40 research outputs found

    I partiti politici in Italia

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    a visione strettamente connessa alla definizione dei partiti politici è quella per cui gli stessi sono da considerarsi come libere associazioni di cittadini, che decidono di aggregarsi per partecipare alla determinazione della politica nazionale. La loro funzione è quella di svolgere il ruolo di anello di congiunzione tra le Istituzioni e i cittadini, tralo Stato apparato e lo Stato comunità. In ragione di ciò, è unanimemente riconosciuta la loro natura anfibi

    Il Senato che (non) è stato, che è e che sarà. Un deciso miglioramento

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    Sono delineate le funzioni del Senato come modificato dalla riforma costituzionale in una prospettiva storica e comparatistica.Are outlined the functions of the Senate as amended by the constitutional reform in a historical and comparative perspective

    Democrazia e tutela delle minoranze

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    It is not accidental that in the last few years the theme on the protection of minorities has once more become the object of a quite heated juridical as well as political debate. There are several reasons for this renewed attention: cultural, political, social, economical and religious ones. They all however converge into new considerations on a classical issue. Principles embedded in the social and cultural conscience of the western democracies such as that of equality of social dignity of every human being and the respect of his inviolable fundamental rights, are now submitted to new tensions, to the extent of reconsidering them in depth. The juridical treatment of the "new minorities" is today a momentous challenge. In this challenge, however, the constitutionalist finds something both ancient and new because the question is once again to reconcile equality and diversity, how to detect the border beyond which a reasonable differentiated treatment becomes illegitimate and unjustified disparity. The border between the "right to equality'' and "right to the difference", between "social integration" and "exploitation of the differences", is a shifting border that needs continuous verification and normative adjustments to avoid "equality'' becoming disguised "inequality''. The article intends therefore to return to the enlightened principles of constitutionalism to find the correct synthesis and a reasonable balance between such different and sometimes opposed demands.peer-reviewe

    La designazione dei governanti

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    Si tratta del rapporto sull'Italia a un convegno di diritto comparato sul tema della designazione dei governantiThis is the report on Italy at a comparative law conference on the theme of designating government

    Democrazia e rappresentanza politica

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    During the 13th Legislature of the Italian Republic the phenomenon of parliamentary mobility, that is of the passage of MPs and Senators from one political group to another, assumed significant dimensions in terms both of the number of representatives involved, and in terms of quality, in view of the creation of governments through the decisive contribution of deserter MPs, sometimes joined together in specially created groups. The aim of the work is to review the principles of political representation, retracing their genesis and their translation in the constitutional and legislative arena and in parliamentary regulations, testing the viability of the traditional reconstructions of the national representation of the parliamentarian

    Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005)

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    Partiti e gruppi parlamentari nell'ordinamento spagnolo

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    This volume represents the natural development of the theoretical conclusions which the author arrived at in a previous publication, devoted to the passage from the mandate prohibition to the party mandate. The analysis of the provisions present in the Spanish system as regards parties and Parliamentary groups, and in particular those aimed at countering the phenomenon of Parliamentary transfuguismo or switching, effectively confirms that it is possible to draw from the traditional principles on political representation meanings that better fit the peculiar role that the parties play within the current representative democracies, without undermining their foundations. Hence the necessity to define solutions of various kinds - constitutional, legislative, regulatory, conventional - designed to guarantee that the elected member respects the party mandate received from the voters.Questo volume costituisce il naturale sviluppo delle conclusioni teoriche cui è pervenuto l'autore in una precedente pubblicazione, dedicata al passaggio dal divieto di mandato al mandato di partito. L'analisi delle disposizioni presenti nell'ordinamento spagnolo in tema di partiti e gruppi parlamentari, ed in particolare di quelle dirette a contrastare il fenomeno del transfuguismo parlamentare, conferma infatti che è possibile trarre dai tradizionali principi sulla rappresentanza politica signifi cati più conformi al ruolo peculiare che i partiti svolgono nelle attuali democrazie rappresentative, senza con ciò minarne le fondamenta. Da qui la necessità di defi nire soluzioni normative di varia natura - costituzionale, legislativa, regolamentare, convenzionale - atte a garantire il rispetto da parte dell'eletto del mandato di partito ricevuto dagli elettori