8,271 research outputs found

    A third HI 21-cm absorption system in the sight-line of MG J0414+0534: A redshift for Object X?

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    We report the detection of a third HI 21-cm absorber in the sight-line towards the z=2.64 quasar MG J0414+0534 (4C +05.19). In addition to the absorption at the host redshift and in the z=0.96 gravitational lens, we find, through a decimetre-wave spectral scan towards this source, strong absorption at z=0.38. We believe this may be associated with "Object X", an additional feature apparent in the field of the lensing galaxy and lensed images, on the basis of its close proximity to the quasar images and the possible detection of the [OIII] doublet in a published optical spectrum. If real, the strength of the [OIII] emission would suggest the presence of an active galactic nucleus, or a gas-rich galaxy undergoing rapid star formation, either of which is consistent with the strong outflows apparent in the 21-cm spectrum. Although this is the strongest intervening 21-cm absorber yet found, simultaneous observations failed to detect any of the 18-cm OH lines at the 21-cm redshift. This suggests that, as for the lensing galaxy, this is not the primary location of the intervening material responsible for the very red colour of MG J0414+0534.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Using 21-cm absorption surveys to measure the average HI spin temperature in distant galaxies

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    We present a statistical method for measuring the average HI spin temperature in distant galaxies using the expected detection yields from future wide-field 21cm absorption surveys. As a demonstrative case study we consider a simulated all-southern-sky survey of 2-h per pointing with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder for intervening HI absorbers at intermediate cosmological redshifts between z=0.4z = 0.4 and 11. For example, if such a survey yielded 10001000 absorbers we would infer a harmonic-mean spin temperature of Tspin100\overline{T}_\mathrm{spin} \sim 100K for the population of damped Lyman α\alpha (DLAs) absorbers at these redshifts, indicating that more than 5050 per cent of the neutral gas in these systems is in a cold neutral medium (CNM). Conversely, a lower yield of only 100 detections would imply Tspin1000\overline{T}_\mathrm{spin} \sim 1000K and a CNM fraction less than 1010 per cent. We propose that this method can be used to provide independent verification of the spin temperature evolution reported in recent 21cm surveys of known DLAs at high redshift and for measuring the spin temperature at intermediate redshifts below z1.7z \approx 1.7, where the Lyman-α\alpha line is inaccessible using ground-based observatories. Increasingly more sensitive and larger surveys with the Square Kilometre Array should provide stronger statistical constraints on the average spin temperature. However, these will ultimately be limited by the accuracy to which we can determine the HI column density frequency distribution, the covering factor and the redshift distribution of the background radio source population.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Proof corrected versio

    A fourth HI 21-cm absorption system in the sight-line of MG J0414+0534: a record for intervening absorbers

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    We report the detection of a strong HI 21-cm absorption system at z=0.5344, as well as a candidate system at z=0.3389, in the sight-line towards the z=2.64 quasar MG J0414+0534. This, in addition to the absorption at the host redshift and the other two intervening absorbers, takes the total to four (possibly five). The previous maximum number of 21-cm absorbers detected along a single sight-line is two and so we suspect that this number of gas-rich absorbers is in some way related to the very red colour of the background source. Despite this, no molecular gas (through OH absorption) has yet been detected at any of the 21-cm redshifts, although, from the population of 21-cm absorbers as a whole, there is evidence for a weak correlation between the atomic line strength and the optical--near-infrared colour. In either case, the fact that so many gas-rich galaxies (likely to be damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems) have been found along a single sight-line towards a highly obscured source may have far reaching implications for the population of faint galaxies not detected in optical surveys, a possibility which could be addressed through future wide-field absorption line surveys with the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    The Carrington event not observed in most ice core nitrate records

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    The Carrington Event of 1859 is considered to be among the largest space weather events of the last 150 years. We show that only one out of 14 well-resolved ice core records from Greenland and Antarctica has a nitrate spike dated to 1859. No sharp spikes are observed in the Antarctic cores studied here. In Greenland numerous spikes are observed in the 40 years surrounding 1859, but where other chemistry was measured, all large spikes have the unequivocal signal, including co-located spikes in ammonium, formate, black carbon and vanillic acid, of biomass burning plumes. It seems certain that most spikes in an earlier core, including that claimed for 1859, are also due to biomass burning plumes, and not to solar energetic particle (SEP) events. We conclude that an event as large as the Carrington Event did not leave an observable, widespread imprint in nitrate in polar ice. Nitrate spikes cannot be used to derive the statistics of SEPs

    Comment on “Low time resolution analysis of ice cores cannot detect impulsive nitrate events” by D. F. Smart et al.

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    Smart et al. (2014) suggested that the detection of nitrate spikes in polar ice cores from solar energetic particle (SEP) events could be achieved if an analytical system with sufficiently high resolution was used. Here we show that the spikes they associate with SEP events are not reliably recorded in cores from the same location, even when the resolution is clearly adequate. We explain the processes that limit the effective resolution of ice cores. Liquid conductivity data suggest that the observed spikes are associated with sodium or another nonacidic cation, making it likely that they result from deposition of sea salt or similar aerosol that has scavenged nitrate, rather than from a primary input of nitrate in the troposphere. We consider that there is no evidence at present to support the identification of any spikes in nitrate as representing SEP events. Although such events undoubtedly create nitrate in the atmosphere, we see no plausible route to using nitrate spikes to document the statistics of such events

    HI and OH absorption in the lensing galaxy of MG J0414+0534

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    We report the detection of \HI 21-cm absorption in the z=0.96z=0.96 early-type lensing galaxy towards MG J0414+0534 with the Green Bank Telescope. The absorption, with total NHI=1.6×1018(Ts/f)cm2N_{\rm HI}=1.6 \times 10^{18} (T_{\rm s}/f) {\rm cm}^{-2}, is resolved into two strong components, probably due to the two strongest lens components, which are separated by 0.4\arcsec. Unlike the other three lenses which have been detected in \HI, J0414+0534 does not exhibit strong OH absorption, giving a OH/\HI column density ratio of N_{\rm OH}/N_{\rm HI}\lapp10^{-6} (for Ts=100T_{\rm s}=100 K, Tx=10T_{\rm x}=10 K and fHI=fOH=1f_{\rm HI}=f_{\rm OH}=1). This underabundance of molecular gas may indicate that the extreme optical--near-IR colour (VK=10.26V-K=10.26) along the line-of-sight is not due to the lens. We therefore suggest that despite the strong upper limits on molecular absorption at the quasar redshift, as traced by millimetre lines, the extinction occurs primarily in the quasar host galaxy.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS Letters, 5 (and a bit) pages, 5 figure

    Is there further evidence for spatial variation of fundamental constants?

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    The detection of a spatial variation of the fine-structure constant, alpha, based on study of quasar absorption systems has recently been reported. The physics that causes this alpha-variation should have other observable manifestations, and this motivates us to look for complementary astrophysical effects. In this paper we propose a method to test whether spatial variation of fundamental constants existed during the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis. Using existing measurements of primordial deuterium abundance we find very weak indications that such a signature might exist, but the paucity of measurements precludes any firm conclusion. We also examine existing quasar absorption spectra data that are sensitive to variation of the electron-to-proton mass ratio, mu, and x = (alpha^2 mu g_p) for spatial variation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    The hidden X-ray breaks in afterglow light curves

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    Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglow observations in the Swift era have a perceived lack of achromatic jet breaks compared to the BeppoSAX, or pre-Swift era. Specifically, relatively few breaks, consistent with jet breaks, are observed in the X-ray light curves of these bursts. If these breaks are truly missing, it has serious consequences for the interpretation of GRB jet collimation and energy requirements, and the use of GRBs as standard candles. Here we address the issue of X-ray breaks which are possibly 'hidden' and hence the light curves are misinterpreted as being single power-laws. We show how a number of precedents, including GRB 990510 & GRB 060206, exist for such hidden breaks and how, even with the well sampled light curves of the Swift era, these breaks may be left misidentified. We do so by synthesising X-ray light curves and finding general trends via Monte Carlo analysis. Furthermore, in light of these simulations, we discuss how to best identify achromatic breaks in afterglow light curves via multi-wavelength analysis.Comment: 4 pages, contributed talk, submitted to the proceedings of Gamma Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 5-9 200