57 research outputs found

    Arzneimittelinteraktionen mit antiretroviralen Medikamenten

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    Zusammenfassung: Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen sind bei der Behandlung von HIV-Infizierten hĂ€ufig, da die hochaktive antiretrovirale Therapie immer mehrere Wirkstoffe beinhaltet. Dazu kommen oft Medikamente gegen opportunistische Infektionen und Begleiterkrankungen. Alle Proteaseinhibitoren fĂŒhren zu einer Inhibition von CYP3A, das im Metabolismus von rund 50% aller Arzneistoffe wichtig ist, beispielsweise Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Sildenafil und Clarithromycin. Ritonavir ist von allen Proteaseinhibitoren der stĂ€rkste Hemmstoff der CYP3A-AktivitĂ€t. Dies wird auch genutzt, um die BioverfĂŒgbarkeit anderer Proteaseinhibitoren zu erhöhen. Durch die nichtnukleosidischen Reverse-Transkriptase-Inhibitoren Efavirenz und Nevirapin wird die CYP3A-AktivitĂ€t in der Dauertherapie gesteigert. Um Interaktionen vorzubeugen, mĂŒssen zu Beginn und bei Therapieende die Dosierungen von CYP3A-Substraten angepasst werden. Interaktionen können auch durch die Beeinflussung von glukuronidierenden Enzymen oder Transportproteinen entstehen. So wird P-Glykoprotein durch Ritonavir gehemmt, was zu einer Erhöhung der Exposition gegenĂŒber vielen Chemotherapeutika fĂŒhr

    Nation and/or Homeland: Identity in 19th-Century Music and Literature between Central and Mediterranean Europe

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    The aim of this book is to focus on the development of national awareness elaborated around a series of different case studies, in which the terms nation, homeland and people have been applied. This Romantic lexicon identifies similar but various conceptions of the national idea in some countries dominated by Italian, German and Slavic cultures, and in some groups or minorities such as the Jews and the Vlachs in Central and Mediterranean Europe. In order to clarify the cultural framework, the authors explore the construction of identity through folk tunes, poetry inspired by popular culture, and opera in which the national myths or heroes appear. In the self-making tradition, the national traits are sustained by the process of embodiment of any regional utterance, and also by disregarding the \u201cother\u201d, in particular the minorities. The symbols of the nation, as an achievement of the power that flourishes from the sense of belonging, are defined \u201cper differentiam\u201d. Theoretical perspectives are shaped by the new approaches to this topic, taking into consideration the artistic issues as socio-historical events and subsequently evaluating them in their aesthetic quality

    Mechanical properties of epoxy/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites

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    In this paper, two types of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were dispersed into two different epoxy resins b high - shear mixing. Dispersion and homogenisation of nanofillers was analysed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). Microhardness of epoxy/MWCNTs nanocomposites, as well as of neat epoxy resins, is measure by Vickers method. The evolution of nanocomposites microhardness values were studied in function of curing time takin in account the influence of two different epoxy matrix and MWCNTs. Asymptotic values were analysed and compare with those of pure epoxy resin

    Validation of the Transition Readiness and Appropriateness Measure (TRAM) for the Managing the Link and Strengthening Transition from Child to Adult Mental Healthcare in Europe (MILESTONE) study

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    OBJECTIVE: Young people moving from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to adult mental health services (AMHS) are faced with significant challenges. To improve this state of affairs, there needs to be a recognition of the problem and initiatives and an urgent requirement for appropriate tools for measuring readiness and outcomes at the transfer boundary (16-18 years of age in Europe). The objective of this study was to develop and validate the Transition Readiness and Appropriateness Measure (TRAM) for assessing a young person's readiness for transition, and their outcomes at the transfer boundary. DESIGN: MILESTONE prospective study. SETTING: Eight European Union (EU) countries participating in the EU-funded MILESTONE study. PARTICIPANTS: The first phase (MILESTONE validation study) involved 100 adolescents (pre-transition), young adults (post-transition), parents/carers and both CAMHS and AMHS clinicians. The second phase (MILESTONE cohort study and nested cluster randomised trial) involved over 1000 young people. RESULTS: The development of the TRAM began with a literature review on transitioning and a review of important items regarding transition by a panel of 34 mental health experts. A list of 64 items of potential importance were identified, which together comprised the TRAM. The psychometric properties of the different versions of the TRAM were evaluated and showed that the TRAM had good reliability for all versions and low-to-moderate correlations when compared with other established instruments and a well-defined factor structure. The main results of the cohort study with the nested cluster randomised trial are not reported. CONCLUSION: The TRAM is a reliable instrument for assessing transition readiness and appropriateness. It highlighted the barriers to a successful transition and informed clinicians, identifying areas which clinicians on both sides of the transfer boundary can work on to ease the transition for the young person. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN83240263 (Registered 23 July 2015), NCT03013595 (Registered 6 January 2017); Pre-results

    Infantile zinc deficiency: Association with autism spectrum disorders

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    Elucidation of the pathogenesis and effective treatment of autism spectrum disorders is one of the challenges today. In this study, we examine hair zinc concentrations for 1,967 children with autistic disorders (1,553 males and 414 females), and show considerable association with zinc deficiency. Histogram of hair zinc concentration was non-symmetric with tailing in lower range, and 584 subjects were found to have lower zinc concentrations than −2 standard deviation level of its reference range (86.3–193ppm). The incidence rate of zinc deficiency in infant group aged 0–3 year-old was estimated 43.5 % in male and 52.5 % in female. The lowest zinc concentration of 10.7 ppm was detected in a 2-year-old boy, corresponding to about 1/12 of the control mean level. These findings suggest that infantile zinc deficiency may epigenetically contribute to the pathogenesis of autism and nutritional approach may yield a novel hope for its treatment and prevention

    Risiken und Nebenwirkungen durch Non Compliance

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    Non compliance is a frequent and underestimated problem in clinical practice, that is associated with considerable risks, adverse reactions and costs. Next to omitting one or several doses with consequent lack of efficacy, other forms of non compliance can be described. These include administration of a wrong dose or at a wrong time, early termination of therapy or also its unwarranted continuation, and self-administered comedication without consideration of potential interactions. A number of risks and adverse effects can be derived from these different forms of non compliance, for which we present several examples from clinical practice and the literature. Anticipation, recognition and appropriate countermeasures are important elements for the prevention of non compliance, which may target the pharmacotherapy itself, the patient, or the health system providing the therapeutic framework. Furthermore, a climate of trust and good communication between the patient and the health care provider is the cornerstone for all strategies that aim to improve compliance. Computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems may have an additional important role for the prevention of non compliance in the future
