magnetism. The spin-lattice relaxation rate is isotropic and diverges at TN, suggesting that the Kitaev cubic axes may control the critical quantum spin fluctuations. In the ordered state, we observe gapless excitations, which may arise from site substitution, emergent defects from milder disorder, or possibly be associated with nearby quantum paramagnetic states distinct from the Kitaev spin liquid

    Impurities near an Antiferromagnetic-Singlet Quantum Critical Point

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    Heavy fermion systems, and other strongly correlated electron materials, often exhibit a competition between antiferromagnetic (AF) and singlet ground states. Using exact Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, we examine the effect of impurities in the vicinity of such AF- singlet quantum critical points, through an appropriately defined impurity susceptibility, χimp\chi_{imp}. Our key finding is a connection, within a single calculational framework, between AF domains induced on the singlet side of the transition, and the behavior of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1. We show that local NMR measurements provide a diagnostic for the location of the QCP which agrees remarkably well with the vanishing of the AF order parameter and large values of χimp\chi_{imp}. We connect our results with experiments on Cd-doped CeCoIn5_5

    Specific heat at the transition in a superconductor with fluctuating magnetic moments

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    In the heavy-fermion materials CeCoIn5_5 and UBe13_{13}, the superconducting order parameter is coupled to flucutating magnetization of the uncompensated part of the localized ff-moments. We find that this coupling decreases the superconducting transition temperature and increases the jump of the specific-heat coefficient, which indicates entropy transfer from the magnetic to the superconducting degree of freedom at the transition temperature. Below the transition, we find that the magnetic fluctuations are suppressed. We discuss the relation of our results to experiments on CeCoIn5_5 under pressure.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Acupuncture in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders, facial pain, and postural neuromuscular disorders. Presentation of a clinical case

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    Background and objectives: Temporomandibular disorders have a multifactorial etiology and involve the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and associated structures. Therefore, different treatments are proposed and used. The aim of this paper is the use of acupuncture to treat temporomandibular disorders and associated symptoms. This article presents a clinical case study of a 39-year-old patient who presented temporomandibular disorders and headache of muscular origin. Results: After 10 acupuncture sessions, the results were highly satisfactory, with complete relief of headache pain and absence of joint disorders. These results suggest the efficacy of acupuncture in the symptomatic relief of temporomandibular disorders. Conclusions: It is concluded that acupuncture is an alternative method to conventional stomatognathic treatment for individuals with craniomandibular disorders of muscular origin

    Mast cells, microRNAs and others: The role of translational research on colorectal cancer in the forthcoming era of precision medicine

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease, molecularly and anatomically, that develops in a multi-step process requiring the accumulation of several genetic or epigenetic mutations that lead to the gradual transformation of normal mucosa into cancer. In fact, tumorigenesis is extremely complex, with many immunologic and non-immunologic factors present in the tumor microenvironment that can influence tumorigenesis. In the last few years, a role for mast cells (MCs), microRNAs (miRNAs), Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS) and v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homologue B (BRAF) in cancer development and progression has been suggested, and numerous efforts have been made to thoroughly assess their correlation with CRC to improve patient survival and quality of life. The identification of easily measurable, non-invasive and cost-effective biomarkers, the so-called “ideal biomarkers”, for CRC screening and treatment remains a high priority. The aim of this review is to discuss the emerging role of mast cells (MCs), microRNAs (miRNAs), KRAS and BRAF as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for CRC, evaluating their influence as potential therapy targets in the forthcoming era of precision medicine

    Stripes Disorder and Correlation lengths in doped antiferromagnets

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    For stripes in doped antiferromagnets, we find that the ratio of spin and charge correlation lenghts, ξs/ξc\xi_{s}/\xi_{c}, provide a sharp criterion for determining the dominant form of disorder in the system. If stripes disorder is controlled by topological defects then ξs/ξc1\xi_{s}/\xi_{c}\lesssim 1. In contast, if stripes correlations are disordered primarily by non-topological elastic deformations (i.e., a Bragg-Glass type of disorder) then 1<ξs/ξc41<\xi _{s}/\xi_{c}\lesssim 4 is expected. Therefore, the observation of ξs/ξc4\xi _{s}/\xi_{c}\approx 4 in (LaNd)2xSrxCuO4(LaNd)_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} and ξs/ξc3\xi_{s}/\xi _{c}\approx 3 in La2/3Sr1/3NiO4La_{2/3}Sr_{1/3}NiO_{4} invariably implies that the stripes are in a Bragg glass type state, and topological defects are much less relevant than commonly assumed. Expected spectral properties are discussed. Thus, we establish the basis for any theoretical analysis of the experimentally obsereved glassy state in these material.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    75^{75}As NMR studies of superconducting LaO0.9_{0.9}F0.1_{0.1}FeAs

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    We have performed 75As Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements on aligned powders of the new LaO0.9F0.1FeAs superconductor. In the normal state, we find a strong temperature dependence of the spin shift and Korringa behavior of the spin lattice relaxation rate. In the superconducting state, we find evidence for line nodes in the superconducting gap and spin-singlet pairing. Our measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the spin lattice relaxation rate, which suggest that superconducting vortices contribute to the relaxation rate when the field is parallel to the c-axis but not for the perpendicular direction

    Anomalous NMR Magnetic Shifts in CeCoIn_5

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    We report ^{115}In and ^{59}Co Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn_5 above and below T_c. The hyperfine couplings of the In and Co are anisotropic and exhibit dramatic changes below 50K due to changes in the crystal field level populations of the Ce ions. Below T_c the spin susceptibility is suppressed, indicating singlet pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure